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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5548155 No.5548155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you also despise artistic or humanitarian people whos life goals are something, that in no way contribute to the advance of human race? Like people who earn a money doing shitty modern art because other stupid people pay for it. Or people who spend their life partying or doing anything for small social rewards.
I have no respect for people with goals outside to the subject of making life better. From building roads to designing buildings to researching materials, those are the jobs every male human should be occupied with.
Females who are not intrested should remain to to social servicing level and jobs, that would create the ultimate society.

>> No.5548159

Why should I give two shits about what other people do? I can't pay my rent with good intentions.

>> No.5548164

One must surely interact with other humans to achive higher productivity

>> No.5548177

You really need to look more at the cognitive benefits from art.
Well, you are not completely wrong, on these days the art is shitty and has not much of positive effects.

>> No.5548182

Was gonna say this exactly.
Art isn't bad per se but modern "painting", "music", etc. is fucking shit.
Every since we could take photographs, painters got mad because they couldn't get paid for painting portraits so they got their revenge by giving us abstract "art".

>> No.5548190

I do not despise them.
They can do whatever the fuck they wanna do.
As long as the aren't hurting anyone.

That's their freedom, and it's not my place or anyone else's to control it.

>> No.5548193

My thoughts are that you shouldn't be at university learning something, unless it's science related. maths, physics, chemistry, biology and engineering.
Everything else is just a waste of resources.

>> No.5548217

>they got their revenge by giving us abstract "art"
I LOL'd hard, really hard.

>> No.5548271


Become as learned and wise as Richard Feynman or any number of renowned scientists and maybe I'll consider your opinion valid, but right now I think it's retarded.

I don't know how I'd live my life without an 'art' such as music. I need music in my daily life to feel complete - it helps me unwind and relax, and it also helps me wonder. Scientists such as the aforementioned Feynman also enjoyed aspects of art very much (he himself enjoyed painting a great deal).

Your fucking superiority complex disgusts me. Let people do what they fucking want with their lives, and if it's a non-science related subject at least TRY to experience some notion of pleasure from what they do, from the works they produce. And if you can't... ignore them, let the people who CAN enjoy what they produce enjoy it and continue your life as you currently are doing (without acting like a complete wanker if you can manage to).

>> No.5548396

But for the sake of multiplying life quality in the future, wouldnt you say that bold steps need to be taken? Human race needs to revitalize natural selection or atleast eugenics if it doesnt want to control what the humans do past achiving self awareness (cant argue with humanist views)

>> No.5548406


just because you're too dumb to see natural selection in action doesn't mean it isn't at work.

and I might throw my two cents in the fray here:
I'm currently studying for my Licence (french equivalent to BSc, I think) in maths. In my spare time, I play bass guitar, make EDM, and do graffiti.

Art inspires science, science explains arts. You cannot have one without the other.

>> No.5548426
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>"Waste of resources"
>Implying you or anyone else should be allowed to dictate how private institutions spend the money they raise
>Implying authoritarian control of the education system is worthwhile, or conducive to this abstract notion of "life quality" you seem to have your dick in a knot for
>Implying, for that matter, that the quality of life improves in an intrinsically positive matter as more technology enters the scene; ignoring the dissociative effects of technology completely
>Implying your final thought "Human race needs to revitalize natural selection or atleast eugenics if it doesnt want to control what the humans do past achiving self awareness (cant argue with humanist views)" was in anyway coherent or incomplete
>Implying you'd even survive said natural selection

D-, see me after class

>> No.5548428

> that in no way contribute to the advance of human race
> making life better

Never really understood the regularity with which people from /sci/ spew these kinds of empty dogmas.

What the fuck are you, or anyone on /sci/ ever going to do to improve life?

Giving the unwashed masses better technology somehow improves life?

Better yet, why the fuck should you or anyone care about "advancing the human race"? There's absolutely nothing wrong with personal gain. These statements come across as incredibly naive at best, by any standard.

Yet they are omnipresent on these boards.

I seriously don't understand. You people are supposed to be intelligent and think for yourselves. Is it a US thing that they brainwash kids with shitty ideals?

>> No.5548465

It's something I noticed a lot in people who flourish in sciences of any kind. They have quite low empathy and sympathy for other people and think of themselves very highly. This of course doesn't hold true for everyone, but these kinds of people are drawn towards rational and logical occupations and ways of thinking.

