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5576318 No.5576318 [Reply] [Original]


>The first bionic hand that allows an amputee to feel what they are touching will be transplanted later this year in a pioneering operation that could introduce a new generation of artificial limbs with sensory perception.

fuck yeah one step closer to becoming the human cyborg master race

>> No.5576339
File: 48 KB, 400x221, medium_ShellManga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else noticed that the most likely sci-fi future we're barreling towards is Ghost in the Shell?

>> No.5576345

Maybe after we nuke our atmosphere to the point the surface is no longer livable, we could move our corporeal bodies into some kind of containment/life-support thing, and run around on the surface remotely through robo-bodies.

You know it's probably not actually that far from reality.

>> No.5576348

Oh gods, that's kind of the plot for one of those horrible "female bodies used as furniture or machines"-mangas.

>> No.5576350
File: 17 KB, 300x228, tumblr_mewgwmZXcP1r5mzd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5576357

>Maybe after we nuke our atmosphere to the point the surface is no longer livable

You realize that isn't really possible with current stockpiles, right? There are other environmental problems you should be much more worried about instead.

>> No.5576361

Why don't they put more fingers on those?

And more articulations, so it can bend in many more possible ways.

>> No.5576364

I used the word nuke in a joking manner, I was referring to the environmental beating we are giving it right now that is currently destroying our planet.

>> No.5576375

lol actually believing that global warming is caused by humans and not volcanoes, back to rebbit with you.
Either way I would be okay with this.

>> No.5576378
File: 33 KB, 717x549, volcanoes_el_nino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. And as you can see from the pic, it's not El Nino either.

Sage for climate denialism.

>> No.5576388

>still think global warming is a problem

Yeah, no.

>> No.5576395
File: 381 KB, 940x3963, global_warming_my_feet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet no new evidence to the contrary has been found.

All the evidence points to the fact that the climate is changing and that the Earth will become at least two kelvins warmer on average, maybe more.

Furthermore, the evidence also shows that the climate change is almost solely caused by humans.

And lastly, the evidence also shows that it's not gonna be "warmer is good and profitable", but instead will cost everyone a huge amount of money.

Sage again for a climate denialist repeating the same stuff that has been proven wrong time and again.

>> No.5576411

Stop announcing it like it's some kind of down vote.

>> No.5576414

So if "Them CO2s poisoning the atmosphere!" what are we supposed to do about it? Plant more trees?

>> No.5576451

install gentoo

>> No.5576456

Global Warming is a stupid name for it, but the principle is real. It should have been called Global Rapid Climate Change and Extreme Temperature Differences.

>> No.5576490

Oh look, more transhumanists will now want to become amputees with prosthetic hands.

I, for one, look forward to seeing when they will get their prosthetic brains!

>> No.5576519

>, I was referring to the environmental beating we are giving it right now that is currently destroying our planet.
This is what environmentalists actually belive.

Yes, they are that retarded.

>> No.5576538

You look forward to when literally everyone's outiving you and experiencing reality in ways incomprehensible to you? I guess some people just love being the losers of society.

>> No.5576551

How about not building that coal-fired plant, but a nuclear one instead?
How about not starting that gas-guzzler, but going by bus, or a hybrid, or an electric car instead?

It's hard, but not THAT hard.

>> No.5576665

>going on 4chan
>affording hybrid cars

pick one

>> No.5576727

I'm on 4chan and I own an '07 Prius. I don't care about the environment, I just commute and correctly predicted (6 years ago) that gasoline would rise to the point where it would be cheaper to own the hybrid over the life of the car than to purchase a cheaper vehicle and pay for more gas.

>> No.5576733

>use a hybrid or electric car
>with todays technology

>> No.5576738

Its always cheaper to own the car with lower mpg in the same price range over a 20 yr span

>> No.5576746

Not mathematically, no.

>> No.5576759

depends on how much you drive
5 less miles per gallon is a 10-20 dollar difference

>> No.5576761

100 refills and thats about 1k

>> No.5576764

>currently destroying our planet
We know that the current acceleration of warming is caused by humans but it is not destroying the planet. During the Cretaceous there was an inland sea across what would become the north American continent and there were no ice caps at all.

>> No.5576782

It also depends on the cost of the maintenance cycles of both vehicles.

However, consider two cars, both 10 gallon gas tanks (same class of vehicle), 40mpg for the hybrid, 20mpg for the non-hybrid. The 20mpg refills twice as often which means it pays twice as much for fuel. Once fuel reaches $3/gallon, this is a $30 difference per 400 miles. Over 100,000 miles, that's a $7,500 difference. Plus the lower mpg vehicle is putting twice as much wear and tear on their fuel system (and thus twice as much time maintaining it) and spending twice as much time refueling their vehicle.

In short, total cost of ownership is about a lot more than fuel efficiency, but it really does help a lot. Now if you're talking about a 10mpg SUV versus a 12mpg Hybrid SUV, yeah you're right. Those things are just stupid.

>> No.5576795

>inland sea across what would become the north American continent
I really wouldn't mind tons of rednecks drowning. That shit would be hilarious.

>> No.5576920
File: 418 KB, 538x957, 1362056096879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is possible for to learn to use those new responses. Whould work best for a child born without hands I guess.