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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5632674 No.5632674 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Helen's Fisher Types, it is mainly focused for dating/relationships:

Explorer: (more dopamine expression) -- risk-taking, curious, creative, impulsive, optimistic and energetic

Builder: (more serotonin expression) -- cautious but not fearful, calm, traditional, community-oriented, persistent and loyal

Director: (more testosterone expression) -- very analytical, decisive, tough-minded; they like to debate and can be aggressive

Negotiator: (more estrogen expression) -- broadminded imaginative, compassionate, intuitive, verbal, nurturing, altruistic and idealistic

Explorers attract Explorers, Builders other Builders and Directors attract Negotiators and vice versa.
Thought most people are a combinations of those 4, usually there is a primary and a secondary type combination that predicts most of behavior, e.g. Directer-builder or Negotiator-Director, etc.

Fisher is a PhD in Physical Anthropology: Human Evolution, Primatology, Human Sexual Behavior.

>> No.5632678

Well compared to MBTI it is much more sound and relied on actual biology, though people are more complicated than that imo.

>> No.5632682

>Thought most people are a combinations of those 4, usually there is a primary and a secondary type combination
some people are A, some are B. some are a combination?

this is retarded

>> No.5632687

why don't they use D&D classification instead?

>> No.5632693

Well she emphasized on the broadness of each type and the complexity of the human mind, i do agree that human mind though can be very chaotic but if you can manage to spot the roots you'll be able to predict a whole lot of things.

>> No.5632694

Pseudo-scientific nonsense.

>> No.5632701

How did you get that?
Everyone is a combination, it's the ratio that makes a person a "type".

Some arbitrary numbers:
20%,5%,5%,70%=majority of personality most likely be 70% of x and 20% of y

>> No.5632703

>b-but muh neurotransmitters

>> No.5632715

Nobody said it is science, it's a theory based on neuroscience, thats all.

Unlike astrology and MBTI it has actual correlation and studies, google is your friend.

>> No.5632719

when you can do a weighted combination, you can make any categories you want. what makes these special?

>> No.5632727

>Nobody said it is science
Is it mathematics, then? Because I'm pretty sure this is the science & math board.
Correlation doesn't mean shit, you condescending tool.

>> No.5632731

> less accurate than the millennia old theory of humours
> "based on neuroscience"

Please tell me that there aren't any grants for this shit.

>> No.5632736

Because it is not based on solely observational research like other type systems, it is actually based on neuroscience/biological factors/evolutionary roles/etc, not wishful thinking or idealism or phenotypical correlationism.

>> No.5632739


>> No.5632741

It's funny you say that, cause science is a correlation based method.
Maybe you'll understand when you get out of highschool.

>> No.5632752

even though these type thingies are a bs as a whole, this trifaggot is right.

>> No.5632765

I'm explorer and my girlfriend is negotiator according to that. So no.

>> No.5632779

Nigger: (more melanin expression) -- stupid, aggresive, quick runner, likely to be in jail

>> No.5632790

Welp i'll take it as a compliment, though it's rather a basic concept.

Having said that, this perso-types are like bodytypes (endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph).
Sure you can say there are x type of bodies and people are likely a combination of those, that doesn't make it "real" but it makes it an easy tool to describe some bodies.

Should be only used lightly to give a generic description.

>> No.5632804
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Well, I can say it is basically correct.

I observed myself on minecraft and this seems to be the case

I would explore and blow tnts when I felt like instante pleasure

I would build when I felt inspired, when I settled exploration, for a effect of accomplishment

And then I would go online for these exclusive two

I would try to get a gang and be the boss if I could

I would think of trading systems, simulating markets and what would be cool to test if i had a server, while trading gold on others servers( for what ? for building great golden swastikas of course ), it just felt to trade gold.

What do you think

>> No.5632838

There are already thousands of such descriptors, each with at least as much value as this one. Every crackpot thaumaturgist and their mum has their own system of classifying people into a handful of different types. I see no scientific value in this particular set, as in any other.

>> No.5632842

OP here, that doesn't make any sense.
1. and foremost, i mentioned that explorers attract wise-minded people not that it is impossible, just easier.
2. No one said you're one type, maybe you're almost an explorer and she's almost a negotiator.
3.Also Secondary type, different combinations stick in a different way
4. You're implying just because she's your GF that you're perfect for eachother, that's silly i dated for a long time different females, some of them barely connected to me, some alot more, maybe you love her and she also does but that doesn't make it viable, for example two directors might be in love but a longterm relationship could become a nightmare.

Also i'll agree with this
I don't like the comparison with bodytypes though, because the latter is just completely "oh that looks about right" type of system.

>> No.5632848

So this is how it looks like outside of the Mathematical realm?

>> No.5632852

Testosterone makes you more mechanically inclined, it gives you a more realistic perspective of things, you care about the 'how' rather than the 'why'. Testosterone does not make you decisive, it makes you bold, testosterone basically gives you all the characteristics of the alpha male. Higher estrogen then could make you look more outside the box on things, considering a less analytical approach, but... Gneeehhhhh. Higher dopamine would make you less risk taking, because your ability to achieve a high would be easier. Serotonin, well... uwotm8.

Also, notice how these types were conjured by a woman, there is nothing wrong with this. But notice how abstract and emotionally driven everything is, her theory says more in how she's delivered it, than what she's delivered.

>> No.5632864

Well, she did intended this for dating/relationship purposes.

>> No.5632898

Builder 11%
Director 41%
Explorer 30%
Negotiator 19%

u jelly?

>> No.5632901

Hypotheses are just as much a part of science as well established theories.

>> No.5632927

>Unlike astrology and MBTI it has actual correlation and studies,
Too bad MBTI is more right.

>> No.5632929

>11+41+30+19 = 101
>u jelly?
Of your arithmetical prowess?
Not really...

>> No.5632928

The problem here being that those hypothesis are completely arbitrary and have no solid bases whatsoever.
I too can divide the population into classes and say that everyone is a combination of those.
In fact, programmers coding classes for RPG are pretty efficient at it, but we wouldn't call it science.

>> No.5632935

I agree. But I dislike the idea that this discussion doesn't belong on this board because of it.

>> No.5632938

u jelly because he's the 101%

>> No.5632940
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>> No.5632945

It's completely lookieloo

>> No.5632950

Your mom

>> No.5632972

>Your mom
I'm not sure those are mutually exclusive.

>> No.5632975

Its actually

Jew-Lets jerk to more abstract ideas this time guys
Chink-Community, am nothing but a tool
Nigger-Muh dick
White- le liberal arts

>> No.5633062
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Asking yourself How? all the time leads to higher serotonin levels, and so becoming more creative and productive. It is also related to an instinct of self control, low substance abuse and a larger hippocampus.

LEL BLAZE IT Asking yourself Why? all the time leads to dopamine overexpression, therefore building lower sensitivity, increased parasitic behavior and ultimate FAGGOTry. This is where heavy pot smokers lurk.

>> No.5633066


>> No.5633087

I'm creative, optimistic, calm, loyal, analytical, tough minded, broadminded and idealistic. So I guess these types are complete bullshit.

>> No.5633129

Well who said you can't be 25% of each or another ratio?
Nowhere it was implied that you must be one specific type, on the contrary.

>> No.5633132

it's his great analytic skills and reading comprehension talking, don't mind him.