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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 274 KB, 583x1037, IMAG0067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5471061 No.5471061 [Reply] [Original]

dont become an engineer.

>grueling work
>shit pay
>engineers are no longer respected
>get called names(nerd, weirdo, geek)
>most neckbeard profession out there
>get treated like shit by managment
>girls wont be impressed
>sacrifice the "college experience" due to workload
>work with socially awkward people
>spend the rest of your lonely life in a cubicle

>> No.5471072

>grueling work
I enjoy it.
>shit pay
This is true.

>engineers are no longer respected
>get called names(nerd, weirdo, geek)
>most neckbeard profession out there
>get treated like shit by managment
>girls wont be impressed
>sacrifice the "college experience" due to workload
>work with socially awkward people
>spend the rest of your lonely life in a cubicle
Lol what?
Stop blaming your studies for being a lonely, socially awkward pushover.

>> No.5471077 [DELETED] 
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>girls wont be impressed
why would that matter?
everyone knows engineers love the cock

>> No.5471087

Keep thinking that.
Don't be all buttpained because all the engineers ignore you and your cave.

>> No.5471088

EK everyone knows you are a closet childman who would love to lick your mothers labia.

>> No.5471090
File: 92 KB, 500x500, 1339938270208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sacrifice the "college experience" due to workload

Right in the feels. The worst part about this is that I go to class (mechE) with people who manage to maintain good grades and a healthy 'college life' by going to clubs, parties, meetings, you name it. Most of them are kinda wealthy and attend preparation schools to prepare for their exams, mostly by repetitively solving past year exams.

>> No.5471093 [DELETED] 

specifically 'labia'?
you trying to sound geek?

>> No.5471098 [DELETED] 

not even trolling, the only engineer that i know is actually is gay
and he's a cool guy, he's my mate.
unfuckable, unfortunately. shame, seeing as he's actually quite hot.

so fuck you with the 'all the engineers ignore me' bullshit

>> No.5471107

This sounds just like that show dilbert.

As for all the reasons you gave not to be an engineer, they're terrible.

>> No.5471103 [DELETED] 
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i didn't want to be an engineer so i opted for the 2nd highest paying job and that was supply chain management (it was only like 2k starting salary less) let me tell you, i'd rather work in an autistic socially inept cubicle than have to deal with retarded inbreds who screw in a bolt for a living. it could not get any worse. the job is in bumfuck nowhere at distribution centers and manufacturing plants. fuck this gay earth.

>> No.5471105
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>only know one engineer
>he ignores you sexually
>know no other engineers because they ignore you

mate, come on..... who are you fooling?

>> No.5471113 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he ignores me sexually BECAUSE he's fucking gay!
so thats not his fault
if he was straight, he'd probably be into me.

and i dont know any other engineers just coz i havent met that many.
it's not that they ignore me, i've just lacked the opportunity!

fuck you!

>> No.5471115 [DELETED] 

Does software development have the same problems?

>> No.5471120

His reasons for ignoring you sexually are irrelevant. He ignores you.

>> No.5471123

I think youre describing "technician", you see technicians are the plebs that the engineers tell what to do

>> No.5471124 [DELETED] 

>He ignores you.
no he fucking doesnt
the part where
>he's my mate and we hang out regularly
has skipped you're fucking mind, then??

>> No.5471125 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5471130

He ignores you sexually and you know no other engineers because they ignore you completely.

We are in agreement. No need for profanity.

>> No.5471136 [DELETED] 

engineers dont ignore me!
in fact, maybe i do know some, and i just dont fucking know that their engineers!
i know lots of people and i dont know what they study!
i dont always fucking ask.

>> No.5471137 [DELETED] 

>infantile cartoons

>> No.5471142

what a disgusting person this girl is. dont you have people to hang out with ??why are you here on a friday night

>> No.5471144
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I have that exact same calculator.

>> No.5471146
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>> No.5471962

But most people pick engineering for those reasons. They know they have no people skills and will have to rely on technical skills. Boeing is run by an American Studies major from Yale.

>> No.5471988

I've been considering switching from physics to engineering because jobs, but the more I read about engineering the less I care. I'd rather be unemployed.

>> No.5472005

I'm unemployed.

Can we trade problems? Because god, shit pay is better than no pay at all.

>> No.5472014

It seems to me that being marginalized is an unavoidable aspect of living in a late capitalist state.

>> No.5472019

Try getting a job first then talk about being marginalized.

>> No.5472022

I pretty much live in the engineering capital of the world, no job is more well-respected and well-paid here.

>> No.5472029

Become an Industrial Engineer!

