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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5537978 No.5537978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5537993

>philosophical threads belong to


>> No.5537996
File: 435 KB, 757x740, quantumcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy of science belongs to /sci/.

>> No.5537999
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>> No.5538008

Philosophy is just a bunch collection of literature.
The only "philosophic approach to science" was the first Greek dialogues about knowledge and logic thinking. And if you actually read it, their definition of philosophy differs enormously from the modern definition of philosophy.

Before Socrates: Philosophy was a proto-science.
After Socrates: Philosophy is pure literature.

Religion, Novels, and Philosophy are literature.
Ergo you are posting in the wrong board again.

This is a board for science.
Inb4 STEM-master race.

>> No.5538010
File: 209 KB, 1600x1200, philosophy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just jelly because philosophers get all the bitches.

>> No.5538006

>mfw etymological meaning of philosophy

>> No.5538015

>what is logic
>what is empiricism
>what is rationalism

Do you even epistemology? You just denied the entirety of science.

>> No.5538020

I was not even talking about science itself.

Plebs know your place this board is for the STEM-master race only.
You are never welcomed.

>> No.5538025
File: 42 KB, 625x351, do you even science le funny meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat anti-scientific sentiment

The only reason why science works is because of its philosophical foundations. Lurk more, pleb.

>> No.5538030

muh qualia

>> No.5538031

You are so desperate to be related with science students, just a daily reminder that is not our fault if you made your parents paid a pathetic career.

>> No.5538034

Who are you talking to? Yourself?

>> No.5538041



>> No.5538100
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>post on /sci/, /lit/-hate ensues
>post on /lit/, /sci/-hate ensues

Vsauce confirmed for faggot.

>> No.5538106
File: 2 KB, 112x124, 1361044625531s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/-hate ensues
Despite this being false, vsauce is still a faggot

>> No.5538110
File: 195 KB, 537x585, Muhfreedoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wants to be creative and do one for "muh qualia"?

>> No.5538128

God I am really starting to hate fucking vsauce.

>> No.5538135

I don't get the hate this recieves?
I mean what he said in the video OP linked is true.
Why all the negativity towards it?

>> No.5538141

>Posting Philosophical bullshit on /sci/.

Should I report?

>> No.5538146

>I mean what he said in the video OP linked is true.

hahahahahahahaha 0/10

get the fuck out, dualist scum

>> No.5538159

>The only reason why science works is because of its philosophical foundations
>only reason why science works is because of its philosophical foundations
>why science works is because of its philosophical foundations
>why science works is because of its philosophical
>why science works is because
>why science works

Bitch please. The only reason why science work is because we have engineers, scientists, mathematicians, physicians who actually try to respond serious questions and solving problems, doing experiments, and being objective and universal. Maybe there was a philosopher serving us coffee but nothing more to mention.

>> No.5538161




>> No.5538162

Well can you ever say with a 100% certainty that we experience the world the same?

>> No.5538171


>> No.5538173

Without philosophical basis on how to conduct scienctific research we'd never have science.
If we didn't have wonder as to the workings of the world we wouldn't have engineers, scientists, mathematicians or physicians.

>> No.5538178

coff* that's pre-socratic, "natural laws" *coff*

>> No.5538181

fMRI doesn't show how living beings experience the world

>> No.5538185

I unsubscribed after the video in the OP. This guy is a total idiot with no field of expertise. And his video making style is just despicable - the "intriguing" music, and the slow "educational" voice on things he read up on Wikipedia a hour ago. Not to mention his pedo-beard and rapist-glasses.

>> No.5538186

How would you justify scientific research?

>> No.5538191

jesus christ this guy is way too enthusiastic

>> No.5538193


fMRI shows brain activity. How else do you think we experience the world? Unicorns and magic?

>> No.5538205

Yes it does. The neurons firing in the primary visual cortex f.e. actually produce a scaled version of the real-life image. And this is detectable with fMRI.

a Neuroscientist

>> No.5538214

It doesn't explain HOW you as an individual experience the world.

