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5475027 No.5475027 [Reply] [Original]

Why are humans the only apes with boobs?

>> No.5475030

We're not.

>> No.5475035

Well what i should have said is permanently large boobs

>> No.5475036


>> No.5475039

Boobs look like a butt so you want to fuck them and by association the girl. Sexual selection was particularly effective with humans in this particular area.

>> No.5475040

What if you were born without nipples and your father put two fresh pepperoni slices on your chest every night, while you were asleep, so you wouldn't be made fun of?

>> No.5475046

cool story bro

>> No.5475050


>permanently large boobs

Because we are the only apes with plastic surgery.

>> No.5475051


I haven't seen that one in a while. Though in the version I read, he sucked on your chest while you were sleeping to create hickies that looked like nipples

>> No.5475054


Yeah. Definitely one of my favorite copy-pastas, but I didn't want to actually look up the original and paste it here.

>> No.5475063

Zoologically, we've selected for extreme amounts of sexual signalling. Our lips even mimic our genitalia. Even though small, nearly-flat nipples on rounded breasts are not ideal for feeding a child, we've selected for that form because it was more attractive to us.

>> No.5475070

More great just-so stories.

I heard fingers are shaped that way to resemble penises. Toes also. But they don't have to be as long because you don't see them so often.

>> No.5475073


1) Are they useful? Not really, small breasts work just as well. Most of the breast is just decorative fatty tissue.
2) Are they vestigial? No they're huge


3) They're there because they look hot

There's no other evolutionary explanation.

>> No.5475077
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Since we're pointing out fun little observations.

Ties are just arrows pointing at your dick

>> No.5475086


No. Ties are metaphorical representations of our dick that we wear on our neck. Men either wear ties (the penis) or bowties (the testicles). Polka-dotted bowties represent hairy balls.

>> No.5475110

>Since we're pointing out fun little observations.
No this is serious evolutionary theory. Everything written in this thread was proven without a doubt by Charles Darwin.

Some more facts from evolution:
Fingernails evolved to scrape other men's cum out of a women's vagina, thus increasing the chance that it would be your sperm that impregnated her.

>> No.5475121

Oh /sci/, you bring out in me an appreciation for science like no one else can

>> No.5475125

"Make sure your baby's nose is not pressed into the breast"
Google search has 2.6 million hits for this.We do okay feeding our children because of our smarts, but the breast is hardly an efficient delivery system. If we were selecting for feeding ease, women would have nipples like baby bottles.

Lips, vaginal lips, and the head of the penis will darken in color during arousal. Our sexual creativity is to keep sex interesting and rewarding for pair bonds, so that more sex would happen and the chemical releases would increase the strength of a pair-bond, so that a pair bond could last long enough to raise a child.

>> No.5475126

What about signaling? Maybe producing breasts is costly, and therefore signals good health (like a peacock's tail)

Maybe body fat is a sign of good nourishment and therefore good health.

There are many possible explanations. Wild speculations should not be passed of as fact.

>> No.5475133

What I was getting to is that humans are objectively very sexy creatures. Even our naked is a sign of this. No other primate is as nude as we are. Our skin is very sensitive, and very responsive to sexual contact. We have erogenous zones by our ears, on our necks, and soft parts all over our bodies, stimulated by nothing better than human lips.

tl;dr, humans are sexy, and our selection for sexiness should be taken seriously as evolutionary reasons for characteristics and behaviors of modern humans

>> No.5475138

We can see that breast size is a genetic trait on its own, and doesn't fluctuate too wildly with changes in health.

>> No.5475140

The patches of hair that we below our heads, armpits and crotches mainly, prevent chafing, but also serve as valuable space for pheromones to cling to. The armpit and chest of the male can be particularly hairy, and come within a close range to a female's nose during the most common male dominant sexual positions.