>easy work
>great pay
>IE's are loved by all
>get called names(great, essential, hot)
>least neckbeard profession out there
>Be managment
>girls impressed
>Live the "college experience" due to workload
>Work with socially awesome people
>spend the rest of your great life managing people in cubicles

>> No.5472037
File: 24 KB, 601x695, 1340576306959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't into "college experience" because all my friends either: hang out same old HS group/lame in general OR don't invite me to stuff/don't know em well enough to invite myself to their shit

>tfw taking on second major to fill all the free time

feels bad man.

>> No.5472069

I'm taking up IE right now, but I have to take a bunch of my majors still. I'm pure IE now, but what do you think about IME-SM and IME-IT?

>> No.5472083

>grueling work
I like a challenge
>shit pay
Not interested in money.

The rest of that just sounds like personal problems

>> No.5472094

I'm pretty sure Engineering is the second most trusted/respected profession behind nursing.

Maybe you shouldn't major in shit tier Civil.

EE bro here making great pay, no complaints.

>> No.5472096


I think you should just do what you're better at/like more. Personally, I'd take the best from both, but that's not always an option.

>> No.5472109

how much spare time do you have if you work as an engineer?
(like playing video games and watch anime)

>> No.5472114

>Right in the feels. The worst part about this is that I go to class (mechE) with people who manage to maintain good grades and a healthy 'college life' by going to clubs, parties, meetings, you name it. Most of them are kinda wealthy and attend preparation schools to prepare for their exams, mostly by repetitively solving past year exams.

Double math/physics here, still in undergrad. I spend most of my free time in a 20x20 foot room due to so many problem sets each week. Literally a problem set due every day of the week except Sunday and Monday. It tears me up inside when I hear college grads tell me about how much fun college is or how I'm in the prime of my life. The worst part is that I know I'll probably never be truly great at what I do despite how much time I put forth.

I enjoy that I'm learning and understanding so many new concepts, but fucking hell - I'll probably never know what it's like to "have a blast" like people describe.

>> No.5472115

traditional engineer jobs are kinda blue-collar-professional like ... show up at work on time, do your job, leave at the end of the day, don't take your work home with you.

>> No.5472142

1) "my son the doctor"
2) "my son the engineer"

>> No.5472145

Drop a major bro.

>> No.5472178

I looked up the wikipedia, but it did that whole formal language trick.
What is IE? Do you guys enjoy it?
What sort of degree?

>> No.5472180
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You serious OP?
Worked out pretty well for me...

>> No.5472187

>mfw I will never know what was said

>> No.5472189

there's an archive

>> No.5472198
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>> No.5472218

>sitting at a desk in an airconditioned room

>grueling work


>> No.5472219

>restate essentially the same point over and over

>> No.5472226


>grueling work
True, but it doesn't feel like phony bullshit, because it usually isn't.
>shit pay
Relative to what? An engineer with an MS will pretty typically make 80-120K. Engineering professors make over 90K and often do consulting work for some extra pay, as well.
>engineers are no longer respected
Among who?
>get called names(nerd, weirdo, geek)
Hahaha No. Maybe you do.
>most neckbeard profession out there
Computer programmers (of the 'codemonkey' type, especially) are more neckbearded, but, really, "unemployed" is as neckbearded as it gets.
>get treated like shit by managment
Then you're doing the wrong engineering.
>girls wont be impressed
>sacrifice the "college experience" due to workload
Well, you got me. Well...not entirely.
>work with socially awkward people
Do you get all your opinions of people from watching bad sitcoms?
>spend the rest of your lonely life in a cubicle
Not even close.

>> No.5472227


>> No.5472229


>> No.5472235

this is a joke website yeah?

>> No.5472255

I heard about it in the radio yesterday morning.

>> No.5472258

>shit pay
Haha, joke's on you, I live in the 3rd world and it's one of the best payed things.

>the college experience
I never understood that shit from US colleges, you go to college to learn, and shit is really hard if you're on any decent career. I guess it has to do with how everyone needs a college degree there to even work at McDonalds from what I've heard.

>> No.5472264

>the college experience
>I never understood that shit from US colleges, you go to college to learn
Srsly, you go there to learn, not for drunk parties and shit like that.

>tfw your a scientist with small shity but your own lab working alone and nobody says you what to do

>> No.5472269

>sacrifice the "college experience" due to workload

>being a good student
>not having all F's and one E, and that one is from Sociology

What am I doing with my life. :( Well at least I got to do some weed, I have never tried it before.

>> No.5472271
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>I never understood that shit from US colleges, you go to college to learn

poster confirmed for massive faggot. enjoy your cocks and cubicle.

>> No.5472276

Get out of my academia, plebeian of the simple mind and earthly pleasures.

>> No.5472284
File: 139 KB, 570x854, hnng.jpeg.jpeg.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even go to USC and hhhnngggg
Sadly, I'm the guy that is doing a double major because I'm so lonely and have so much free time.
I keep telling myself to drop some classes and go out sometime. *sigh* maybe one day...

