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5524868 No.5524868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Entry Level Job
>X years minimum experience required

>> No.5524875

Welcome to real life, OP.

>> No.5524880

"I just..heh...disregarded the experience requirements because entry level implies no prior experience. I passed the test right?"

>> No.5524897
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job descriptions are not really descriptive at all, beyond a broad category. employers don't even know what the fuck they want half the time.
"required" can mean just that, but often it means " what i would like in my fantasy life " or " what some random HR fuckass thinks is necessary "

>> No.5524901

It happens man. But don't let that stop you. I landed a job that needed 5 years of experience, which I definitely don't have. I highlighted my experience in college and the skills I have gained from SPECIFIC things I have done. It worked. Sure, it might have been a little luck, but what employers mean by "I want xxx experience" is that they are looking for someone with enough experience to have done what they are looking for. If you have already the skills they want, MARKET THOSE SKILLS.

>> No.5524933

>cleaning job scrubbing floors and toilets
>2 years minimum experience required

Fucking hell.

>> No.5524952

How long did it take you to find that gem?

>> No.5524959

Less than a year

>> No.5524964 [DELETED] 

This is why you work part-time and/or do summer internships.

>> No.5526194

I did do an internship but that gives me 3 months experience

>> No.5526215

Every job I've ever had has "required" experience that I didn't have.

>> No.5527665


I would have done an internship, but all of the internships I could find required internship experience.

>> No.5527686

Too bad there are no internships when you are applying for part time entry level minimum wage jobs.

Two years experience to sweep floors or hand out burgers my ass.

>> No.5527692

>short order cook
>minimum four years of nuclear engineering experience

>> No.5529288
File: 11 KB, 290x196, wanted 18 year old waitress with 20 years of experience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanted 18 year old waitress with 20 years of experience

>> No.5529329

job posting use really high standards so they can reduce the number of applications they have to look at. and so that they can throw out anything with a justifiable reason of "did not meet expectations" instead of font was gross, name is stupid, or what ever reason hr decides

>> No.5531811


No nuclear engineers want to cook?

Looks like we're gonna have to bring in some people from India

>> No.5531818

cant find a nuclear engineer? lets just hire the bosses kid who is less experience than all the resumes we threw out

>> No.5531868

it means you have to work two fulltime jobs for a few years.

>> No.5531872

Thank god we can still justify racism.

>> No.5532119

>cleaning job scrubbing floors and toilets
>Bachelors of Science in Scrubbing and Toilets required.

>> No.5532127

Make up shit. I did odd-jobs online for people ranging anywhere from coding shitty little websites and troubleshooting and marketed it as "experienced web developer, proficient in PHP, HTML5, etc, managed several online jobs on a per contract basis for a reputable construction firm"

Reality: Made website for Jim's contracting

>> No.5532128


I was wondering if the southern US is better for white people to get jobs actually. Do I have an edge over asians and indians there if I'm white?

>> No.5532136

>18 years of web design experience required.

>> No.5532144


>did a good job for Jim
>ask Jim to make up 5 other jobs I did for him over 5 years
>bam, 5 years more experience

>> No.5532151
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>Expenses only work
>Experience required

>> No.5532174

>experience required
>alphabet soup technologies

they do that to dump down your price, cheeky shits
pimps always want to make their hoes believe what they say

>> No.5532233
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> Ph.D in mathematics
> Any job I want
> 300k starting

>> No.5532243

Seriously? I'm going to my next interview angry.

>> No.5532260

>Do I have an edge over asians and indians there if I'm white?
Depends, if we're talking about unskilled labor type shit, you've generally got an edge over indians, not so much over asians, however indians tend to own their own businesses and employ each other or just be taxi drivers anyway. If you're talking about an actual legit job, then no not at all unless you can build some rapport with the hiring people based on your mutual whiteness which I rather doubt.

You do, however, have a clear edge over blacks and hispanics for any job without affirmative action quotas.

>> No.5532317
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>Entry Level Job
>2 years minimum experience required
>have 2.5 years of experience
>apply for job
>"We're sorry but you are overqualified. We'll keep your application on file for 6 months."

>> No.5532367

>"what i would like in my fantasy life"
"job requirements" is "if you have that I'll suck your dick and beg you to work for us"

>> No.5532450

you've never applied for a job in your life NEET faggot

>> No.5532518
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>"We're sorry but you are overqualified.

I hate that. Though in my case I usually don't act arrogant enough and it makes them think I have no confidence.

>> No.5532549

my sis does job interviews. and she's liberal arts halfwit who got into HR by accident. i'm pretty sure she doesn't even read a book about hiring.

