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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5594813 No.5594813 [Reply] [Original]

What is the differences and similarities between a drop of blood and a beam of light.

Before you get enraged and call me crazy, just think about it for a second.

This is a question I'm going to ask the students in my class to see what they come up with.

>> No.5594815

you are the worst teach in the world

>> No.5594817

You are the worst thinker in the world. Are you afraid to entertain the idea, or are you too stupid to come up with a comparison?

>> No.5594819

One is fucking blood, other is fucking particle

>> No.5594820

both are round and wet.

>> No.5594825

One can't go at the speed of light, the other can only go at the speed of light, yet both will be captured by a black hole.

>> No.5594828

What are the differences and similarities between a raven and a writing-desk?

>> No.5594829

My class is a group of the best minds in the world. They'll come up with great conclusions. I thought /sci/ was supposed to be of super hero proportions. You can do better than this.

>> No.5594833

Stop denying the questions and think about it. Give me an answer.

>> No.5594837



>> No.5594843

Too dumb to think? You are no scientist.

>> No.5594844

this is why anything but self-teaching is a waste of time. People call themselves teachers and think that gives them the privilege to talk about all the stupid shit that goes through their mind instead of actually teaching the material.

>> No.5594846

This is a cop out to ignore thought process. Thinking outside of the box has brought us all of the greatest scientific discoveries throughout history.

>> No.5594849

We all know this guy is a joke. We're just having our fun with him, and going to insult his retarded method, when he actually gets to explain the difference between drop of blood and beam of light

>> No.5594852

Is your class by chance a philosophy class? Are you looking for good comparisons because you don't have any yourself? Looking for a "gotcha!" answer?

They both exist, or do they

>> No.5594853

You call me a joke, yet you have not even tried to come up with a result. You are weak minded.

>> No.5594854

What are they, Sherlock?

>> No.5594859

Lots of people willing to mock, yet none smart enough to answer the question intelligently.

>> No.5594862

There are tons of differences. Your question is borderline retarded

>> No.5594863

Said the person who can't answer the question. Its ok if you don't know, but don't pretend you could answer the question by mocking me. I can see right through you.

>> No.5594864


Both are important to life? What's the significance of it being a drop of blood, and not just the circulatory system, and a beam of life as opposed to the sun?

>> No.5594869

There are already at least two correct answers in this thread

>captcha: seventh canzer

>> No.5594870

Your Wisdom is ill-suited for /sci/; proceed immediately to >>>/lounge/

>> No.5594871

> there are actually tons of differences
> hurrr you cant answer the question coz u dont kno
It's obvious you're a kid who though to find a similarity between a drop of blood and a beam of light, and since you're afraid that people are going to call you retarded when you state it, you expect someone to say it for you for confirmation. I know this because nobody can be deluded enough to be this retarded and call themselves a 'teacher'

>> No.5594873

what the hell ?

>> No.5594874

Said the person who is too afraid to think. You cannot answer the question so you mock me.

/sci/ is not as smart as I was led to believe.

>> No.5594876

No, the answers are not correct. If they had been correct, they would have lead the answerers to the deep conclusion.

>> No.5594881

And with that post you finally entered the realm of /x/

>> No.5594883

This is a board of science not retarded puzzles and trivias. If you have something science related to say, say it. Otherwise you are officially shitposting.

>> No.5594885

Way to bump a five year old thread.

>> No.5594887

The answers are not correct because no answers have been given.

All that has gone on here is people mocking me because they are too stupid to think and answer the question intelligently.

If you're not going to give this any thought, you should not post at all.

>> No.5594888


>> No.5594890

tu viens choper des idées pour ton tipe? C'est mignon!

>> No.5594893

>One can't go at the speed of light, the other can only go at the speed of light, yet both will be captured by a black hole.
>Both are important to life?
Then explain how these are not valid answers to this question:

>What is the differences and similarities between a drop of blood and a beam of light.

>> No.5594895


I don't agree with the question because it seems like an illogical question, but I'm not going to ignore it because it might actually lead to something worthy in the community

>> No.5594894


>> No.5594898


>> No.5594899


A beam of light it's made by photons which are bosons, thus it has no mass, only energy.

A drop of blood is made by particles with a mass.

They both exist in the world we live.

