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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5496728 No.5496728 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/onic masters,

Recently, I had a heated debate with a friend over the nature of nothingness. I argued that if we were reduced to only eyes and a brain that somehow functioned without the rest of the body, floating through space, no light, we would only perceive empty darkness. He argued that you cannot describe nothing. I understood his point, but he was asking me what I would see. Then he used an example. A jar with nothing inside, a complete vacuum absent of even light that light could not penetrate through. Again, he asked me what I would see. I said darkness. Flabbergasted, he kept re-iterating that you could not describe nothingness. He went on to ask me what did it look like before I could remember things. I told him it was pointless to speculate because we didn't have full memories or the ability to form said memories. He asked me "What is that then?" Again, I said it was pointless to speculate, and accused him of trying to be esoteric. He said I was in a box. Like I said, I understood his view, but was trying to be objective in mine. It went on and on, and then it got to space. I told him that space is nothing. He disagreed, calling it a place (as in 'outer space.') I chided him and said "Space is what we as a people use to describe emptiness" and then told him that he broke his own rule of trying to describe nothing by denoting nothing as a place. Again, he disagreed (heated at this point) and said "I can go to outer space, therefore it is a place." Again, I retorted "You're trying to describe nothing as a place. Everyday you travel through space. In fact, you're in space right now." He disagreed, saying that this wasn't 'outer space.'


>> No.5496739 [DELETED] 


>> No.5496741 [DELETED] 
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/big block of text

>> No.5496744

To clarify, I was using darkness to define the absence of light. Another point he tried to come across with was that darkness is an adjective describing nothing, to which I replied that darkness is the absence of light. Without light, the object in question becomes unknowable because all you can perceive is the darkness. He cited another example, this time a jar and only the jar. No light, air, gravity, etc. Then the jar is gone. Again, I said darkness. He seemed frustrated at this point.

>> No.5496746

Poster of this comment should dose up on adderall, the dumbfuck.

>> No.5496747
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if anyone reads OP's post

be sure to summarise it for the rest of us

>> No.5496749 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5496750

>Recently, I had a heated debate with a friend
yeah, no

>> No.5496751
File: 48 KB, 552x658, you-yes-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5496754 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 217x294, that_fucking_agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i speedread it
some pointless stoner discussion on

pointless bullshit
not science

>> No.5496755

its just unsensical philosofical 15-year-old masturbation that doesnt belong to /sci/

this guys cant even define the concepts they are arguing about

>> No.5496763

Concept: "What is nothingness?"
Science: How best to describe in objective terms what is 'nothing?'

Dip shits.

>> No.5496765

Incidentally, you type like shit.

>> No.5496767

Your definition of nothingness
>empty space

Hid definition of nothingness
>something else

>> No.5496773

I kept trying to get that across to him,but he kept trying to pull this esoteric philosophical bullshit that just angried up my blood something fierce. Eventually he got down to the ad hominems and I just wanted to go Event Horizon on his ass and skull fuck him with a condom made of his teeth.

>> No.5496778

>Incidentally, you type like shit.
I think that was satire.

>> No.5496779

sorry, english is only my second language

>> No.5496784


this all went on in your own head

also, not science, try /lit/

>> No.5496785

Then work on it, Deepak.

>> No.5496793

That too. Sometimes I don't get how people can just toss out what scientific observation says about what nothing is and get all meta about it, like they're on some other level than you are because they put stock into their imagination.

>> No.5496881

Why attempt to comprehend nothingness, when it is by definition nothing; indescribable by its nature, and only known by the negation of things that are not nothing.

>> No.5496972

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