>> No.5532636

2 full time waitressing jobs from the time you're 8.

>> No.5532646

how does having 2 part time jobs give more experience than one full time job?

by this logic I should be apply part time at 8 colleges and get a doctorate in 1 year

>> No.5532811

fuck yourself

>> No.5532842


I think that means "at least" 18 years old buddy. The "20 years experience" would make that statement redundant, but it's most likely a typo and should have been 2 years.

>> No.5534261

>part time work available.
>8 years experience required.

>> No.5534283
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>Be 19, need a job
>Help Wanted!
>Industrial Building
>Walk in, see boss
You're a good kid, anon. Can you weld?
-No sir, but I can learn.-
Alright, pay attention
>Brief lesson in safety and welding patterns
Alright, now you try to finish what I started.
-Yes sir-
>2 hours later
Wow, you really picked this up. You've got the job!
-Thank you sir! I wont let you down!-
Hey, Jimmy! Teach anon how to weld these frame components to etc, etc...


>Send resume after seeing listing
>No response

The future is bleak.

>> No.5534295

Alright, now you try to finish what I started.
-Yes sir-
>2 hours later

1960s: "Wow, you really picked this up. You've got the job!"

2010s: "ffs...Get off your phone and weld those joints or get out of my factory!"

>This is why we can't have nice employment

>> No.5534298

>post job
>receive hundreds of applicants desperate for a job
>end up hiring someone HR was introduced to by a current employee

why do they even waste everyone else's time posting the job if they're just gonna hand it to someone they had connections to already?

>> No.5534300

Life is objectively much better than in the 60's. However life is also pretty much a zero sum game.

>> No.5534301

Got my last four jobs this way. It is very difficult to get a job via application.

>> No.5534308

sure, but basic human decency would indicate that if you post a job to receive applicants from the general public, you should at least give consideration to all applicants.

if you're just going to throw out every other response after you find someone you're connected with, then you've wasted everyone else's time and hopes.

>> No.5534317
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>basic human decency

>> No.5534373

>entry-level job
>good thing I have 3 years paid internship experience in the field with references

boom, suck it.

>> No.5534375 [DELETED] 

>Life is objectively much better than in the 60's
In some ways it is yes, but in some way it is not.
For young people anyway.


>> No.5534387

Not in a sane society it isn't

Oh wait...

But yeah, its completely retarded to spout bullshit about a "zero-sum game" that "life" purportedly is. Productivity is actually making the pie bigger for everyone. More stuff up for grabs, lower prices, etc.

Enter the government, with its thousands upon thousands of dependents, welfare recipients, and employees who produce nothing but obstacles to production, and you get a "zero sum" game, only in reality its a cancer simulation on a global scale.

>> No.5534423

3 years of vocational training
dont find a job in my field for 6 years
find job
4 years of working

making.... a measily 28.5k a year atm

7 years total experience now, honestly anons, you need to move to a good area first, and then find the jobs. But if you need working experience, go wherever you can to get started. Or lie on your resume and perform like a boss, say you interned at some place that is now out of business.

>> No.5534438

>>entry-level job
>>good thing I have 3 years paid internship experience in the field with references

I'm sorry, but you application was not successful this time around. HR believes you are overqualified for this position and will likely move on to greener pastures soon after taking this job.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you the best of luck with your job hunting.

Some fag that got the gig through a family member/friend.

>> No.5534482

>3 years paid internship

Why are they calling 3 year contracts internships now?

>> No.5534795

People want charasimatic individuals who can also preform whats needed to be done. Shy/humble people who aren't pompous fuckheads usually fall 2nd place to those that have that type of charisma. It's just how it is or in my experience. Employers are just bs'ing about yrs experience for entry level jobs.

>> No.5534845

You're a troll, or fucking dumb.

>> No.5534896

>feels good not to be an amerifat

>> No.5534900

I find it interesting that when the 4chan demographic (white suburban male) lives on welfare they're affectionately referred to as 'NEET's, whereas if anyone else is on welfare they're niggers/social-parasites.
I wonder how many actually believe that they're innately more capable and can therefore justify this dissonance? I don't buy it.

>> No.5534913



>> No.5534944
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>that feel when skinny american

>> No.5534965
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>tfw literally empty resume, 0 contacts

>> No.5535086


Let me fix this even further:


> Hmm, I think I need more welders in my factory.
> Hey Mr. Union welder guy, can we hire more welders?
> Sure thing boss, I'll call up the shop teacher at the local high school and see if he's got any kids about to graduate who want a wage they can support a family of five on and job security for the next 30 years.
>Don't worry about training them, we'll take care of it.


