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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 176 KB, 852x1024, Beethoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5617546 No.5617546 [Reply] [Original]

Is the listening of classical music significantly effective in the brain activity and intelligence of an adult person?

Do you have any experience about it?

>> No.5617564

I often listen to classical music as I work,but only because I enjoy it. I almost always listen to it when I work at home now as I like to think it helps me to focus and not get distracted. Whether or not this is a placebo, I'm not sure, but I'm as interested as you are OP

>> No.5617579 [DELETED] 

nah, and classical music sounds like shit.

no correlation between intelligence and music taste, btw
(except for the fact that all fans of rap, and/or justin bieber are fucking braindead)

>> No.5617590


I only really like mozart's requiem, the other stuff is kinda meh.

I feel more intelligent though when I'm in a blank room with absolutely no sounds coming from anywhere and an icepack strapped to my head being 100% focused on whatever I'm doing.

>> No.5617593

>nah, and classical music sounds like shit.
Pleb detected.

What music do you listen to? inb4 dubstedp

>> No.5617606

I believe more intelligent people might be able to enjoy classical music more (it requires patience, and recognizing more complex patterns and structures), but its a stretch from being a determiner if you are intelligent or not.

>> No.5617603

>no correlation
>fucking braindead

There's three things I hate in life:
racism, swearing, those fucking Vorcha on Omega.

>> No.5617643 [DELETED] 

i listen to loads of stuff. whatever sounds good
i dont just stick to one specific genre

but yeh, dubstep is actually fucking awesome
and i aint a pleb, fuck you

>> No.5617646
File: 83 KB, 762x668, muh sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dubstep is actually fucking awesome
>and i aint a pleb

>> No.5617648


thanks for the correction, filthy pariah

>> No.5617752
File: 18 KB, 300x300, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but yeh, dubstep is actually fucking awesome
and i aint a pleb

HAHAHAH! God damn! Thanks for the clarification, I knew you were a pleb who didn't know shit on this board, and you just fucking confirmed your a fuckwad fullpleb.

>> No.5617757

The Mozart effect is bullshit

>> No.5617755

I bet you think Skrillex is dubstep

>> No.5617763

Show me one example of dubstep not being braindead noise.

>> No.5617759 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 386x295, your_youre_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5617766


If you listen to everything I wonder you don't like Classical, which is one of the most various and complete examples of music.


Can't you enjoy this? Really?

>> No.5617769 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 393x321, fucku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

your loss if you never learned to appreciate it, you boring cunt

>> No.5617772


>> No.5617774

Fuck off Rose.

>> No.5617779 [DELETED] 

sounds alright-ish, i guess
but you can't exactly dance to it, and it doesnt work as background music coz it's so all up in your face.

>> No.5617781

Shitty example.

>> No.5617776


uh... sorry, I wanted to reply to EK. >>5617643

>> No.5617777


Whatever is out on Deep Medi is pretty damn cool, although then again it's minimalistic electronic music which isn't for everybody.

>> No.5617784

>If you listen to everything I wonder you don't like Classical, which is one of the most various and complete examples of music.

It's still suck with a sound design and song structure that comes from the middle ages.

>> No.5617789 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 697x1024, 1337248684878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint rose you stupid 7/7/11-fag moron!

>> No.5617792 [DELETED] 

>infantile image

>> No.5617795

You're a disgusting slut.

>> No.5617801


>> No.5617802 [DELETED] 

That's because it's a guy.

>> No.5617800 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1297596231406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i'm not. i'm not even a slut, you ignorant shithead!

>> No.5617804

I could make better dubstep song by ramming my penis in your face continuously for 1 year and speeding it up into 1 3 min song.

Enjoy that faggot

>> No.5617813 [DELETED] 

no im not
fuck you

>> No.5617816
File: 999 KB, 400x300, 1363362694285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's still suck with a sound design and song structure that comes from the middle ages.

Actually that concept is closer to the popular song, like the ones we can listen everyday through the radio.

Classical music is known to be much, much, much more complex.

I can enjoy very different kinds of music including the most "pleb" genres sometimes, but this is just an undeniable fact.

>> No.5617826

How many fuck buddies do you have at present?

>> No.5617828
File: 20 KB, 395x263, 1362203031727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You are not OP, I am OP.

>> No.5617825

>your loss if you never learned to appreciate it
... says the person who cannot appreciate classical music.

When playing these titles I can click any time in youtube's time bar and I'm gonna hear the exact same sequence of sounds.

>> No.5617837

>pleb babby can't into minimalism

>> No.5617843 [DELETED] 

>says the person who cannot appreciate classical music.

if you cant dance to it, or it aint some decent relaxing background tune, then i aint interested.
and classical doest work for either.

none of your fucking business!
and FYI, having fuckbuddies doesnt make you a slut
it would if you changed who those fuckbuddies are every couple of days, so your'e fucking strangers, but i dont, so STFU

>> No.5617852

>if you cant dance to it, or it aint some decent relaxing background tune, then i aint interested.
You're a fucking pleb then

>> No.5617853

>if you cant dance to it,

That comment was so anti-intellectual, it might actually lower our collective IQ.

>> No.5617854
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of your fucking business!
10? 15?

>and FYI, having fuckbuddies doesnt make you a slut

>> No.5617860 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 400x505, 1324238910061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey! you can be smart and still like dancing.

>> No.5617867

>you can be smart and still like dancing.

Maybe. But YOU are definitely not smart.

>> No.5617863


Classy on so many levels.

>> No.5617871 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 248x251, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off! it's just a shortened.
and i AM pretty classy actually! so STFU!

>> No.5617872

C'mon kid, we know your some guy trying to imitate a girl as to feel some sort of significance and attention into your life.

Yes you are a slut. But you as a teen, suck other boys penises.

