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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 233x360, Oil-Pulling-250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5575135 No.5575135 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/.

My dentist told me I needed to brush my gums harder, so I brushed my gums harder, now I've destroyed my gums and may need to pay tens of thousands for tissue gaffs.

I don't know too much about dentistry or biology, but I thought it was really weird that gum tissue can't regrow the way a cut or broken bone heals up.

I googled and found some testimonies that swishing sesame seed oil in your mouth for twenty minutes a day would stimulate gum tissue to grow. It seamed plausible. I googled "oil pulling" and found all this crap about it curing acne, detoxifying, curing ulcers, increasing energy, curing the common cold. The standard set of claims made by quack medicine.

So is this treatment 100% bullshit? Will it do nothing for my gums? It could be like a lot of vitamin supplements that do have health benefits in certain situations but then alt-med takes the idea and claims it will cure everything and anything.

>> No.5575142 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 582x358, 13693458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dentist told me I needed to brush my gums harder
your dentist is a fucking retard
brush TEETH, yeh. but not even 'hard' a gentle masage just to remove all the shit stuck to them, without damaging them.
brushing your gums is retarded, that shit is delicate, brah!

>but I thought it was really weird that gum tissue can't regrow the way a cut or broken bone heals up.
gums can regrow
ever had a mouth ulcer? ever had it heal?
yeh, that shit fixes, same as most damage to the body.

>swishing sesame seed oil in your mouth for twenty minutes a day
sound retarded, i seriously doubt it would help
but then it sounds like due to your retardation, you've fucked over your dental health anyway.

you aught to have been more careful with 'em right from the start, moron

>> No.5575174

>being a dick for the sake of being a dick

>> No.5575181

My gums started bleeding when my dentist poked them with a scalpel a year ago. She said that was because I didn't brush them hard enough and if I didn't they would get infected and I'd lose my teeth. I got the stiffest toothbrush I could find and brushed them very hard four times a day. After a while they started hurting and looking bad. I figured what the dentist said was coming true so I needed to brush them even harder. I'm not usually this stupid.

>> No.5575202 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 468x354, 012774364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..so, let me get this straight
your gums were fine, and undamaged, and then this retard dentist goes poking around with sharp metal things in your mouth, and then obviously they bleed, because obviously that's what delicate gums do when you stab them like that (even healthy gums) and so you saw fit to take a course material and grate it across your delicate gums
>very hard, 4 times a day
slowly eroding them away, because that is what strong friction will do to any delicate material
...and then you wonder why they are so fucking damaged??

this is unbelievably retarded.
brush TEETH only, using a normal fucking toothpaste, and leave delicate gums the fuck alone!

the gums are the only fucking thing keeping your teeth in your stupid fucking mouth!

>they would get infected and I'd lose my teeth.
well they bloody will now!
whatever the fuck is left of them.

sounds to me like you're fucked

go get falseteeth if you aint a poorfag
other than that, enjoy drastically reduced quality of life, faggot

i aint being a dick
it aint my fault that OP's a retard who self-harmed due to his own idiocy

>> No.5575219

You're not even smart. Quit giving advice.

>> No.5575230 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 452x287, adSTFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh i fucking am.
if you dont like the advice, then go get fucked

good luck with the dentures, faggot

>> No.5575253

EK, I hate how smug and ugly you are. I genuinely thought you had died.

>> No.5575258 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 301x360, Eat-shit-and-die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck you too

saging this shit retarded thread anyway

>> No.5575269

go masturbate to the thought of having a meaningful relationship with a person you actually like.

>> No.5575287

I love you. Don't leave.

>> No.5575297

Stop speaking with tripfags which should be on your filter.

>> No.5575316 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do have meaningful relationships with people i actually like
fuck you, ya know-nothing prick!

>> No.5575358

but we're really good friends and I think I'm in love with him/her. (seriously though, it is just an ugly trap right?)


u wot m8, i'll knife ur fukin hed in ya cheeky cunt.