> Hmm, I need more welders in my factory.
> Let's see. Welding seems pretty simple. I'm sure I'll get plenty of qualified applicants if I offer eight dollars an hour.
> Well of course they need at least two years of working experience in the field. I'm not going to pay to train them myself.
3 weeks later...
> Why are there no qualified welders out there? There must be a massive shortage of skilled workers in this country.
> This must be the Unions' fault.

>> No.5535214

That's what I'm afraid of. Those who get job, especially good job, tend to get it via connections, not via some shitty online advertisement. I'm not a dumbass, but I don't have that many friends and it scares the shit out of me. How the fuck I'm going to find a job after I graduate if everybody's being pushed by friends/relatives/etc.? That's not fair!

>> No.5535278

This fucking pisses me off. Yes, I do intend to move on ASAP, but I still need to eat right now and don't have any opportunities lined up. I'm not going to fuck anything up on your entry-level job so throw me a bone here.

>> No.5535353


This, the guy that helps students find jobs at the vocational school I went to knows my current boss and recommended me for the job. Interviewed on a Monday, got the offer letter the next day and started working the Monday afterwards. Everywhere else I applied to the normal way got passed up(hurr durr overqualified) right away, or after the interview process they didn't want someone that would have to move to their area for the job. How the fuck does that even work? I actually had the fucking money to move to another state for the damn job and they wouldn't have had to help me and the STILL didn't want to hire me because of the location change.

Glad I didn't get that job though, that company is all sorts of fucked right now.

>> No.5535442

I'm not saying that total production isn't a zero sum game. But people don't actually value comfort that highly, what they value is being higher than other people on the social ladder, e.g. by having a good job, money, etc. And by definition, your position on the social ladder is a zero sum game

>> No.5535455

connections are not just about relative/friends (although I agree that giving jobs based on that sort of thing is unfair). It is also about having someone vouch that you really are as good as you seem on your resume.

All the connections that I have used haven't been close friends, just professors/fellow students.

>> No.5535961

So, I'll be finishing my Ph.D. in neuroscience in a year's time.
What are my job opportunities?

>> No.5535990

>letting some "minimum experience" clause on the listing stop you from applying

Put your name in the hat anyways.

Worst thing that could happen is that you don't get a call back.

>> No.5536060

You think I would at least be able to become a manager at starbucks or mcdonalds?

>> No.5536142

yea, HR is worthless. Shitters who majored in shit and are the gossips.

>> No.5537288

Keep your head up. I know a female who has finished biochemistry and got a good job at uni straight after graduation.

>> No.5537329

I'd just lie.

>> No.5537341
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That's the spirit, sonny!
Get a running start on hating your boss.

I realise this may come off as sarcasm but it really isn't. It's just amusing to me that this is what the world is now.

>> No.5537344

Their way of saying they are cheap faggots who don't want to pay someone properly to do a good job.

>> No.5537348

This. I applied to something like fifty places a day when I learned that my last job was going under. Within a week I ended up getting a warehouse job that's $20 an hour plus incentives and benefits. Shit was very cash.

>> No.5537372

>got part-time jobs without trying too hard while studying
>got my first "real" job before I even finished physics studies
>finished the studies with distinction
>became leader / manager of a 1-mil science project 6 months after being hired as a junior scientist
>no student debt thanks to socialist masterrace Europe
>parents aren't even rich

Y'all need to get your shit together.

>> No.5537394

The fuck does this even mean? Shouldn't they be overjoyous with having an overqualified employee?

>> No.5537414

No, they have to pay more qualified people more. They can't simply pay less because that might end in a lawsuit (theoretically).

Same with older guys who have a hard time finding a job because they have to get paid more.

It's really fucked up.

>> No.5537486


>> No.5537517

i'm not making this up. in addition, overqualified employees are more likely to leave the company (for something better)

>> No.5537869



Seriously, there are a lot of jobs that are really simple that anyone could do that now require a ridiculous number of certifications and experience.

Why is a college degree required for almost any job?

>> No.5537878


I wish I knew how the world worked five years ago. I would have played my cards differently...

>> No.5537883


>> This must be the Unions' fault.

Better ship in welders from India.

>> No.5537909


Do you have ten years of experience?

If so, you can have the job if you can answer these three questions correctly:

If you could be any part on a bike, what would you be?

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

What is your favorite color?

>> No.5537918


That's the entry level requirement for being a neuroscientist. Unfortunately, there aren't many opening s for neuroscientists.

In Seattle, there is a large brain science facility that was opened by Paul Allen. I think they hire neuroscience PhDs.