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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 480x500, 1359462705001[4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5505421 No.5505421 [Reply] [Original]


Post scores

>> No.5505428

that's some epin science brah

>> No.5505427

give it a rest, bro
for example:

>> No.5505457

>give it a rest, bro
>for example:
There's more than one poster on /sci/, you know.

>> No.5505877

Got 56 though I can get some more once I get some sleep

>> No.5505966 [DELETED] 

I got 112.
Is that good?
What is the average?

>> No.5505975



>> No.5506103

>mfw 79

>> No.5506141

Oh shit man, I actually remember that thread, I seriously need to lay off iq bullshit.

>> No.5506184

I'd also like to know what the average is. raw numbers mean nothing.

>> No.5506246

4th run 114 point

x-eye technique 4tw

>> No.5506296

110 First try

i fucked up early on

>> No.5506299

Fuck off Harriet

>> No.5506339


I truly feel bad now.
Now that I know what I'm meant to be doing, I'll be retrying.

>> No.5506386


i love you for posting the root to all the swf's OP, i lost the link the other month

>> No.5506399 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, prick!
you're obviously just jelly that she beat your fucking score, you stupid bastard

>> No.5506403
File: 33 KB, 709x483, swf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have got 120. Clicked last one randomly in excitement.

>Implying this isn't just a circlejerking thread

>> No.5506405


>> No.5506421

Took me 10-15 seconds to figure out what I was supposed to do. After that 132. No wrong answers.

>> No.5506426 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 709x490, fuck_yeahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level, fucking plebs
and this was on my first go, while really fucking stoned
i did this shit months ago and broke 200

easy as fuck

>> No.5506460


Am I really this dumb?

>> No.5506547 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 468x354, 012774364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh, i guess so
it gives you 90 fucking seconds, you can break 33 in like 3 question

4, tops

so thats like you wasting 30 seconds per question
get out a fucking ruler and a protractor, check the shapes mathematically seeing as clearly YOU'RE FUCKING BLIND!

and then click your choice

seriously, if you get 33 when actually trying, then i genuinely feel sorry for you

>> No.5506557 [DELETED] 

kk, my mistake, i forgot it builds up slowly at first

still, thats only like 7 or 8 questions

in 90 seconds that should be a piece of piss

>> No.5506577

I did kind of give up towards the end since I was getting frustrated.

But thanks for the honest response

>> No.5506600 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 467x348, 68657456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, yeh, you lose points for wrong answers
spam guessing just makes your score plummet
you just fucked yourself

you probably would have done ok

have another go, hun

stay focused and calm, and it's easy as fuck.
just take it slow, no rush.

>> No.5506757

OP here, the average is 51.

>> No.5506765

Seriously EK, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5506779

65, made a ton of mistakes though and wasn't really taking it srsly.

>> No.5506787

116. You can all eat my shit.

Hit the wrong button by mistake on one, so I'm even smarter than the reading indicates.

>> No.5506803

Tried again and got 88. Best way is to not pay too much attention to detail and go with your gut feeling based on quick glances.

>> No.5506842

> I'm even smarter than the reading indicates.

Why do I even go on 4chan?

>> No.5506938 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me, you fucking double slut experiment

>> No.5506947
File: 17 KB, 323x331, gooby prs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally laughed out loud.

5 star poast

>> No.5506944

How old are you? Seriously. You have the mental age of a 13 year old.

>> No.5506956 [DELETED] 

no i don't, you just have shit judgement.
i'm 22

>> No.5506958 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 640x480, EKs fwend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5506963

Actually you do, but it's kinda cute.

>> No.5506974 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 452x287, adSTFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not 'cute' you fuck!
and i always had a mental age way above my actual age, so go fuck yourself!

>> No.5506982 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 757x740, quantumcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your cute. Maybe not the DT kind of cute. More like silly-cute.

>> No.5506999 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 386x295, your_youre_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your cute

>> No.5507027


>> No.5507024
File: 75 KB, 1090x714, bazinga DDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what I meant.

>> No.5507062

That means you have severe autism

>> No.5507077 [DELETED] 

I love her.

>> No.5507073
File: 23 KB, 132x96, puddi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, a buzzword.

