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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5512319 No.5512319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think happens when you die?

>> No.5512331

Nothing happens.

>> No.5512332

nobody will show up at your funeral and dogs will piss on your grave.

>> No.5512341

Your body decomposes.

>> No.5512343

Hopefully there is some sort of enjoyable afterlife, but that is probably just wishful thinking.
The likelihood is that there is nothing after death, but there is no way to know for certain.
So we can still hope.

>> No.5512344

You cease to exist.

>> No.5512348

The universe will shake and implode, trembling as it fades away into nothingness, taking every beauty in the world with it.

But only for me.

>> No.5512349


A) Nothing
B) One of the various religions are correct
C) Some other unknown afterlife that no one could have imagined because everyone who experiences it is... well... dead.

In general, I am not certain. Anyone who claims something be true is also claiming their own infallibility.

>> No.5512494

Do you remember what it was like before you were born? That is exactly how it will be when you die

-My dad (well known scientist)

>> No.5512501

Lots of things happen OP.

>> No.5512507

Ask him to prove it.

protip: he can't
lack of an afterlife is an extremely reasonable belief, but only that

>> No.5512517 [DELETED] 
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You wake up

>> No.5512537
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This. But as a fetus.

>> No.5512555
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The veil of repudiation is lifted, and the revelations are revealed. Once more you are reborn into the cycle of birth and death, from womb to tomb, past to present, from each crime and kindness you birth your future.

>> No.5512585
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>> No.5512608

The same thing that happened before you were alive.

>> No.5512622

I think I change I become a different manifestation of the eternal tao.

>> No.5512632

well I legally died once and nothing happenned

Your experience is the very same thing as real time electro-chemical reactions in the physical brain (not the one in your head). What you experience (while awake) is the physical brains best hypothesis about the state of the external world (outside the brain).

The brain represents a world/self-model which is continually mistaken to be the 'real' world (hence the naive realism of 'the man in the street'). That is, the brain creates representations that are unable to be recgonized as representations (aside from lucid dreaming, obe's, etc). Is there such a thing as lucid waking? Dreaming is an offline hallucination, whereas waking is an online hallucination.

when the brain doesn't need it's self/model it simply turns it off (deep sleep). When the brain eats lead you cease to experience.

>> No.5512670

Possibility A: My brain-identical pseudoclone backup will activate upon confirmation of my death, being another instance of me, with all my memories up till the latest backup.

Possibility B: My body is flown halfway across the world and dumped in liquid nitrogen within a few days.

Sub-branch B1: After some time, my brain is scanned and a nearly identical pseudoclone is produced of me.

Sub-branch B2: My useless frozen meat gets cremated and buried for whatever reason.

Possibility C: My corpse is burnt to a crisp and the remains buried.

Possibility D: My corpse rots; consumed by bacteria and fungi.

Possibility E: Dessication. My corpse turns into crispy flakes of skin and bone which last quite a while longer.

Possibility F: Eaten by animals.

Possibility G: Burnt alive.

Possibility H: Torn apart by gravitational shear.

Possibility I: The simulation/game ends.

>> No.5512691

My hypothesis is that time is an illusion and matter only exists in still frames, consciousness is what gives the perception of time because it’s a system by which reference frames change. All information simply exists in an overall universe, which knows infinity and contains all the information.

So when consciousness for one individual ends, it actually doesn’t because it has existed in the past and time is an illusion so consciousness simple repeats or switches to a universe which still contains that consciousness.

So I think that either immortality or repeat of consciousness from a point before death.

>> No.5512705

Grassroots, insects and every other organism in the ground will find their way to my body, breaking it down and incorporating it in their own body. Then they will die in another place and the same will happen to them. And so our bodies will be spread across the planet and become part of every consievable form of life on the planet.

Then the sun will destroy the earth and new stars and planets will form from the remains of all of us. Or the sun will blast us off to the rest of the galaxy where we may be part of new forms of life again. And so it will be until the end of the universe.

>Also, life is just a way for the universe to view itself. We are all part of the universe and perhaps our only purpose is to evolve further until we can understand everything about the universe (and by extension ourselves).

>> No.5512750


>> No.5512761

But I also don't remember how it was when I was 3, and I'm pretty sure I was alive then.

>> No.5512820

you go to heaven and meet God

>> No.5512897

Absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.5512907

The same thing that happens every day.

>> No.5512912
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>> No.5512919


>> No.5512940


your body decays and nobody gives a shit.

seriously, thats it.