>> No.5594902

Again, all people seem to be doing is giving me reasons why they hate the question, instead of thinking about it and giving an intelligent answer to it.

Lots of dummies here and not a single thinker to be found.

>> No.5594906 [DELETED] 
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Yep. Now officially shitposting

>> No.5594909

Yep. Officially too stupid to think outside of the box.

>> No.5594913

Is that even a rational thought?

>> No.5594911

Both answer the original guestion
Both answer the added requirement of "deep conclusions"

>hur durr heres a guestion
>hur durr these are not valid because they are not the answer i though about
Your answer is just a cop out to ignore thought process. Are you afraid to entertain the idea, or are you too stupid to come up with a comparison?

>> No.5594914

are you fucking retarded? some bosons do have mass you idiot.

>> No.5594917
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You got answers and ignored them or called them incorrect with no reason.

You are just being arrogant.

>> No.5594919

And you are too stupid to come up with an answer. Instead you post pictures.

>> No.5594920

As a P-zombie, you lack Wisdom. You cannot understand the depth that is >>>/lounge/

>> No.5594923

My class is going to come up with revolutionary conclusions to this question. All of you are going to come up with new ways to mock people. You are not worthy of the scientific community.

>> No.5594921

Why would anyone give more answers when you ignore the ones that are already posted? Are you too stupid to see why those are correct?

>> No.5594925


How old are you? You seem just an immature edgy teen.

Behave yourself.


Sorry I just wake up, I made a mistake. (I'm not particle physics student by the way)

>> No.5594926

>ask guestion
>ignore answers
>i guess no one can answer

>> No.5594928 [DELETED] 

> Doesn't even know elementary particles
> Tries to come up with intelligent questions
This is embarrassing

>> No.5594929

How can a boson have mass when a boson is an elementary particle that gives mass to other elementary particles?

>> No.5594931

I am 58 years old, from India, and have been teaching at Harvard for the past 20+ years.

>> No.5594933

Do you have a daughter? Can I fuck her?

>> No.5594934

Do not delete your posts.

This is what was said and deleted

> Doesn't even know elementary particles
> Tries to come up with intelligent questions
This is embarrassing

>> No.5594935


I'm not lying, I live in Europe.


Good for you. Why are you wasting your time flaming on 4chan?

>> No.5594936

Hey, I study in Harvard. What stem are you in ?

>> No.5594938

if you project them both in a small enough hole, diffraction cannot be ignored anymore;
they can both exert pressure;
you can find a state equation in some cases for light, etc etc

>> No.5594937

I am not "flaming" I am testing the knowledge of the people I was told were "super human" when it come to science.

>> No.5594941

Who the fuck told you something that moronic.

>> No.5594942


Told by who?

This seems pretty unlikely.

>> No.5594945

Finally an conclusion that is worthy. You would do well in my class. If you are already not pursuing a career in science you should be.

>> No.5594948

These are not tests of Knowledge. These are tests of Wisdom. They belong on >>>/lounge/ which is the Wisest board.

>> No.5594949

Told by my students who sometimes frequent this website.

>> No.5594947

Hey, which stem are you in ?

>> No.5594952

Only further proving your students are utter fucking dipshits, then.

>> No.5594955

My student are some of the smartest people who have ever lived. To be in my class means that you will definitively have a well paid career. All of my students have gone on to great things. I take pride in my work and the results.

>> No.5594958

And yet they apparently look up to /sci/.

>> No.5594960

Sorry, as this is a science board you will have to provide evidence backing that claim. We already have strong evidence for the proposition that your students are utter dipshits.

>> No.5594961

>implying coloration between "smartest people" and "well paid career"

>> No.5594957

Very few of you here have any grasp on the question so you all just mock to pretend you know what you are talking about.

>> No.5594962

I do not look up to you. I was told this place had smart people, so I decided to test this. For the most part you have all failed as you cannot even entertain the question and come to ant conclusion at all. You have proven yourselves to be stupid when it comes to science.

>> No.5594963

Yes, that coloration is Asian.

>> No.5594968

thank you sir; I am indeed already pursuing such a career!

other similarities:
you could describe the "flow" of both by using potentials when possible.
In fact, EM and fluid mechanics are almost the same; vorticity, potential flows, wave propagation...

>> No.5594965
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I hope you will grow up and become a professor like your edgy Indian character (well... not EXACTLY like him).

