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File: 242 KB, 312x651, Toothdecay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5637295 No.5637295 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, I havn't brushed my teeth in 2 years now. I've had no mouth pain in all that time, and my teeth aren't shiny, but they're white. Do I have super acid-proof teeth? Could it maybe because of the heavily fluoridated water supply? Should I go see a dentist?

>> No.5637300

i'm no dentist, but i wanna see your teeth

>> No.5637312

Depends on what you eat. If you drink 7 cans of coke a day you need to brush daily just to keep them in your mouth.

Think about how many thousands of years humans survived without brushing their teeth.

>> No.5637317

>heavily fluoridated water supply

Ho boy, may as well bring conciousness into this conspiracy thread.

>> No.5637318

my guess is u just have alot of calculus, that shit will keep ur teeth good (until u get older and they fall out as a result).

>> No.5637321

I drink 1 or 2 glasses of coke a day, and eat mostly sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods.

>> No.5637324

Calculus? Like dteeth/dt?

>> No.5637326
File: 138 KB, 564x719, 1349551818716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5637328


>> No.5637329

Not a conspiracy nutbag - don't think there's anything wrong with fluoridation. The whole point of fluoridation is to prevent tooth decay, which is why I thought it might be a factor

>> No.5637330
File: 42 KB, 620x517, 1356576981681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have your gums receded at all? If you took a cast of your teeth you could see if they have worn down, cavities may of formed.

I can't imagine not brushing/flossing as I always get meat stuck in my teeth, though I haven't been to the dentist in a few years.

>> No.5637332

That article paints it as a wholly negative thing. Why would it protect my teeth?

>> No.5637336

It does not really prevent tooth decay, though I guess it is just being technical.

>> No.5637338

I'm not quite as good as you, but I only brush once per week master race

Still got all my teeth.

Any questions?

>> No.5637342

I think there are some genetic risk factors for tooth decay but I don't know much about it.

How long have you been doing this?

>> No.5637343


And you dont kill yourself why?

>> No.5637347 [DELETED] 

Diabetes and heart disease will do it for me eventually - might as well live it up

>> No.5637353

it is a negative thing, although it protects u from caries

>> No.5637358

probably a year. Only been brushing ever second day or less for about 3 years

>> No.5637359

how do you talk to anyone up close without them running away?

>> No.5637360

brushu everyday still stained from smoking guess its time to quit.

>> No.5637362

what is hikimori?

>> No.5637371

weeaboo shit. not even gonna bother looking it up. why not just say it in English faggot?

>> No.5637375
File: 30 KB, 550x585, 1361029364622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a coven of Jewish sorcerers

>> No.5637377
File: 137 KB, 509x131, tooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brush my teeth everyday, but I didn't used to. My mouth feels gross when I don't brush, and OP do people complain about your breath?
i chipped my tooth the other week(no pain and still white), pic related, dentist says i need a crown, but i'm going to get a second opinion just to be sure.

>> No.5637381

My teeth are a bit yellow but I've never had a cavity. I brush about 40 times a year. But I see the dentist once a year and get a professional cleaning and I don't drink any soda.

Compare with my friend who drinks about five bottles of soda a week and brushes before bed most nights and has had about 8 cavities.

>> No.5637422
File: 3 KB, 283x178, LongLiveTheKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the doctor finishes crowning it tie a red cape around it and give it a golden staff while saying "LONG LIVE THE KING"
bonus points if in a clown suit

>> No.5637425


You disgust me, OP

>> No.5637436

Nobody complains, but then, I once had a body odor problem that I was oblivious to and nobody told me about for a long time. Really don't understand why people don't point out faults - how else am I meant to improve myself?
I'm glad

>> No.5637438


Well, this is working out really well. We should do this more often.

>> No.5637439

It takes years for tooth decay to set it.

I did the same thing OP did once. Didn't brush my teeth for at least 6 months.

Two years later I have to have a root cannal

>> No.5637623
File: 67 KB, 750x600, jiFfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dent. med. student here. During years of lurking /sci/ I have never encountered this much ignorance. Pic related.


Your local doc is absolutely spot on. No bonding agent in the universe will hold any material in your chipped d21. Secondly, if it is not crowned, it will look like this:


Also your maxillary canines have lost about 2mm in length, which most likely means you suffer from bruxism (and headaches) and if you dont get a night guard made, your mouth will look like this in a few years:


>> No.5637631 [DELETED] 

I drink 8+ cokes a day

>> No.5637642
File: 99 KB, 500x578, 1337969974779810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Upload a picture of your mouth.


>> No.5637645


1st) y stop brushing
2nd) do you use an alternative if so what
3rd) pictures... you're on /sci/ not /x/

>> No.5638019

>So /sci/, I havn't brushed my teeth in 2 years now. ....
I went more than 20 years before visiting a dentist. I brushed and flossed occasionally, maybe 1-2 times a week. I could have gone in all those years, I had insurance despite being USAfag. There was just no reason I was aware of. What finally drive me back was losing a filling on one molar and getting a toothache from the cavity re-starting.

1) genetics has a LOT to do with it; having very straight teeth from the start helps.
2) smoking is bad for your gums. I ain't smoke nuthin
3) alcohol is bad for your gums. I don't drink either, ever.
4) drug use can be a factor.... anything that causes you to pass out with your mouth open causes your gums to dry out, and that makes them recede. Which ends up being bad.
5) sugar intake is not such a big factor as thought in decades past

you do still get tartar buildup in certain spots. And it is best to have a dentist scrape it off, as you can damage your teeth badly by DIY-ing it at home.