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File: 64 KB, 468x401, a_adderall_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5595425 No.5595425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Adderall/Vyvanse/Related medication experiences and thoughts

>> No.5595429

It encourages bad studying habits. People shouldn't take it unless they really need it.

>> No.5595432

I'm trying to get a prescription for vyvanse. I'm just curious if anyone has done it and if the side effects make it not worth it

>> No.5595438

I've been taking it a lot the past few weeks because I found a guy who sells a lot for relatively cheap. I've taken adderall many times before, but I guess not for a while. The first time you take it (after a while or for the first time), you feel like Neo seeing the code of the matrix for the first time. Everything becomes easy and talking to people becomes so much more enjoyable.

After taking it a few days in a row, though, I start to notice a decline in the whole "enlightened" feeling. I can still concentrate well and get work done, but if I concentrate too much on a problem, I notice that it encapsulates my methods of thinking, and instead of thinking outside of the box, I start thinking only inside a very small box. Kind of annoying. I'm taking a break from it right now to get my tolerance back down.

>> No.5595447 [DELETED] 


<span class="math"> You \textit{take} medication.

<span class="math"> You \textit{do} drugs.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.5595468 [DELETED] 


<span class="math"> \mathrm{You } \mathcal{take } \mathrm{medication.}[\math]

<span class="math"> \mathrm{You } \mathcal{do } \mathrm{drugs.}[\math][/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.5595472 [DELETED] 


<span class="math"> \mathrm{You } \mathcal{take } \mathrm{medication. } \mathrm{You } \mathcal{do } \mathrm{drugs.}[/spoiler]

>> No.5595516
File: 49 KB, 320x240, 15435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when you start taking it

and disable your internet before studying

Also, coffee will potentate it 10x

>> No.5595582

I have diagnosed ADHD.
(actually have it not like anybody will believe me)

I am prescribed vyvanse 50mg. They run from 20mg to 70mg. I do not have trouble that much with doing math like work (math and computer science major) but if I need to do reading for a humanities course I am totally lost, will lose my place constantly drift off and not read for a page or two but my eyes will be following the words. So I only do it for reading and writing. A months supply lasts me about 2 semesters, maybe more.

Can read and write easily, do not get off track
Seem to remember what I read better (probably from not drifting off)
Works for quite a while (about 6 hours of solid work in which I have no other thoughts, then it requires a small amount of will power to stay on track)

If you get sad while on it it may cause suicidal thoughts (was out with some friends and I fucked up with this girl, thought about killing myself later that night, very out of character for me)
If doing math/computer science you can get locked in to one track thinking and not use other methods of problem solving (poor explanation, i know). Maybe saying you don't think outside the box is better.
It makes me pee, a lot. I go maybe every 30-45 minutes when on it. Dehydrates me and often causes headaches because of that.
Will keep you awake if you don't take it early enough.
Makes you more chatty but you look really stoned (droopy not smiling face).
Makes lazy people lazier, I myself am not lazy but have let my friends try it and they just want to keep using it. Gave it to a communications major once, she got so little work done but thought she had gotten so much done (she is also and idiot).

Seems to work well if you are doing 'grinding' style work, like practicing problem sets before a test or reading or writing an essay. For intuitive problem solving I would stay away.

I have also used adderall, it made me impotent.

>> No.5595595

Fuck off. This isn't your drug board.

>> No.5595600

No, take that meditation spiritualism bullshit back to >>>/x/

>> No.5595611
File: 18 KB, 407x379, 1337571405972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relaxing your mind before a period of extended focus

>> No.5595637

No adhd.
Took ritalin as study aid a few times.

It made studying dry math/econ VERY fun for about 5-6 hours.

Clears your mind, makes you retain and understand information faster, and also makes you recall it better during a test.


He explains the proper way to do it for studying ^

>> No.5595638


I think those cons only happen if you take it daily as a treatment for ADHD, not as a study aid.

You weren't taking it "properly". read the guide I just posted

>> No.5595661
File: 42 KB, 625x351, 1361124872153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditation has nothing to do with spirituality
you fucking retard

>> No.5595663


neither of those guys "even science"

>> No.5595667


Yes, because they are not a highly paid RA at a an almost prestigious institution like you.

>> No.5595669

Meditation is by defintion a spiritual exercise. Please keep spiritualism in >>>/x/

>> No.5595673


You excel in being objectively, verifiably wrong.
Keep up the good work.

>> No.5595675

Look up the definition and see why you're wrong.

>> No.5595687


Not in the mood for etymological sophistry... grew up around fundie Christians.

Go look at the Mayo Clinic page.

>> No.5595691

WTF are you talking about? What does mayonnaise have to do with this thread?

>> No.5595692


ba dum tiss