>> No.5548467

>Implying you or anyone else should be allowed to dictate how private institutions spend the money they raise
Depends. I'm not sure if I want a private institution to spend its money on murdering people.

>> No.5548499

>you people are supposed to be intelligent as fuck
>standard quote of a /b/ users first time encounter here
and your arguments are generally self-conflicting
Why would anyone care about advancing the human race? Because there is nothing wrong with personal gain.
How is anyone in /sci/ ever going to improve life? By utilzing our already bigger knowledge to maximum and, indeed, by producing better technology it ofcourse improves life even if given to the masses. Also even the worst kinds of retards level rises when the technology around them rises aswell.

>> No.5548504

There's the same thread on /g/ too.

Just saying.

>> No.5548560

>Only likes people who contribute to human race
>Hates at the least a fair proportion of the human race
>Outdated long rebuked ideas of gender
Righto OP

>> No.5548573
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>> No.5548581


You know exactly what was meant by that, you insufferable pedant. Don't really visit /b/ because it's useless.

You shouldn't say "your arguments are generally X" if there are two fucking arguments in the entire post.

Disagree about the retard level part as well. The retard level distribution is much more even in so-called primitive societies, whereas I'd say that modern, Western society produces both the greatest specimens and the worst degenerates.

>> No.5548601
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Sure, personal gain is a good thing. Although, you won't be around very long compared to humanity in general. The purpose of life from a biological standpoint is essentially to reproduce and make sure your genes will prosper. So, advancing society should be a higher priority than personal joy.

Improving technology makes life better for everyone, including you. It lengthens lives and allows for more fulfilling lives.

>> No.5548607


> your genes
> society

Sorry, I don't see it.


>making life better for everyone

[citation needed]

>> No.5548663


Your genes referring to your children. Making things better for society makes things better for your children and their children.

Science makes life better for everyone by allowing them to live longer, and in a more friendly environment.

>> No.5548677
File: 35 KB, 287x367, mengele.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you also despise artistic or humanitarian people ...
>people who spend their life partying or doing anything for small social rewards
Yes. I call them 'biowaste' in the face if they're starting to push their shit about how important/difficult their 'job' is.

>> No.5548680
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>Science makes life better for everyone

>> No.5548687

mengele was a cool guy

>> No.5548682

Now you've crossed the line between edgy and farcical. Also fuck you for posting a gif and making me thing Mengele would suddenly start to move.

>> No.5548693


Fine, correction: Science makes life better for everyone, assuming stupid people and dicks don't ruin it for everyone.

>> No.5548698
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That I can agree with.

>> No.5548703

he looked like a mass murderer

>> No.5548718

OP I used to think the exact same thing. But then I learned that humanity isn't homogenous enough for these sorts of functional utopias and that to so much as engineer one would destroy what it means to be human, both good and bad.
We would never stop drawing the line otherwise. Today it's 'artists' or youtube channel stars. Tomorrow it would be people who couldn't pass some arbitrary mental test. You would limit humanities growth, progress and innovation purely for the sake of some perceived efficiency and at a cost we wouldn't comprehend.
You don't get innovation in a pre-made world.

>> No.5548731

>Implying you wouldn't be the same, given another circumstance of survival

Take yourself away from the cities, go into the wilderness. You're nothing special either in the eyes of nature, how long could you live?

>> No.5548736

>art and humanitarianism contribute nothing to humankind

>> No.5548783

define "better"
who the fuck cares

>> No.5548831

without the artistic folks behind Star Trek we wouldn't have the inspiration behind many inventions today. Fuck you, elitist.

>> No.5548842

that's bullshit, no inventor/designer/engineer cares about some predictable sci-fi "futurology"

>> No.5548847

I believe it was Einstein that mentioned that Imagination is more valuable than intelligence. Or words to that effect.

>> No.5548856
File: 43 KB, 500x400, hippie3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want to equalize people regardless of their intellect, knowledge and skills in front of Mother Nature?

>> No.5548890

Pretty stupid OP, why do scientific advancements really matter? You have to realise that life is COMPLETELY meaningless.

Do whatever the fuck you want, don't hurt anybody.

