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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5527759 No.5527759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll start:
Georgia tech

Dont by shy /sci/

>> No.5527764



>> No.5527772

Clemson, Physics master race

>> No.5527836 [DELETED] 

RIT, biochem

>> No.5527838

Simon Fraser University
Computer Engineering master race


>> No.5527839

University of Toledo, Chemistry

>> No.5527851

University of Calgary
Chem E true aryan master race

>EE's Jelly
>Mech E's mad
>Civil E's not even relevant
>physics + math + chem fags poor

>> No.5527862

How's first year engineering? I'm starting here in september.

>> No.5527874
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>mfw all the premedfags in my chemistry classes

sure is a lot of doctors incoming

>> No.5527878

Cal Poly
Computer Science

>> No.5527882


women's studies

>> No.5527883


It's a lot harder than highschool, the expectations are higher, etc. The average entering grade is 85%, so don't start thinking your hot shit unless you actually are. You need to study, there is a lot of shit to take in, especially the second semester (statics, circuits, E&M, engg 201, calc 2)

The second semester will make or break you, then you get put into your program depending on GPA and competition for your selected majors.

>> No.5527887

Michigan Tech
Mech. Eng.

>> No.5527890

What was your highschool average? Right now I'm at an 88% average with AP physics, chem, and math (still waiting on phys+chem diploma marks though)

>> No.5527892


There is a pre-med cunt in my Neurobiology class that asks too many fucking questions. She stops the professor as he is speaking at least 5 or 6 times per class to point out the most most trivial details and, without regard for the rest of us, proceeds to ask a question that requires a yes or no answer.

I hope she doesn't get into med school. Lol.

>> No.5527895

African American Women's studies

>> No.5527899

Cal State Northridge. Physics.

>> No.5527898

Auburn University
Math and Philosophy

>> No.5527904
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>> No.5527910


I had a 88% average also, but non-IB/classes. You should be fine, just remember you're competing with people as good or probably better than you for marks (most courses are curved) and people from china who like studying A LOT. I'll give you a breakdown of what you can expect

>> No.5527911

ITT Tech
Chemical Engineering

>> No.5527913
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i see

>> No.5527916

University of Illinois
Physics and math

>> No.5527922

community college

>> No.5527925

Some Community College you've never heard of
LAS Math/Science

>> No.5527924


engg 200 - design, bullshit course, easy, do projects etc, easy if your good at writing bullshit
engg 201 - This is an introduction to many common properties used in engineering, you probably will have never learned anything in this class before, it is notorious for having tests too long to finish
Engg 202 - statics, analyze stuff staying still, lots of free body diagrams
engg 225 - circuits, learn common ways to analyze circuits
Engg 223 - C++, hard if you never programmed before
Amat 217+219 - calc courses, pretty easy courses in general, everyone gets high marks in these classes
Math 211 - linear algebra, also pretty easy math course
Phys 259 - E&M, intro to undergrad E&M
Chem 209 - like Ap/IB chem

>> No.5527929

UC Santa Barbara
Chemical Engineering demi-god race

>> No.5527930

Your year?

Ready yourself.

200 is a wildcard, some years it is easy, some years the projects are ridiculous.

>> No.5527931

Can you give me some examples of what kinds of things you learn in engg 201?

Otherwise doesn't seem that bad to me, I'm learning a bit about circuits as a part of the AP physics curriculum and I've done a bit of programming for my school's robotics team, so it just looks like a big workload mostly.

>> No.5527938


I am in second year


You learn about gasses (ideal and real), phase equilibria, kinetic theory of gasses & transport properties, material balances, latent heat of vaporization, extremely basic fluid mechanics, extremely basic material sciences, basic heat conduction and many other things you would never learn in highschool. It's an introduction to everything.

>> No.5527941

Don't you have a fluids midterm to study for?

>> No.5527944


gave up on studying

>> No.5527946

Cheer yourself up with ochem then.

>> No.5527949

UC Berkeley - Physics

It's a big place, must be at least one other person on here.

>> No.5527947


I can't because the lecturer is too proud to give out proper notes.

>> No.5527952

What year are you in now?
And also, what was the cut-off average for the chemE program?

First year engg btw.

>> No.5527953

I know. That lady isn't handling things well.

>> No.5527955

University of Newcastle, Mathematics.

>> No.5527958


I am second year, it was 3.24 last year, the year before that was 2.7. Bitches want dirty money so bad now.

>> No.5527959

Oops. Didn't see >>5527938.

>> No.5527975

Holy hell.
Was leaning towards EE anyways.
Fundamental Circuits is a cakewalk and
I'm doing pretty well in the dreaded
PHYS259 despite the fuck ton of calculus involved.

>> No.5527981 [DELETED] 

lol @ $

>> No.5527982

lol @ $

>> No.5527987


>Fundamental Circuits is a cakewalk
It really isn't

>> No.5527998

Oregon State University - Mechanical Engineering

Got into the Master's program in Aerospace Engineering at Purdue for next year though... Can't wait!

>> No.5528376

Ohmygod my dream college

>> No.5528379

Waterloo - Physics

>> No.5528388

DePaul University
Math - Actuarial Sciences Concentration

>> No.5528416

Mathematics at USC

>> No.5528420


Psychology - Universidad de Buenos Aires

>> No.5528434

Chem E - UMD

>> No.5528437
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>>physics + math + chem fags poor

I can't argue with this.

>> No.5528441

University of Bristol
Civil Engineering.

>not being Russel Group Engineering Master race

>> No.5528469

Correct subject. Cambridge Maths here

>> No.5528470

Are you at UT?

>> No.5528478


Comp Eng

>tfw no channers here
>tfw courses soft as jelly
>tfw apparently this is one of Canadas top engineering courses

>> No.5528495


Sweet, me too. What year?

>> No.5528505

Undergraduate - UPENN - Evolutionary Bio
Masters - Arcadia - M.S. Public Health/M.A. International Conflict Resolution (dual-degree accelerated program)
PhD - Need to finish my Master's first!

>> No.5528506


>> No.5528509

Slovak Technologic University, Bratislava

shit's either really cash or border-maddening.