>> No.5507081

I can't load the site, what the hell

>> No.5507103

Got to 120 after maybe ~20 tries.

Hurpa durpa, I can/can't recognize identical shapes on an internet test, this must mean I'm intelligent/dumb.

>> No.5508284

It does, faggot.

>> No.5508336

>I scored well, don't take this away from me!

>> No.5508340

>I scored poorly, please don't relate that to any negative property of me

>> No.5508354

>I like implying things too, please imply

>> No.5508363

>I implied an implication and am now implying again against retortive a implication that accurately reflect a truth that's too difficult for me to hear while maintaining that the other party implied the implied implication

>> No.5508367

>I imply that the earlier implication was directed at anyone in particular, implying that he had any sort of investment in the earlier implied implications.

>> No.5508544

47 dawgs u jelly

>> No.5508560

cross your eyes so that the shapes match up with eachother.

The game seems to make shapes that are different less than the human eye can tell them apart

>> No.5508591

But I get blurry vision and it fucks shit up
Plus it hurts my eyes like hell

>> No.5508710

Okay 67 now

>> No.5509152

What does this thing measure?

>> No.5509193


>> No.5509203

Now 96. Well I had some fun.

>> No.5509378

Fuck you I just got 101

>> No.5509407
File: 85 KB, 624x464, 1358374181423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try.

>> No.5509417

507 0th try

>> No.5509422

no, really.

>> No.5509470



>> No.5509588


A few blunders towards the end. Maybe this will help me pass finals next week.

>> No.5511310

73, and stoned

>> No.5511317

if you have less than 100 you probably are retarded

>> No.5511348

132 first try, get on my level subhumans.

>> No.5511384


Well, I fucked some up because I thought flips and rotations were acceptable for a match.

How do people not get a multiple of 6? Wouldn't that mean that they are making mistakes before the difficulty is level 6?

>> No.5511411

what is this measuring exactly? I got a 120 without actually trying, and I smoked a blunt about 1 hour ago. I'm not particularly smart, but I don't know how people are averaging 51 on this.

>> No.5511416

wtf i cant get more than 40

i feel like a retard

>> No.5511418



>> No.5511470


>> No.5511469

Your geometric abilities.

>> No.5511482

well It depends you can actually guess if you don't know. But maybe you are just good in geometrical things, and saying that you aren't smart is smart.

>> No.5511526
File: 32 KB, 708x504, noteventrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5511543

>mfw /sci/ can't get over 150

>> No.5511604

>Not even trying
>Gets a shit score

>> No.5511822


>> No.5511880

I love how all of /sci/ except for this one person posts large, improbable scores with no screencap.

>> No.5511884


I got a couple that were matches and counted as not. As in, I'm 100% certain they were matches.

>> No.5511894

Except they aren't.

>> No.5512317

The game makes no mistakes. They may have been very close to one another, and yet they were not.

>> No.5512321

>Improbable scores
Huh? No one scored in the 200+, no one even got past the 150 mark.

>> No.5512328

68 first try.


>> No.5512334 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 1091x587, 112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those scores are not particularly large.
You think they are lying?
If they were, they would lie about scores much larger than that.
I think I have a picture of my score, if you really do not believe me.

>> No.5512339 [DELETED] 

I think that EK did, but her post is gone.

>> No.5512342
File: 38 KB, 707x505, Screen Shot 2013-02-08 at 3.50.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second try

this is seriously easy

>> No.5512346 [DELETED] 

It is easy of you are good at it.

>> No.5512354 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 1075x631, 136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are closely matched.
Care for a little competition?

>> No.5512355

What I don't get is why I ace almost every intelligence score and yet when I try to debate or argue with someone all the good thoughts in my head come out retarded.

And so everyone who knows me thinks i'm an idiot.

>> No.5512358

ohoho you're on.

adderall allowed or disallowed?

>> No.5512375
File: 37 KB, 722x502, Screen Shot 2013-02-08 at 4.00.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even though i'm 'adhd' i think it's unfair if i take a stimulant.

beat this.