>> No.5548891

Hey, I'm not doing any equalizing here. Intellect, knowledge and skill are all subjective concepts and it could be argued indefinitely over which is the more important. But it's easier to note that there isn't a known type of intellect, knowledge or skill that would be worth throwing away.
Especially if your stable environment were to go tits up unexpectedly. Just how useful would A.I. programming be in a survival situation with no power infrastructure for example? Many would say it's useless, but it's just a matter of application.
and don't call me a hippy unless you're prepared to label Darwin as one too.

>> No.5548960

But why do you insist on this situation(s) in the first place? There's a very little possibility if any of sudden 'end of the world' with people living in wild forrests etc.
Yet still any IT specialist will be better then actor, artist or office worker. He understands math and abstract things better and will be able to perform at least basic calculations fast enough. Lets be honest, a lot of artists and the like don't know school math/physics/chemistry.

>> No.5548970

Human life and advancement is just about as significant as enjoyment of ones life. In your reality. Human advancement is everything that ever was because you don't think about life or the universe on a bigger scale than yourself and others near you. To be truly enlightened is to realize it doesn't matter, and if you don't want to advance humanity then that doesn't matter as well. Do what the fuck you want.

>> No.5548985

I think people should do whatever fulfills them personally so long as it is not a detriment to others personal fulfillment. I do not mean that just because someone is intelligent and motivated and inspired and created and lucky enough to be able to cure cancer (if they worked their life on it) that they should feel obligated to because anything less than that provides less of a quality of life for people other than themselves. I'm talking about things like, even if it would fulfill you to rape and kill people, you can't do that because it is detrimental to their fulfillment which requires that they not be raped and/or killed.

TLDR; People should do whatever makes them happy. People are not meant to be servants or worker bees for the rest of society just because they are gifted or privileged. People are meant to enjoy their life to the fullest.

>> No.5549055

And yet you insist that these IT specialists, with their grasp of 'abstract things' are inherently better? Based on what authority?
I don't believe you've interacted enough with people to draw any sort of warranted sense of superiority.

>> No.5549107

In the eyes of nature, many of us would be a formidable force. The knowledge of purifying and disinfecting food is a huge advantage. We can calculate the correct spot in which to strike a pool to hit a fish, we have advanced knowledge of tools.

>> No.5549114
File: 10 KB, 375x367, STAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op can't be wrong. Each time a powefull autocrat seized power, he always used it for the greater good and, most importantly, left a lasting golden age in the wake of his death. Especialy this is true when eugenics research is concearned.

>> No.5549119


>We can calculate the correct spot in which to strike a pool to hit a fish

That's wonderful, and when some guy comes up to you and tries to steal the fish off of you what then? You will try and reason with him?

>> No.5549130

Why would someone else be not in the city, exactly?

Why no, I'll stab him, possibly using medical knowledge to target arteries, using my tools.

>> No.5549132

TFW OP is Stalin

>> No.5549153

That would probably only happen after op is torn to shreds by a wild wolfpack, or some other apex predator, because he can't run, fight or track for shit.
Humans depend on each other. Thus everyone has to value interests of others, and that is true in primal and modern societies alike.

>> No.5549195

Yes, we already understand that you (or maybe your gf) is shit-tier useless crap.
What's all that nonesense about living not in the city?
Fine sirs already told you about math, physics and medical science (very sparse but still) if we somehow will be teleported to post-apocalyptic world. I'm an organic chemist doing drug design based on natural compounds. Where's your god now? Back to mcdonalds you go.

>> No.5549230

Ok but do you know how to start a fire?

I'm pretty sure knowing about math and science won't help you when you're innawoods trying to keep yourself warm with nothing but a handful of twigs and subzero temperatures.

>> No.5549265



>> No.5549272

Op once again shows agility in evading the question of how exactly he is planning to survive in the hostile environment without the help of people skilled in other fields of knowledge like advanced surgery, craftsmanship, survival skills (like prey tracking or knowing which plants are poisonous) or agricultural evknowledge. also op will probably need a unit of 6 feet tall neanderthal pleb alpha-males to protect him, do manual labour and hunt for him. However, given what is currently known of the pleb subspecies, they most likely to eat op alive after molesting him before they can apreciate his genious. or perhaps they will keep op as their little bitch and a jester because he says eloquent words and causes the pleb kids to lulz.

>> No.5549310

Confirmed for never been camping.

>> No.5549334

back to rebbit