Oh and your a pleb.

>> No.5617873 [DELETED] 

>image macro
>image macro
>the same images for the past 4 years

>> No.5617874
File: 560 KB, 500x439, 1361350185856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, but we are talking about a music made for a different purpose.
Read OP's post again.

>> No.5617880
File: 349 KB, 570x459, 1362272796850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, LISTENED for a different purpose.*


>> No.5617878 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But YOU are definitely not smart.
i am actually
i passed every test i ever took
1st time

being smart is what i do best!

>> No.5617888

Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.5617892

You don't even know limits.

>> No.5617896

Kid doesn't even know pre-calc, let along figuring out derivatives.

>> No.5617897 [DELETED] 

>implying i cant multitask
im on /b/ right now

doest mean i aint still here

>> No.5617903

Isn't zoology your thing? Wow that's really impressive.

>> No.5617905 [DELETED] 

i dont have to
math was easy; i COULD have learned limits, if i cared to
i think it was actually taught, but i must have skipped that class.
not my fault; math is just a bit boring

>> No.5617909

>i COULD have learned limits, if i cared to

No, you can't. Even if you tried, you'd fail.

>> No.5617910 [DELETED] 

yeh, i chose zoology coz i LIKE it, i could have done pretty much anything i wanted, i was definitely smart enough.
but i prefer to have fun doing a course i like rather than bust my ass off doing some difficult boring course that i dont care about, just coz it's hard.

>> No.5617912

>Classical music is known to be much, much, much more complex.

Yeah, but stricly on the melodic and harmonic aspect.

I do enjoy some classical (I trip balls on Beethoven's 9th, just like everybody), but I tend to get bored with it because, you know, at the end of the day, I can only hear the same violin sound so many times, and I have a hell of a time locking myself in a groove, which is much easier to do with electronic, metal, pop or even minimalist Phillip Glass-style stuff.

Sure, most of the song structures of the stuff I listen to are simple (shockingly complex for no reason in the case of some metal), I enjoy how the mixing engineer has worked to make every single instrument have a relevant place into a coherent sonic whole, or has screwed with existing sounds so they become alien and new and deserve my full attention even if the actual notes they play are very simple.

tl;dr; it's Carravagio vs. Monet all over again.

>> No.5617918 [DELETED] 

no i fucking wouldnt
everything that i ever decided i wanted to learn, i learned it

math is just following instructions and doing the same thing over and over again.
solve one, you've solved em all.

and it'd be the same with limits, but it's a waste of my fucking time, and i dont care

>> No.5617914

I was just kidding as to insult you. But you really don't know limits.

What a typical amerifag, gtfo you overgrown jew.

>> No.5617921

You're lying. You would fail horribly to understand the basics. Don't deceive yourself.

>> No.5617924

sure you did

>> No.5617926 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 171x228, jesse_pinkman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint even an amerifag, im in UK, bitch!
and i know i dot know limits, but i COULD learn it.
and i'd breeze through it

but i dont care
so shut up

>> No.5617927

No worries. We intellectuals will continue to solve the world's problems, while you insert your penis into animals.

>> No.5617930


If I were you I would decide to learn English right now.

I suggest that you are not able to do it, or you rather keep on with your piss-poor way of expressing yourself so that the flaws in your intellect don't become too obvious.

>> No.5617933


>strictly on the melodic and harmonic aspect.
This is patently false. Sure, if you're only concentrating on Romantic-era composers, the texture and rhythms will not be sophisticated. But when you delve into Baroque and post-Romantic composers, the rhythms can get VERY complex.

>itt neckbeards STEMfags discussing things beyond their depths

>> No.5617937

>but i COULD learn it.
>and i'd breeze through it

You can't. It requires a minimum of abstract reasoning which you are clearly lacking. You didn't even manage to learn the syntax of your native language.

>> No.5617934

>(except for the fact that all fans of rap are fucking braindead)
Even the namefags on /sci/ are shitposting morons.

>> No.5617935 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 302x356, 01290843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while you insert your penis into animals.
i'm a girl, dumass
and fuck you, zoology is fucking awesome.
much better than whatever piece of shit course you were fucking doing!

also it aint possible to solve the worlds problems! problems spring up faster than you can solve 'em, so theres no point!

>> No.5617940

What if we collectively ignored EK? Wouldn't that effectively mean that he went away? Sounds like a win-win to me.

>> No.5617947 [DELETED] 

my english is totally fine, fuck off

>rapfan detected.
>hurr durr, i cant talk fast about bollocks that has no fucking meaning. and oh, it rhymes! i am so fucking clever
nah, you're a cunt.
get some decent music, pleb.

>> No.5617948 [DELETED] 

a girl on the internet wouldn't be so self concious of her gender.

Also, you should stop using image macros for every one of your fucking inane posts.

You should also remove your tripcode.

>> No.5617955

>self concious


>> No.5617956 [DELETED] 


>> No.5617953

> i'm a girl, dumass
No your a poor attempt a troll. Enjoy animal faeces from their anuses on your cringeworthy penis.

>> No.5617957 [DELETED] 

i aint self conscious, i was just pointing out that it's impossible for me to go around dicking animals, even if i wanted to.
so his stupid shitty attempt at humor didnt even make any fucking sense
what a retard

>> No.5617968 [DELETED] 

EK is a male to female transgender wannabe with an IQ well below the average.

>> No.5617969 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 830x959, grammarnaziyouryoure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your a poor attempt a troll
and you're complaining about MY english!??
how ironic

>> No.5617964

S: (adj) self-conscious (excessively and uncomfortably conscious of your appearance or behavior) "self-conscious teenagers"; "wondered if she could ever be untidy without feeling self-conscious about it"

>> No.5617974


Rap used to be cool during the early gangster era, when they plundered their father's Soul and Funk records. The beats were honestly very cool, even if rappers were, as vocalists always are, fucking cunts ruining the fine work of the musicians creating the backing tracks.


