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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5498847 No.5498847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I troll the evangelical christfaggots in my Biology class? We are in the evolution section and they are trying to get us all to go to the "Answers in Genesis" website.

Teacher says anything Darwin related and they just start badgering the class with questions about origin of species and the jesus. Tired of it.

>tldr: how do fuck with christians in biology class

>> No.5498857

All depictions of Adam and Eve have belly buttons.

>> No.5498858

Humans have tailbones.

>> No.5498861

Tell them to stop being assholes to your class. The teacher should be harder on them, interrupting to ask stupid questions is not cool.

>> No.5498862

The blonde hair/blue eye mutation.

>> No.5498859

tried this one.

response was "God works in mysterious ways"

>> No.5498864

Don't. Say you'll stick with what the experts admit is most plausible. It's a settled debate from the 1870's.

>> No.5498865

>God works in mysterious ways
It's futile, you can't get through to people who think that's a reasonable answer.

>> No.5498871

but they have to know how retarded they are

>> No.5498873

If you want a REALLY uncomfortable topic for them, go with the evolution of the human penis.

>> No.5498870

The fact that there are different ethnicities that "just so happen" to have melanin levels in their skin, hair, and eyes better suited to their environment.

>> No.5498877
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op here

one also brought up
>pic related

has this been disputed? surely it's just bullshit

>> No.5498878

The fact that we share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees.

>> No.5498879


tell your teacher that he cannot entertain questions about religion during instructional time

>> No.5498886

Why bother disputing that crap?

>> No.5498882

Ask them to explain how, in a universe where every macro-scale object behaves in a perfectly predictable manner according to mathematical formulas, they somehow have the ability to make decisions and move their control their body movements.

>> No.5498891

Bogus. For one, similar claims were made with elephant bones and Grecian cyclopes. Second, even according to Abrahamic theology, said Nephilim stood sixty cubits (Ninety feet) tall. The bones, if they existed, would be MUCH larger. Given the average size of a human femur, assuming similar proportions, we could assume a Nephilim femur to be just over 23 feet in length.

tl;dr, bogus by scientific AND religious standards... A whole new low.

>> No.5498890

to them, it is hard evidence that God is right and science is satan

>> No.5498914

i was a bio teacher. i had a student once who claimed that evolution was false, because the arc was recently discovered, among other specious claims. did my best to convince this person otherwise outside of class because it was such a fucking waste of time.

related: smbc-comics.com/?id=2703

>> No.5498917

okay... but you must understand this: I live in fucking tennessee. any of this will simply result in
>god works in mysterious ways, dude

>> No.5498920


also stolen

>> No.5498918

That comic was so full of win. I do apologize my good sir/madam, but I must steal it.

>> No.5498921

Okay, how about aiming right for their dogma? For example, explain that the idea of the trinity and hell come from pagan religions. :P

>> No.5498922

"Jesus wasn't the profit"
Then subject them to how much mur better Jews are by the fact that they run the world
"they know what they're talkin bout guys"

>> No.5498925


Even if Noah's ark was discovered, how would that necessarily discredit evolution?

>> No.5498932

It doesn't, though when have creationists ever been known for their logic?

>> No.5498937


i don't remember her logic, but i imagine it had to do with all animals already being here in their current form

honestly, it was the point of no return in an entire ESSAY she handed me about how evolution was wrong/evil

>> No.5498938


Check out Talk Origins - An Index to Creationist Claims
Most of the responses are probably there.


>> No.5498939

here's the map of their "thought process"

>old boat found in middle east
>"hmm noah's ark!"
>"That further proves God's word!"
>"God said all science and liberals were wrong and are the devil, so that must be true too!"

>> No.5498958

I'll try to convince one of them to check this out

>> No.5498964

Please kill me.

>> No.5498975

I think a brief survey of flood geology (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_geology)) will show that it's way too crazy for any reasonable person to believe. You have to do some serious brain-contortions to make any of that shit fit together.

>> No.5498984
File: 6 KB, 275x183, YouWin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5498994

I need to keep this bumped it's the annual /b/ easter egg hunt

>> No.5499002

Bumping again

>> No.5499006

so this is relevant?

>> No.5499009


Extremely relevant, i know sci might not believe in the easter bunny but please don't take our childhood innocence away from /b/.

>> No.5499022

One last bump then i will take the golden egg elsewhere.

>> No.5499043

When I was in kindergarten I told my whole class Santa Claus wasn't real.

/b/ can suck it up.

>> No.5499042

I will bite you.

>> No.5499053

Ask them how the fuck God expected lions to be vegetarians (Genesis 1:29–30) before Eve ate the fruit when they have no teeth that can properly grind up plant matter and they can't biosynthesize the amino acid taurine (only found in animals) by themselves, and therefore have to get it from eating other animals.

Ask them why God insisted on making us exactly like all of the other animals in basic structure, and yet also insisted that we are not also animals.

Ask them how we could have survived a population bottleneck of literally two or three multiple times without having succumbed to crippling genetic disorders.

>> No.5499052


Good i've got aids we can share



>> No.5499057

y-yes sir

>> No.5499068

I've got rabies. Bet that's real compatible with your AIDS. :]

>> No.5499077


Damn we'd be like rabid dogs running around spitting blood on people infecting them with AIDS, maybe the start to a 28 days later scenario.

