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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5543074 No.5543074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did you pay or are paying for College /sci/?
I'm about to register for a community college but I regret not kissing more ass in school or joining a sport because all the scholarships I see people getting are for sports/band or teacher recommendations. I deiced to actually challenge myself in school which made my gpa 3.4 but it feels like I won't be getting any scholarships because I don't have that one experience that gives them a reason to give me money. Anyways opinion aside I was wonder how you guys end up doing it.
>TL:DR: I wish I lived in a country where wanting to learn would be rewarded not punished

>> No.5543077

Unlearning and Relearning is not necessary for mathematics.

>> No.5543080

For undergrad I went to a university that gave need-based financial aid. Now in Phd it's all paid by it and I get some money.

>That feel when no debt

>> No.5543081

To bad most of the students in school don't have any interest in learning math. It's really a shame because even though I personally am not the best at it, I love math.

>> No.5543086

You don't really learn math in school. They mangle it and dumb it down into this horrible rote learning shit that's geared at everyone but math people.

>> No.5543091

You are not being punished for learning, you are being punished for not good enough. Don't say you really challenged yourself and made yourself a GPA of 3.4. High school was a BREEZE man. I had consistent 4.0 with basically no effort. I graduated last december only owing about $5500. I plan on paying this shit off in a few years.

>> No.5543093

I really wish there were more university like this near me.
I can tell, I try to teach myself because for whatever reason my school has terrible math teachers who are coaches as well so they really dont care to much about math and half the time if you wanted help after school they would have practice so you'd be screwed.

>> No.5543124
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I would have joined you science fellows if I had been competent enough in math. Actually, I find physics fascinating, though my depth of knowledge in the subject is completely abysmal, given that it's mostly about understanding mathematical models intrinsically.

I barely passed linear algebra WITH a tutor in my freshman year of Uni. I passed stats with an A, but it was a result of the teacher making the class as easy as possible.

I've developed a vague interest in mathematics now, but I wish I'd been able to realize it was more about learning the rules and logic, and then understanding a problem, instead of just being taught how to deal with formulas.

Yes, yes-I know, I should've realized the logic and rules after seeing the formulas.

So anyway, OP, I'm going to graduate next semester, with about 35k of debt, from a very low-tier state university branch. Though, I am struggling to muster the effort I did in previous semesters, as the realization of how thoroughly intellectually bankrupt my program is drives me into sadness.

>> No.5543135

Shit. Im sorry anon, this is what i'm worried about. I really want to learn, I really want to make a decent living but I don't want to deal with debt for the rest of my life. Im really sorry tho anon Id give you a hug if I knew you.

>> No.5543157

Army ROTC scholarship. Not for everyone but with a good GPA and decent fitness scores it's not too difficult to get a scholarship after a year or so, especially with a science/engineering major

>> No.5543174
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Thanks, buddy.

I should've gone to the private school that offered me a scholarship for an essay I wrote. Too bad it only covered half of it's fuckhuge tuition, and I'd never even heard of the place. At least I could've mumbled and typed pseudointellectual bullshit to a tiny, better-networked faculty, which may have yielded some better opportunities for me.

But, I wasn't thinking or evaluating things with a clear head.

>> No.5543189

I agree with the statement in your picture OP, I got proven wrong on my math not five minutes ago so I relearned how to do a function.

There are thousands of people now that are incapable of doing the same.

Also to answer your question, I saved for two years to go to college and I have no regrets.

>> No.5543235

Math in schools these days is boring as shit. If a student has any interest at math, they had better go learn on their own time.

>> No.5543242

Thats what i've been doing. Heres a run down of the class
>Two questions for warmup
>Go over warmup
>Notes off a power point
>"Now you try this example!"
I could teach the class myself if I wanted to but I usually go over videos and my book to actually learn what I "Learned"

>> No.5543250

I have some scholarships, but mostly government loans. $6,000 per semester is a small price to pay when you're going to be making over how much you paid for college in 4 years as a starting annual salary

>> No.5543260

> I deiced to actually challenge myself in [high] school
>which made my gpa 3.4


High School GPA 4.1, 7 Advanced Placement Test 5's, Junior College Associate Degree recipient reporting in.

Don't blame the system. Blame yourself.

>> No.5543266

what are you studying?

>> No.5543343



On what sort of scale?

>> No.5543344
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mfw I started CC during middle school and universities never even bothered to look at my highschool GPA because I already had a college background and a CC GPA.

>> No.5543360

My country pays it for me.

>> No.5543363
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Goddamn, why does America have such fucking retarded tuition?

>> No.5543368

mfw you now brag about it on 4chan because your ultra cool

>> No.5543373

>"Oh you want to learn? Well do you play a sport, are a minority, female, etc etc etc? Okay that will be 10k a year at least"
Im Hispanic and this shit pisses me off.

>> No.5543376
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Friend, you must understand, some people are retarded, such as myself, and this is the best we can manage.

I'm not blaming the system; only my own intellect. You can understand the frustration, yes? It's not fun to be stupid.

>> No.5543379

I wasn't just bragging, just rubbing it in the other guy's face who was in fact bragging.

>> No.5543388

Thinly veiled blog thread. DELETE

>> No.5543393

Maybe you shouldn't be in school if you're a retard then.

>> No.5543395

>Getting mad at someone who actually wants to learn
Seriously maybe he didn't try his best but somtime; bad teachers, life, famliy issues, etc. All play a role I know I kinda fucked around my first year and bearly graduated with a 3.0 and even tho I regret it Im glad because it put me in my place and showed me whats important. There are a lot of options op! Don't worry your head too much.

>> No.5543398

Idiots shouldn't be allowed to live

>> No.5543415


So stupid people shouldn't try to learn?

>> No.5543426

They should work minimum wage jobs or starve to death. Subsistence farming is cool too I guess

>> No.5543434
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But there are many stupid people who make far above minimum wage. Why shouldn't I am for the top of the bottom?

Why shouldn't I become the retard king, anon?

>> No.5543440



what the fuck bro. I was a 4.0 gpa student scored high on my ACTs and got a full scholarship into my university.

All I did throughout highschool was lift
>inb4 ACTs are a joke

I went to a state university so it didn't require SAT scores requirements so I never bothered.

What did you do with your life if you didn't go straight to college? Also what state do you live in. There are oppurtunities around every corner.

>> No.5543443


>implying you'll get a job right out of college

>> No.5543456

Yeah there are lots of people making more than you are. They are smarter than you.

>> No.5543457


>not living in the south

Louisiana and Mississippi have great tuition benefits for locals

>mfw full scholarship to UNO with only a 31 on my ACT and all I have to do is maintain a 3.0 average

shits a joke bro I even get money back because I have another grant riding along with my scholarship. Free Food, 750 dollars for books got a place rented out near campus at 250 a month with 4 other amazing people as room mates.

>mfw 3 companies already asked for me to come in to get interviewed

get fucked bitch

>> No.5543464

He's probably just lazy, they blame everything on being dumb but they literally just do not try at all.