Oh and earthly pleasures is all there is. You're a fool for not wanting to be surrounded by women. Unless you think women (or men I guess) don't give you pleasure. Then you're just delusional.

>> No.5472287

Just look at there faces! Completely stupid sluts (well maybe 3d from the left is ok). Disgusting.
>not a virgin
>stays in lab for the night with normal girl
>100% better than degrading sluty drunk parties
>gtfo you animal

>> No.5472289

>You're a fool for not wanting to be surrounded by women.
I just already got a girlfriend. It's overrated. The best part if anything is feeling you're loved and not alone.

>> No.5472296
File: 104 KB, 720x400, oregon-cheerleaders-ABOO0284[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Euro/Canada people even do in school. No sports; no wonder you all seem gay.

>> No.5472303

we actually study, no wonder you americans all seem ignorants :/

>> No.5472304

Op you don't know how to be an engineer.

I work outside sales with my engineering degree.

I travel all over the world making deals for the firm I work with. We specialize in automation, so I go to everything from mines and oil fields to buildings and factories.

My job basically consists of 80% travel and 20% office. When I say travel, that's pretty much what it is, I talk to people, I meet with people, I go to functions, events, parties, with the sole goal of trying to sell the firms services which in reality are superior.

Most of the time it's just me letting the guys know what we do and then after that it's just negotiations.

I get bonuses too, so I'm not getting your typical engineers 65k a year, what I make is based on how successful the year is. I made about 230k for the 2012 year and that's three years out of college.

I don't work in cubicles, I get payed to party, and me and management are bros.

No, don't blame your life as a cubicle gnome on the fact you chose engineering, blame it on the fact you don't know how to socialize and make the right connections. You don't know how to sell yourself, you never put in the effort, and you used your brain power as a cheat to get a decent 9-5 job instead of actually making something of yourself.

Don't blame your regrets on engineering bro, blame them on yourself. And remember, you can still change.

>> No.5472308

See, your problem is you actually do the problem sets lol.

People with 'the college life' didn't really do all that well in college, in terms of grades. They spent it making friends and getting connections.

They pass with a 2.5 GPA but the friend he and a friend partied one night and he helped his friend land a girl who ends up being the love of his life and the friend rewards the other with a reference to his best friends dad who's got a nice position opening up at honeywell.

It's all about making connections dude.

>> No.5472311

Why do you need sports in school or university?
You americans are fucked up people.

>> No.5472312

>shit pay
Not interested in money.

you're 16 aren't you

>> No.5472323
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My face at your gayness.

>> No.5472328

Tell me what are you doing at /sci/? Go play with the ball or something.

>> No.5472330
File: 1.51 MB, 2048x1365, 8385532604_4da52b4d8f_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really need to get out more.

>> No.5472331

>Watches sweaty muscular men touching and chasing big leather balls and piling on top of each other
>Calls other people gay
Unless your sport of preference is female mud wrestling, you got nothing.

>> No.5472334
File: 335 KB, 628x434, cam-newton-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dis nigga...

confirmed for never having watched a sport. ever.

>> No.5472335

lol and then these losers blame engineering

>> No.5472338

>"college experience"
I think it's a myth. All i do in university is studying hard every day all day. I think people are trolling by saying that "years in uni/college is a best part of your life" and that it's "awesome".

>> No.5472342

Not OP.
OP hates his job, and it's his own fault. He needs to learn how to get the respect of his colleagues. It's not a course you take while you're in school, but it works the same as making friends and getting people to like you. Just show that you can pull your weight, and help out others if they need it. Don't be condescending, don't try to take all the credit for yourself if you got help, admit it if you made a mistake, don't show off, don't be a dick, etc.

If he's not being respected, they're probably dicks, and he should find some place else to work.

>> No.5472344

Half-true. Yes it's hard. But people are sayind about best years because it's going to get worse. No, not harder but much more routine and boring.

>> No.5472349

>Much more routine and boring
Maybe if you get a shitty job.
CERN here I go!

>> No.5472355

CERN, not routine or boring aushaushah dream

>> No.5472367

LHC is going to stop working again for a couple of years.

>> No.5472373

>>tfw your a scientist with small shity
>small shity

What? My "shitty" is normal sized and healthy.

>> No.5472388

I went to plenty of games freshmen year and I guess I just didnt 'get it'. I really dont see the appeal. Like, Im part of a pickup league, so I enjoy playing sports, but watching sports never made sense to me.

Dont even get me started on fantasy sports either. Fantasy sports is Dungeons and Dragons for guys who wouldnt be caught dead playing Dungeons and Dragons.