There is newer music which fills Classical's purpose better; I see no reason to delve really deeply into classical when there is so much modern people I can still see live and talk to, and who still influence today's musicians.

>> No.5617976

Is it weird that i enjoy classic music, specifically baroque and oldschool hip hop?

I don't know but those two also go well with eachother, if the artists is capable of handling those two sound genres.

>> No.5617978
File: 61 KB, 571x556, riveting tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time to stop posting. It's late, and no doubt you have a few essays to write on your very lucrative future career in Zooology.

>> No.5617979

> it's impossible for me to go around dicking animals
Well if you have one hanging from your forehead, clearly it's quite convenient for you.

>> No.5617981


Didn't I tell you to go to >>>/x/?

>> No.5617982

Aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.

>> No.5617984

Girls have lower IQ than men in general. That explains EK.

>> No.5617985


>> No.5617993


IQ tests are designed by men.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.5617988


You mean Rap with cello riffs in the backing tracks? That is just horrible.

>> No.5617989


god tier

>> No.5617998

Hmm so from the information I have gathered. EK is either a female with a penis drooping from her forehead, or a teenage boy trying to rustle our jimmies.

>> No.5617995

In that meaning it doesn't make sense in the context ITT. Stating that EK is awake is just redundant when everyone can see him/her posting.

>> No.5618002 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 472x348, 76756546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's time to stop posting. It's late
im done talking with you ignorant anti-zoology wankers anyway

IQ is balanced between the genders, fucktard

>> No.5618006

a girl on the internet wouldn't be so self concious of her gender.
a girl on the internet wouldn't be so excessively and uncomfortably aware of and responding to her gender.

>> No.5618007

Fuck of back to the zoo you hippy.

>> No.5618012

You don't know shit about zoology.

>> No.5618013

>self conscious

You just defined that word to mean "awake". Can you be any more redundant?

>> No.5618020

S: (adj) self-conscious (excessively and uncomfortably conscious of your appearance or behavior) "self-conscious teenagers"; "wondered if she could ever be untidy without feeling self-conscious about it"

Aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.

S: (adj) self-conscious (excessive and uncomfortable awareness and responsiveness of your appearance or behavior) "self-conscious teenagers"; "wondered if she could ever be untidy without feeling self-conscious about it"

>> No.5618024

IQ tests are designed by white, middle class, Christian men, yet Ashkenazi Jews (any class) and East Asians (any class) outperform them.

>> No.5618031

Well you guys fucked up this convo quickly. I was actually interested in the topic

>> No.5618034

Back to the zoo with you. I banish you.

>> No.5618036


You don't belong here.

>> No.5618044


Well, firstly, tell me what you believe the purpose of classical music to *be*-- because I don't think you realize that in every film you watch and video game you play there is classical music in the background. There are many modern 'classical' composers (technically not of the classical era), and they are very much alive.

>> No.5618048
File: 592 KB, 1024x1007, Fryderyk-Chopin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we return on topic?


>> No.5618047

>responsiveness of your appearance

That doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.5618050

How extremely childish.
I'm disappointed in you, /sci/.

>> No.5618058

Web definitions
responsive to stimulation.

>> No.5618092

Let me give you an example,

The opening of the movie "Bullet" with Mickey rourke, you'll hear Vivaldis famous spring, but then it jumps off to Group Supastars music, you need to check it out yourself to understand what i mean.

But fucking awesome.

>> No.5618097


And I'm really eager for this stuff to die so we can enjoy nice ambient soundtracks in our films and games.

>> No.5618105

I don't think there's any actual evidence in the relationship between classical music and brain output. I honestly just listen to it to help me relax

>> No.5618138


>> No.5618152

i like complex rhythms no matter the genre


>> No.5618202

Classical has been shown many times and in many studies to encourage and support mental activity and concentration.

The part that seems to confuse people (young students argue all the time about it, and many people in the thread are confused) is that the issue isn't about PLEASING the listening tastes of a person while he works, thinks or studies.
It's about a psychological effect related to music complexity and timing and progression.

Music with any words is right out of possibility; the language decoding area is necessary for thinking.
Music with strong beats drives up emotional and activity hormones; those distract from mental activity and concentration.

The only one mentioned so far that might still be considered is dub step and related styles; I don't think I have seen any studies including it.

>> No.5618238
File: 119 KB, 500x1151, h55D9306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds to me like /sci/ is fedoracore. Classical music attracts the one of the most pretentious fanbases, to ask if it makes you smarter further shows said pretentiousnes

>> No.5618265

>complex rhythms

That's as four-on-the-floor as you can get, friend

>> No.5618273

It's way easier for me to study with some Chopin playing in the background.

I don't know if that means anything

>> No.5618275

You only think it's pretentious because you talk about classical music with people who are pretentious.

>> No.5618286
File: 88 KB, 220x220, 220px-Trout_Mask_Replica[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step it up /sci/

>> No.5618287

I mostly listen to classical music, but when people ask me what I listen to I just don't know what to tell, I don't want to sound like a pretentious asshole so I say "a bit of everything"

>> No.5618290

i hope everyone's proud of acting like educated adults

>> No.5618297

This makes sense.

>> No.5618299

I really love classical music and I am usually annoyed by people who say they play it while they study.

This is not because I don't think it has an effect or that it makes them pretentious, but to me it cheapens classical music and helps convey the label that it's something soothing on to have in the background.

Classical music is sometimes crammed full of structural ideas which require serious attention to get. You miss a great deal of the fun if you make it furniture music.

Also, to the folks suggesting that classical music is somehow pretentious, I resent that strongly. I absolutely love the composers and musicians that I've discovered over the years. It has brought me immense intellectual and emotional pleasure, and has contributed to the person I am.

