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5490945 No.5490945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we allow dumb people to vote?

>> No.5490947

Why does OP not want to be allowed to vote?

>> No.5490948

Hey, I like to vote.
Fuck you OP.

>> No.5490951

Because we have democracy - power of the idiots.

>> No.5490953

Because liberals get to vote too so it's fair.

>> No.5490955

and by that I mean liberals are dumb

>> No.5490962

because an aspyocracy is the stuff of nightmares

>> No.5490968

there's why just there

any test of intelligence will swiftly be politicised

>> No.5490969

OP, in short: democracy is a totally shit system, but all other systems tried have been worse.

>> No.5490970
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Because smart people can manipulate dumb people.

>> No.5490973

so why not cut out the middle man?

>> No.5490974

>this is what autists actually believe

A socially retarded cretin like you can't manipulate anybody.

>> No.5490991

because they also have interests?

yeah, but it's the most reliable when one takes a long-term view.

>> No.5491002

Democracy is total shit. We should make some sciencecratic neosocialism in order to progress, otherwise the new generations of future scientists will not get to achieve anything in their lives because the stupid people in the government is stealing the money.

>> No.5491007


Seriously. If you don't want to live in a Democracy:


>> No.5491011
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>> No.5491017

>implying irrational random behaviour isn't the most efficient, eg evolution

>> No.5491032

It isn't. Evolution is too slow.

>> No.5491044


>> No.5491045


Socialism is democracy retard.

>> No.5491051

Then sciencecratic totalitarian neosocialism.

The plebs don't know what they want.

>> No.5491055

Socialism and democracy aren't mutually dependant retard.

>> No.5491057

lets compare evolution's achievements, with any other achievements we know about

who wins?

>> No.5491061

The wheel.

>> No.5491060

pleb here. i want romance, pleasure, achievement, belonging, sex, adventure

>> No.5491067

>the wheel is better than the human brain
>also, any human achievement is a product of evolution

>> No.5491072

wheels are hopelessly inefficient, but simple to construct and maintain

>> No.5491084

>>the wheel is better than the human brain
No but if you can't even make a wheel you're hardly efficient.
>>also, any human achievement is a product of evolution
hurr durr hurr
We're comparing blind adaptation to deliberate design. Human minds design things.

>> No.5491109


This is unscientific dualism. Humans no more direct there own behaviour than evolution does. What does the directing? Some magic man inside your head?

>> No.5491111

This "equal free society" society in which we live allows people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, genders etc to have "equal rights" and "free speech", provided it can't in any way, shape or form be construed as offensive, derogatory, oppressive etc.

However, given that everyone from a certain age HAS a vote, MOST people don't use it. This is the filtration process by which a majority of "dumb" people are extracted from the collaborative voice of a nation.

>> No.5491115

>provided it can't in any way, shape or form be construed as offensive, derogatory, oppressive etc.

I guess that's why 4chan doesn't exist.

>> No.5491120

I didn't say anything about what a mind is.

"Why" are you "talking" in "quotation "marks"?"""

>> No.5491122

what an entitled weak fuck

>> No.5491130

> implying 4chan has any actual location, personality, voice or sentient consciousness
> implying anyone in the real world would listen to an extremely limited group of pessimistic narcissists
> implying just because someone doesn't voice an opinion means they don't have it
> implying because someone doesn't fit a trend, they don't exist
> implying implications

>> No.5491137
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>sentient consciousness


>> No.5491138

"Because" I want to""?

>> No.5491148

>I didn't say anything about what a mind is
you implied it exists, and this existence was central to your argument that man's acts are somehow directed and not a part of a random universe

>> No.5491149

Monarchism is the way forward. People obviously can't handle power given that politicians give permanent concessions for one-time votes due to a bad case of ambition.
Just dump all that power on someone who really seems to know his shit and hope for the best.
Better to roll the dice than steadily decline, no?

>> No.5491167

>was central to your argument that man's acts are somehow directed and not a part of a random universe
No it wasn't.
If it was you would say that the *claim* that >man's acts are somehow directed and not a part of a random universe
was central to my argument. The *argument* was that design by minds is different from blind adaptation.
I can easily out-autism you, little ruseman.

>People obviously can't handle power
>So lets give it all to one guy that we can't vote against

>> No.5491175

>So lets give it all to one guy that we can't vote against
Yes. A corollary to "masses have the collective brain of a 5 year old" would be the masses want to overthrow any government that doesn't deliver nearly instantaneously. Best way to prevent that is by outlawing it.

>> No.5491178

Why the fuck would you trust this one guy? Even if he's great, what about his successor?

>> No.5491182

He determines the successor.

>> No.5491202

Because it's not a real democracy unless people of age without a criminal background are allowed to vote, and democracy is the only system of government, thus far, that's worth a damn.

And 'dumb' is a subjective value.

>> No.5491215

A lack of a highly accurate individual assessment of intelligence (correlating 90% or more with the abstract domain with no outliers) poses both technical and ethical issues.

Weighing votes solely based upon raw cognitive ability also assumes that voter competence is almost wholly encompassed by intellectual ability. Asserting that knowledge in a specific set of areas is almost entirely encompassed by either a general knowledge factor or "g" is a bit silly.

>> No.5491220


Because, hey, centuries of war across nearly every continent on the face of the planet wasn't all that bad, right?

>> No.5491225

We do. Humans have achieved more advancements in less time. Evolution only wins because it's had a fuckton of time.

>> No.5491237
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>democracy ends all wars
Even Yugoslavia was a democracy you before its constituents started to mutually dildo rape each other, let alone USA dickwaving and Libyan and Iraqi democracies being shining glorious beacons of peace and prosperity, not forgetting the peaceful relations between Russia and Georgia and Serbia and Kosovo.
What did away with massive wars was the threat of mutual annihilation, not the power of the people given true angelic form via elected representatives.

>> No.5491248


Where and when did I say, or even imply that Democracy ends war?

>> No.5491250

Finished/unfinished elementary: no votes
Finished/unfinished HS: 0.1 vote
Finished college: 1 vote
Prisoner, woman, unemployed: no votes
There you go, I reduced or removed the impact of groups most frequently appealed to by populists.

>> No.5491252


if you change to u to an r, autist becomes artist.

just sayin'

>> No.5491257

Implied that centuries of war were caused by monarchies and thus implyingly implied they were ended by democracies just like the monarchies.

>> No.5491260



Your powers of inference need work, chief.

>> No.5491266
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I suppose so.

>> No.5491269

>and thus implyingly implied they were ended by democracies just like the monarchies.
I hope at least you don't get to vote. That's the least that should be done.

>> No.5491293

democracy is the shittiest form of govt., can't punish traitors, can't shut bullshitters...

>> No.5491305


We can and do punish traitors.

>> No.5491308


>says something contrary to his point
>has to clarify
>clearly dis dun means ima smart

>> No.5491318

nope, not sufficiently

>> No.5491323

Because freedom entails it. At least we have a "representative" republic instead of mob rule like real democracy is.

>> No.5491327

Because, in theory, there are enough dumbasses on either side of the spectrum so that the numbers balance out. This is, however, not true in practice.

>> No.5491328


Yes we do. We hang them by the neck until they're dead. That's way more sufficient than necessary.

>> No.5491620


Axially, with the Patriot Act.... we don't even have to give them a trial... just a Hellfire missile enema.