>> No.5512374 [DELETED] 

IQ tests use mainly the logical, mathematical and shape/space parts of the brain.
Being good at these does not necessarily mean that your linguistic skills will also be good.
They are very different skillsets.

>> No.5512379

except that in verbal reasoning and word memory I scored 99th perecnetile in both.

In fact I scored 99th percentile in everything except for planning/organization, which was in the 45th percentile.

I guess that's why they diagnosed me with ADHD

>> No.5512378 [DELETED] 

I do not really like drugs, but obviously I can not tell you what to do.
Use it if you wish.

>> No.5512386 [DELETED] 

I am struggling to beat that.
I usually score about 110.
I will have to get extremely lucky to beat 144.
Well done. :)

>> No.5512387
File: 37 KB, 707x501, Screen Shot 2013-02-08 at 4.05.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reached the 150 mark.

once you get to a certain level it's all down to how well you control your nerves.

Like the sound it makes when I get one wrong give me intense anxiety for some reason, as does that annoying fucking countdown at the end.

>> No.5512393 [DELETED] 

Do yourself a favour; play it on mute.

>> No.5512392 [DELETED] 

Sometimes the problem can be thinking too quickly (for arguments, and so forth)
Your mouth can not keep up with your brain.
You have a lot of ideas for things to say all at once, and you do not have time to say them, and can not keep up.

Planning and organising your arguments and speaking clearly and point by point does not always come naturally. It takes practise.

>> No.5512397

these tests are bs, you can teach yourself the right answers because the sequence never changes

>> No.5512404 [DELETED] 

The sequence changes every single time.
Questions are selected at random from a large bank of questions for the level that you have achieved.

As you move up, questions are more difficult, but can score more points.

>> No.5512409


the former is probably a spelling mistake but do I have the pleasure of talking to a Brit?

>> No.5512413


complete utter bullshit, you can train yourself for those series of tests

first time i took the whole set, i scored as shit-tier as "better than 40% of test-takers" then bumped it up to "better than 80% of test-takers"

>> No.5512418 [DELETED] 

Yes, the first one was a spelling mistake.
Yes, I am British.

>> No.5512422 [DELETED] 

That is because you improved due to practice.

You are correct that you can train yourself and that you can improve, but it is false to say that 'the sequence never changes' because it actually is randomised each and every time.

>> No.5512426


mullroy... while the sequence might change INSIGNIFICANTLY, the problems stay the same.. with enough repetition you'll nail them no matter what order they pop in

>> No.5512435 [DELETED] 

There are too many to remember, and the shapes are so subtly different that trying to remember all of them would not help your speed and accuracy in this puzzle anyway.

Practising the puzzle in general is more helpful.
You do not need to remember specific images.

>> No.5512438

yeah I agree with this guy.

>> No.5512441


theorizing is of little relevance when nobody dares to upload a video recording of themselves doing the test

any sack of fat with 2 fingers can MS pain that shit

>> No.5512442

Holy shit, just reached the 198 mark.

>> No.5512455 [DELETED] 

That is extremely good; the highest I have seen, I think.
Well done. :)

>> No.5512464 [DELETED] 

To cheat and post a fake score?
I suppose they could, but why bother?

Doing well and getting a good honest score is far more satisfying.

>> No.5512468


then you're the 1% autistic savant in this thread who's being honest about their achievements

that or you're tripfagging troll

>> No.5512473 [DELETED] 

I think that most people will be telling the truth.
You are far too distrusting.
Liars trying to make the rest of us feel inferior would have posted faked scores above 200.

Scores of 100-150 are fairly normal for people who are quite good at this.

>> No.5512479

Harriet's programming doesn't allow her to lie.

>> No.5512486

she is perfect, the temperament of a wise monk, the patience of a good mother, no-nonsense ethics, and the second loveliest accent in the world. You may think having the second loveliest accent would make her not perfect but it's the flaws in people that draw us to them and make them all the more endearing.

>> No.5512488 [DELETED] 

Haha, and what do you think it the best accent in the world?

>> No.5512499

It's a tie between Castilian Spanish and when a French-speaking individual speaks English (I actually hate hearing French, though.)

>> No.5512520 [DELETED] 

>When a French-speaking individual speaks English.
That is what I thought you would say.