Don't ruin it for those of us who genuinely enjoy it by presuming facts about the nature of our listening.

>> No.5618302

>implying I act pretentious about it
>implying I don't lie to people when thy ask what I'm listening to

>> No.5618322


I know that feel, brother.

"what have you been listening to lately anon?"

>Glenn Gould performing Bach's Art of Fugue and the Goldberg Variations almost exclusively for the last 3 months

"uhhh... Radiohead and stuff."

>> No.5618326

and the evidence keeps piling up!

>> No.5618339

well shit

>> No.5618335

Any recommendations, /sci/?

>> No.5618372


>> No.5618374

A nice little classic

>> No.5618383
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1360104947303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's a bunch of pseudoscience bull crap.

>> No.5618386
File: 7 KB, 276x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5618420

>listening to only classical music

psuedo-intellectual "born in the wrong generation" child detected

there is plenty of good music today

there is plenty of good dubstep

you just haven't searched for it

>> No.5618439

>there is plenty of good dubstep
I like the one that goes "WUBWUBWUBWUBWUB".

What's the name of that one?

>> No.5618442


that would be "WUBWUBWUBWUB"

there is another one that goes


>> No.5618445


There were people who said Disco was good.

History has proven them wrong.

>> No.5618452


>being this ignorant
I've seen idiots on /v/ less ignorant than this.

>> No.5618454



>> No.5618456


Dubsteb isn't music.

>> No.5618458

I think you're getting brostep confused with dubstep.

>> No.5618460


You are confusing low frequency noise with music.

>> No.5618466

So you listen to one shitty skrillex song and judge the entire genre?

>> No.5618470


>That feel when only birds noises and waterfalls in my warhammer 40K adaptation

Uh, hum... Ok...

>> No.5618473


He is the best in that field. And the best one sounds like an abomination to my hears.

And I used to be a huge fan of the electronic genre.

>> No.5618476

>He is the best in that field.

No, he isn't.

Clearly you haven't tried to search for good music.

What exactly do you listen to?

>> No.5618478


You need to listen to some Napalm Death.

>> No.5618482


Post what you think is one of the best dubstep. If it isn't something so close to the standard electronic scene or a WUBWUBWUW hell I will gladly admit it's music and not some shit the typical adidas tracksuit wearer doesn't listen to with his buddy while smoking weed in his garage.

>> No.5618494


>> No.5618499

>Classical music attracts the one of the most pretentious fanbases, to ask if it makes you smarter further shows said pretentiousnes

That's just ridiculous.
People ALSO like music just because of the music, and not the image they think it gives them.

If you decide to listen to ANY musical style (or fashion, or movies, or attitudes) you are just pathetic -- even though most people do exactly that for most things.

>> No.5618500

It does. Especially on 4chan.

>> No.5618505

That's worse than skrillex

>> No.5618509

>i hope everyone's proud of acting like educated adults

Not sure where your doubt comes from --
don't you realize some of us actually ARE educated adults?

(not all of the internet is pretense)

>> No.5618507

>not pleb

>> No.5618508

Then you're just a pleb with no taste.

>> No.5618510

>educated adults
>4chan posters

pick one

>> No.5618515


Even though I don't like the voice sample he chose the song is obviously good.

It not trying to actually rape my hears help a lot. Removing the heavy redneck bass drop is a wonderful idea.

Burial is also known for putting the sound effects by hands and not with a repeat function.

>> No.5618512


>> No.5618513

>No, that's a bunch of pseudoscience bull crap.

Nope; moer than verified, it has been quantified and the causes have been well-analyzed.

Here's the biggest, most obvious factor:
if you have music that you ENJOY on, you will not concentrate on the work you are supposed to be doing as well.

>> No.5618517

>citation needed

>> No.5618522
File: 188 KB, 856x1188, Buddha_Beipu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5618533


>> No.5618537


>> No.5618542

not that guy but
if you don't like this then I'm afraid you are just a bad person

>> No.5618540


It sounds like that aphex twin crap. Random ambient song and a simple beat behind "LOOK AT ME I'M SUCH AN EDGY MUSICAL GENIUS".

>> No.5618546


I'm glad I'm not the only one

>> No.5618555

>no correlation between intelligence and music taste, btw
>(except for the fact that all fans of rap, and/or justin bieber are fucking braindead)

you're braindead for speaking that sentence

>> No.5618561

You guys are absolute plebs, though.

>> No.5618557


Woaw, it's like the most bland music ever made. Like the baddest classical music you could ever make but in electronic form.

>> No.5618562
File: 6 KB, 216x212, 1260417396475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plebby mcplebberson

>> No.5618563
File: 366 KB, 772x480, 1360019821169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating rap

busta detected

>> No.5618565

You know, I never actually thought there was a board with a worse collective music taste than /mu/, thanks for proving me wrong /sci/

>> No.5618567
File: 497 KB, 500x500, 5603-redflame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5618572
File: 472 KB, 500x500, 00 - Lil_B_The_Based_God_Blue_Flame-front-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5618573

everyone can benefit from a little more #basedness in life.

>> No.5618570

You've never listened to MFDoom, have you?

>> No.5618579

Have you ever heard Alphex Twin in your life?

>> No.5618578
File: 300 KB, 500x500, 00 - Lil_B_The_BasedGod_Pink_Flame-front-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5618576
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>> No.5618577

ITT: people who listen to very little music and never read about it try to pass off the image that they know everything about it

>> No.5618580


>> No.5618581


>I listen to underground subculture electro music now gaze upon me pleb

>> No.5618592

>thumbs up if u listen to beethoven in 2013!!

>> No.5618590


>> No.5618593

See? Wasn't so hard, now, was it?