>> No.5513069

I'd like to think we create our own afterlife, only if we earn it though.

>> No.5513106

Alan Watts, eh? Sure

>> No.5513132

I believe that nietzches Eternal recurrance demon. you die. big crunch then the universe starts all over again.

>> No.5513169

Your brain stops functioning.

>> No.5513171
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>yfw you're a dying old man and this is your life flashing before your eyes.

>> No.5513289

You cannot die. Your body most certainly can though, sort of. Take a bucket of Lego's for instance. You can make a lot of shapes with those Lego's you can even take apart those shapes, but what you cannot ever do is destroy the fact that you can take those Lego's and make each of those shapes again. You can easily generalize that analogy to pure information, of which you must be at some level. So there you have it, you cannot die. That is perhaps more terrifying than being able to die. If you don't understand, there are other ways of thinking about it. Say there is some song, let's call it 'your song' now say that song is encoded in some format like FLAC or MP3, well each format takes the exact same information 'your song' and uses a different language to store that information. Reality does something similar, except it uses frequencies to store information. There are infinite frequencies, you're one of them. When the information representing your body is disassembled, e.g. you die, that permutation of information is instantly created elsewhere, why is that? Because you cannot destroy information, you can only change it's relationship to all the other information.

>> No.5513355

I'm pretty sure that most of us here are aware of that, but what we are concerned about is whether or not our consciousness continues on or not, or evolves, or whatever

>> No.5513362

All experience ends.

You might find this scary, but remember - because you dont experience anything, you can't feel bored, angry, depressed or frightened.

Only the living fear death, and this only because they have plans which are interrupted.

Dying is scary, but the state of nonexistence is not.

>> No.5513463
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>> No.5513528 [DELETED] 

What happens to your SOUL??

>> No.5513538

It slowly disintegrates, unless you have made it immortal. Fragments are reincarnated.

>> No.5513557

Existence is preferable to nonexistence though, at least for those who still exist.

>> No.5513581



I like this. Explains deja vu too.

>> No.5513600


Deepak, pls go

>> No.5513609

I think so too. Time will pass "infinitely" quick relative to everyone else. And the universe is probably a fractal so there will be another big bang event and you're going to be born again. Or maybe nothing really happens and that's all you get out of life.

>> No.5513615

We are the universe so...
Our conscious just goes back to where all other little consciousness go.
To thugs mansion baby!
Ain't no place I'd rather be,
Chillin with homies and family,
Sippin down some atoms in paradise,
I'm so diviiiiine!

>> No.5515377

your consciousness is what creates the illusion of life
you're a bilogical machine meant to reproduce.
death is as much an illusion as time. terms created by man to describe a phenomenon that may or may not be happening

>> No.5515403

If we are part of the universe then why do we only experience things as a single being ? I am scared about this, really i can only be okay with this if i find peace with myself and start living to benefit everything and not just myself.

>> No.5515412

What if youre wrong and lead people into thinking that nothing happens when something does happen. Pleasure or Pain for a very long time, or even eternity. Find peace with your surroundings and stop being selfish. When you accept tht u arnt a single being but part of a greater system ul find peace i think.

>> No.5515418

>"In any man who dies, there dies with him his first snow and kiss and fight. Not people die, but worlds die in them."

>> No.5515435

You stop getting blood to your brain, and you stop getting air to your brain because you're not breathing.

you need blood and air to think with your brain.

basically you fall asleep like when you don't have any dreams.

do you remember how it was before your were born?

it's gonna be like that.

>> No.5515478

You all stop existing because you're all figments of my imagination.

>> No.5516396
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>> No.5516405

It's something I have a hard time even imagining. Like, your consciousness doesn't exist, you're not alive. And you can't even think about being dead. You're just....gone. I can't even fathom not being able to think.

>> No.5516430

Dr. Duncan MacDougall proved that there is a soul and that it leaves the body after death. So I assume that there is a heaven.

>> No.5517371

Damn, I've been thinking about this for the last 3 days and I got horribly deppresed, I mean I can't cope with the thought of non-existance, I mean that's just so unjust.

ANy other thoughts?

>> No.5517377
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Depressed? Over something that makes no sense? At least get it through your head that you were born once, so it's possible you can be born again. As yourself. Or another person, I don't know.

>> No.5517379

What exactly makes no sence?
It seems pretty logical to me, if there is no proof of an afterlife - why live?

>> No.5517381


>> No.5517386

Nonexistence makes no sense. Existence is the natural state of things; you're never "unconscious".