Goodbye anon.

>> No.5594966

OP here, you've all been made the victims of a master ruseman.

>> No.5594969

> My student are some of the smartest people who have ever lived
Please ban this retarded troll already

>> No.5594971

>implying mods

>> No.5594974

Thank goodness. You will have a very bright career. I wish you the best in your future.

>> No.5594979

Oh, we all know this thread will disappear about six hours from now when a mod gets bored of arguing which firearm is better and decides to check the report queue.

>> No.5594981

Mock that which you do not understand. You will get nowhere with this thought process. You will not change the future.

>> No.5594996

and thinking up riddles/ answers to riddles will?

well i can do sudukos in under a minute. im going to change the world with that power.

>> No.5594998

You're right, you will not change the world. Instead of answering the question you have decided to find a way to avoid it.

>> No.5595000

This is not a riddle, it is a question of science.

>> No.5595001

>You're right, you will not change the world.
you cant even read and you are going to change the world? wow.

>> No.5595004 [DELETED] 

Again, you are thinking of way of avoiding the question instead of coming up with an answer. Your mind is weak. Impress me by answering the question, not by coming up with new ways to avoid the questions. Are remind me a third grader.

>> No.5595007

Again, you are thinking of way of avoiding the question instead of coming up with an answer. Your mind is weak. Impress me by answering the question, not by coming up with new ways to avoid the questions. You remind me a third grader.

>> No.5595009

What are the differences between a teacher who is only looking for answers that relate to his course material and a teacher that is considerate of all possible solutions?

>> No.5595011

i already fucking answered it, and you are avoiding admitting you cant read.

>> No.5595014

You answered no such question. There has only been one person here who has given an intelligent answer at all. The rest have given nothing but nonsensical answers worthy of a student who is put in the corner with a dunce cap.

>> No.5595022

Holy shit this person is actually retarded.
State it very plainly what you fucking want.
Because we're provided lots of answers just not the one that YOU want

>> No.5595029

I asked the question, if you do not understand that is fine. You can get yourself a job flipping hamburgers at your local fast food establishment. There has only been 1 person here who has given me an intelligent answer. I commend that person and if I actually knew who they were I would give them access to full scholarship. The rest of the answers are uneducated nonsense.

You're mad because you do not have any conclusions to the question.

>> No.5595033

I hear that person is a tripfag that came back recently, but he won't disclose his identity whatsoever.

>> No.5595035 [DELETED] 

This person is the only one who actually understand science. The rest of you are "wannabe" scientists.

>> No.5595036

This person is the only one who actually understands science. The rest of you are "wannabe" scientists.

>> No.5595040

They both support life

But blood requires life to exist in the first place

>> No.5595043

You are on the right track. Can you explain any further than that?

>> No.5595044
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The answer is correct yet it didn't lead to a deeper conclusion. Gene Ray is that you?

>> No.5595048

Blood is composed of the statistical interactions of particles composed of particles held together by guage bosons.

Light is photons, which are guage bosons.

Also, whatever philosophical bullshit you're looking for, including but not limited to "both are the building blocks of complex systems man, like one of them is the universe and one of them is, like us... whoa..."

>> No.5595055

To not know that thought and science are one in the same is denying yourself of coming up with the greatest discoveries. You must learn to think outside of the box. The science books are not religion or set in stone. What we know changes every single day.

>> No.5595072

A drop of blood has mass
A beam of light doesn't

A beam of light is just energy, a drop of blood is fundamentally more complex and evolving continuously

You can see a drop of blood, you can only see what a beam of light hits, not the actual beam of light

You can hear and feel and smell blood, but you can't do this with light.

The nature of blood is more grounded in everyone's personal reality than the nature of blood.

I dunno. What are your parameters for relevance and importance? You can't really relate all the differences down to just one aspect of both concepts, so unless you plan to lead me onto a path of relevance, then I don't see how asking this question helps anyone.

>> No.5595077

Hear here.

>> No.5595080

Fantastic speech, totally meaningless at this point in conversation. Philosophy is conjecture. It is an aspect of science. Science can't do without that aspect, but it also has several other aspects you don't seem to consider.

>> No.5595082

>*than the nature of light

Apologies about that.

>> No.5595083

I think his goal is to have us see past the ordinary and fundamental, to find complex patterns and relationships. Which is probably indeed a good way to discover new interesting truths.