>> No.5472404

>be engineer
>jobs everywhere
>all jobs are > 60k even without experience
>don't have to kiss ass or rely on people liking me personal to succeed
>no one understands what I do, so I have 0 supervision as long as I pretend to be diligent.
>people gasp when I tell them what my major is
>new car and student loans paid in second year of working
>dont have to give a fuck cause my designs work and make the company money
>studied so hard I have never met anyone with a fraction of my skill set
>im irreplaceable since the companies product can only be maintained by me.

>> No.5472437

wat kind
pls respond
i will switch my major

>> No.5472439

I want to become a mechanical engineer but I'm straight.

>> No.5472443

please respond

>> No.5472453

It is about a lab, bro. But I appreciate your joke.

>> No.5472495 [DELETED] 
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>>5472227 >We're aware that we also have many readers in the physics-based professions, but we needn't worry about them as they obviously won't care what anyone thinks of them or be able to see why they should.

I was going to peacefully spend my time solving problems such as the energy/resource crisis & world hunger but now I'm going to dedicate my life to building a robot that will be a dick to plebs/everyone like this guy everywhere.

Fuck you. Enjoy your billions of violent starving niggers, I'm going to space.

>> No.5472640

>"college experience"
What do americans do at their colleges?
Move to a place 1000 miles out of their home to pay 30k per year so they can get drunk with other people?

That's stupid, in many ways.

College is for learning.

>> No.5472672


Never underestimate the stupidity of people. I watch my fellow Americans tell themselves they "deserve" a free education and a free job that supports a 5 person family and lets them buy that giant house. And they won't take no for an answer. They kick and scream like a little child.

>> No.5472683


And then you kick and scream whenever the government tries to take your guns away.

Like you have some right to them. Unless you're a terrorist, the 2nd amendment does not apply to you.

>> No.5472689


The 2nd amendment applies to terrorists?

>> No.5472694


It's strictly worded that the only reason people should be allowed to keep guns is to form terrorist cells to force armed rebellion against what the terrorists consider to be an evil government.

You're not supposed to have guns unless you have intentions of sedition. But since guns are an incredibly lucrative business, the laws have been greased by the gun profiteer lobbies.

>> No.5472701


So what you're saying is that terrorists should be allowed to keep their guns but we should take them away from everyone else?

>> No.5472703

Y'know there's this think called hunting that used to be pretty popular before supermarkets and continues to be.

>> No.5472708

Yes. Go to IE. It's not called "Instant Engineering" for no reason. Also there's a disproportionate amount of women in our IE department for some reason.

>> No.5472710


>spend the rest of your life managing people in cubicles

This sounds terrible too though.

>> No.5472714

what do you do, faggot? tell us.

>> No.5472720

>implying you'll graduate
>implying you won't just spaghetti out on being literally the only guy in all of your classes

Work's easy from what I hear, apparently a good job means people aren't dying/falling into your processes or what-have-yous. People naturally tend to not kill themselves to that's a plus.

>> No.5472723


That's the wording of the document. Only anarchists and terrorists are permitted to have them. It is a 200+ year old document that has no relevance today.

That's nice. Some people want to live like amish savages up in alaska. Doesn't mean we should have a school shooting every other month just to accommodate crazy loners.

>> No.5472853

No. I work because I'm passionate about what I do.
Not because it will make me rich.

>> No.5472866

I started college as an engineering major.

Then I found out I can go into a field where I can do REAL science and have better job prospects than engineers:

Geology.(hydrocarbons industry)

>Starting salary with MS over 100k
>Top-end salaries for experienced geologists over 200k
>Extremely low unemployment (virtually zero with MS)
>Demand for geologists > supply
>Nice office, lots of travel, opportunities to work in the field
>Real science used to discover new hydrocarbons sources and improve methods of discovery - engineers do the grunt work once the geologists decide where to drill
>Math/science requirements in college are roughly equivalent to those for engineering majors, plus addition of geology major classes
>Management loves geologists
>Geologists often move up to management in oil anyway
>Geologists are cool as shit (best people i've ever met)
>Grad school is always free (demand>supply)
>36,000 fellowship + tuition + health ins offer from UT-Austin

Engineering is okay, but far from the best choice for "getting a job".

>> No.5472882
File: 442 KB, 1218x946, eng tiers098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official tier list for engineering

>> No.5472886

>Math major
>300K starting

>> No.5472887

Aerospace engineering = low tier?

No son, just no.

>> No.5472897 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna finisg studying engineering and then make a living out of software development, just because I wanted to study something that had a good amount of physics and mathematics, and would land me a job that wasn't as a teacher.

>> No.5472899

It's a large income for the college, the fans spend a lot, the teams earn a lot. They have to rely on it because our government doesn't see education as a priority. Gotta' bomb dem pakis'

this is also why the student athletes don't get paid.