>> No.5475163

We are the only (that we know of dun dun duuuuuuuuuun) self aware ape.
As such, we don't give in quiet so easily to instinct, so we gotta have other ways to make us wanna fuck bad.
Like big ol titties.

>> No.5475164


thats a good hypothesis any facts/evidece to back that up?

any significant amount of phermone found that have known to be effective anytime

>> No.5475174
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>humans are objectively very sexy creatures
>We have erogenous zones by our ears, on our necks, and soft parts all over our bodies, stimulated by nothing better than human lips.

>> No.5475175

I just remembered another one:

Breasts are a sign of youth. Big breasts serve as better "evidence" of youth since they sag more with age, so a cis woman with big breasts that are not saggy, is likely to be young and therefore child bearing

>> No.5475179

The arse is much closer to face-height for non-bipedal apes than for the Homo genus, and is not visible during the most structurally convenient form of human sex - the missionary position. All vertebrate species have at least one organ dedicated to sexual signaling, and apes, being social animals, have an even greater need for them.

This means there was evolutionary pressure for a good indicator of a variety of health indicators, especially visible and stimulable during sex.

Enter the breast: indicative of healthy fat reserves, perky as an indicator of age, and sensitive and within hand's reach to allow for sexual differentiation between men. The lips obviously can't store significant amounts of fat, and aren't flexible enough to be stimulated during copulation (I think), so while they share their redness with the bonobo's buttocks and the cock's comb, they aren't versatile enough to cover all the niches left behind by the buttocks.

>> No.5475196

Actually boobs do not look like a but... have you seen bare tits? Women started wearing bras long after tits evolved.

>> No.5475200

What, I'm supposed rebut an example of genetic variation?

>> No.5475201


They're round, soft mounds of flesh. It's close enough.

>> No.5475202

It's so girls could have parts that jiggle when they dance.

>> No.5475467


a blind guy would totally arouse her

>> No.5475585

they exist because we men loves them so much. evolution theory .

but why do we like them is a mystery.

or alt theory. they are there to attract men, becuse we likr them so much .. fukc i dunno

>> No.5475590


Is that angie fucking verona? I heard she pumped out nudes when she turned 18.

>> No.5475598

I heard a theory that bigger boobs show that a partner can have more breast milk, which ensures higher chances for her offspring to survive.

This is why men like big boobs

>> No.5475599

What if boobs are actually organic-bombs engineered by the ancients aliens.
Who they are going to set off when invading in 2050.

Did you thought of that, "scientists".

>> No.5475626

It does make sense that our overlords would program humans into obsessing over something that only serves to destroy us.
Demonic enslavement traps such as this are the standard modus operandi of the Reptilians and Darkness. It's bad enough that aliens and the elite already control us. Now, throw women and their boobs into the equation and you have absolute misery.

>> No.5475634

Yes, that's her m8.

>> No.5475641

I'm quite sure that's not why I like big boobs.

>> No.5475662

We like boobs because *insert rationalisation created by your consciousness*.

>> No.5475671
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>> No.5475822


lol this is why i hate evolutionary physiologies. and people like that..

fucking pseduo science, and they get so much media coverage.

>> No.5475830
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>implying there's no objective reason

>> No.5475865

I bet you're also sure you like sugar because it's sweet.

>> No.5476015


boobs is very primal and its clearly an aspect of evolutionary rational reasoning.

but there is also aesthetics witch is not as easy to explain. like the aesthetics of a womans/male body.

mix up aesthetics + sexual attraction. and you get boobs

>> No.5476127

i buy that theory but flat nipples aren't appropriate evidence.
I don't think we care as much, eg. we normally can't see female's nipples.
Also, it is a bit narrow-minded to use our current taste and standard to measure beauty, we simply don't know nothing.
Take a look at the diversity of culture and taste on different indies.
To be honest, none of them are attractive on my eyes.
back to OP's question, the answer is actually quite simple.
Name one notable feature to distinguish man and woman,
that is, a huge pair of breasts is telling you "hey, i am a female", and emphasizing "female" can emphasize "sex". That is, maybe it is an illusion to think large breasts are attractive, maybe it is not,i.e. you may merely think about sex only whenever you see large breast together with the fuzzy logic of man so...
Nonetheless, it is advantageous.
In addition to the point above, large breast is disadvantageous on mobility, for a beast, that is. We are human, we are tactician,scientist and socialist. We can bare this pair of luxuries to survive as if it is nothing, and turn the "natural" evolution strategy upside down. It means that we really are superior creatures who compete only against each other.