>> No.5595086

Well, I did kinda try that in post. See the comment on the nature of blood

That was about the only conclusion to garner there without delving into quantum mechanics IMO

I mean, I suppose you could posit that light plays some role in defining how we view the nature of blood, but it would be a flawed argument at best because there isn't a surefire method of comparing how two people see the same colour; my red could be your blue etc etc.

Setting it's physical properties aside, blood is the stuff inside us and as far as we know, it keeps us alive. How our concept of light could chang ehtat definition, I'm not sure.

>> No.5595101
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I don't say that to be edgy, but /sci/ sucks at science.
I mean, people on 4chan are smarter than average (except for /b/), but rarely educated.
We're too chaotic, lazy, nihilist and socially anxious for university.
Many of us stopped after high school or dropped out.
Not because we couldn't do it. We are capable.
But because we were unfit for society.
Unfit for a normal life. Too nerdy.
Just full of autism.

inb4 I'm projecting
It's my personal case but I know this is common on this website.

OP just got trolled if he's not a troll himself.

>> No.5595102
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>> No.5595106

confirmed for loser

>> No.5595113

But not all out of the box thinking is valuable.
Basic logic.
Thinking outside the box for the sake of thinking outside the box isn't very useful. There's no problem you're trying to solve here, it's just a pseudo-intellectual circle-jerk.

>> No.5595122

Well a beam of light and a drop of blood are both fundamental to their given macro-system.
Say for example that a drop of blood is the most natural way for blood to form a given uniform sphere, the ray of light is the most natural uniform existence of light.
Their differences come in two main categories, trivial and non-trivial. Trivial differences are "One is a fundamental particle and one is a mixture of plasma and red blood cells and so on".
Nontrivial differences are those like "The interaction of two blood drops ALWAYS causes a larger blood drop, where as interaction of light beams (if coherent) will cause a new light beam to be produces depending on the twos frequency and phase."

>> No.5595127

Beams of light are composed of photons
Drops of blood are composed of atoms

>> No.5595130
File: 53 KB, 300x300, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5595137

> the ray of light is the most natural uniform existence of light.

>> No.5595140

they both change under certain circumstances?

>> No.5595141

Well, in their given macro-state.
As a collection of photons in a single system, it is most natural for them to move as a beam of light.

>> No.5595149


A 'beam' of light does not actually exist.

>> No.5595150

I can see and observe the change in temperature, the change in coloration and saturation, and other details on an area where light from the sun has entered.
I call this light a beam of light, because it only interacts with points that it interacts with.

>> No.5595153

They do but it's not really a natural state
It's just a coincidence if different photons share same source and same direction
I'd say the natural state is a bunch of photons with random directions, which would look like a fog of light.

You could say that, like for blood, particles in a beam are born from a common creator

>> No.5595154

photons don't collect together into beams, having something make a beam of photons makes a beam. its like saying a cube of blood is the most natural because you can but it in a cubic container

>> No.5595158

>I call this light a beam of light, because it only interacts with points that it interacts with.
the first rule of the tautology club is the first rule of the tautology club.

>> No.5595159

Yes, the photons dont, but if they come from a common source they will appear as though they do.

>> No.5595166

>see a beam
>see you beam
>Pinkie Pie - Smile Song

subtle. but:

>> No.5595169

so your answer was that a beam of light is the most natural form of a beam of light? dumbass.

>> No.5595170

What idea? It's a pretty wishy washy question, that response was to be fully expected from /sci/. I dunno, you need to explain what you mean a bit more... you talking about the wave-particle nature of light? And what' the significance of blood?

>> No.5595287

Judging from the only post he's liked, he wants us to say something about how both behave like waves.

>> No.5595654

They both feature in the question

>> No.5595780

Then why use a drop of blood? Maybe a tube of blood or a blood vessel full of blood. But even then it's completely dependent on the organism.

>> No.5595784


1. blood is made from fermions, while light is made from bosons

2. both have an associated wavelength and particle

3. a drop of blood can dissociate, just like light
4. blood can emit light, but light can't emit blood

>> No.5595800
File: 32 KB, 252x239, 2965726452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the differences and similarities between X and Y?
Y looks like X, but not as much as X.

