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5630074 No.5630074 [Reply] [Original]

Are good writing skills beneficial to a mathematician or scientist?

>> No.5630077


>> No.5630080
File: 218 KB, 500x374, capiche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. Most scientists are illiterate actually...

>> No.5630083

What the fuck are ghost writers for

>> No.5630088

Have you ever tried to write a convincing grant application?

>> No.5630095

what's the point of discovering something and not being capable of explaining it?

>> No.5630137

good writing skills are beneficial to everyone

>> No.5630204


It's easier to be taken seriously when you can actually write something.

>> No.5630207 [DELETED] 

no they aint
what about a builder?
or a lumberjack?
or a dancer?

they dont have to write anything

>> No.5630211


Beneficial... not necessary.

I love you so hard, EK.

>> No.5630216 [DELETED] 

not really even 'beneficial' unless the specific lumberjack writes poetry or some shit, during their spare time.

luv u 2, hun =p

>> No.5630220

sp none of these people ever have to write to anyone? never have to send out advers, or CVs, or personal letters?

>> No.5630221

Lumberjacks and builders are still citizens. They will have to deal with insurances, landlords, public authorities, banks etc. That means they have to be capable of expressing themselves in written language in a coherent and comprehensible manner.

>> No.5630227 [DELETED] 

> sp none of these people ever have to write to anyone?
this specific lumberjack uses a mobile phone. quicker. more efficient. no need to ever write.

>never have to send out advers, or CVs
nope, permanent job as a lumberjack

>personal letters?
just phone calls

>> No.5630232


A lumberjack that sub-contracts other lumberjacks will make more money than a guy that says "I'm happy just wielding a chainsaw." Again.. it is not NECESSARY for him to do this, qua lumberjackery.. but it would be BENEFICIAL if he wanted to move up in the world.

Are we just arguing to hear my head rattle?

>> No.5630231 [DELETED] 

maybe he just gets one of his mates to write that shit?

and you can still just put a big X as a signature, rite?

>> No.5630235

ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.5630237

>this specific lumberjack uses a mobile phone. quicker. more efficient. no need to ever write.

Are you talking about yourself? Are you a lumberjack?

>> No.5630240

no but generally the best will have a good command of their language for writing papers.

>> No.5630241


Are you sure you uses 'qua' correctly?

>> No.5630245


I can see you from where I am sitting! I will kill you!!!

>> No.5630246 [DELETED] 

>Are we just arguing to hear my head rattle?
w/e, fine, beneficial i guess (since when is ANY skill not beneficial?)

me learning mandarin aint exactly gonna disadvantage me, so i guess it would be 'beneficial'

but im still not gonna

>> No.5630247


I approve of you not learning Mandarin.

I recommend Korean.

>> No.5630250 [DELETED] 

course im fucking not, just a hypothetical

(i'd probably make a damn good lumberjack, FYI)

>> No.5630251 [DELETED] 

why korean?

>> No.5630252

That's why we said it would be "beneficial" to have writing skills. If he has to rely on a mate because he's illiterate, the mate can trick him into giving him all his money and shit like that.

>> No.5630255

Yes, you need to be a good writer.

>> No.5630256

>i'd probably make a damn good lumberjack
lelz. nothing sexyer than a girl who thinks she can be a luberjack.

>> No.5630257


Because I keep hearing how Transhumanist Koreans are going to soon rule the world. I'm not sure this is going to happen, but maybe we should prepare.

>> No.5630260 [DELETED] 
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>'trick him into giving him all his money and shit'

pick one
real mates dont do that shit

>> No.5630262

well, guise... have we thoroughly derailed this thread yet?

>> No.5630265 [DELETED] 

dont be so fucking sexist!
the chainsaw does all the fucking work anyway. you dont even need muscles (not in modern times anyway, back 100's of years ago, maybe)

>> No.5630266

>being that naive and gullible

I shiggly diggly doo bop wop a doo wop.

>> No.5630269

you mean EK

>> No.5630274 [DELETED] 
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koreans are too fucking busy squaring up to each other over the boarder (and blasting shitty korean K-pop over loudspeakers just to piss off the other side...not even joking, that actually happened)
if they cant even sort out their own fucking immature squabbling, how the fuck do you think they can rule the world??

>> No.5630275

top lel

I see you know just as much about cutting timber as you know about zoology, i.e. nothing.

>> No.5630279

you never even touched a chainsaw, have you?

>> No.5630280


I have. They are dangerous.

>> No.5630282 [DELETED] 

what's to know?
start up chainsaw, use on tree, tree falls down
it's pretty straight-forward

no, but they aint even illegal; i could totally just buy one if i wanted

>> No.5630284

just. just stop.

>> No.5630285 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 348x333, 654654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sarcasm] really? chainsaws are dangerous?? well, i for one find that pretty damn surprising [/sarcasm]

>> No.5630293

EK, why don't we meet up IRL and play a little bit with a chainsaw? I'm sure that could be a lot of fun!

>> No.5630301 [DELETED] 

ooh, that sounds like a great idea!

oh no, wait, ah yeh, sorry, i just remembered i did actually watch texas chainsaw massacre

>> No.5630307

You are going to have to explain what you find eventually.

You either better be good at writing what you mean, or an amazing orator capable of giving enough stunning lectures and talks that you can become world famous and other people can write down everything for you

Guess which one of those is easier to do.

If you can't explain your thoughts and ideas logically through writing, what chance does someone else have?

>> No.5630312

>immature squabbling

No squabbling. South Korea is going about their daily lives as usual.

It's the North that's doing all this sabre rattling and threatening. It's like the kid in school trynig to draw attention to himself by shouting at everyone.

>> No.5630320 [DELETED] 
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>No squabbling. South Korea is going about their daily lives as usual.
oh really? and what is best korea doing in the meantime?

>> No.5630329
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Dude, you forgot the f*cking "TIMBER!!" >:(
Never forget that magic word, you could save people's lives with that word. Trust me, I'm a duck.

>> No.5630335 [DELETED] 
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>censoring swears on 4chan

>> No.5630369

They're beneficial for any human being, but not necessary. Writing skills do not directly make you survive.

>> No.5630372

Watch how you type, boi.

>> No.5630374

Well NOW this thread is derailed!

I feel so proud.