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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5534526 No.5534526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/
Is it impossible for someone with 75 i.q., no mental defects or learning disabilities. to learn a higher science such as theoretical physics.
Is i.q. something similar to the download speed of the brain?
I believed it to be a measure of the ability to learn a concept in relation to time.
Does having a low i.q. bar you from being able to learn?
Would a 75 i.q. person be unable to learn anything past algebra...or would they just have to study harder to understand the concept?

>> No.5534532

yes but you have to spend a higher amount of work and time to attain the same level as a normal person.
Since your life is limited, and it takes a big part of it to attain a good level even for intelligent people, it's not really worth it.

>> No.5534533

I have no idea what im talking about, but being a physics/math major and seeing a friend at high school study low level math very hard but still do poorly (he wasnt even a retard), i think it would be completely beyond someone with an IQ of 75

>> No.5534534

How about you actually start studying something that interests you then if you cannot follow the ideas, ask for help rather than asking whether you have permission to begin it in the first place?

>> No.5534535

i.q. doesn't mean shit.

>> No.5534540

so would i be wrong to say it was anything like the "download speed" of the brain
Even if someone is slow, would it ever be possible if they put in enough effort?

>> No.5534541

Having an IQ of 75 *IS* a mental defect and learning disability.

Of course, IQ != intelligence, but it's correlated enough that 75 is near retard level.

>> No.5534546

>Even if someone is slow, would it ever be possible if they put in enough effort?
I think it's too hard to generalise that much. For some people, yes, for others, no. I thought 75 was borderline retarded, so they might just be unable to understand some difficult concepts at all

>> No.5534553

Nothing to do with anything like this "download speed" you're talking about. I wouldn't know what it measures either but it is'nt that simple.

>> No.5534580

>Having an IQ of 75 *IS* a mental defect and learning disability.
Never knew a test score was a disability

>> No.5534585

where can i test my iq?

>> No.5534587

I heard that IQ was just a measure of how motivated someone is to do well on a test

the questions that are on an IQ test arnt impossible to figure out if you are given enough time and put in enough effort to think about them.

>> No.5534590

Some people can't run 100m in under 12 seconds no matter how hard they train.

>> No.5534599

IQ is bullshit, there is no test in the world that can determine the level of intelligence.
If you are very good at for instance, remembering sounds you hear while underwater, (random ridiculous example) that is a part of intelligence, although no test includes this into their testing.
Hence, IQ tests suck dicks.

>> No.5534605

Take away the time limit..then is it possible?

>> No.5534614

some people will never squat 185kg
no matter how long they are given to train

>> No.5534623

>Comparing squats with mental ability

A squat required your muscles to deliver the required amount of F at one time.
Mental 'thinking' doesn't require you to do it all at once. Even someone with limited brain capacity, can still do great things. It might require more effort, but it should be possible.

Do realize, there is a point where the time it requires to do something becomes greater than a lifetime. That would be the limit I'd say.

>> No.5534626



>> No.5534646

I just read forrest gump's IQ was estimated between 50 and 75.

With 75 IQ you are only smarter than 4% of the population or so.

IMO IQ does matter, but only if its particularly high or low, otherwise, there are other things that carry more weight.

Retards always have low IQ, geniuses are almost always above average. Most people fall in between and there it isnt really a factor.

Telling someone with 75 IQ that he will be able to do well in things like theoretical physics, something that is far beyond the reach of pretty much everyone that isnt gifted for it, is just lying

>> No.5534652

but most people don't spend time studying in their spare time...except for coursework that is given to them

>> No.5534654

i have roughly ~127 I.Q but have ADHD which gives me a rough time with the learning curve of anything due to me not being able to consistently improve at it. I end up getting all over the place, and while i can understand it easily, constant progression is a pain in the dick

>> No.5534672

I don't know.
I'm guessing most of /sci/ will just guesstimate a response.

>> No.5534743

>i have no idea what i'm talking about...but you can't possibly either!

>> No.5534749

Would someone with a 75 IQ really want to learn theoretical physics?

Highly unlikely they would have any inclination.

>> No.5534761

IQ is your ability to comprehend and intercompare not your ability to synthesize/analyze or generate ideas/abstractions which the brain also does.

>> No.5534770

>tfw oil & gas engineering major
>self measured IQ of about 105
>have no bigger problems with mathematic analysis and all the shit we do on ours maths course
>cousin is in highschool, scored 130 something on the mensa test, always brags about it
>he's shit at math, his parents ask me to teach him
>fucker can't understand basics of quadratic equations or trigonometry no matter how hard I'm trying to explain it to him
Either I'm a shit teacher, he's a tard or IQ doesn't have shit to do with learning ability.

>> No.5534778

Actually a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with an IQ of 72 at the age of 20. Also saying that I had a profound learning disability. For some reason, I still am able to understand concept of abstract algebra and analysis.

Maybe it was a misdiagnosis, because i was being hospitalized for attempted suicide...so I didn't feel the test was important at the time "I would might as well do poorly as i can, for tomorrow I'm going to kill myself" attitude. I still use this as a shock story to some people. They say "How do you understand this subject?",but then I say to them "actually I'm borderline retarded. If I'm able to understand it, there should be no reason for you to not"

>> No.5534781

Just go for it.

>> No.5534783

probably all 3

>> No.5534785


>> No.5534796

IQ is measured in memory, apprehension, perception and processing speed. To me intelligence is solving puzzles in a given time. That how you solve the puzzle depends on many things, like the level of inspiration and/or state of mind, for example. That's why IQ isn't accurate, because it can vastly change from previous results. Sometimes you even miss the simpliest thing which makes you feel stupid. Sometimes the hardest puzzle is solved by the dumbest person.

>> No.5534848

>>5534778 >Actually a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with an IQ of 72

This whole thread has to be a troll

>> No.5534849

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5534851

If you truly have an IQ of 75 you won't be able to keep up.

You should spend your time playing tic-tac-toe against your dog.

>> No.5534852


>> No.5534861

LOL you got trolled XD

>> No.5534863


ignore the autists, they lose their shit if you post anything related to animation.

>> No.5534865

It's only that one loser who spends every waking moment on here.

>> No.5534870

Just report and move along

>> No.5534941
File: 35 KB, 487x375, 1359678783944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you you fucking son of a bitch

>> No.5534945

>infantile, adjective
>childish, immature, juvenile, puerile, silly

>> No.5534952


What is an autistic retard?

>> No.5534957

You are.

>> No.5534958
File: 86 KB, 476x306, lol lol lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask you're mom. She gave birth to one.

>> No.5534973

>le memface

>> No.5534976

Def all three