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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 468x551, meteorREX2603_468x551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5635904 No.5635904 [Reply] [Original]

Which would be more disastrous for mankind.

A meteor in the ocean or on hitting land?

>> No.5635930

The ocean for coastal countries. The land for... well, it won't cause much damage in land.

>> No.5635937


find "Lucifer's Hammer" by Niven and Pournelle

great book

>> No.5635944

As I onced said in response to this exact question:

"Water, since meteors are mostly ice, it'd freeze a bunch of water around it and change the climate/kill many animals."

>> No.5635953


are you a bad troll?

anyway, definitely ocean.

>> No.5635963

Yes, he is a bad troll. He's a mentally ill physics major who has been shitposting on /sci/ since 2011. Unfortunately even for proper trolling he's too uncreative.

>> No.5635969

I'm someone who doesn't abide by the constraints of "science" (which is actually more akin to indoctrination in its modern form) and actually uses his brain to extrapolate information about the world.

>> No.5636016


>> No.5636031
File: 48 KB, 480x800, IMG-20121212-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I imagine you look like in real life

>> No.5636044

Nah, I don't think he'd ever dress up like that. That requires creativity and self-esteem. I'd rather think of him as a pathetic skinny nerd.

>> No.5636054

Depends on the size eof the meteor

>> No.5636059

You're a pathetic fat neckbeard who browses /sci/ 24/7.

>> No.5636066

There are some similarities, but I'd never dress in a shirt that gay or use that much hair gel.

>That requires creativity and self-esteem
>Implying I don't have to be creative to do what I do
>Implying that that's not the absolute worst someone could look

>> No.5636073

Wrong in both points. I'm a rather attractive woman and I don't come here very often.

>> No.5636093

Everyone is an attractive woman on the internet. What's your point?

>> No.5636100

How large would a meteor have to be to throw tons of dust and debris into the atmosphere causing a mini ice age?

>> No.5636110

Yes, you should be very creative for what you do. Except you aren't.

>> No.5636111


>> No.5636118

I like how you're backing your claim that I'm uncreative with absolutely no evidence lol :-)

>> No.5636133
File: 17 KB, 367x388, 1358144169448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my evidence of you non creativity can be distilled from any one of your comments, "lol"

Please stop and migrate to >>>/hm/

>> No.5636150

What the fuck is he supposed to do on /hm/? He's not gay and he's not handsome. The only place where he belongs is >>>/pol/. That's the containment board for braindead cretins.

>> No.5636169
File: 117 KB, 940x612, armageddon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5636171

land, obviously

>> No.5636181

I have yet to see conclusive evidence of my uncreativity. Something that's not just your opinion.

>He's not gay
>He's not handsome
What next, am I not a tripfriend? Maybe I should move to /hm/, maybe they will be more willing to actually listen to me.

>> No.5636189

Of course you're not a trip-"friend". You're a shitposter.

>> No.5636205

>meteors are mostly ice

It is on fire in the fucking picture. Ice doesn't burn retard.

>> No.5636217

It depends what it is made out of.

If it is made out of fire and rock like in the pic, then landing in the water would be best for us, since water beats fire and rock.

>> No.5636221

*Sigh* Why must I explain this constantly? Space is very cold, close to 0K, this causes everything that is in space to get cold too, nearing 0K as well, which means that WHILE THE METEOR MAY START BURNING when ENTERING THE EARTH, it's still very cold, which means it will freeze anything it comes in contact with.

>> No.5636240

what about the astronomical amount of kinetic energy the asteroid has?

>> No.5636270


you're right.

in fact, water gets a double critical against fire/rock, so it SHOULD rocket the meteor back into space, possibly toward that hussie venus.

>> No.5636282

its not the meteor that burns, dumbass.

>> No.5636287
File: 56 KB, 400x202, 3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>close to 0K
doesn't know 'bout mah 3k cosmic background.

>> No.5636289


>> No.5636322

A land impact would be more disastrous due to the kick-up of dust. Sun gets blocked, photosynthesis goes down, the entire animal kingdom suffers from the decline in food sources and environmental disruption.