>> No.5517401

I'll probably evacuate my bowels and bladder into my pants as my bodily functions, one by one, stop.

>> No.5517407

That isn't a hypothesis, you're just a huge faggot

>> No.5517412

nonexistence in general: pretty weird i guess

my own nonexistence: quite sensible

>> No.5517420
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Explain yourself, heathen.

>> No.5517426

that's pretty much it really

i find the idea of NOTHING EVER existing to be quite difficult to grasp

on the other hand, understanding myself as an specially handsome emergent phenomenon I don't find any difficulty in wraping my mind around myself not existing

>> No.5517438

>I don't find any difficulty in wraping my mind around myself not existing

>> No.5517445

it's not hard if you just accept it's not very exciting

>> No.5517449

>not sure if stupid or trolling

>> No.5517450



>> No.5517455

You'll never know what happens next.

>> No.5517456

what problem do you have with it?

>> No.5517457
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Lol. What if I told you all that your brains were organic fields to help you attain consciousness within the quantum matrix...that once your organic bodies have died, you connect-up with other consciousnesses across ALL the membranes of reality...?

>> No.5517461

I suspect it pretty much goes back to what it was like before you were born.

>> No.5517467

then can we reborn?

>> No.5517471

>not very exciting
>implying consciousness
>implying existence

>> No.5517475

not sure if trolling or just stupid

>> No.5517477

Well, assuming you don't lose consciousness early on, you'll probably feel your body collapsing in on your mind, which will probably evoke such a powerful and primal fear-response that you'll go insane; your mind will panic and try to escape when it realizes it's about to be crushed under the weight of your dying body, just as the blood in your eyes drains out and produces the "tunnel of light" effect, right as you lose control of your bowels and shit yourself.

But that's what will happen when you're dying. When you're dead, nothing happens. You can't comprehend "nothing" in terms of itself, so you instead perceive "nothing" in this context as something, or, "a" thing. This is where the most common fear arises of being dead: you perceive being dead as an experience. It's not. We cannot fathom what it means to experience nothing.

Don't worry about it. Just go out and live.

>> No.5517485
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Ok, so here are my thoughts on this

First of all, everyone on this thread favors and will continue favorring the comments that suit their own beliefs no matter the arguments proposed here. There is the exception of those few who feel quite lost on the subject and a few years ago I felt just about the same

I've always prefered to say that I believe myself to be purely matter, and what makes me see, makes me experience is the expression of the shape, form and information contained by the matter the conforms me

I think this thread is not just touching the subject of what happens after death, it's also just about every single myth and belief created in the last 10,000 years of human civilization

Well continuing on, a simple thought excersice is that, if everything that makes your being is contained in your body, then your memories, thoughts, consciousness and all other mental processes happen in it as well, and since this the science board of 4chan, observations of different brain activities while doing different excersizes will be my argument

So consciousness is also inside contained in the brain. Our own vision of our self believes that our mind is a single thing that is inseperable, one piece. Fact is a mind comes in parts


>> No.5517495

Bad people go to hell and Christians go to heaven.

>> No.5517509


I knew it. Entropy.

Cmon' guys we are on /sci/ and don't know about theories? what's going on

>> No.5517517
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>Believing in god in 2k13

>> No.5517524
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>13.75 Gyr
>not pantheist

>> No.5517533
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Pantheistic/solipsistic notions of God are compatible with a scientific understanding of reality.

Whereas lord deities/ascended mortals/personifications of nature/supernatural Gods, etc. are not

Most people believe in the second type, because it's the simple explanation that's handed to kids in church.

And most atheists only know about the second type, because it's the one the stupid masses believe in.

>> No.5517556


>> No.5517594

You are correct: being unable to die is more terrifying than dying.

>> No.5517598

I get preserved until they can find away to bring me back.

>> No.5517599

My body shuts down, my brain functions cease. When my brain functions cease, I cease. When my body and brain decay, I'm gone forever.

>> No.5517623


>> No.5517642

Imma steal this quote

>> No.5517650


>> No.5517669

Consciousness =/= souls.
Consciousness = Cognition

If the part of your brain that controls consciousness stops functioning, your "humanity" dies, but you're still an animal that's alive. This is like what happens to people with Alzheimer disease.

When your brain stops functioning, well, the rest of your cells will start to die too. After that the organic material that composed your cells will serve as food to many plants and other living organisms. It's like you were living inside other organisms, but while you're dead.