>> No.5472922

We have sports, but the people who partake in them or care are seen as losers.

>> No.5472944

>Implying it isn't mechanical engineering but more narrow.

>> No.5472946

You could have done software development with a physics or math degree.

>> No.5472959


>l2 atten

also as an engineer in game design who fixes arcade games from the 90s on all day, i can fully enjoy the fact your lust for engineering jew gold is causing you misery.

maybe take a normal job and go back to being the smartest and most respected in the building, not just another competitor with your peers.
>find a smaller fishtank and own it

>> No.5472967

>that feel when the company doesn't own the IP you made them and they rely on it every second

>> No.5472980


yes geology/geoscience is a good choice if you couldn't make it in engineering

>> No.5472987


> implying that engineering is difficult

>> No.5473096

Can I have your scope?

>> No.5473123


>> No.5473160


easier than physics/math, but definitely harder than geology/Geo-physics

>> No.5473168

engineers a cool, my cousin is a aeronautical engineer, clever guy, i remember we were at a braai and he was explaining fluid dynamics, mind blown...

>> No.5473170


and which geology/geophysics courses have you taken to back this up? I seem to remember a decent number of materials engineering major struggling with mineralogy.

Geo majors that get jobs (i.e. those who go to grad school) have to take as much math and physics as engineering majors, if not more.

>> No.5473187


I haven't actually taken one, I have just compared the two programs at my school and geo whatever majors do considerably less hard courses.

>> No.5473244 [DELETED] 

What's with the stereotyping, i'm one of the most, if not most socially awkward person among my peers, and i've got no trouble socializing, unless they're the kind which i never want to have anything to do with. But fortunately those are nearly non-existent in academic world (the dumb and averages with low paying jobs, or unemployed with narcissistic personality disorder).

>> No.5473246 [DELETED] 

What's with the stereotyping? I'm one of the most, if not most socially awkward person among my peers, and i've got no trouble socializing, unless they're the kind which i never want to have anything to do with. But fortunately those are nearly non-existent in academic world (the dumb and averages with low paying jobs, or unemployed with narcissistic personality disorder).

>> No.5473250

What's with the stereotyping? I'm one of the most, if not most socially awkward person among my peers, and i've got no trouble socializing, unless they're the kind which i never want to have anything to do with. But fortunately those are nearly non-existent in academic world (the dumb and averages with low paying jobs or being unemployed and with narcissistic personality disorder).

>> No.5473334

Damage control.

>> No.5473915

As far as getting a good job goes, there really aren't many fields that beat out engineering... an engineer with an MBA can easily get into six figures, and that MBA is often paid for by the company. Just choose a good subfield and you will have good prospects

Try power engineering, tons of jobs available (and even more with the majority of the industry retiring within 5-10 years) great pay (average salary according to most sites is $70k-$80k for power engineers) and lots of opportunities for advancement (getting an MBA and moving into management is an example, since a lot of the higher up people will be retiring soon)


>> No.5473944

>grueling work
Yep, that's what you sign up for.
>shit pay
Lolwut? Unless you graduated bottom of your class from a community college is software 'engineering' the money is almost uniformly better then similar work level in other fields.

I finished EE scoring middle-high in graduating class and I started out making 82k/year. Four and a half years later I'm making 115k/year and have companies continuously vying for my skills.

>engineers are no longer respected
>get called names(nerd, weirdo, geek)
>most neckbeard profession out there
>get treated like shit by managment
>girls wont be impressed
>sacrifice the "college experience" due to workload
>work with socially awkward people
>spend the rest of your lonely life in a cubicle

Agree with...
Stop being a pansy, no wonder you hate being an engineer; you shouldn't be getting pushed around by anyone.

>> No.5474014
File: 10 KB, 208x251, 1308690676127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 year old party fag here.

I have been getting laid, smoking weed and doing 'fun shit' since I was 15.

I've even been to all the college parties and done the "social life" thing.

Getting drunk and hyped up is alright for a little while until you realize you have nothing to show for it year old with no degree or future, and all those "cool people" you chilled with are nobodies on welfare, or on the street begging for coin.

Seriously though grass is greener on the other side. I envy you science and mathfags who went to school to educate yourselves.

vid related is how I feel about things now:

>> No.5474026


>> No.5474084

My undergrad: EE, minors in math and BioE
Working Ph.D
hope to be "neural signal processing engineer".
According to this list...did I waste my life being a God?

>> No.5474098

>"neural signal processing engineer"
A what?

>> No.5474111

A simple google search would lead one to this job description:

>Job Summary: Lead an applied neuroscience research effort that uses non-invasive neural imaging tools (fMRI, EEG, or fNIRS) as an enabling technology for future paradigms of human-computer interactions and for discovering neurophysiological correlates of human behavior and cognition.


