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File: 57 KB, 557x413, science_jobs_by_race_and_sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5607444 No.5607444 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5607450

here's the source in case you're interested


>> No.5607452

what do you hope to gain from this kind of discussion, this is 4chan

are you trying to redpill us

>> No.5607455

>what do you hope to gain from this kind of discussion

the community's opinion on the subject matter

>> No.5607456

lol that guy with the pony avatar pretty much sums it up (just saying)

>> No.5607474

Well 72% of Americans are white
10% black
10-13% Hispanic
5% is Asian
Does that answer you question OP?

>> No.5607509

more white people
more white people with money to send their kid to med school
more white people with connections to get a job in the field

plus white people are smarter

>> No.5607705

The Hispanic thing is misleading because we come in all colors. I am a pure White-Hispanic EE here in Miami. The people I work with are all Hispanic; mostly white with a few blacks.

>> No.5607718

>am a pure White-Hispanic
are you Argentinian or Brazilian by any chance? this kind of delusion is only found is such lower species.

>> No.5607744

>one in every fifty scientists is a sassy black woman named lakwondisha
Yeah, no. I call bullshit.

>> No.5607750

But if they are scientists that can't find jobs, that makes them part of the majority.

>> No.5607756

Argentinian of course. We are whiter than Europeans.

>> No.5607771

That's only 0.2/10

>> No.5607782

What's your point, other than that you are familiar with fractions and ratios...?

If I go to a science conference with 100 scientists I should expect to see Latisha and Taminika there. However, experimental probability shows that I shall never see Sharonda nor Paprika there, ever.

>> No.5607784
File: 15 KB, 331x398, Gabriel-Soto36929[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuban. I am as white as this dude; Mexican actor Gabriel Soto. Come to Miami, this is our city.

>> No.5607797
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, J.Perez_bikini[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They blocked the pic. here is Latina model Jessica Perez.

>> No.5607800
File: 70 KB, 442x618, 1329864911611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that over exposure is an annoying obstacle to achieving orgasm

>> No.5607815
File: 903 KB, 260x146, 1359957529153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, for starters, these statistics are very arbitrary.

show the percentage population of each minority compared to white men. then show what percentage of degrees and fields of study they get for each minority.

>> No.5607820

2% = 0.2/10
20% = 2/10


>> No.5607823

She's not white, bro.

>> No.5607827
File: 733 KB, 230x249, 1291294554695.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I'm so confused by your retardation, but I'm starting to suspect perhaps you aren't to familiar with ratios...

>> No.5607831

Fucking laughed, classic media spin

Read the small print at the bottom gents

>> No.5607829

>one in every fifty scientists is a sassy black woman named lakwondisha

>shit I messed up and look like a whiny retard! I know I'll just pretend I'm trolling him.

>> No.5607835

...No, I didn't mess up and I'm not pretending to troll...

1/50 = 2/100 = 2%

According to the graph one in every fifty scientists is a black woman...

How do you not see your own retardation...

I'm honestly really confused right now...

>> No.5607841

>still trying to troll me

I'm done with your embarrassing errors.

>> No.5607844
File: 25 KB, 526x276, 1307054599391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, trying to reverse troll me. Clever.


>> No.5607850
File: 100 KB, 480x406, 06perez-turnbow-blog480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not white? On the streets of NYC with no make up.

>> No.5607856

This whole article was likely written by someone who shouldn't have received the job they did. Should they be the first to go? They certainly don't know what normalization, or labeling axes, mean.

>> No.5607867

First: You must include a pie graph representing those educated in science for this to have ANY statistical relevance. You should also include a race/sex breakdown of all APPLICANTS to jobs in the sciences

This is trolling garbage - the only hope out of all this social media manipulation is that more women pursue science and thus get jobs in the low paying sector of scientific research - this will allow both sexes to be employed and effective members of society and keep men as the primary "bread winners" in an average family - WHICH IS WHAT WOMEN ACTUALLY WANT!

stay pleb, OP.

>> No.5607875

Why do some hispanics pander to the white nationalist crowd?
Don't you know that many of them hate and want to kill you guys just as they have us throughout history?

It's absolutely pathetic. You're perfectly good as your own civilization, perfectly competent and unique.

I'm Indian but practically white enough to pass as Irish. I'd never try and appeal to whites using my whiteness, even if I was by ancestry European, because anyone with any knowledge of human physiology and evolutionary history would know that being white isn't the source of any of my talent, education, and skill. I'd be ashamed to call myself white.

>> No.5607876

Her hair is too dark.

>> No.5607884

also, for once I'd like less ambiguity in these studies in terms of where middle-easterners and indians (south/middle/central asian "brown" people) rank in the relevant nation.

As of right now, sometimes we're lumped into asian, sometimes we're lumped into caucasian, and as far as i know, we may not be considered at all.

We should be allowed our own category, even given we're not a single race, because the category would still have sociological relevance.

>> No.5607888

Because blacks are as American as apple pie yet they still have not been fully assimilated because of their race.

>> No.5607892

are you kidding?!?!?!
the social stereotype with asians and many middle easterns are: intelligence and driven

gtfo you selfish bitch

>> No.5607907

you need to compare it to the number of people trying to be scientists in the first place

>> No.5608073

The arguement is completely valid. I went to Puerto Rico surfing last year and was amazed at all the white, black, brown, and Asian Puerto Ricans I saw. All the people would be considered Hispanic under US law.