>> No.5476148

they should give some non-human ape plastic surgery and see if all the males in the clan fight over grooming her

>> No.5476159
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"Even though small, nearly-flat nipples on rounded breasts are not ideal for feeding a child, we've selected for that form because it was more attractive to us."
>face palm
That would totally go against evolution. LOL we evolve to make our species last and be more efficient. (if the evolution theory is correct)
fuck your stupid

>> No.5476165

not at all necessarily.
evolution is not a conscious process, sometimes it is ENTIRELY random.

we find attractive many traits that are not the ideal version for survival in the wild.

>> No.5476175

>evolution doesn't exist/thread

>> No.5476179

you are the one making the claim that sexual attraction is necessarily rooted on what maximizes the chance of successful reproduction.

provide evidence.

>> No.5476192
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when the fuck did i say that? and who the fuck are you?

>> No.5476229

you troll or 12?
Evolution theory is no magic, we evolves *lazily*, if we have a useless property and it doesn't even cost us a cent, then it is left there until it causes problems.
That is, we have many things which are not as good for historical reasons.
Standard evolution theory merely coin an idea of connectedness over generations,
your ideal evolution theory includes Murphy's Law, with sufficiently large time, of course.

>> No.5476571
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>> No.5476803

Self awareness is not a binary state, it is a continuum.

>> No.5476920
File: 18 KB, 304x450, sexualselection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe some of us underestimate the power of sexual selection as a form of natural selection. I assume boobies are linked to this process, though I can't be sure. Could also have been neutral selection, but given our love for boobs, it would make sense.

>> No.5476947

all this trolling

all those pepole

>> No.5476951


Well actually... Joking asside. There ARE species in which females are attracted to traits present in related species but not their own. They wouldn't be able to interbreed, though.

>> No.5478208

>There ARE species in which females are attracted to traits present in related species but not their own.

such as

>> No.5478241

Like girls that like getting ducked by horse dicks?

>> No.5478245
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There doesn't have to be an obvious rational reason. The original evolutionary advantage could be buried under millennia of arbitrary choice.

Or a few pounds of fat.

>> No.5478246


Such as your mom and horse cocks.

>> No.5478251


but for serious, why couldn't our ancestors of only mated with giant titted women so more of our women would have glorious tits like hers.

>> No.5478258


They did, why do you think human boobs are as big as they are? There are limits to what evolution can do in the time allotted.

>> No.5478264
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Listen up cis pigs, my breasts haven't evolved for you horny bastards to have eye candy. I didn't evolve for men so back the fuck off! Your little fucked up discussion about objectifying women and perpetuating the patriarchy is just excuse after excuse. The truth is, your sexual harassment and emotional assault of staring at my breasts is a FETISH. Not. Normal.

"Some authors from the United States have made the statement that attraction to the female breast is a sexual fetish, that it is the American fetish-object of choice,[10] and that breast fetishism is predominantly found in the United States.[11][12][13] Feminist film critic Molly Haskell has even gone to such an extreme as to claim that, "The mammary fixation is the most infantile, and the most American, of the sex fetishes".[14][15]"

>> No.5478265
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Because there ARE evolutionary disadvantages to large breasts. They limit athletic activity, they provide dark, damp locations for fungal infection and (ironically) they make it difficult to breastfeed infants.