>1) Design, implement and test novel brain-computer interface applications using non-invasive neural signal acquisition systems and neural signal processing algorithms. (40%)

>2) Acquire neuroimaging data from human subjects, design and implement data preprocessing and analysis routines, interpret and analyze data, and form conclusions. (30%)

>3) Assist with the design and implementation of neuromimetic algorithms to support automated signal processing of sensor data. (15%)

>4) Work with sponsor organizations to communicate impact of research, develop concepts of operation with mission relevance, and plan for future transition of this technology to the field. (10%)

>5) Write scientific manuscripts and whitepapers summarizing results for conferences and peer review journals. (5%)

>Note: This job summary and listing of duties is for the purpose of describing the position and its essential functions at time of hire and may change over time.

>> No.5474113
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>In a College of Arts & Science, studying biochemistry
>Perfect balance between studying for a good future and "the college experience"
>Have a study group, we all have fun and get trashed after exams

This is fantastic.

>> No.5474141

>good future

hold my sides, as I laugh even harder

>> No.5474147


come on OP, I already spent two grueling years studying this shit, stop giving me more reasons to off myself

>> No.5474183

>don't become an engineer
Stopped reading there. I'd rather kill myself than waste my money studying some other shit. Seriously, college is an investment. Why waste your money and accumulate loan debt only to get a degree in a non-stem field?

>> No.5474198

>implying engineering is the only STEM degree.


>> No.5474206

>Major in Physics
>forced to get a PhD or no job
>make less then a fry-cooker ad Mcdonalds

>> No.5474210

I don't understand how people are still laboring under the delusion that there is a shortage of engineers out there.

The job market couldn't be more saturated with them, really.
Do something more marketable.

>> No.5474214

There's a shortage of actually good engineers; most engineering graduates are fucking stupid and incompetent with poor working knowledge of their chosen field.

>> No.5474215



>> No.5474216

I'm thinking of getting a double major in math and physics how is it? I can handle a ton of work but i don't know if I'm being overly ambitious

>> No.5474217

Computer Science

>> No.5474220


There's a shortage of computer scientists?

>> No.5474228

become a structural engineer and start your own business. worked great for my boss, makes plenty of monies, has great hours, and can support a drug habit.

>> No.5474229

>The job market couldn't be more saturated with them, really.
Well, here's the figures:

>> No.5474232

Thinking of attempting a Comp Sci/EE double major. Is it worth it/possible, /sci/?

>> No.5474234


Time to switch majors.

>> No.5474248

Move to Washington State. Engineering jobs everywhere. Seattle is amazing, Bellevue is almost as good, and 20 miles any direction from either is alright. :-)

Don't become an engineering if you plan to live in a nothing-for-anybody state. Become an engineer if you plan to live in places such as Washington.

Also, our marijuana is perhaps the best technology, genetics and care can produce. It's legal here, too!

>> No.5474247

It's improbable.
Actually, at my school, it's literally impossible, because CS is in the school of engineering, which won't let anyone get a double major in engineering, because the core courses, and many of the sophomore-junior level courses (i.e., signals and systems or CADding courses) overlap. However, there's also Mathematical Computer Science at my school, which isn't in the school of engineering, so a double major could be pulled off, that way. MCS is actually a better major and the pay is higher.

But...anyway, it depends what you want to do. A lot of the time, it's just better to do Computer Engineering.

>> No.5474252

I'll check that out. I appreciate the advice!

>> No.5474296

80-120k? where? working for hydro, or sewage you start at 150k a year...

>> No.5474298

I have to agree with you on that one. Someone from an engineering company came to talk to our school's top maths set back in 5th grade. By the end of the hour about half the class had been brainwashed into thinking that chemical engineering was the best option for them. When I tried to mention saturation they just said that the starting salary was over 60k. Mfw. Even if it is undersaturated at the moment it is the same with share prices. A few people notice that it will be a good deal and they can make money and buy in. Eventually so do many others and the share price either plummets rapidly meaning many people lose money or if people were trying to go short it rises.

>> No.5474302

looks like a rapey nigger

>> No.5474309


>engineering jobs everywhere
could a 3.0 EE get a decent job out there?

>> No.5474325

>5.6% unemployment
Waitress doesn't count as employment.

>> No.5474336

The only true one is

>sacrifice the "college experience" due to workload

>> No.5474350

This thread has actually inspired me quite a bit. I'm sitting here alone on a Saturday night feeling sorry for myself because I'm not doing what all the college bros are doing. Fuck it. I've never fit in and I never will. Might as well spend my time studying so I can eventually get into grad school and do what I want. BioE major here. Fuck off if you think it's shit tier. It's what I love.

>> No.5474358

I disagree completely.
If by the 'college experience' you mean partying all day and night before cramming for your literature exam, then you're severely limiting yourself.