It explains how your brain percieves information based on impulses.

>> No.5538221

>fMRI shows brain activity.
Not HOW the world is percieved, note that I do not mean the workings of the brain but the individuals perception of the world.

>> No.5538222

>a neuroscientist

my sides

>> No.5538229

That´s your homework. Already give you a hint, "natural laws". You really need to read, I am ME.

Grab a book.

>> No.5538231

>didn't even understand the video in his own OP

>> No.5538248

I know how it's justified, I'm asking you.

>> No.5538253
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OP here, I just want to make one thing abundantly clear:

If 2 people have roughly the same quanitity/quality of cone and rod cells in the retina, and roughly the same quantity/quality of neurons in the primary and secondary visual cortex, they WILL perceive colors in roughly THE SAME WAY.

Qualia people are faggots.

>> No.5538256

How can you be sure?

>> No.5538273

How can you be sure a NPN transistor fires the same way over and over?

electro(chemical) properties bitches

>> No.5538277

>trying this hard

You must be new to trolling. Subtlety is the key.

>> No.5538281

How can you be sure a NPN transistor fires the same way over and over?
That was not my question, how can you be sure that the 2 people experience colour the same?

>> No.5538312

>our brain is an NPN transistor

There you heard it, guys. Qualified comment by a self-proclaimed "neuroscientist".

>> No.5538339
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>> No.5538344

A justified Straw man perhaps?

>> No.5538353

Is that a picture of yourself?

>> No.5538404

This thread went full retard....
/sci/ has failed once again.

>> No.5538443

This is beyond moronic. Retonotopy tells you nothing about tells you noting about how a percept is actually experienced, subjectively.

>a Neuroscientist

>> No.5538445

fMRI does not show brain activity. It shows hemodynamic activity. That's an important distinction to make.

>> No.5538456

>tells you nothing about tells you noting
Not sure how that happened but you get the point.

>> No.5538469
File: 769 KB, 300x196, tumblr_mc9gug6ljc1rs2au5o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA science people talking about MEANINGS! MWAHAHAHA... And they think they're smart for doing so! C'mon, you already know it's a philosophical issue and has nothing to do with science. Please go back to talking about things you can measure and relate.

>> No.5538486
File: 389 KB, 1600x1236, integrating_epistemology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MWAHAHAHA yeah, I'm still waiting to open a lab door and see people trying to 'falsify' things rather than relating measurements better still. Let's see how many 'let's try to falsify' articles are published per year, shall we?

Do you even epistemology?

Pic, sadly, not much related. This stuff is too basic.

>> No.5538491

>I'm still waiting to open a lab door and see people trying to 'falsify' things rather than relating measurements better still.
That's because you're a /lit/ faggot who's never set foot in a lab before.

>> No.5538501

homosexual detected.
you remind of the time some dicklicking engineer told me 'you can't have models without numbers', and didn't seem to get it when I corrected him 'no you can't have models without logic, indeed numbers, in a model, indicate an unmodeled aspect.'

>> No.5538512

If we didn't see the same way, then each person would be seeing an inverted spectrum. There would only be so many different combinations for mixing up red and green, so eventually some people would be seeing the same spectrum. Given a lack of evidence that something in the brain is causing us to have inverted spectra it seems more likely that we just see the same colors. Though we still don't know how we see the specific colors we do, other than that the occipital lobe has an important part to play in it.

>> No.5538533

I think the same about you, but because I worked on a Lab. You don't have time to falsify things if you are trying to publish papers at a more-than-1-per-year rate.

>> No.5538557

>but because I worked on a Lab.
I've been working in a lab for over 7 years. If you're not trying to falsify things then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5538850

Same here. Who will decide which one is right? We have the same arguments against each other with just a contrary answer to 'are you trying to falsify something with your work?'.

>> No.5539518

>Who will decide which one is right?

I am right.