>> No.5517676

>part of your brain that controls consciousness
[Citation needed]

>> No.5517677
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Cognitive functions are already named. Soul / consciousness is a purely spiritual concept without physical evidence.

>> No.5517682

Hitchens couldn't into intuition.

>> No.5517684

How does this justify talking about /x/ soul nonsense on /sci/?

>> No.5517689

>implying implications

>> No.5517697

OK, replace the word consciousness with cognition and there you go.

>> No.5517730

We stop existing completely, there's no "I" anymore. Then, maybe, we born as another body, that has completely nothing to do with previous one. We're now exactly the same and not completely different being.

>> No.5517731

*not exactly the same...

>> No.5517751

Congrats, your post is closer to being understandable now

>> No.5518072

Everyone in this thread will die....everyone but YOU. Yes, YOU. No matter which of you is reading this, YOU will not die. This is because of quantum immortality. You happen to be experiencing one potential worldline out of many, and in THIS one, YOU happen to live FOREVER. Each of us will witness everyone else die, but each of us -- YOU -- will live forever. And after untold aeons, YOU will realize that it is possible for EVERYONE in each of their own personal immortal timelines is capable of getting together in one universe.

Then we will all be reunited with YOU.

>> No.5518142

Death doesn't exist. When you're dead time ceases to exist. You can only comprehend time when you're alive. You will be born again, possibly in another universe. If it's possible, and it has happened, then it will happen again. You will simply die, and then get reborn in the future because while you're dead, time doesn't exist.

>> No.5518163

everybody who's died, is dying, or will die WOULD'VE actually died as in ceasing to exist except that in the future they'll be able to quantum probability everybody into a computer program with bad 80's videogame graphics representing heaven or hell and everyone who exists, existed, or will exist'll be stuck in it, forever, except that maybe eventually way way in the future somebody'll release an upgrade with angels and demons that don't look like swarming clusters of laser-spewing blinking boxes

>> No.5518224
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See >>5518127

You turn into an immortal omnipotent deity that fucks bitches, smokes trees, and gets mad paper on the daily.

>> No.5518231


Scratch that, I meant >>5517962

>> No.5519684

You join everyone else at the precise moment of their death and together you become omnipotent. Then you create another universe and separate into billions of people again, forgetting who you really are (everything/God).

>> No.5519725

My corpse will decay.

>> No.5519730

>extremely reasonable belief

Comforting? Sure. Popular? Absolutely. Reasonable? No. There's no rational or reasonable explanation to indicate there is an afterlife besides wish fulfillment.

>> No.5519741
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When you say "stuff after death", you mean
A) Whether you'll still feel conscious eventually as another lifeform, person, whatever
B) Whether you'll prolong this life/identity, with your same name and memories?

I'm confused, it's not the same.

Personally I think A is obvious, and B impossible.
A is obvious because individuality ("being a person") is an evolved illusion of the brain, consciousness is just another part of the system/universe, we have a precedent of rising from nothing, and mathematically it's too much of a coincidence to be alive in the present if it's an unique experience and time is linear.
B is impossible because these informations are stored in neurons which are lost to entropy and decay.

>> No.5519747

I'll go to thugz mansion, 2pac will be there

>> No.5519749
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>> No.5519754


Get a load of those faggots. There will be no big crunch. The universe is accelerating towards a Big Rip, not even a heat death, but the dissolution of everything into near infinity.

>> No.5519777

when I die I will cease to observe the universe, subsequently the universe will continue to exist and not exsist, like schrodingers, at the same time. I will only know if still exists I manage to return from the dead to observe again, which I know doesn't happen. But why doesn't the universe end when others die, well relativity my friend. This universe is personal to me. Your universe will end with you

>> No.5519792

this thread made me confusion

>> No.5519793

You go into the abyss

>You don't see anything but blackness
>You don't hear anything but yourself
>You don't feel anything
>You don't smell anything
>You stare into the eternal darkness forever

>> No.5519798
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Your body decomposes into simpler compounds, minerals return to the soil. Your consciousness and your existence disappear, and any sign that you were ever here will disappear relatively quickly as those that knew you die off one by one.

This is our curse.

>> No.5520072

Why blackness? Why not orange or green?

>> No.5520091

Because there is no light, and darkness is the absence of light.

>> No.5520100

What is forever if there's no sense of time?

>> No.5520104

>You go into the abyss
>>You don't see anything but blackness
>>You don't hear anything but yourself
>>You don't feel anything
>>You don't smell anything
>>You stare into the eternal darkness forever

Fucking plebeians talking about death.

