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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5637797 No.5637797 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/, Ive taken quite a few certified IQ tests during my lifetime and the scores always fall in the 125-130 range, Ive tried to increase my IQ (no, Imnot an asspie who believes my IQ is gonna determine my success in life, not to mention the average IQ in my country is like 85 so it really doesnt phase me, just mere curiosity) by using nootropics and taking several practice tests beforehand, now while my experience could serve to validate the notion that IQ is scores are static Ive always wondered just how nuanced the tests are, what I mean by this is how different is the behavior, intellectual abilities and general perception of a person with a 120 IQ to that of a person with a 125 IQ to that of aperson with say a 128 IQ or a person with a 150 IQ

Ive tried looking for articles regarding this topic and sofar I havent found any, Id also appreciate your personal input (after all, 4chan is a place for geniuses lel)

also,general IQ thread I guess, if youre gonna discuss race and IQ or the validity of IQ tests, please be civil and dont go full autist...please...please...

>> No.5637802

>the validity of IQ tests

They suck niggerballs, but I suppose they are the best that's out there.

Regards, guy who gets 130-150 depending on which shit site he takes the test on.

>> No.5637818

I'll accept that intelligence can be quantified when every mechanism and description of intelligence has been verified in neurology. IQ tests currently measure nearly none of the mental capacity, as they can be studied for.

>> No.5637832

If you want to raise your understanding of the world read more books and learn more stuff. Otherwise just work on dumb puzzles a bunch.

You can do more for the world with a lot of hard work than you can with an IQ of 140

>> No.5637835


care to elaborate, while Im not a big fan of IQ tests myself Id have to argue that there is quite a wide range of them, some of which measure acquired as well as innate abilities

>> No.5637844

2000 iq master race


>> No.5637859


but a guy with a 140 IQ has a higher chance to raise his understanding of the world...

>> No.5637852

IQ tests are OK, but from what I read people have a tendency to 'over-extrapolate' causal relationships from bits and pieces of data.

>> No.5637882


Google "Neuro-sculpting" and do that. It's free for now.

Google "The Einstein Factor" torrent (audiobook) and do that.

You're welcome, OP.

>> No.5637891

IQ scores are not static within populations over generations.
The average IQ of the US in 1910s, compared by today's standards, is estimated to have been about 70, even though it was more predominantly migrants from Europe and less from Africa or South/Central America that have lower average IQs today.
As the quality of education, infrastructure, sanitation, medical care, and even culture available to the average citizen in any given nation improves, so will competencies of its citizens.

>> No.5637895


> inb4 new age bullshit, intelligence can be increased

shut up and do it at least the first one. it's free.

>> No.5637899


OP here, Ill read about it, thanks anon.

>> No.5638059

Wanna increase your intellect and intelligence? read a fucking book.

>> No.5638083

>average IQ about 70 by 1910
Post source.

>> No.5638127

I was tested to have an IQ of 131, But do not be fooled!

A high IQ doesn't mean you can do no work, In fact it doesn't actually mean that you're much smarter than anyone else.

If IQ was this overwhelming factor then in theory, I should be smarter than Feynman! But this is not true.

Do not try and improve the score you get on IQ tests, Try and improve your knowledge of the universe and the beauty of nature, I'm sure you will get more pleasure out of that than you would by boasting about your IQ.

I know i do!

>> No.5638153


Nope, a guy with direction and some form of analytical thought process will have a higher chance of raising his understanding of the world.

People often forget "thought process" and "direction" are the big factors to success rather than innate intellectual abilities.

>> No.5638162


>> No.5638190

Asking /sci/ about IQ is like asking /fit/ about BMI

It's a shit scale with shit standards. Some IQ tests include general knowledge components, which is absolute bullshit.

You might excel at spacial reasoning and lateral thinking, but suck at working with numbers. Or vice versa. Or a million other combinations of hundreds of other traits.

Trying to pin something down to a single number is just asking to be discredited and called out.

Of course, people who get a high number like their snowflake status so they won't agree.

>inb4 sounds like someone got a low score

(Never tested)

>> No.5638252

Any good FREE IQ tests online or software?

>> No.5639942

Don't forget that IQ tests are designed to be biased towards people who think a certain way, and if you were given a few hours to review the type of questions they would ask, you could possibly answer every question correctly.

A person's SAT score in mathematics does not determine how well they are at practising mathematics, nor do IQ tests show how intelligent the person is.

>> No.5639988

My IQ score that I got when I was 9 (teacher thought I was a genius) at a local university was 135

My IQ score that I got when I had to take a test for a job when I was 18 (after about 3 years of straight drinking and drugs) was 125

My IQ score after 3 months of university was 145

What I gather from all this is that IQ is complete bullshit. Or at least not exact like some people think it is. Obviously someone with an iq of 75 will be a hell of a lot stupider than someone with an IQ of 100, but I wouldn't say someone with an IQ of 105 is 4.8% smarter than someone with an IQ of 100 (if its an exponential curve, which I think it might be, it's same idea), which is what I think a lot of people assume.

>> No.5641517
File: 37 KB, 403x480, IQ test 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5641531
File: 71 KB, 403x480, 1364382783245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5641543

You're not the only one that thinks it's exponential.

>> No.5641544

Don't worry, you're still highly intelligent. The test was culturally biased.

>> No.5641545
File: 80 KB, 158x241, 1363733527707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how kids are trained to be racist and to bully

>> No.5641548

None of them is different. They are all equal. If you disagree, go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5642748
File: 14 KB, 250x272, Stopped-reading-there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>certified IQ tests