>meteor is ice which will freeze the ocean
Not gonna do the math but if I dropped a 10,000-ton chunk of ice at a temperature of 3K in the ocean it would barely make a dent in the average temperature of the oceans.

>> No.5636328

not to mention it heats up like fuck going through the atmosphere.

>> No.5636336

Is that demon still behind your television?

>> No.5636351


transexual there


>> No.5636362

what if you dropped a -50K chunck of ice in?

>> No.5636387

It depends on the size and location I suppose.

>> No.5636432

Land. If it hit the water it will create a massive tsunami that will hurt a lot of people. On land it will throw massive amounts of land into the air as well as more of a shock wavel

>> No.5636471

I haven't seen you in a long time teacup
I'm one of the people who got cursed by you a long time ago

>> No.5636781

How's that curse working out for you?

>> No.5636789 [DELETED] 

There are so many variables to the problem without which a definitive answer cannot be given.

What is the size of the asteroid and how fast is it travelling? Of what material is the asteroid comprised?

>> No.5636796 [DELETED] 

Also, what is the precise location of impact?

Is it in the desert or is it in a valley surrounded by mountains?

>> No.5636865


There are so many variables to the problem without which a definitive answer cannot be given.

What is the size of the asteroid and how fast is it travelling upon impact?

Of what material is the asteroid comprised?

What is the surface area of the asteroid initially impacting the earth?

What is the exact location of impact? Is it in a valley? A desert? Shallow water? Which ocean?

If the surface area of the initial impact is smaller than an adjacent side and the asteroid rolls as a result then what is the surface area of the secondary impact and at what speed does it impact the earth?

What is the location of the moon? What season is it?

There are a lot of variables.

>> No.5636897

he/she isn't the one who brought it up in the first place

>> No.5636947

A 10 km asteroid, which is an asteroid I am going to assume is a good size if this is an argument, has a mass of roughly 1.3 trillion tons. An asteroid traveling in the vicinity of Earth is going to have a velocity ~20km/s (low end of the scale mind you).

1.3 trillion tons.... 20km/s.... That is equivalent to 2.5 x 10^23 J of energy. I dont give a shit what temperature the object is hitting at, it will make it's own temperature. You must be retarded?

>> No.5637096


You would break the universe because that is completely impossible.

>> No.5637098


Who is this crazy fuck?

>> No.5637105


One of an Elite corps of Trolls... EK, Harriet, Rose, and Teacup, among others, perhaps Liberty.

>> No.5637113




>> No.5637137

>elite troll

Just no. That's like calling Stephen Hawking an olympic sprinter.

>> No.5637147


So he is genuinely crazy then?

Also what?

>> No.5637149

>So he is genuinely crazy then?

Yeah, but not crazy in the psychotic sense. He's not a crackpot and he doesn't believe the shit he's posting. He's more like an emotionally hurt child. His whole shitposting spree started in a butthurt attempt to imitate EK. Check the archives from 2011

>> No.5637150


I'm sure Hawking could manage an Olympic team if he so chose. But that's neither here nor there. I did not say Teacup was the Mastermind, that is one of the EK's.

>> No.5637156


Link please.

>> No.5637163


Search for his tripcode.

>> No.5637168

>being this autistic

>> No.5637171

>shitposting tripfag
>accusing others of being "autistic"

oh the irony

>> No.5637175


I'm neurotypical and I find it mildly interesting.

>> No.5637209

depends which ocean it hit. indian? lol who cares

atlantic? shit is bad, son

pacific, lots will die depending on where it hits

land? depending on how big it is... worst possible scenario

what if a meteor hits the super volcano in north america and while exploding and causing shit tons of damage, the volcano also erupted and caused shit tons of damage

critical hit! earth was knocked out!

>> No.5637976

questions of this sort are fun, but drawing attention to them at the expense of addressing more immediate threats like global warming is wasteful and dangerous. just saiyan.

>> No.5638082
File: 65 KB, 905x698, Big-Al_sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediate threats like global warming


>> No.5638084

>not a shitposter

oh the irony

>> No.5638237

I like how said e-mails came to light through wikileaks and then right after the right wing media started raging on wikileaks claiming nothing good ever came out of them.