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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 460x650, fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5589111 No.5589111 [Reply] [Original]

Is this real?

>> No.5589140


>> No.5589169

And how the fuck do you take it out ? I wouldn't want to clean all the small pieces of jel from my food.

>> No.5589171

looks pretty gay to me

it looks cool now, but not when you cat jumps into it and drowns

>> No.5589181

So it's actually just a fantasy concept, by an artist with no concept of physics.

>> No.5589185

>honey whats for dinner
>slimy cat again?

>> No.5589202

I'm sure it's not totally impossible, given the right material.

>> No.5589213

It not impossible to build a cold goo shelf, but his idea that it would take no energy to run (which is the reason for it being made of jelly) is based on absurd pseudoscience.

>> No.5589223


Get the fuck out of here you ignorant piece of shit

>> No.5589229

this is pretty much like keeping your fridge door open all the time

>> No.5589262

I'm not sure why but this post made me laugh really hard

>> No.5589329


>> No.5589389

Probably a concept, I can't imagine any advantage this would have over a normal fridge.

>> No.5589398

I'm not going to lie.
I want to put my dick in it.

>> No.5589421

Shit mang that thing as a bed after a solid day at /fit/

The feels

>> No.5589423

People love to buy useless crap as long as it looks cool.

The iFridge: starting at $2,999

>> No.5589469


Dude, stop being so autistic. You're the kind of idiot who sees a children's book on the Three Little Pigs and goes into a rant about how we should be teaching children relativity and making them do complex titration instead of playing with legos.

Can you prove that there could never be a material that basically acts as a heat sink to whatever it touches? Go ahead, show me some equations. I'll wait for your superior scientific mind that can't handle a simple future concept.

>> No.5589485

No that guy, but if you think it's possible for ANY kind of refrigerator to maintain a temperature lower that ambient without the use of ANY energy, you're fucking retarded.

>stop being so autistic
First and last defense of 4chan morons

>> No.5589495


>non serious artists concept

I remember when I grew out of my superiority complex.

>> No.5589506

Jesus fuck, dude. Calm down. OP asked if it was real. The guy responded that no it was not real and the idea was dumb in the first place.

Why are you so butthurt that someone pointed out that it was a bad idea?

>> No.5589513
File: 71 KB, 720x720, 1323942063300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it was his idea

>> No.5589522
File: 763 KB, 450x255, 1356420603135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last I truly see

>> No.5589537


I'm not butthurt. Note that I wasn't the first person to say something about it. It was the guy I originally replied to who over-reacted by declaring something harmless as pseudoscience. I mean do you guys do the same thing when you see a movie?

>> No.5589549

>coolest fridge

>I see what you did there

>> No.5589595
File: 2 KB, 121x126, 1284231605037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yes

>> No.5589638
File: 9 KB, 160x225, se123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5589664

And speaking of, if you saw Prometheus, were you as pissed off as I was about how it represented EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIST?
Geologist. His point is to study rocks and map things with is cool ass floaty mapping balls. And what does he fucking say?
>These rocks all look the same to me.
Biologist. His point is to be there in case, you know, FUCKING LIFE. And what does he do?
>Run away the minute he sees a dead alien body.
>Approach a clearly violent alien organism to try to pet it.
Not to mention our archaeologists, who, when pushed for proof that their findings are indeed an invitation and not a map to a death trap have this to say:
>Hurr durr, faith tells me that they were inviting us.

0/10 scientist representation
decent/10 if I can manage to forget all of that.

>> No.5589700
File: 4 KB, 140x134, 1323683335943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Prometheus pissed me off without end.
Although it was .. impressively pretty.
But that's all it is today with movies. It's just got to look pretty and everyone ignores the ass retarded plot/characters.
What the fuck

>> No.5589703

are you mad because he's insulting gay people or refrigerators?

>> No.5589709

na, it was just an absurd claim to make based upon nothing for no reason whatsoever. Why say it requires zero energy, but provides useful energy? Why not just... not say that? It's a cooled gel that requires low energy just wasn't acceptable apparently.

During a movie when they do something like have anti-gravity it may be difficult to believe but it may be possible some time in the distant future to have such a thing be realized. We do know that a zero energy system providing useful energy (like perpetual motion machines) are not going to be possible ever. The gentleman you were quoting was trying to point this out.

You are a child or a troll

>> No.5589717

Seriously, the most decent high-attention higher-budget film involving science that I have ever seen was Contagion, followed closely by GATTACA (if we assume that people forget what "probability" actually means.)
As fun as things like "Jurassic Park" or "Splice" may be to watch they leave some serious gaping holes if you know even a droplet of basic-science-referenced-in-the-movie.

>> No.5589719

how would you clean the gel out of all the dirt, dead skin, hair, debris from the hands going in and out all the time.

after a while it'd get nasty with the same gel.

>> No.5589727


how bout you just don't get one if you have cats nigger

>> No.5589730
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1310721005378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a movie take a complete sharp 180 turn as I have in Splice.
Although, I thought Contagion was alright, not amazing, but alright. Mostly because it was a change in the usual movie theme.
What was so bad about it?

>> No.5589735
File: 656 KB, 232x203, 1328321853696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, nevermind. I thought you were saying Contagion was bad. In that case I completely agree with you.

