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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5638470 No.5638470 [Reply] [Original]

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." -Nikola Tesla

why is this?

>> No.5638472

because schizophrenia

>> No.5638474

crazy in the coconuts

>> No.5638477


>> No.5638482

wikipedia, videos from youtube

>> No.5638488


>> No.5638491

>wikipedia, videos from youtube

I mean the context of him saying it, numbnuts.

>> No.5638496

frontier psychiatrist

>> No.5638503

All a man ever needs is a good pigeon for a wife

>> No.5638505


>> No.5638531


>> No.5638545

is this true?
i love 3,5,6,9, and 11 all fundamentally
but my love for 11 only stems out of 9, and 5 is an exception sort of...
what do you think he meant?

>> No.5638547

He was white as a sheet
And he also made false teeth

>> No.5638701

because 3, 6, and 9 are all prime

>> No.5638708

Is there any scientific reason why I laughed my fucking ass off because of this?

>> No.5638711

most likely because we're huge nerds and have nothing else to be entertained by

>> No.5638712

I love 13 and 17.

>> No.5638713


at the time, there was this idea that fundamental particles had a certain geometry based off of numbers, and that if you attuned an apparatus to these geometric numbers, you get some kind of super resonation that allows for stuff like anti-gravity and over unity gain and other dumb stuff

>> No.5638717

was any of that accurate? that sounds completely ridiculous

>> No.5638745

Because you will have reached maximum autism.

>> No.5638758

> A phobia of spheres
Don't try to make sense out of anything he says

>> No.5638763


decide for yourself

there's tons of sites like these

there's also some twat in another thread on the page spouting of this shit claiming it's fact

>> No.5638874

that boy needs therapy

>> No.5638913

"3,6,9 dam your fine, sucky sucky sucky suck it to me baby one more time. from the window, to the wall. till the sweat drops down my balls. all these bitches crawl."

>> No.5638926

muh numerology, muffucka
tesla was a crackpot

>> No.5638956
File: 359 KB, 675x800, Laughing_Nyahsa_GalawebDesign[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you don't know the secret of 3,6 and 9

get off /sci/

>> No.5638974

These are power numbers, as are 33, 66, 99, etc, etc, etc

>> No.5638977

What does that mean?

>> No.5638980

12 is my favorite number.
anyways 3 is actually the number of the beast idiots

>> No.5638991

Because he was a fucking time traveler who already knew the secrets of the universe. He was trying to give you a hint.

>> No.5638994

you nigga talkin about dimensions?

>> No.5639004

Because 7 ate 9

>> No.5639006


Nigga likes power chords.

>> No.5639013

>huge autis


>> No.5639060

maybe i am?
i think i had minor ocd as a child and those were all numbers that spawned out of these number games i played with my fingers, and still do a little

>> No.5639078

Pretty cool guy shame he was a permavirgin.

>> No.5639114

No shame in being able to resist what you or I could not

>> No.5639148

I know the magnificence of 6 & 9

>> No.5639151

If I was the coolest dude in human history, I would have got me some, even if I was crazier than two niggers on blow in a whore house. I mean he had women practically clawing at his D at one point yet he turned them down. I guess all a guy needs is his hallucinogenic love pigeon

>> No.5639153
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>> No.5639171

>being chaste is a bad thing

>> No.5639248

true that, lets roll..

>> No.5639250


Being asexual by nature or nurture is fine but actively resisting sexual urges won't result in the same benefits of abstinence due to asexuality. You'll just be constantly sexually frustrated and that would be even more distracting than if you had a mediocre sex life.

>> No.5639437

I lol'd pretty hard too.

>> No.5639511

>You'll just be constantly sexually frustrated

After a few months of total abstinence you'll unlock monk mode and things will get easier.

>> No.5639516

the 3 6 9 leaves you standing real fine

>> No.5639799

I love 12
Best number


>> No.5639862

Is that what happened with all the pedophile priests?

>> No.5639887

i'm glad i'm not alone

>> No.5639891
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>> No.5639890

3 6 and 9 correspond to the strongest shapes
eg triangles

>> No.5639899

You have to keep in mind just how much Tesla was struggling financially at times in his career. I imagine a lot of shit like this that he said/did was more or less just a ploy for media attention (and therefore) grant money.

I see this as old-timey pop-sci, very very smart people say a lot of things like this without context to garner attention in today's world all the time:

>cold fusion
>anti matter
>multiverse theory

>> No.5639902

Why is a raven like a writing test?