You won't see, hear, feel, or smell anything - you won't stare off into the blackness. You won't be able to perceive being dead, you won't be able to be yourself. Because yourself is gone, and you are dead. Your consciousness will literally disappear, not float out the top of your head to stare endlessly into the void.

Fucking agnostics.

>> No.5520107


This is scientifically false. You cannot see darkness because it is the absence of light.

All the rest are false because when you die all your senses are lost, therefore you cease to exist.

>> No.5520114

they bury you

>> No.5520115

What if you just keep repeating your life over and over?

>> No.5520117

>What if you just keep repeating your life over and over?

Bring substantial evidence or gtfo.

>> No.5520119

There is no light, but there is no darkness either.

>> No.5520135

What if the afterlife (If it exists) is 4chan?

>> No.5520137

it would be hell

search about ian stevenson

>> No.5520142

No one knows.

>> No.5520160

you CAN be born again. I was born again when i was 13. and now the lord and savior jesus christ lives within me. I have been adopted into the family of God as a brother of christ. now I will never die, but go on to live with him in heaven.

>> No.5520219


>> No.5520231

Fuck.. this thread is depressing. Thanks 4chan.

>> No.5520232

good for you, man

>> No.5520245

You depress yourself. Don't thank 4chan. It's your fault.

>> No.5520273

Nah.. its 4chan.

>> No.5520303

Don't worry, you won't feel nothing when you're dead.
While you're dying yes, but once your consciousnesses ceases you won't feel absolutely nothing.

>> No.5520306

Quite a lot of double negatives in there. Confusing.

>> No.5520776

>Dat paralyzing, panic, all-encompassing fear that creeps up when you lay at wake at night thinking about death

I'm scared /sci/

>> No.5520793

Imagine being at the doctor and hearing that you have early signs of Alzheimer. Just imagine knowing that your consciousness will die over the course of the next few years and that you'll be reduced to something with a lower intellect than a dog.

My grandpa had Alzheimer, so there's a chance I'll get it too. I'm so afraid of getting old.

>> No.5520924

What if you already have Alzheimer, you just don't know about it?

>> No.5520980
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>> No.5520997

don't be scared. Death frees us from the fear of dying. Just hope that when you will it will be painlessly done.

>> No.5521021
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Shinigami shall be my next profession

>> No.5522522
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Your consciousness most certainly continues, but what you need to understand is that your body is the thing that keeps the stream congruent.
Think of feedback on a television, except you are the screen as well as the feedback image. When your body dies the thing keeping the screen in the rectangular shape stops, so the feedback/shape of your consciousness flies in all different directions the entirety of which you get to experience. It will be absolutely horrific for some of you, and just an eternity of the color blue for others. And for as long as it takes the universe to make your body again, you will 'fall' through random sets of experience, when I say random I do mean random. It won't be like you're watching a picnic here, or at a concert next. It will be like a Rorschach spray of colors, emotions, sounds, textures, etc. at all different intensities. Some of you will even experience infinite pain. Not to worry though, your body is what keeps the memory so even though it could potentially last forever, it will be over in an instant. I hope.

>> No.5522547

Probably some kind of quantum shit or something

>> No.5522586


what's getting to me most right now, is that the answer to "what happens after you die" has probably been mentioned to a certain extent in this thread. We'll just never know until it happens so might as well sit back, accept it, and tell ourselves we knew it was coming all along

>> No.5522596
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This OP, this...

>> No.5522957
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>> No.5522977

The brain is a data logging system. Reality is generated through sense data, i.e., all things which exist can only be experienced in their sensed form. So, as we all know, the bookshelf is not truly a bookshelf but what is perceived to be a bookshelf by natural faculties. When the brain ceases to function, it ceases to perceive reality and generate this sense data in a way which it can be logged and conceptualized. So, therefore, after you are dead, no data can be decoded by the brain and nothing exists in your reality.

>> No.5523000

>format hard drive
>throw off cliff
>data is all gone
>your song is gone
>you are dead

god 1

>> No.5523029

>reading comprehension

>> No.5523038

I believe I am forced to relive my life with all events unchanging and each time I can remember small pieces from the previous cycle, but will be unable to change anything and am DOOMED to this for eternity

either that or I rot

or I say fuck you to science and become a god damn spirit flying around and shit until I run out of ghost mojo or some shit like that, god being a ghost must suck, imagine being alive for eternity and unable to die as you are already dead