>> No.5618594


They're laughing at you /sci/

>> No.5618598
File: 29 KB, 584x361, Dubstep-Violin-Lindsey-Stirling-Crystallize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindsay Sterling

>> No.5618596

Not this anon, but I would say yes, since he provided a very accurate description of his music style....

On a more serious note, Aphex Twin has made some really good songs but 90% is crappy noise.
Which is quite normal, regarding the ridiculous high quantity of audio material he releases every year.

>> No.5618601


>> No.5618603
File: 14 KB, 1411x1411, 4223943766-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just so you know I really enjoyed this

>> No.5618606


>> No.5618608

>he doesn't like burial!

>> No.5618609
File: 20 KB, 130x189, 130px-Luigi_Russolo_ca._1916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not music

>> No.5618612

So you're saying that all of Aphex Twin sounds like "Don't you Worry Child" by SHM?

>> No.5618613

I briefly considered going through this thread and gently correcting all the factual and historical inaccuracies, but it would 404 before I finished.

>> No.5618614

The board has never heard of 4'33, you'd think they would know who Russolo is?

>> No.5618616

Cheeky novelty act. Of course somebody here would like it.

>> No.5618619
File: 409 KB, 1109x859, Glenn+Branca+glenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but they better learn

it's hilarious how you all like classical, yet don't listen to more modern composers

>> No.5618617

translation: I can't because people are being smarter than me but admitting that will damage my e-cred

>> No.5618620

>people on /sci/

You must not be from these parts...

>> No.5618621

That was honest to god the worst thing I have ever seen.

>> No.5618627

lol, CLT is one of the few actual autistic genius's on 4chan.

>> No.5618628

Hey /sci/ can you help us decipher the ARG Death Grips made?

>> No.5618630
File: 105 KB, 740x740, 1361298822347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ. I listen this the other day.. i have bad taste... but this is probably the worst shit ever.. seriously.

>> No.5618631

>Classical music is the art music produced in, or rooted in, the traditions of Western liturgical and secular music, encompassing a broad period from roughly the 11th century to present times.

Classical music isnt a genre like metal you faggots. You really cant talk about it or criticise it as a whole because there is so much to it you.would really need.to be more specific.

I have not listened a lot more than baroque and romantic, but im aware there is a lot more out there

>> No.5618625

Wow. Its so classy yet dirty.

Mediocre beats over some random ass violin playing. You're so refined.

>> No.5618634

At least she's hot. Other than that, ugh.

>> No.5618635

put your trip back on CLT

>> No.5618636

oh my god

this is seriously awful



>> No.5618637

/mu/ checking in here, enjoy your enlightenment, filthy plebs.




>> No.5618633


pick one

>> No.5618643

anything by Burial

>> No.5618639

Nah, CLT has too much of an ego to let go of his trip.

>> No.5618640


Russulo called it noise
Nobody cared for it.

But you're such a Hipster.. you appreciate it.

Good on you.

>> No.5618641

Just say you're listening to Bach, you piece of shit. You don't need to lie because no one is going freak out when they hear you're listening to one of the most famous composers of all time. You don't need to "hide your power level" because you don't have one. Good god.

>> No.5618646

disgusting. This was so popular on rebbit and there's a good reason for that

>> No.5618645

He says he loves Jesus Christ, /sci/ will never approve

>> No.5618649

>Nobody cared for it.
not today, ruseman

>> No.5618648


>> No.5618653

I mad

>> No.5618652

This board is by far the most pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-superior board on 4chan. More childish than /v/, more stupid than /a/. You call yourself literate and the best, yet don't know shit outside of what is considered "the" essential. You don't care about innovation or progress, you are mere casuals exploiting arts as if they are fashion.


Link related, a masterpiece of modern classical music, of modern progressive thought. Until you learn to appreciate this genius, you are nothing but a drop of saliva on a rotting apple with dried worms inside.

Put your trip back on, pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.5618658

Never head about SHM.
My point is the discography of Aphex Twin (including AFX/Analord/whatever) is ridiculously large, and I've always found very difficult to enjoy it as a whole.
Regarding how "Aphex Twin sounds", he's always been very versatile anyway, from minimalist ambient to IDM/breakcore...

Anyway, I think this kind mass production is very typical of the IDM movement.
I do enjoy listening to Venitian Snares, Autechre, and especially Squarepusher, but all those guys have a fucking problem concerning the quantity of material they release... It's just fucking too much, so it's no surprise a large part is "noisy garbage".
And the really good songs they've produced got overlooked because they're diluted in those massive, poor quality mass production.

>> No.5618655

>Not the best album of the nineties

Stay full plen

>> No.5618661

Pretty much. I refuse to demean myself by feigning unintelligence, and I refuse to contribute intelligently if "I" won't receive credit for it.

Ironically, I'm reasonably sure that it's only a handful of anons who have convinced themselves that any post which regards me positively is me in disguise.

>> No.5618662

>hating rap in 2013
>been a faggot
same shit different asshole

>> No.5618663


>> No.5618664

>implying post-disco isn't the superior genre

>> No.5618660
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not good

>> No.5618666

I like how the one guy holds the thing with his crotch.

>> No.5618668

I remember back in 2010 when you samefagged yourself some anonymous appreciation yet forgot to drop your trip.

A funny thread that was.

>> No.5618665

You don't even fucking know what's the difference between /mu/core and Essentials

>> No.5618671
File: 20 KB, 300x241, 1347921331874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey CLT what do you think of all the people from /mu/ that attempts to sort of "defend dubstep" by calling skrillex shitty brostep and then just ALWAYS says "burial is REAL dubstep!" even though they know like no other dubstep artists.

>> No.5618672
File: 50 KB, 295x295, 1362948455205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aphex twin
>simple beat

>> No.5618676

It is. But you're still blen. blep.