>> No.5641490

Every number can be represented in base 3.

>> No.5641504

what's a number you can't express in bases 2- 10?

>> No.5641510

In base 10 you can't express 0.999...

>> No.5641516

... huh... You're right.
but how would you express that in base 3?

>> No.5641522

eleven is a faggot

>> No.5641541
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>Dem harmonics

>> No.5641559
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This is most certainly filed in his crazy drawer.

>> No.5643619


>> No.5643656

dimensions of course

muh string theory muggafugga

>> No.5643689



>> No.5643724

Tesla had an irrational obession with number 3.

>> No.5643750

>3, 6, 9

3 + 6 = ?

Yeah that's right, it's 9. I think we're onto something here guys. Surprised nobody else saw it to be honest I mean it's right there.

>> No.5643762

>Tesla had an irrational obession with number 3

That aint what I heard yo, I heard number 3 was ALWAYS creeping 'round Tesla's place since my homie Tesla got wit number 6 and when Tesla said yo what's up with that 3? number 3 was like I don't even need you I got a new man now, but that's a lie and number 3 was still there creeping, and then Tesla called the one time and they said number 3 done this shit before with that old dude Newton or something anyway that's what I heard.

Irrational obsession? Man, my homie Tesla aint even like that yo, he's a player know what I'm sayin?

>> No.5643777


>> No.5643827

Holy shit, Tesla invented +. He was so ahead of his time he couldn't directly reveal it but left clues so he'd get credit. Like how Newton invented stairs.

>> No.5644311
File: 19 KB, 480x500, Sanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla understood the 3 most fundamental forces: 1.) positive, 2.)negative, and 3.)the combination of both. It is observable throughout the universe and even the atom. He based his turbine invention on it and called it his greatest achievement.

>> No.5644342
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Just to expand on my previous post: Imagine the electron as a standing wave from the interactions of the nucleus, then plot the waveforms on the x, y and z plane and see what you get.

>> No.5644535
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Tesla preferred to use base 3, 6 and 9

> Base 3 - trinary numeral system
The practical usage of such is used in Islam to keep track of counting Tasbih to 99 or to 100 on a single hand for counting prayers (as alternative for the Misbaha). The benefit—apart from allowing a single hand to count up to 99 or to 100—is that counting doesn't distract the mind too much since the counter needs only to divide Tasbihs into groups of three.

> Base 6 - senary numeral system
Tesla was into ancient number counting, it allowed him to count to 55. Each regular human hand may be said to have six unambiguous positions; a fist, one finger (or thumb) extended, two, three, four and then all five extended.

If the right hand is used to represent a unit, and the left to represent the 'sixes', it becomes possible for one person to represent the values from zero to 55senary

Bloom, Jonathan M. (2001). "Hand sums: The ancient art of counting with your fingers"

> Base 9 - Nonary numerical system
His original invention, the Nintendo DS. His first game the "Nonary Game" is the game played by the characters in the 2009 Nintendo DS video game, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. Much of the game revolves around the number nine, hence the name.

Well there you have it folks Tesla, was a ancient-numer counting muslim who created the Nintendo DS.

>> No.5645833

Because of some of the crazy math shit you can do with them. 3^2 is 9, 3+3=6, 3+6=9, how they multiply together.

Here, check it out.


>> No.5645877

I posted this 3 days ago, Fuck

>> No.5645919
File: 30 KB, 370x270, Dalai lama (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most autistic thread I've ever seen on /sci/

>> No.5645933

The image wut

>> No.5645941

you must be, because everyone here is joking or at least partly facetious

>> No.5645943
File: 60 KB, 475x330, tumblr_ls0rjmFVpC1qlsyv7o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They all come in threes, Anthony.

>> No.5645951

This is currently the best comment on 4chan and it's gone unnoticed.

>> No.5645955

>The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.
>The first documented observations of global electromagnetic resonance were made by Nikola Tesla
3 6 9
Get low low low low

The song is about Tesla.

>> No.5645963

power chords are made up of root perfect 5th octave 1 5 8
If a chord had a 6 it would be a 6th chord which is a major triad 1 major 3rd perfect 5th with a sixth.
If a chord had a 9 it would be a 9th which is made up of a major triad plus a 7th and a 9th, which is essentially just a 2 again.

So that nigga didn't like power chords. He liked 6th and 9th chords.

>> No.5646512

It's a lame, old and overused pun.

>> No.5648571

screw off beaner

whos the baldfag