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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 220x267, 220px-Ibn_al-Haytham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5544158 No.5544158 [Reply] [Original]


> the 'first true scientist'
> the father of the modern scientific method
> the first scientist to give a correct account of how we see objects
> the very first theoretical physicist
> developed what is called celestial mechanics


Why aren't you worshipping this man?

>> No.5544164

Because he is a Muslim and only atheists get to be actual scientists

god fags: 0
atheists: 9380927

>> No.5544166

This doesn't sound like he was a muslim at all.

>> No.5544168


Why aren't you a Muslim already?

>> No.5544170
File: 28 KB, 600x360, sadfrog1921373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ doesn't worship me, and I'm a great guy, too

>> No.5544171

Because universe was created by the big bang not some old skydaddy seriously grow up read a fucking book

>> No.5544175


The big bang answers the what but not the how; it could have been Allah who initiated the big bang process. In fact, the big bang is there in the Quran: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_interpretations_of_the_Big_Bang_theory#Islam

>> No.5544176
File: 575 KB, 200x200, facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does that matter to you
>not being a nihilist

>> No.5544179

Protip: the beginning of islam was an age of enlightenment.

Then old conservatard dudes decided to do away with everything new, innovative and scientific and caused the modern middle-east to happen.

>> No.5544181

actually what caused it to happen is that they are just a bunch of folks who were dumb enough to settle in a desert

>> No.5544184

not even going to bother wasting my brain cells on some religious shit. Big bang happened and we evolved end of story. We should just kill all the religious people and that way there would be no more war and we would have been in space by now

>> No.5544187

Hes good, but hes no Neal deGrasse Tyson

>> No.5544192

if there were no more religious people we would immediately begin the war on the few niggers that would still be left

>> No.5544190

> He is perhaps best known for his invention of the pinhole camera [...]

> The camera obscura has been known to scholars since the time of Mozi and Aristotle.[1] The first surviving mention of the principles behind the pinhole camera or camera obscura belongs to Mozi (Mo-Ti) (470 to 390 BCE), a Chinese philosopher and the founder of Mohism.[2] Mozi referred to this device as a "collecting plate" or "locked treasure room."[3]


Why is Jim al-Khalili sucking Arab/Muslim history cock? He's not even a Muslim!

>> No.5544195


You look in need of some occasionalism:


Seriously, who said that Allah cannot have created living organisms through evolution?

In fact, money Muslim scientists spoke of the theory of evolution before Darwin; it was called "the Muhammaden theory of evolution" back then.

>> No.5544198

Because his a muzzie

>> No.5544199
File: 1.72 MB, 3538x3424, 1348061483439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what could have been

>> No.5544201



>> No.5544202


We got anti-intellectual creationist lunatics and a defunct islam instead

>> No.5544203

Reading this thread made me think I was on /b/

> /sci/ what the fuck?

>> No.5544204

Islamic Golden Age

Thanks were given, but then you went full retard on us.

>> No.5544205


Did any other religion have a Golden Age of its own? Maybe Islam really is special and divine.

>> No.5544207


Do we have to?

>> No.5544211


Do we have to what?

>> No.5544213

Secularism is one big golden age.

>> No.5544215


But Islam got there first.

We owe everything to Muslims: Without them there would have been no renaissance, no Western anything, and no Internet.

They laid the foundations of most of our contemporary sciences and mathematics.

>> No.5544217

Don't get carried away. The Chinese had trigonometry around the same time.

>> No.5544218

True. the enlightenment began centuries ago and isn't over yet, thank god.

>> No.5544221


You mean it isn't over yet as in we haven't spiraled into another dark age or as in we haven't yet reached the goals of the enlightenment?

>> No.5544222


The Chinese also had stupid philosophies that kept them from developing the scientific method. Admit it: Muslims invented science as we know it.

>> No.5544225


Muslims also developed a rather ass-backwards theology that left them lagging scientifically.

>> No.5544238

I remember hearing Tyson say that Ghazali 'went all batshit about math being the product of the devil'.

Their math must be really advanced for that time.

>> No.5544235


Are you saying that Muhammad was a genius who created a religion that gave birth to the scientific method and that Muslims lagged behind the moment they deviated from his teachings?

Are you willing to go that far only to discredit Islam as divine?

>> No.5544246


Yes. We'd have achieved intergalactic transportation level if they had the time to develop their theories further. Seriously, whatever their approach was it was superior to what we have at the moment.

>> No.5544247

>by Professor Jim Al-Khalili
not biased, no revisionism here, look the other way....

>> No.5544249

Isn't Jim secular? In "Secret Life of Chaos" he denounces religion as unnecessary.