>> No.5618669

>implying you aren't just shitposting

>> No.5618670
File: 61 KB, 500x537, james and the blakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't into James Blake
whos the real pleb here?

>> No.5618680

Which aphex twin albums are 'noisy garbage'?

>> No.5618681

This generation's GOAT

>> No.5618682

Dear /sci/
Get some taste
Love, /mu/

>> No.5618677


It sounds like two geese fucking.

Retarded "psuedo-intellectual" faggotry indeed, you butt-mad sister rapist.

>> No.5618678
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>> No.5618683
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>> No.5618684

>even though they know like no other dubstep artists.

lol nope faggot

>> No.5618691

>> /lit/

>> No.5618692

There's more to that composition than just sound.

But of course you wouldn't care about that, you're perfectly fine with your Max Richter Vivaldi reconstructions and cheap Wallmart fedoras.

Stay classy.

>> No.5618688


this is to music what ironic shitposting is to 4chan

>> No.5618689

>like no other dubstep

>> No.5618693
File: 178 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ confirmed most ignorant board

>> No.5618700

I don't remember that. Surely if it happened someone would have screencapped it.

If EDMplebs are beneath my contempt, then those people are beneath whatever is beneath my contempt.

For reference purposes, I regard /sci/'s "Classical scholars" with a mixture of pity and wonder.

>> No.5618696

>crappy noise

Like what? Drukqs? Even that album is like 1/4th piano shit.
Even then, i would never call it "noise"

>> No.5618698

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.

>> No.5618699

>thinking any kind of fedora is acceptable

>> No.5618702

Isn't that the reason you said you needed to repent for 2010?

>> No.5618703
File: 156 KB, 622x533, laughing fat bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/
good lord, this board makes /v/ look patrician

>> No.5618704


op probably only ever listened to selected ambient works and concluded that all aphex music sounds like that

>> No.5618701

only 1 philp glass post? WHAT THE FUCK?


>> No.5618705


Who gives a fuck about composition if it isn't pleasing to the ear? That's the point of music, you fuck. If I wanted to listen to that noise I'd go out to a farm and watch ducks fuck.

>> No.5618706

Then explain why anons ALWAYS use Burial as an example. NO OTHER ARTIST 99% of the time.

Every single time someone from /mu/ defends dubstep against ignorant idiots, they always just say "b-but Burial is real dubstep, not that shitty brostep skrillex shit"

>> No.5618707


>not knowing the meaning of influential and significant

>> No.5618708

No, that was for permanently inflicting the plebeian/patrician meme on 4chan.

>> No.5618710

Confirmed for never listening to Hip Hop

>> No.5618713
File: 37 KB, 250x251, melektaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin pussy fags


>> No.5618711
File: 23 KB, 400x400, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Zomby
>no DMZ
>no Kode9

>> No.5618712

Because Burial is the easiest/babies first dubstep album to recommend. Exactly the same reason MBTDF is always recommended for hip hop.

>> No.5618717

Jesus Christ /sci/, /b/ knows more about music than you do

>> No.5618718

tfw rebbit's EDM fans tend to be more knowledgeable and reasonable than /mu/'s EDMplebs.

>> No.5618719

>jazz not being discussed as well

>> No.5618720

In a sense the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little attention to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as one can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for free for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply publicize what the music business wants to make money with.

>> No.5618714

All the stuff not released under the name of Aphex Twin is usually of a lower quality.
Also, I couldn't get into his early works compiled on "Classics" (1994), really didn't like this one.

Druqs is by far the one I prefer.

>> No.5618716
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, 1334285688569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point of music is to be leasing to the ear

oh dear god



are you serious

oh lord

>> No.5618721

My sides detonated

>> No.5618723

That's like saying the point of studying physics is to figure out the easiest way to move a boulder from point A to point B

>> No.5618724

We don't really have very many. I don't listen to it but i subscribe to r/edmproduction because i use ableton

>> No.5618725
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>> No.5618729

But MBTDF is NOT always recommended/used as a "hip-hop defener" . I see MF Doom more often recommended actually.

>> No.5618730

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.

>> No.5618726

Jazz is too advanced for /sci/ if they can't admire classical.

>> No.5618727

Nope, Drukqs is my fav! see >>5618714

>> No.5618728

Anything by Bassnectar

>> No.5618733

Überpleb detected

captcha: doubplepi changes


>> No.5618740
File: 332 KB, 544x523, Kanye Whorse and Hay-Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed Scaruffi

>> No.5618741

meh, don't like it.

>> No.5618734

>Not listening to modern scores

>> No.5618736


as for intellectual music, i find noise stimulating and sometimes challenging.


>> No.5618737

Go fuck yourself

>> No.5618738
File: 87 KB, 500x667, 1362960356247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.5618739

>scaruffi doesn't name Miles Davis as one of the greatest jazz musicians

>> No.5618744

Then what 90% of Richard's stuff is "noisy garbage?"

>> No.5618742

because it's popular within it's genre you big dummy.

You want something other than burial?


get out

>> No.5618743

>sweeping generalization about "the point of [an art medium]"
Welp, that's my cue to leave.

I knew /sci/ wouldn't be as smart as I am, but I wasn't expecting a community even dumber than /mu/. Disappointing.

>> No.5618749

Holy shit /mu/ is just like /pol/ except with race/politics being replaced by art/music.

>> No.5618750

makes you really appreciate /mu/ more; this thread

>> No.5618745
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>> No.5618748
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>> No.5618753
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>> No.5618754

Protip: most aphex twin tunes (80%) use the same scale all over -> phrygian scale and major scale

>> No.5618755

>/mu/ is just like /pol/
Except we actually have threads relevant and on topic toward our subject matter.

>> No.5618756
File: 635 KB, 1914x942, 1341985255177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I doubt that actually.