Also it is women who choose which men they're going to have sex with rather than the other way around. DNA evidence suggests that while only 40% of all male humans in history mated 80% of female humans did. Women have experienced a lot less evolutionary pressure.

It's not that our male ancestors didn't mate with giant titted women, as that they were unable to resist the urge to also mate with the not-so giant titted women.

>> No.5478269

>females and males different species

>> No.5478268


Does that mean that sexual selection has prevailed strongly upon men? My question is if I went back in time to the caveman days, would I be a vertiable adonis compared to the troglodytes, and finally be able to get a cavegf?

>> No.5478270


What are phenotypes

>> No.5478271

no because men dont need to be pretty, they need to have muscles and be rich

>> No.5478277

the specific genetic makeup of an organism

>> No.5478275

Yes. Unfortunately your cavegf has lived her whole life in a world without toothbrushes and shampoo.

>> No.5478285

Nope. Those are genotypes.

>> No.5478287

No. Those are phenotypes. You're wrong.

>> No.5478344


blokes dont get cellulite, we build muscle a fuckload easier, etc...

we're basically slaves to women. and the end result is they become fat and useless while we stay healthy. it is only in recorded history that we have overthrown their oppression and taken control, and now they are our slaves.

that is what seperates us from animals. that is why humanity is known as MAN. the animals are controlled by the biological urges of their females. humanity is controlled by the logical impulses of MAN.

>> No.5478353

no, a genotype is the entire genetic makeup, a phenotype is the expressed genetic makeup.

>> No.5478369
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>/sci/ in charge of read The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris

It provides a why.

>> No.5478552

I chuckled

>> No.5478587

yep yep.

>> No.5478620

They're like an ass, on a chest.

>> No.5478628

Why do we still have the big toe? It's only there to do harm for ourselves and never serves any purpose. Is the evolution theory fallacy?

>> No.5478632

things take time, my curious friend

>> No.5478633

No, you're wrong it's the opposite.

>> No.5478638

what? the big toe is very necessary for balance while walking

>> No.5478639

"Why," doesn't apply to evolution.

It just happened.

>> No.5478641

>big toe
>never serves any purpose
Surely you're thinking the little toe.

>> No.5478670
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If only the feminists could win...

>> No.5478673


>> No.5478682


>Why are humans the only apes with boobs?

Evolutionary trait that assists male human beings in finding suitable mates. Female mates with larger breasts have a higher capacity for milk production, thus have a greater chance that any offspring produced by said woman will be well-fed and will survive.

It's just how evolution turned it out to be, that humans are the "only apes with boobs"

But it is a positive trait in terms of natural selection.

>> No.5478684

> driveby mediocreposting

Please read the thread next time, kthnx.

Your post does not explain why other apes would not have large breasts, nor why breasts are so large that they inhibit easy feeding.

>> No.5478687
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>implying cows are apes

>> No.5479108


sexual competition?

men chose women with bigger boobs as priority #1

so big boobs became the genetic common denominator in further genertions?

>> No.5479114

prove me wrong figgit 1on1 m8

>> No.5479119

My mom's a cow, and an ape.

>> No.5479131

you want to fight over whether cows are apes?

You're on! Meet me at 124th and Seventh at 4:00. I'll be wearing a Knicks hoodie.

>> No.5479309


Explain the behaviour of suicide.

>> No.5479393
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Here you go, Anon.

>> No.5479885

If you're not discussing any more at least you could post more boobs.

>> No.5481002


lower levels of dopamine and oxytocin

>> No.5481013

Is it bad that I kind of find her hot?
She is a horrible person, but I'd still tap her.

>> No.5481025


nope its just neuro chemistry in your brain

>> No.5481026

This threads still going, wow

>> No.5481028


nerds talking endlessly about boobs, is that really surprising?

>> No.5481061

i love you

>> No.5481083


>big toe
>exists only to detect coffee tables and other hard objects low to the ground, without visual input

>> No.5481088

She be modified sweat glands. We just evolved to like boobs. There's much more to it than that of course, but I do not have the energy to get into it right now.