>> No.5512543

no one expects the castilian though

>> No.5512546
File: 82 KB, 486x409, 1253298824837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.>French accent

>> No.5512557

I remember doing well in a spatial reasoning test and I tend to do well at IQ tests, I scored 56 in this, perhaps I was working too slowly. Is there likely to be a reason for this or are those with high scores exceedingly intelligent?

>> No.5512556 [DELETED] 

I am not even completely sure what that sounds like.

>> No.5512568 [DELETED] 

Perhaps too slowly.
Or maybe rushing and getting too many wrong answers which lowers your score?
Either way, just practise and I think that you will improve.

>> No.5512573

catalan shits all over castilian

>> No.5512649

They're probably very intelligent.

>> No.5512655

penelope cruz

>> No.5513953


>> No.5513954


>> No.5513961


>> No.5514179

Sure you did faggot. And I just nailed the princess of Wales.

>> No.5514336

Is there anything similar to this?

>> No.5514356
File: 38 KB, 644x341, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5514367

>mfw the average is around 50

>> No.5514675


>> No.5514700


>> No.5514749

I was at -10 before I got the hang of it and ended up with a 38.

I swear a lot of the shapes looked exactly the same and I couldn't tell the difference. I don't know how some of you got scores in the 120's.

>> No.5514767


I do shit on timed test though,since I have slower processing speed then most people it seems.

>> No.5514787
File: 29 KB, 704x497, score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5514749 here

I didn't know the corner thing was a score multiplier and thought it was just the relative difficulty level for each comparison.

Tried it again without trying to do it as fast as I could. Did a little better than my previous 38.

>> No.5514792


Seems to favor a little speed over excessive accuracy.I know I definitely would have gotten a higher score if I wasn't as careful as I was.

Also depending on what there sample for the average.If they take it from there users its probably incredibly skewed so only the really talented can get a super high score.

>> No.5515439

It is a relative difficulty level.

>> No.5515487
File: 95 KB, 700x400, iafq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've once 120, pretty neat

>> No.5515518

Surely practice will only improve your ability to complete this test and cannot be transferred to another spacial reasoning test? I may be wrong but would my first score not describe my innate spacial reasoning ability?

>> No.5516546

kay, how about this one next?

>> No.5516921

What the fuck is that thing?

>> No.5516939


Does that means im above average intelligence?

>> No.5517026


>> No.5517172

fyuck this shit

>> No.5517218


This is not an IQ test.

>> No.5517229

It's part of an IQ test.

>> No.5517610


>> No.5519342

I got 15. am i retarded?

>> No.5519363

It doesn't mean shit because of the speed factor
I like taking my time
People do it with different levels of urgency

>> No.5519578

No, it's above average.

>> No.5519649

Don't feel bad, I got 12. I couldn't grab the 7th square sets. I always fucked up one of them.

>> No.5519653
File: 37 KB, 500x322, 1357798092245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i retarded?

>> No.5519835


>> No.5519845


>I'm 15

>> No.5519878


>> No.5519910

>mfw -10

>> No.5520380


>> No.5520773

Dude seriously?

>> No.5520795


>> No.5521291


>> No.5521310


>> No.5521339


>> No.5522736

90, bitches

>> No.5522772

Gah, I hate the fucking triangles.

>> No.5522964

umad brah?

>> No.5523160


>> No.5523783


>> No.5523785


>> No.5525139


>> No.5525311

Got 46 first try and 138 second try, what does it mean?

>> No.5525356

Isn't this just a test of eyesight?

>> No.5526206

idk its about details and all

>> No.5526877


>> No.5528237


>> No.5528288


>> No.5529641

Up to 88 on my 14th try

>> No.5531717

Is there anything similar to this?

>> No.5531812

new challenge, what is the lowest negative amount of points you can manage to get?

>> No.5531852

83 on my first try, is that good? didn't understand what to do in the beginning though

>> No.5531855


I'm not too gifted in this manner

>> No.5532921

lol this
i got -17 when trying
not too bad if i may say so

>> No.5532934 [DELETED] 

Yes, they have many different puzzles

All of them are free.
have fun!