You may think this is just cherry picking. but go browse /b/ for a music thread and you'll see it's actually not.

>> No.5618761

So... not like /pol/ at all?

>> No.5618762

well i don't even think /b/ can have a serious opinion on any topic, since they don't have a set one. plus i know it's safe to assume that their underage rate is higher than any other board.

>> No.5618766

except there is nothing good in that picture

>> No.5618769

at least /b/ doesn't listen to entry level classical and think they're better because of it.

>> No.5618770

Which is why the anon was posting it.

>> No.5618776
File: 106 KB, 665x598, 1336507800885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah no way

>> No.5618777


>> No.5618779

Most threads get derailed by tripfag hating then anything.

>> No.5618780

>using entry-level

>> No.5618781

holy shit i just noticed
>how does /b/ have better taste in music than /mu/
yeah totally xD

>> No.5618778
File: 395 KB, 1121x952, digipack front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jazz > Classical
prove me wrong

>> No.5618771

>implying all we do isnt fawning over trip dicks

>> No.5618783

I usually hate every word you say but this statement is 100% fact/

>> No.5618775
File: 36 KB, 410x410, skream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its future garage. Here's a dubstep album. Not any of that brostep stuff.

>> No.5618782

ITT : People who have never heard of Burial or James Blake.

>> No.5618785

>hey i'm going to make huge claims like saying a whole genre is better than another one
you're a fucking faggot.
burial isn't really dubstep

>> No.5618786

>dum-tchaka-dum-dum-dum-tchaka-dum-dum for 10 minutes straight
>shitty autotune over garageband beats


>> No.5618788


>rock critics matter

they don't

>the beatles weren't good musicians

your own, subjective opinion.

I write music and play guitar and think they are awesome musicians, what makes your opinion more valuable that mine, or any?

>because they are a commercial phenomena no one pays attention of the quality of the musicians
>implying they can't be good musicians because they write music that happens to be popular

>> No.5618789

see >>5618775

>> No.5618791
File: 317 KB, 800x800, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt classicalfag detected

>> No.5618792

Its obvious you never even tried out any album by James Blake.

You can't be this pleb, can you?

>> No.5618795

As I said, most all the stuff which was released under other pseudonyms was really inferior (caustic window, universal indicator....)

I would say the material released as Aphex Twin accounts for 1/3 at the very most..., so here goes 66%.

>> No.5618796


only good shit in the thread

>using the phrase "EDM"

fuckin stupid

>> No.5618797

>this thread

Someone screencap the highlights like "i aint a pleb" or "music is for pleasure"

>> No.5618798

Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles. And rock critics will study more of rock history and realize who invented what and who simply exploited it commercially.

>> No.5618793


>> No.5618794
File: 24 KB, 268x265, 1351296022186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually responding to the Scaruffi pasta

>> No.5618801

Caustic Window was excellent Breakbeat Hardcore/Acid Techno as far as the two genres go.

>> No.5618800

you haven't heard either of them obviously. you're a generalizing piece of shit.
you can say that for any genre.

>easily composed string sections for ten minutes
their music wasn't really based off talent. you can enjoy them, but that's irrelevant to their talent.
i love jazz and dislike classical. it's still a fucking faggot move.
>only good shit in the thread
agree. nobody can into noise, it seems

>> No.5618804

But the beatles werent that good until a few years down the road. any other statement is retarded

>> No.5618805

>not eyedeeuhm wannabe

>not appreciating all art.

>> No.5618807
File: 1.90 MB, 220x160, 1360637779171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you fuck I HOPE YOUD DIE OF AIDS

>> No.5618811


NIN? you mean that Skinny Puppy ripoff?

>> No.5618813

welp that says it

/mu/ confirmed best board on 4chan

>> No.5618817



>> No.5618812

Mingus is like totally entry level just like davis and monk. If you want real jazz you have to look deeper

>> No.5618820

ITT: retards actually believe this

>> No.5618823

/sci/ you are better than this

>> No.5618829


doesn't mean he's bad though

>> No.5618830

give names, Dolphy? Herbie hancock? Sun Ra? Evans?

>> No.5618831

obviously not. /sci/ confirmed for having shit taste and music and needing /mu/ to show them the way.

>> No.5618828
File: 35 KB, 500x542, trying to explain math to an American.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, /sci/

>> No.5618837


>implying music which isn't based on talent isn't good

and also, how can you objectively assess how talented they were?

I think they were pretty talented, again what makes your own subjective opinion more valuable than mine?

>> No.5618838


>generalizing off of omegle chat
>calling people native to the United States "American"

just sit down

>> No.5618839

>confirmed for never wandering the streets of Greenwich village late at night listening to 3 old men play a trio in the center of Washington square park.
>confirmed for never hearing a hobo solo on a melodica with lenny pickett in a basement bar in downtown NYC
>confirmed for only listening to bitches brew and entry level mingus albums

>> No.5618842

Im listening to Avashai Cohen. an awesome bassist from jewland

>> No.5618846

pop music is nice to listen to, but you can't call it "good," per se. it's good to you, but it's not objectively good. it's simplistic, it's aimed toward a public audience, so that those who consume it don't have to put to much into it and don't have to take much from it. you can listen all you want, but it's objectively boring.

>> No.5618848
File: 280 KB, 1190x906, 1361177724927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god.
you can't be serious

>> No.5618851
File: 31 KB, 350x525, iannis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Iannis Xenakis fans on /sci/ then?

>> No.5618852

i am.
nice pic by the way, it just proves you can't think of an intelligent response and that you gave up the argument. i'll be seeing you.

>> No.5618855

I IV V chords over a catchy guitar riff, four on the floor drums, and a feminine tenor male is not good. It may sound pretty but it is in every sense of the term objectively bad.

>> No.5618857

your statement is mu
why would you argue with someone who isn't even intellectually on the same continent.