Will post on the morrow.

>> No.5481122
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Mah mother fucking nigga. Managed to answer a fucking thread in one word. Son, I am impressed.

>> No.5481130
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That's the stupidest fucking theory I've ever heard, not least of which is because breast size has zero correlation with amount of breast milk produced.

Breasts are simple a secondary sexual characteristic which show two things very plainly. 1. The organism is a female (evolution predates hormone therapy and plastic surgery if you were curious) and 2. The organism is sexually mature.

>> No.5481132
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>> No.5481148
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>mfw posting one of the shittiest pics of Angie Verona

>> No.5481149


maybe breast size is like advertising of good genes,

same way peacocks show their feathers.

but i seriously doubt there is no correlation of breast size and breast milk production.

Atleast natural big breasts must serve some purpose like increased immunity due to excess of fat cells available.

Some fat cells are linked to increase in availability of immunity providing cells

Big penises serve the purpose of increased possibility of getting pregnant. Which is why women are attracted to it and evolved to be more pleasured with bigger penises

Men may have developed more pleasure for viewing breasts so that they choose bigger natural woman with increased chances of immunity in the offspring.

>> No.5481151


i seriously doubt big breasts, improve walking/running on two legs.

infact they seem to be an argument against women having bigger breasts if the purpose was to be on two legs.

>> No.5481155

Holy shit you are fucking retarded.

Breast size is dictated almost solely by fat. The milk ducts are of complete negligible impact on breast size, until pregnancy.

>> No.5481160

Isn't there some correlation with the more curvy a woman is, the more fertile she is

>> No.5481161

fine i concede my point of bigger means more milk.

but i still stick to bigger means advertising good genes

>> No.5481166

>good genes
you're implying there's an objective set of genes which are perfect. It advertises that they have female genes... One thing I forgot to mention in an earlier post, breast size does correlate with higher estrogen counts, which in turn correlate with fecundity. Which is to say, bigger breasts do indicate a higher likelihood to successfully conceive and birth a child.

>> No.5481294


>you're implying there's an objective set of genes which are perfect

no i didnt, i was saying women bigger boobs are seen as more fertile/healthy and with less or minimum defects.

So having big boobs in a way is women flaunting they dont have defective genes and in that respect good genes

or better genes (responsible for fertility/health/defects) than others with smaller breasts

>> No.5481680


the female peahen wants the male with the biggest tail.
the male with the biggest tail is the easiest prey for a predator.
sexual selection operates in a arbitrary way.

you are dumb.

>> No.5481743


Late reply to this, but my rebuttle is such;

Because we are not direct descendants of today's apes. That is why we are breasted and they're flat-chested faggots.

>> No.5481745

Is this thread actually still here? -.-

Captcha: trolo and


>> No.5481753

Christ I can't wait for Angie Varona to start making vids

>> No.5481756

Why are women the only apes with mustaches?

>> No.5481890

>sexual selection operates in a arbitrary way.

no you are retarded,

sexual selection is done with the intent of producing the healthiest offspring

to advertise health, secondary sexual characteristics are flaunted to attract the other sex.

even if the secondary characteristics hurdle survival from predators/environment , desirability triumph over security.

becuase if your kind are unable to attract the other sex , your kind are not gonna be able to reproduce and your kind is gonna end.

The peacock chose to grow their secondary sexual characteristics and this helped them to grow in numbers

even though they were vulnerable to predators cause those damn feathers decreased speed and flight distance dramatically, their kind had safety in numbers

>> No.5481899


increased levels of naturally produced testosterone?

>> No.5481911
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>Implying she wasn't the typical dumb whore who uploads slutty pictures publicly onto the world wide web, people download them and they get mad and try to call the police


I know this sounds elitist as fuck, but don't you fucking hate normies?