>> No.5499093

I'm cool with that.

>> No.5499098


No, you'd be like dead. Some of those symptoms come from your immune system, which you wouldn't have.

>> No.5499164

Christian here. This will be fun.

Usually these people are so terribly ignorant about what they're teaching they won't even know the basics. Like asking them how many of each animal Noah brought with him on the Arc, if they say 2 laugh at them.

Anyhow, ask them 'when did God create man?' If they say 'on the sixth day' laugh at them. They know nothing. God created man first then put them in a garden he prepared for them, then he created animals. Oh wait, no he didn't he created them last before resting. Yeah. There's two creation accounts in the bible that contradict each other. They're just plain idiots who probably don't even realize that about the bible and have no argument to counter it.

Is it important? Nah, not really. You have to remember that God was teaching SHEPHERDS about how the world was created. He never meant what he said to be taken as science. He meant what he said to help people who knew nothing of the real workings of the world to understand that he was responsible for planning and executing the creation of man.

He could have done this similar to me baking a cake. I can assemble the ingredients, throw it in an oven, and let convection do the real work. God could have thrown everything together and then let nature take care of the rest.

I'm sure he knew that mankind would learn on our own the science behind it all so there was no reason to spend his time confusing the fuck out of shepherds. So using the bible as any sort of scientific document is laughable and those assholes you're in class with need to learn to shut the fuck up.

>> No.5499175

Hmm, before I leave I guess what I'm saying is you need to beat them on their own turf. They won't listen to anything that you say because it an be dismissed, science to these people is the enemy so using science to prove your point is worthless. Use the bible to confuse them and you'll win.

>> No.5499250


Native species and invasive species.

So God tells Noah that He's gonna flood the Earth. Noah builds an ark, gets two of everything, puts them on his ark, and all other terrestrial (and, presumably, avian) life is destroyed. Noah lands somewhere around Turkey, lets the animals go, and they go forth and multiply. All extant land animals originate from a single pair in the Middle-East, and
a) All migration and proliferation has occurred since the great flood (max 20,000 years according to evangelical Christians, yeah?)
b) All animals are remained unchanged, unevolved

Fact: there are species native to the Americas and to Australia that do not exist in parts of the world closer to the supposed landing spot of the ark.

These populations must have originated at the Ark, so the only logical explanation is that every single individual of that species migrated from the Middle-East to where they reside now, or is descended from one who did.

Problem 1: How is it that every single member of that family made it all the way to a new continent, without any stragglers remaining in the "Old World". If they try to respond that they died out in the Old World, point out how successful some invasive species are in southern Europe and the Middle-East. There's no way the American bullfrog could have failed miserably in Europe, flourished in America, and then succeeded in Europe after being reintroduced by man. After all, species don't change, right?

Problem 2: How did these animals get from the Middle-East to the far-flung continents? Did kangaroos swim to Australia? Did guinea pigs and llamas cross the Atlantic goddamn ocean?

>> No.5499274

The argument against this one goes that the different races were made at the same time as language when the tower of Babel fell to further drive humanity apart.

>> No.5499291

We all know gods beef with man is that he ate from the tree of knowledge and thus gained intellect to equal gods.

So maybe gods plan was to inbreed the knowledge back out of them.

>> No.5499298

/sci/ - atheism trolling advice for pseudointellectual college freshmen

>> No.5499307

Actually /sci/ science correction advice to be used on hyper-ignorant fundamentalist Christians.
Nobody mentioned the existence of God until you came along.

>> No.5499308


>> No.5499330

>belief in extraterrestrial omnipotent being(s)
How is this still happening.

>> No.5499422

Turn to the first page of the bible where it says the plants and animals came from the Earth and say that's proof of evolution.

>> No.5499482
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>> No.5499655

If you are not a troll then I weep for all mankind.

>> No.5499685

Christian here again. It also says birds came from the sea. That's a bit tough to explain by evolution.

Once again it should not be taken as science. There are other possibilities such as the first creation account is a planning stage before construction begins, such as an Architect creating a building through design then handing it off to a construction company to build.

That's the theory I hold to most. That the 6 days creation is the planning stage where God wrote down on paper what he was going to do while the second stage was the execution of the plan which is actually missing information, it literally starts out with 'then God planted a garden eastward in Eden'. Where did Eden come from? It was already there when God put a garden in it. Probably a spot of ground he chose on a planet orbiting a star which already had life on it. Makes sense to me.

There's other theories which I find pretty lame that people I know hold to. Such as, God assembled the Earth from pieces of other worlds. That's the one I know my father agrees with. I find it to be junk.

That the flood ruined evidence which was here on Earth and made everything look older than it really is. That one too I think is junk. I mean dear God lake sediment dating throws that right out. There's a few people I've met at church over the years who agree with that one though. I think it's a crutch for idiots who don't know any better.

That the Earth is a physical reflection of a spiritual world. I heard someone say that, and that the spiritual world is the one created in the bible. Making this what? Some sort of mirror world or something, I dunno. I found that one to be . . . weird.

There's plenty of other theories people have come up with over the years. I think it boils down to mental masturbation. The scientific explanation works best, we'll find out the rest when we die, no need to bang our head over it now.

I just wish more Christians realized that so more would become scientists.