My college experience includes study. You're not there to party 24/7 or bum around, you're there to meet people and get a degree whilst having fun. There is no reason you can't do that with an engineering degree. Yeah, it requires more motivation to actually work than say history of art, but frankly, if you aren't getting enough out of college, you're the one who is at fault because you haven't found a decent work/life balance.

>> No.5474365

B-but we americans only go to college to play football and party.

>> No.5474372

Honestly I just don't see what you're trying to say with
>if you aren't getting enough out of college, you're the one who is at fault because you haven't found a decent work/life balance.

What's there to it besides studying and stupid parties? I have a great personal life and I enjoy it but it doesn't have anything to do with college.

>> No.5474369

and fuck bitches, don't forget about that.

>> No.5474373

I'm not even in college for a degree anymore. I'm just here for girls and socializing. No joke.

>> No.5474376

>My college experience includes study.
This is the perfect way to sum it up. I got a 3.7 in chemical engineering last semester, while playing in the school's pep band, playing on an intramural soccer team, volunteering 85 hours for a scholarship, and lifting 3 days a week (to be fair, I did have to give up my running 3 days a week because of the workload and laziness). Engineering takes a lot of work, but it's certainly possible to enjoy college if you manage your time well.

>> No.5474384

Not everyone can be like this guy, however.

>tfw study 24/7 just to barely pass

>> No.5474388

Dude, I play rugby, party and fuck bitches (sometimes).

It's not that difficult, although relationships are time consuming and I admit that my workload has fucked up several of them.

>What's there to it besides studying and stupid parties?
People don't take the time to go for walks, go out for dinner or just 'hang out' anymore?
I make a point of going to dinner with someone different every week. Keeps people in touch and 1 hour of quality time with someone every couple of months is far better for me than going out and getting lashed.

>> No.5474416

Engineering is a great field to be in; very good pay, employment and advancement opportunities, and good future prospects. Will never become too saturated as most Americans can't even do basic calculus, let alone the rest of an engineering curriculum, so the amount of people that can become engineers is somewhat limited compared to accounting and business and such.
Anyways, I go to a relatively unknown Midwestern state school (about 12,000 people) and, while I'm not sure about other disciplines, the job placement rate for EE grads has been something like 95%+ for the past 10 years. Our EE department is pretty focused on power, which is a great field if you're unsure of what you want to go in to. If you've kept up to date on technology at all within the past few years, you've probably heard of smart grids, which combined with advancements in alternative energy will send the demand for power engineers skyrocketing in the near future; the entire power infrastructure in the US will essentially have to be remodeled. And, with very few new engineers going into the power industry (or even knowing about the field, since few schools focus on power anymore), job opportunities should be pretty awesome in 10 years.

Just throwing that out there for anyone in EE concerned about job prospects, might want to look beyond the usual fields of computers and communications and such and look at power.

>> No.5474422

I ended up with a 3.96 (I know, fuck my life on the slight flaw) in EE living a life pretty similar to yours.
I went a bit crazy when I took 19 credit hours, but it wasn't too bad

>> No.5474431

>We Americans
Fuck you. My college experience is getting a 4.0 and working a full time job. College parties have alcohol and girls - so what?

>> No.5474444

>Full time job

>> No.5474488

>shit pay
So wrong.

>> No.5474511


>> No.5474520
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>> No.5474529
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>tfw tall, handsome, muscular, intelligent, sociable, and good at the CS major I'm in

CEO of a Software firm, here I come.

>> No.5474531

Yes, but that's why the career opportunities are so good haha

Maybe I'm just a boring person by nature, but I find smart grids interesting enough

>> No.5474532

But nobody wants to be a programmer.

>> No.5474536

Am I making a mistake by doing physics instead of engineering? I like physics more than engineering.

>> No.5474542

>Majored in EE.
>2.9 GPA
>Got job in O&G with small engineering firm with no work experience
>$80k a year
>Do more mechanical engineering than EE
>Get drunk with bosses at vendor lunches at least once a week
>Leave work early to play golf with boss on Fridays
>Girls like that I make good money
>Engineering is alpha as fuck

>> No.5474544 [DELETED] 

>>5474014 25 year old party fag here
25 year old party fag here

First year undergrad not giving a fuck about the parties I'm missing. It's just not fun anymore.

>> No.5474553
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>Chemistry Major

I will probably end up unemployed AND meet all of the stated criteria. I didn't get to experience high school like everyone else, and now I won't even have a college experience worth reminiscing over. Life is suffering.

>> No.5474570

Normalfags of the STEM world.
>Scientists and Mathematicians
Beta, socially inept nerds who will graduate and by default become unemployable and end up working at McDonald's all the while being haunted by tfwnogf

At least engineers can find work that pays above 30k annually.