>> No.5595813

Blood is a non-newtonian liquid used for metabolism by some animals, light is electromagnetic waves all over the universe.

They have no relevant similarties, apart from "hurr durr humans need both". Nobody is gonna call you crazy, you are just stupid.

Pedagogues to

>> No.5595818

>the first rule of the tautology club is the first rule of the tautology club


>> No.5595828

lol, you just found xkcd funny!

>> No.5595829

>EM and fluid are almost the same
Everything is in the almost, I guess. Will you bring the problem of solving non-linear fluid equations such as Navier-Stokes to your students ? Do you consider the non-linearity of void for EM signals at very high frequency to be comparable in some way to fluid viscosity ?

>> No.5596280

Neither is a brick

>> No.5596324

If you're seriously a teacher, you need to be fired fucking immediately.

>> No.5596444

Blood was created by God.
Light was created by God.

Did I do gud?

>> No.5596591

you did god

>> No.5596601

Abandon the thread and let it fucking burn.

If you are a teacher, you deserve to be fired, and most likely will if you keep this bullshit up.

>> No.5596613

both can exist in our universe
neither one is a basketball
neither one is a clown
neither one as a fire-hydrant
neither one is a potato
neither one is a juice
&c. ...

>> No.5596616

in terms of composition, both are entities in our universe composed of elementary particles interacting with one another.

differences: composition: the elementary particles of which they are composed'. behavior: one behaves as a material fluid while the other can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties, and one travels at the limiting speed of information transfer in our universe while the other travels below that.

>> No.5596626

similar: in that they both are parts of entities necessary for human existance, but individually negligible.

different: in that blood is an organic compound, and light is arguably the initiator of all life. Father and son.

>> No.5596628

we had similar ideas at the same time!

>> No.5596635

Indian women have really smelly cunts

>> No.5596642

its true

>> No.5596658
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>making high IQ people believe he's a 58yo indian teacher from Harvard
OP confirmed for master ruseman

>> No.5596680

>137 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Holy fucking shit, /sci/.

>> No.5596681

Light can dissociate blood.
IR radiation is heat, heat keeps us alive from the outside, blood from the inside.

>> No.5596691

We are going to have to move this thread to /x/, because OP is a master ruseman and an a mystic.

>> No.5596707

>bumps the thread to tell everyone to quit feeding the troll

>> No.5596748


Similarities: You can describe both using wave mechanics.

>> No.5596772


>> No.5596781

Ohhhhh I like you. Still a shit thread though.

>> No.5596806

>bumps the thread to tell everyone to quit feeding the FUCKING troll

>> No.5596975

>because OP is a master ruseman and an a mystic
>master ruseman and an a mystic
>and an a

>> No.5596986

both were created by god

>> No.5597003

What is the differences and similarities between OP and a faggot.

Before you get enraged and call me crazy, just think about it for a second.

This is a question I'm going to ask the students in my class to see what they come up with.

>> No.5597278

They are both have a particle/wave duality, as all matter in the universe does.

>> No.5597350

Subtle homework thread?

>They are both affected by gravity
>They both seem to be quanta but they can actually be broken down into more fundamental things, i.e. a "beam of light" though seemingly very basic, can be broken down into photons, and a "drop of blood" can be broken down into molecules of different things
>They both supply things to the human body that are necessary for its survival - a beam of light transports visual information that a human needs to provide for itself and interact with the world, blood transports energy to cells that sustains them. They are both generally important to the life of many living things.
>they are both examples of the English possessive: Drop OF blood, beam OF light
>They both can be recorded as continuous data, i.e. a "drop of blood" can have a mass ranging anywhere from very little to very big and anything in between, and a beam of light can have a very low intensity or a very high intensity and anything in between.
>Just like certain kinds of blood can not be interpreted by the human body, i.e. a guy with A-positive blood cannot accept B-negative, certain kinds of light, i.e. those wavelengths that are not in the visible spectrum, are not interpreted by the human eye/brain.

>> No.5597355

Ahh I had a lecturer go on about this technique, its supposed to encourage original thinking about a problem.

It was pants on head retarded when he tried it on us too. You are a toolbox, stop regurgitating what some asshole made up in desperation because he needed to submit a paper to maintain his position. Sometimes textbooks are full of shit.

>> No.5597357
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>bumping to answer a homework thread

>> No.5597360


anti-sage :^)