Are you judging by the name?

>> No.5544251


He's an Iraqi, isn't he?

Arab nationalism and Islamism are very related...

>> No.5544252


Please, /pol/, take your shit where it belongs.

>> No.5544255

>Iraqi's can't be secular

Please. Jim's a cool guy. Don't be a fuckwit.

>> No.5544257


>not biased, no revisionism here, look the other way....


>> No.5544261

What is your point? Jim doesn't push a religion agenda. He's against religion deeming it unnecessary. Your point is what? What is your point? The point of yours, what is it?

>> No.5544265
File: 33 KB, 160x260, BnB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he wears a rag on his head

>> No.5544267


That Muslims, motivated by Islam itself, were the true initiators of the Renaissance.

>> No.5544269

What's that got to do with Jim? He just wants to educate people to deter them barbaric shit.

>> No.5544270
File: 260 KB, 352x315, Beavis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good point beavis

>> No.5544271

*deter them FROM

>> No.5544274

>He just wants to educate people to deter them barbaric shit.

And go a step further and discredit and belittle all the Western contributions.

Seriously, I now see a lot of Europeans feeling that all the contributions of their culture are insignificant compared to those of the Muslims.

It's a fucking slippery slope.

>> No.5544276

yes, because clearly he's trying to find some kind of pride in whatever base connection he feels here. > my recent filming of a three-part BBC Four series on medieval Islamic scientists

also read carefully the way he tries to persuade the reader

>There is no doubt in my mind, however, that Ibn al-Haytham arrived there first.
all well and good jim but make a more structured reasoning why in 2013 you and no one also all of a sudden is making this link?

>> No.5544286

>Islamic Golden Age
>not one mention of India

>> No.5544287


>>not one mention of India
>not one mention of China

>> No.5544288

> the father of the modern scientific method
who is Aristotle
> the very first theoretical physicist
who is Archimedes
>developed celestial mechanics
who is Aristarchus

>in a nutshell
who are the ancient Greeks

>> No.5544291


Elaborate, please.

>> No.5544294

Let me elaborate then, please




>> No.5544312


>> No.5544323

>mfw, the first scientist was the guy that invented fire and he was a black african

his name was carl

Jokes aside, claiming someone as the first scientist is silly. Going on Jim's angle, we should say that the first scientist were the empiricists. Cough... weren't they Greek?

Anyway, when we think of science today we think of the Scientific Method.

Here is a short list I want to emphasize, that lead to the Scientific Method, that is still in use to this day.

1650 — Experimental evidence established as the arbiter of truth (the Royal Society)
1665 — Repeatability established (Robert Boyle)
1665 — Scholarly journals established
1675 — Peer review begun
1687 — Hypothesis/prediction (Isaac Newton)

I'd say around that era is were science as we know and love was established and birth of the modern scientist -- unchained from metaphysics and pure philosophy.

>thankyou come again

>> No.5544329

>1650 — Experimental evidence established as the arbiter of truth (the Royal Society)
>1665 — Repeatability established (Robert Boyle)
>1665 — Scholarly journals established
>1675 — Peer review begun
>1687 — Hypothesis/prediction (Isaac Newton)

Muslims had those centuries before the West:


>> No.5544335


The Muslims lifted their shit from the classical world, mostly from Hellenic culture.

So if anything this Al-Hazen chap would have been the first Renaissance scientist and physicist. But that is a pointless connection, because the Renaissance is a notable period for Europe because it marks their ascendancy from medieval narrow-mindedness.

The Muslim East never degraded like the Christian West did after the Classical period.

>> No.5544344


> So if anything this Al-Hazen chap would have been the first Renaissance scientist and physicist.

No, he **STARTED** the Renaissance.

>> No.5544350


>> No.5544357

scientific method still improving

1753 — First description of a controlled experiment using identical populations with only one variable: James Lind's research into Scurvy among sailors scientific method still improving
1937 — Controlled placebo trial
1950 — Double blind experiment

>> No.5544360

So much crap in this thread.

The islamic science began when they acquired all those ancient texts, e.g. from the library of Alexandria.

Islam in fact also killed a lot of science (despite the fact that Islam "created" some scientific hallmarks).

>> No.5544366


> Islam in fact also killed a lot of science (despite the fact that Islam "created" some scientific hallmarks).


>> No.5544370

>Why aren't you worshipping this man?
He was a shitty engineer.

>> No.5544372


Complete bogus.


>> No.5544376

>He was a shitty engineer.

And so is Stephen Hawking, probably.

>> No.5544388


>> No.5544389


muslins are a strange kind of retarded

is it just OCD?