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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5488331 No.5488331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I will never have the time to do well in academia, play video games, teach myself various scientific topics and program video games all at once

>> No.5488336

>blog shitposting
>video games

Fuck off anti-intellectual.

>> No.5488335

Not your personal blog so fuck off pathetic shithead

>> No.5488346

I'm hoping for tips on finding the time to do well in academia and self-learn science, the other things kind of got added in there. Sorry I hurt your ego.

>> No.5488353

> waste your time with dealing with my personal retarded problems
How is this thread correlated to any scientific branch or study ?
Fuck off already

>> No.5488401

Oh my god you are butthurt.

>> No.5488626

Just drop the "program and play video games," and devote your life to science.

It is the only true path, OP.

>> No.5488632
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Stop bumping off-topic blogging threads.

>> No.5488873


>> No.5488883


>> No.5488888

Why are video games anti-intellectual?

>> No.5488891

Because they are infantile escapism without any intellectual value. If you are adult and still engage in such kindergarten nonsense, you are most likely mentally impaired.

>> No.5488899

Start taking amphetamines, OP.
No, seriously.

>> No.5488901
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get a load of this faggot

>> No.5488914


LOL look at you, flaunting your adultness and intelligence. That's a lot less mature than casually enjoying a videogame, I assure you.

Calling someone retarded is hardly an argument fit for a science board. Especially if you're trying to promote the integrity of the board.

I've never had as much fun learning as I did while programming basic 2D games in Allegro and c++.

>> No.5488913

He's just a troll who calls video games and animation infantile wastes of time, but spends loads of time on 4chan anyway.

>> No.5488917

Is academia easier or harder than a real job?

>> No.5488921

I'm neither a "he" nor a "troll". What I said remains objectively true.

>Calling someone retarded is hardly an argument fit for a science board.
It wasn't meant to be an argument. There is nothing to argue. I was merely stating observations. Science always starts with observations. You should know that.

>I've never had as much fun learning as I did while programming basic 2D games in Allegro and c++.
Then go back to >>>/g/ or >>>/prog/ where code monkeys belong.

>> No.5488934


"Professor. Anon, how would you describe the function human reproduction?"

"Well first of all, it's retarded. And you're a faggot."

Well done

>> No.5488955
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>your personal viewpoints = objective

>> No.5488973

easier, you never flipped burgers, did you?

>> No.5488981

no wonder you are retarded....

>> No.5489010

My only job experience is telemarketing. That was pretty hard.

>> No.5489026

So much bullshit all in one post.

Firstly, video games can hardly be considered anti-intellectual. I am aware that most women do not understand this, so let's take at video games.

Visual selective attention:

Mental rotation and spatial visulatization time:

Response times and attentional cost:

As we can see, video games provide a number of cognitive benefits for the person playing them. There are numerous other skills that video games also build on, but I think these are enoguh for now.

Secondly, you do not understand what an argument is. You "argued" that:

1. Only retarded people play video games.
2. You play video games.
3. Therefore you are retarded.

This is an argument. And it is a shit one at that.

Just because you do not see the benefit does not mean that there is not one.

Now, seeing as you cannot understand logic, resort to insults, and comment on subjects that you are ignorant of, I invite you to go back to the kitchen where you belong.

Some women are capable of science, and I respect them, but you are clearly not.

>> No.5489027
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>mfw I'll never get to kill a person and get away with it because of modern science

>> No.5489065

Remove yourself from my presence heretic

>> No.5489074

You forgot to include a social life

>> No.5489085


>> No.5489158

>Firstly, video games can hardly be considered anti-intellectual
All escapism is anti-intellectual. This applies even more when the contents of said escapism are aimed at children.

>Visual selective attention:
>Mental rotation and spatial visulatization time:
>Response times and attentional cost:
Obviously reading comprehension is not among the skills which are trained by playing video games. Intellectualism does not equal intelligence, even though apparently you understand neither of these words. Secondly the studies did not compare video game players to intellectuals but to other anti-intellectuals. Basically their result can be summarized as "Sitting around and anti-intellectually wasting time with video games is at least better than hitting your head against a wall." This result is tautological and not worth mentioning.

>you do not understand what an argument is
If you learned how to read, you would have noticed how I explicitly said that I wasn't proposing any argument but merely stating observations.

>Just because you do not see the benefit does not mean that there is not one.
As I just explained there is none.

>seeing as you cannot understand logic
I have taken classes on propositional, predicate, modal, temporal and fuzzy logic and I excelled in all of them.

>go back to the kitchen where you belong
Go back to r<span class="math">[/spoiler]eddit or 9<span class="math">[/spoiler]gag where this kind of puerile lowbrow humor belongs.

>> No.5489162

Prove that video games are a form of escapism.

>> No.5489177

>video games
>aimed at children

>> No.5489185
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>mfw I spend all day watching forensics videos so I can....


>> No.5489207
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Take a class on programming. Program a video game. Read a book about physics. Program physics into video game. Read a book about science. Program science into video game. Problem solved.