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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5491996 No.5491996 [Reply] [Original]

Have hard time with pre-calculus algebra, how the fuck can i be better at solving this?

Also fucking factorization.

>> No.5491998

by practicing more

>> No.5492003

Do problems until you get it. There is no other way.

>> No.5492008


We all want to believe there is some trick to understanding math but the truth is the more you practice, the easier it becomes. It eventually becomes second nature to look at a problem and know exactly what you should at least attempt to do

>> No.5492014

Why do i need to do this by hand anyway if i understand it (but make too many dumb errors)?

Can't i just plug it in Wolfram alpha?

>> No.5492016

practice is first key.
I suggest finding a good math explainer too, someone you can ask when you get stuck for too long.

>> No.5492019

Because you will never get anywhere in calculus and beyond if you can't solve these types of problems. Simplifying/factoring come up all the time in calculus, especially when working with limits

>> No.5492025

Longtime math tutor here.
Practice, practice
Hire a tutor off of craigslist(look for seniors about to graduate, I was strapped for cash when I first started. I tutored at like $13 an hour)
Also, if your tutor is a neckbeard, get another one. Make sure he looks like a normal fag.

Also: Factorization is the hardest thing for student to understand, don't feel bad.

>> No.5492026


>> No.5492029

Now go figure out how I came up with this.

And what the others said.

>> No.5492040

Here is my mental process: http://mathbin.net/152572

When you are first learning it will probably take you some time to go through each of the thoughts but with plenty of practice you will think these things in a matter of 2-4 seconds.

>> No.5492041
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mfw some peoples did that when they were 12

>can't calculus

How the fuck can you live if you don't know calculus in 2013?

i take algebra/pre-calculus class on coursera, all is ok except fractionnals expressions like theses and advanced factorization...

i understand the answer but i am very slow at applying advanced rules

>> No.5492044

It will come. Keep practicing. Do not quit.

>> No.5492063

Try to factor, cancel where you can.

>> No.5492074


>Also: Factorization is the hardest thing for student to understand, don't feel bad.



>> No.5492131
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>> No.5492149

I never understood how people can't into basic algebra. It's the easiest thing in math by far, if you are struggling with algebra you may as well forget about ever doing calculus.

>> No.5492158

x^2+5x-14= (x+a)(x+b)


>solve for a and b
> learn to do this in your head

>> No.5492167

i got 3(2+x)/x+7

>> No.5492174


thanks mang

>> No.5492181


12-3x^2 = -3(x-2)(x-2)

x^2 +5x -14 = (x-2)(x+7)

(x-2) cancels

= -3(x-2) / (x+7)

>> No.5492187
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>> No.5492206

What do you mean when you say solve?

>> No.5492208
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Practice makes perfect, OP.

>> No.5492210

solve for x if it's an equation

trust me im white

>> No.5492257

how can you solve for x if there is no equals sign whitey?