>> No.5618859

>complex music is best music

>> No.5618860
File: 99 KB, 247x248, 1325491443176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on /mu/ we use this term jokingly

on /sci/ it's used seriously

I can't believe the music board is smarter than he science board

>> No.5618861

Please explain what makes music good, then, oh wise one.

>> No.5618862

It takes more talent to make a great pop song that it does the average avante-gard piece.

>> No.5618863


Good music in any age

>> No.5618864

are you fucking serious?

>> No.5618866

aphex twin, james blake, and skream are shit-tier EDM. boards of canada, justice and daft punk ftw!

>> No.5618869

Yes, I am. You clearly haven't listened to much great pop nor enough avant-garde pieces.

>> No.5618873

That's your opinion though.

>> No.5618874

what avant-garde have you listened to? i'm sure you don't know any actual "avant-garde" music.

>> No.5618876

obviously they're just being sarcastic, or idiots.

>> No.5618877

Is this a fucking joke

>> No.5618882


yeah I'm done here, not letting this ignorant stupidity rub off on my intellect, no.

>> No.5618883

Why does everyone lump BoC in with that, it's not like you could talk to some pleb on the streets about them, compared to something like Daft Punk

>> No.5618884


Well, you clearly haven't listened much of the Beatles repertoir so you are making an uninformed argument.

I do not want to pursue this discussion with you any further, there are plenty of examples of songs from The Beatles' that do not fall in the pop genre, regarding The Beatles as "just a pop band" is a gross oversimplification.

>> No.5618885

Revolution 9 is great.

>> No.5618887

>not listening to Pierre Boulez and Stockhausen

"The more I grow, the more I detach myself from other composers... in my opinion we must get rid of [history] once and for all." - Boulez

"It is not enough to deface the Mona Lisa because that does not kill the Mona Lisa. All art of the past must be destroyed." - Pierre Boulez

Boulez won this thread.

>> No.5618888

I mean let's be honest, intellectually he's interesting but it's awful stuff to listen to. I enjoy noise, power electronics, but I'd never outright say they are 'good'. I can't see how you can be a fan of it. It's something that you look at and go 'I can appreciate the artistic merit of that' but it just can't go beyond that unless you're some sort of masochist.

>> No.5618889

b-b-but BoC is good

>> No.5618890



>> No.5618891

>i enjoy it
>it's not good
you're a fucking idiot then

>> No.5618892


>> No.5618894

wasted quads. shameful/

>> No.5618896

Thats after years of wankery. They capitalized on their previous pop endevours to release faux complex works. Lennon even copied bob dylans style in order to seem deeper.

>not knowing lennon is an egotistical narcissistic hack of a wife beater
>not knowing he broke up the beatles

>> No.5618897

right okay sure. all aboard the ad hominem train!


>> No.5618900

If you weren't a massive plebeian, you'd understand that that's actually a completely sound argument.

>> No.5618901 [DELETED] 

You're more pleb than your average teenage girl.

>> No.5618905

i find a lot of his stuff to be pretty entertaining actually


Goddamn is searching for non-pop music on youtube annoying.

>> No.5618907

lol moron

>> No.5618908

wow a new addition to my filter list.
and i dont even browse this board

>> No.5618917

So, /sci/ has a biotroll too?

>> No.5618922


>what gives you the authority to say they were faux when you probably just barely can make a sound out of a whistle, you wouldn't be able to write music of that quality even if you poured your whole life to it.

All the beatles were great musicians, they were not abysmally extraordinary but they were really good.

>all those other things you mentioned

what these have to do with anything?

>> No.5618929

i 2nd this u guys r smart right
this could be ur national treasure

>> No.5618931

/mu/ here, we just want to say taste is subjective, and there is no need to argue also
>/sci/ considers dubstep noise
maybe you guys should go listen to merzbow then come back
>tfw /sci/ wont get it
problem /sci/? 2DEEP4U?

>> No.5618932

Holy fuck you all have shit taste in music.

>> No.5618941

Holy shit, /sci/ is just like /pol/ except with race/politics being replaced by science/mathematics

>> No.5618945

>using plebeian

>> No.5618957

Just popping in to interject that it's hilarious to me when plebeians will disparage a piece as "just simple pop music" when they don't actually know how to analyze its harmonic structure, let alone make meaningful observations comparing its harmonic content and a another piece's.

Until tonight, I thought I'd have to go all the way to YouTube to get my "presumptuous moron" fix, lol.

>> No.5618960
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>not listening to "She Blinded Me With Science" on repeat every single day

>> No.5618961


>> No.5618965

Shameful display, posters of this thread from both /sci/ and /mu/

>> No.5618966

So uh, just like you when it comes to EDM and EDM production?

>> No.5618971
File: 1.06 MB, 900x900, itaots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/
How do you feel about Jesus Christ?

>> No.5618990

I've only ever criticized EDM on the basis of its composition (for want of a better word).

I am acutely aware of the existence of "producers" who'll spend hours "exploring timbres", crafting and perfecting the exactly perfect synthesizer tone to complement the artistry of the looping drum sample and V-I progression

>> No.5618993

>looping a sample
Not all EDM is House.

>> No.5619011
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What the fuck is wrong with this bloard

>> No.5619018



>> No.5619022
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>> No.5619026

>No Tangerine Dream
>No Klaus Schultze
>No Jean Michael Jarre

I'm disappointed /sci/

>> No.5619027


I never laughed that much on 4chan.


>> No.5619030

Listen to Dalek

>> No.5619201

No. I'm pretty retarded and I listen to classical music.

>> No.5619211


Bach is arguably the greatest composer of music the human species has thus far produced. He is, without contest, the greatest master of western counterpoint.

He's not just 'a famous composer.' He's the absolute cream of the crop.