>> No.5589794


Thanks for figuring that out. Contagion is AWESOME. If you haven't already, I suggest you watch GATTACA.

I was mad about Splice just from watching the previews. So I sat myself down one day and made myself watch it, just to be sure. And my god. I don't even know where to start. The entire thing was basically a giant misinformation anti-genetically modified foods propoganda piece.

>> No.5590074
File: 51 KB, 468x374, Cannes170507_468x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dat Jude Law

>> No.5590103

It frustrates me too.

I don't want to harp on and on about it, but really, it is because of the anti-intellectual culture that pervades the US.

When people are uneducated they like their movies to be so as well.

Such a shame that my entire family are the kind of people that say I'M the mean one for pointing out plotholes in movies. That "I" ruin them.

>> No.5590201

Yes, a million times yes!

>> No.5590210

It's not real op.
The gel would fall because of gravity.

>> No.5590212

It was a bad movie, but still better than Avatar.

>> No.5590251

>I am in highschool

>> No.5590258

dS = dQ/T

>> No.5590280

Yes. There will never be a material that acts as that article suggests

>> No.5590414

I liked avatar ;_;, sure the plot was weak, but at least it tried to be more scientifically plausible than most sci-fi movies. Yea the connecting to a new body thing was dumb (and the unobtanium), but the biological backstory of the planet was pretty cool, especially the neuroscience part; the trees having neurons was a pretty unique (and imho) great idea.

>> No.5590446

awww man this sexy hivemind
also wtf a 10000 year old head, she can use electricity to animate it, Idc if it was in a helmet it woulda decomposed or at the very least hardened from water loss. And the whole premise behind it was some kind of touchy feely hurr durr I believe and I dont need to jstify it, and the plot holes were massive, how the fuck did the first alien get to earth, why would those aliens need to create some kind of parasite to kill all humans, they could just fucking destroy it like alderaan.

>> No.5590449

No this pretty much applies to every age I have colleges with iShit for the looks.

>> No.5590451

> ;_;
get the fuck out of here you pathetic middle schooler

>> No.5590456

Seconded, when someone almalgamates other peoples' good ideas into a film doesnt make it any good. Also unobtainium is a joke, there is no reason for it to be called that.

>> No.5590462
File: 23 KB, 204x222, 1362086967716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of my entropy!!!

>> No.5590487

and then, all of you thermo-guys realize that energy is neither conserved on a quantum scale, nor on locally curved spacetime. but YEAH laws of thermodynamics are absolute. they have been proofed 100 times (no they have not.)

>> No.5590496

yes they have? the second law is mathematically proven! and math never lies.

>> No.5590502

the third law (there is no absolute zero) can also be proven. dS = dQ/T
try to plug in 0 in a denominator

>> No.5590506

did you guys even bother to read the article?


"Although this sounds super techy and fun, Dmitriev doesn’t really explain how it’s going to work, so we’re a little skeptical of the Bio Robot Refrigerator becoming a reality someday."

It doesn't take "NO ENERGY" to run. It's nanorobots (or biorobots or whatever popscience wants to call it) that use some form of environmental energy.

I don't think the dude knows how it will work. So no it's not real. But on the other hand his idea doesn't really defy basic physics.

Also this is popscience. When they say it "doesn't need energy" they really mean "it doesn't increase your electrical bill" or "you don't need to plug it in" or "it runs via USB".

>> No.5590508

>I don't see a problem with, "This weird-ass future fridge will be good because it's powered with a perpetual motion machine."

>> No.5590515

The point is that it's a dumb idea. There's no reason for the fridge to be a blob of jelly, other than a vague claim that somehow this will make it operate without power.

Yet the control system needs power, because it's not jelly.

This has nothing to do with futurism or science, it's pure fantasy from an artist who has no scientific knowledge.

>> No.5590526

>Getting this mad over... a fridge
Oh /sci/, never change.

>> No.5590538

simply false, 2nd law is purely experimental.
done through quantum mechanics, which is both axiomatic and experimental.

NOTHING in physics is proven. its a science, not a logical language.

>> No.5590543 [DELETED] 

slutty tit shit my balls feel like i justgot hit by a majic wand that shits buckshot.

>> No.5590564

I like how no one has asked this, wouldn't the gel get dirty?

>> No.5590571

...my god! Troll science has evolved

>> No.5590581

Except it's proposed (we are talking about the concept since that's what the machine is) features are leaps and bounds over refrigeration today.
>90% of machine for storage
>way less energy consumption
>cold is bad for food
Sure there are problems, but you can't just write it off as having no advantages and say it'd only be bought for fashion

>> No.5590608

its just gel, when it gets too dirty you just mix up a new batch and pour it in.

>> No.5590609

The problem is the concept is physically impossible because it is based on no understanding at all of the laws of physics, and any real-world attempt to create such a device would not be like the concept because it would be bound by the laws of physics, so it'd end up being less efficient than a regular fridge with a door and only be bought by people who think it looks cool.

>> No.5590611

>only be bought by people who think it looks cool
Yeah, if people thought like that I bet Apple would be the largest computer company in the world

>> No.5590623

Also no air -> no, or much less, oxidation

>> No.5590633

i bet it'd feel real good to stick your dick in though

>> No.5592190

looks like alien tech to me
don't listen to the grays