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5600510 No.5600510 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the fact you will never know how or why the universe and in turn yourself exist?

Also assuming the human race goes on to explore the stars you will be no more than the equivalent of a bug in a pond to our successors.

Just a small dumb microbe on the evolutionary chain...

>> No.5600514

>How do you deal with it?
You keep searching.

>> No.5600517

drugs. simple, but it works.

>> No.5600526


Searching for what?

Do you really belive we will answer the question of how the universe was created in the next 100 years?

>> No.5600527
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I tell myself I already know.

>> No.5600530
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Do you really not?

>> No.5600532
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There is no need to be upset.

>> No.5600538

Its like the example of the fish in the tank. With lots of and lots of effort the fish may be able to figure out how old the tank is and how long the water has been in it. It may also be able to figure out how water works.

But how could it ever possibly comprehend that the tank was built in a factory and the water came from the sea when all it has ever seen or known is what is in its tank.

If we cant see what created the universe in our universe then how could we ever figure out what created it?

>> No.5600542
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Through mathematics.

>> No.5600545

What am I seeing here if I may ask?

>> No.5600546

Fish create factories where they build fishtanks and realize they cloned its own environment with 100% precision

>> No.5600547

By building a simulation. If the fish had access to materials, eventually they'd be able to build their own factories that took sand from the bottom of the tank, melted into glass, and made mini aquariums and then apply that idea to their own tank.

>> No.5600550



>> No.5600548

A rotating fractal

>> No.5600549


Care to share the equation derived from variables in the fish tank only which explains how it was built by the factory and where the raw materials came from?

>> No.5600551

Yes yes, but which fractal?

>> No.5600552

Some slices of the Julia set.

>> No.5600553


So where does the water come from?
Sure they can use some they already had but it doesnt explain where it came from in the first place.
Same with every other material.

If this was correct the fish would have to end up assuming its world was created by another fish from a bigger fish tank...

>> No.5600563


And then the religious fish would tell the scientist fish i told you so and the scientist fish would all become religious and never figure out why they exist...

>> No.5600564

>another fish from a bigger fish tank
It's all figurative anyways

>> No.5600568

>Care to share the equation derived from variables in the fish tank only which explains how it was built by the factory and where the raw materials came from?

They'd analyze what it was made out of and in what porportions. Eventually they'd realize they could use sand.

>So where does the water come from?
A: The air in the tank condensing through the tank's water cycle
B: Their entire universe is made of water, so it probably came from a bigger universe made of water (technically true)

>If this was correct the fish would have to end up assuming its world was created by another fish from a bigger fish tank...
See above. If you consider the ocean or a lake a "fish tank", and they certainly have the same properties of being bodies of water that are bounded in places, then this is true.

Humans aren't bounded in a fish tank with limited resources though.

>> No.5600571

Oh and if you consider a human a kind of fish.(related to if you consider a fish a kind of animal)

>> No.5600576


how are we not figuratively bound in a fish tank?
Care to share how we can get out of our universe?

>> No.5600577


What im trying to say is that if in any way something outside our universe was involved in creating it we can never find this out.

Unless of course we can get out of our universe...

>> No.5600586

First of all, you can't get out of a universe to begin with. Universe is everything. By definition, there's nothing outside it and it doesn't have an outside.

We aren't bound in a fishtank because our universe isn't 'made only of water' with limited resources to analyze it. We have "access to everything" and can thus build a simulation of it, like the fish building a simulation of their tank. If there's something "outside" it, as there is an entire human world outside the fish tank, then there is most likely some means to observe it. In the fishes' case, it'd be through the glass, assuming their tank isn't somehow floating in a void.

If something created our universe as such, I doubt this one would also be placed in a figurative void. You'd be able to somehow get hits form out interactions with this outerverse and figure out how it creates innerverses.
>Just a small dumb microbe on the evolutionary chain...
Black Plague. Smallpox. Flesh eating virus/bacteria. People will probably fear those no matter what planet they go to, even if they've never experienced it in their life.

>> No.5600588

>how or why the universe and in turn yourself exist?

This question is based on a few faulty presumptions. There is absolutely no reason to suspect an over-arching purpose to existence. We're here because that's how it is, and the best we can reasonably hope for is determine the laws that dictate why it's this way instead of another way.

Additionally, by DEFINITION, there is no such thing as outside the universe. Anyone who claims otherwise is using convenient shortspeak for a concept so radically different from our experience as to not have thorough vocabulary associated with it.

>> No.5600591

Another way to put the first part of my comment is asking "why do we exist" is like asking "why does the flargl kejiggnog?" In all likelyhood, it's a nonsense question with no answer... not because we don't know enough to answer it but because the question implies that there has to be a purpose when clearly there doesn't.

>> No.5600592

Halo touches this subject very well


>> No.5600600

Why is irrelevant and a matter of interpretation and opinion. I am much more concerned with how.

>> No.5600633


>why does the flargl kejiggnog?

I ask myself this question ever day.

>> No.5600644

Why do you assume that because you don't know jackshit, no one else does.

I have Cosmic Consciousness. And I can teach you how to achieve it as well.
for a price

>> No.5601679

Fucking 5 star post, I let out a hardy laugh.

>> No.5601731

I don't care.

I am I. My life is mine. My experiences are mine and mine only. Every little detail of my mediocre life, every small triumph, every irrelevant defeat is miraculous, unique and sublime, for it is mine. For what I care, reality itself exists so that I may enjoy it. I may not reach ultimate understanding of everything, I may not attain supreme success among my peers, I won't be remembered by History... but it doesn't matter because just the fact that I can be is something, it's really something, way more that the infinite beings who have never been and will never be.

I think, therefore everything is awesome.

>> No.5601739
