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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5511871 No.5511871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is doing exercises out of a math book useful but play video games not?

Why is it good to learn physics that you're never going to use, but going to parties isn't?


(apart from making yourself feel superior to others)

>> No.5511873

>Never using physics

>> No.5511882


This guy knows.

you sound like one of those people who think that "they" added "letters" to "math" just to make it more confusing.

>> No.5511889


I don't use physics in my daily life.

Get over yourself, you're not special.

>> No.5511892
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>why is becoming educated better than being cool?

>> No.5511900

Why is doing push ups usefull but masturbating is not?

Why is it good to learn to swim if you're never on a boat, but sitting on the beach isnt?

>> No.5511902

You better be trolling. 10/10

Is that because you don't WORK in a field where physics is fundamental?

You do understand you are comparing a paid skill with going to parties, and asking why one is better than the other?

>> No.5511903

Then how do you estimate distances?
How do you even drive a car?
Or a bike?
How do you know that you can't go outside and lift a car up with one hand?
Just because you don't do it accurately or use theoretical terms it doesn't mean you don't use physics.

>> No.5511905


They satisfy the same need, the need to feel superior and show off to others. You don't give a shit about education, you just others to know you're educated.

>> No.5511909


Physical exercise improves health and releases pleasure chemicals and gives rewards.

Shit analogy. Next.

>> No.5511914


Wow are you really gonna use such shitty autistic semantics arguments? Everyone knows what I mean go fuck yourself if you're too stupid to understand you're not impressing anyone with your pedantry.

>> No.5511918


see >>5511902

>> No.5511919 [DELETED] 

Why is atheism better than religion?

>> No.5511916

It's unlikely that the majority of people who go on to get a higher education are doing it to impress people. There are far easier ways to impress people.

>> No.5511933


Do you understand every little part of your life?

Subatomic particles, brain chemistry, physiology etc. No you don't. You might know a bit about each, but if you've missed something, it doesn't matter.

>> No.5511942

>Sun of Fire, Sun of Ice
>Etc. and so forth

>> No.5511965



Some people have aspirations (and aspergers huheuhe) to do something slightly more challenging than "me an strong, me and move box and fuck on weekend"

Get over yourself, you way of living life is neither the only way, nor the correct way.

>> No.5511964

That's the difference.
Some people actually take an interest in those things and then try to learn more about them.
Ofcourse everyone has different interests but don't try and make it seem like it is pointless and unimportant.

>> No.5511992

work changes the way you think, granting you more utility over time. you can solve problems that others simply cannot in ways they cannot, and as long as you are not totally aspie you will find yourself in a position of leadership. you learn for the group.

games are individual. they are about the drugs in your brain and making you feel good and keep you from feeling bad at all costs. you play them with friends, yes, but you remain the same version of you playing games, you don't improve, you don't evolve yourself, so when you unplug and get back to the real world, you return to the sea of the average, and when a leader shows up and asks for a few good men, you won't even wonder if you should stand up and volunteer, you'll instead look to your left then to your right like everyone else in the crowd is doing at that moment.

I have nothing against games and parties, but people who put them in contention with advancement miss the point of either.

>> No.5511999

The majority of people who go to parties and play video games aren't doing it to impress people.

There are far better ways to impress people.

Like being well educated and having credentials to perform a task well.

The point of this thread was to illustrate that doing something hedonistic isn't intrinsically wrong.

The problem arises when you start doing something that you don't enjoy because of some extrinsically motivated forces telling you to do so.

>> No.5512004

I like to live a balanced lifestyle.

I study, play games and drink with friends on occasion. Why isn't this ok? I think they all have value or merit when taken in moderation.

>> No.5512011

>you will find yourself in a position of leadership.

Is this what managers actually think? Managers are a dime a dozen and horrible managers are so pervasive in most jobs, it's almost sickening. I really wish some of those aspiring managers would just keep looking left and right like the rest of the aspies.

>> No.5512013

well without that physics that nobody ever uses, those video games would never exist. without chemistry, the alcohol people drink at parties wouldn't exist, etc.

there's nothing wrong with playing video games or partying. i love both. but without people to do the things that are considered useful (hint they're considered useful for a reason), most of what you considered fun wouldn't even be a choice.

>> No.5512017

People who go to parties mostly go there to impress people.
Why do you think people dress up? Why do you think girls spend hours getting ready?
That being said, I agree with this >>5512004

>> No.5512022

>The majority of people who go to parties and play video games aren't doing it to impress people.

Are you sure about that? Why are multiplayer games such a huge market? Why is there such a huge caveat of people that relinquish hours a day to get the best armor in MMORPS? Are you telling me that COD players don't play to get on top of that score board every game? Games are all about impressing your opponents or the audience, especially now.

As for parties. You spend your night working on social proof to impress the gender that you want to fuck. Easily can say that the entire purpose of a party is to either gain more social proof, or impress some person so much that they end up fucking you.

>> No.5512037
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I'd argue playing video games has some value in that it helps you develop hand-eye coordination which is useful for a lot of jobs and it has cultural value, such as the GTA games, for example, which cynically exaggerate the excesses of contemporary society in order to give people a mirror to look into.

Or the Civilization games, for example, which cause you to think about the ramifications of social, political, religious, scientific, economic, military, infrastructural, etc. decisions in the context of an international fabric.

I'd argue parties are useful in that they introduce you to people and provide you with both utilitarian and leisurely benefits. For example, you might hook up with a girl, score some drugs (leisurely), or you might meet new business contacts (utilitarian).

Utility and leisure are codependent because Utilitarian producers provide the leisurely spenders with goods and services.

But see, I'm using my education to argue for the things you'd rather do than get educated.

I'm using my education to argue from your perspective hypothetically, something I would never do in any other context. Such are the benefits of "being educated," which need not even imply formal education these days, now that we have a digital demigod (google) we can pray to for instant knowledge.

So use your brain, and don't assume intelligent people just want to feel superior. They haven't made the empathetic breakthrough if that's the case.

See, being an intelligent being is a product of genetic, social, poltical, and economic LUCK.

The fact that I'm not a shrew or a turtle is so god damn amazing when I consider the odds, that I only want to use the gift of intelligence to help people, rather than hurt. So that they too can experience GOOD FORTUNE.


And use your noodle.

>> No.5512039


I agree with you but I want concrete answers, which there are none. It's all based on transient cultural values, which are not objective.