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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5528056 No.5528056 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/

I just ate some mushrooms I picked up in the forest about 6 hours ago and now i am getting chills, nauseous, stomach pain and vomitting.

Is there any thing I could eat to stop it?

>> No.5528058


>> No.5528060


>> No.5528061

I heard eating more mushrooms takes the pain away.

>> No.5528066

Guys im serious here.

Should I go to the doctor?

I have no insurance.

>> No.5528068

Jesus christ how retarded are you? Go to the fucking doctor or call a poison control center. Use google.

>> No.5528070

if i were you, i'd just toughen up and get past the next couple of hours.

>> No.5528071


I have no insurance so unless it's something big I don't wanna go to a hospital that would make me broke lol.

>> No.5528072

vomit drink water vomit vomit vomit vomit

>> No.5528075

op is already dead

>> No.5528076

If you ate mushrooms 6hours ago, and you vomit, you'll vomit.

If you ate mushrooms and you don't vomit but your liver is collapsing two days from eating, you may die. If you vomit so soon there is a large probability you'll only vomit and It'll go away...

Try drinking water and vomiting and repeat.

How did the mushrooms look like?

I came from only country where they can cure poisoning by Amanita phalloides without getting you a new liver, so you should also tell me how that fucking mushrooms looked like.

>> No.5528082
File: 55 KB, 800x450, 1305887634524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the third world
Seriously though, just go to the fucking doctor, and if you are not going, at least try to idenfity the shrooms you ate

>> No.5528086

>How did the mushrooms look like?

it's white and otherwise looks like mushroom.

>> No.5528090


it's a bit green on the top though

>> No.5528094

>Including Finland

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL swap Finland with Iceland bro

>> No.5528096
File: 67 KB, 450x600, Amanita_phalloides_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this?

>> No.5528103



>> No.5528106

>possible mycotoxin poisoning
>doesn't want to go to the doctor "unless it's something serious"
OP, I hope you won't miss your liver, or kidneys.
Or a long life.

>> No.5528108

rip in piece if srs

>> No.5528121


well that's the life of a usa lawabiding taxpaying citizen

>> No.5528142

OP here.

ok so I read some on wikipedia and I think I ate a buncha deathcaps.

gg life

>> No.5528148

It tastes like burning!

>> No.5528157
File: 56 KB, 750x600, Homicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or alternatively stop poasting, get into the hospital, report back if alive

>> No.5528173

that's why you don't eat random fungus. good job retard. Bad genes removed from the pool

>> No.5528249


Congratulations man, you are on your way to have new liver if you live in the US where doctors can't handle this poisoning at all. But you shouldn't be vomiting that soon, you should have just destroyed liver in two days....


This only way I know whithout geting new liver. Congratulations faggot. Anyway I think you are just trolling.

>> No.5528255


I forgot, you should got to doctor NOW. If it's less than a day after eating they are still able to save most of your organs.

>> No.5528311

>/sci/ in charge of identifying trolls

>> No.5530186