>> No.5474602

Geologist here. I make 1.5-2x as much as the engineering faggots do, and my office is the Mongolian frontier.

>> No.5474605
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B-but, I was planning to lose my virginity in College!!!

>> No.5474612

BS degree? Mining or petrol? Do you get jobs straight out of college?

>> No.5474629


B.Sc. Did gold exploration in my 3rd year. Signed up with Shell in my final year and have been doing basin analysis since.

If I were to start again I would recommend geophysics. No one fucks with those guys.

>> No.5474650

How hard is it to get a job at a defense company with an EE? My school offers a concentration in software (computer egnineering) or a concentration in hardware (radio frequencies, and circuits), which should I go for. Leaning toward hardware. Do you guys think I can make 6 figures if I get an MBA and a masters?

>> No.5474651

If I can do entry lvl chem phys calc, will it be easy for me?

>> No.5474680

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5474682
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Probably, but you need to learn crystallography, learn about stress and strain analysis from engineering classes, figure out horrific stereonets, memorize a few thousand minerals and their crystal structures, learn the geological evolution of your continent, brush up on your optical and acoustical physics for remote surveying and wrestle a crocodile to the death.

>> No.5474690
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>mfw I'm going ChemE and oil companies are hurling jobs at me
Fuck you lazy NEET faggots.

>> No.5474692 [DELETED] 
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>>5474602 >Mongolian

>> No.5474718

Do you like being away from everything for your job?
And what sort of pay are we talking, eh?

>> No.5474728


>Do you like being away from everything for your job?

I get to roam around the desolate Mongolian steppe, away from any sort of wireless communication and most if civilization. I couldn't be happier to be far away from the mass of human squatters called humanity. You have to be somewhat eccentric to be a geologist. Personally, I am hoping for human extinction in my lifetime. :3

Pay is good, something like $110,000 last year, all of my expenses are paid for.

>> No.5474740
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Mah nigga.
Other engineering degrees don't stand a chance.

>> No.5474751

It depends. Some engineers can make 6 digits with years of experience and have a pretty easy work schedulde. Engineers get good hours, work at home days, leniant vacations, and decent benefits depending on what you do. However sitting somewhere for 8 hours doing repetitive work isn't for everybody.

>> No.5474769


China graduates 200,000 engineers per year, all of whom will be willing to do your work for 1/8 the salary.

Good luck with life.

Your leaders opened up the markets, you reap the rewards by competing with Chinese labor.

>> No.5474775

All of these people who complain about their jobs are people who were never truly passionate about what they studied. I bet you were one of those people who studied the field just because you had friends who did, or because you wanted good pay.

Good pay is second if you like what you do.

>> No.5474840


South African detected. How was the boerewors?

>> No.5474843


So, you're 16, fantasizing about a job that doesn't exist to make your e-penis seem larger. Nice one.

>> No.5474903

EE major here

Damn this thread is so inspiring... Thanks for motivating me to get back to studying those circuits

>> No.5474911

>being upset life was not given to you in a hand basket
>that irrational fear of market economies
Where is your capitalism now?

>> No.5475041

PAC12 has cute cheerleaders. Poor UK with all their ugly Inbred cartoon faced freaks.

>> No.5475047

How close is Mech E with thermofluids option close to Aerospace Engineering?

>> No.5475392

That's basically what Aero is.

>> No.5475396

>cartoon faced

that's a desirable trait here on 4chan

u must b knew, etc

>> No.5475399

>STEM permavirgins in USA get to watch dumb jocks get all the ladies

the women may be marginally less attractive in the UK, but we don't have as much of the vile culture that makes being smart impossible to get you laid

>> No.5476250


Forever homeless.

>> No.5476296
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I think he means western cartoons.

>> No.5478338
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a million times this. you sir are my hero

>> No.5478392
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Many people major in engineering but have no interest in the subject. The highest starting salaries for the elite schools are as bankers/analysts/consultants/etc.

Example, Cindy Crawford the GOAT model went to Nothwestern for one quarter to study chemical engineering. If she had not gone into modeling Wall St. would have been all over her and she have ruled finance.

Besides it is a good career for avg/ugly people that are not outgoing in personality.

>> No.5478401

>tfw physicist/cs double major that will never even make a 6 digit salary ;_;

>> No.5478409

And how the fuck do you land that job?

>> No.5478416

Why not? Are you retarded?

>> No.5478422


There's a disproportionate amount of women in every IE department. It's a business degree with a lot of math, to be frank.

>> No.5478424


Basically, it's about optimization and applications. It's about making things work in the industry (or anywhere).

Engineers make great things, IEs make them better.

>> No.5478425

nope, 3rd world country. hope to get out of here someday.

my father used to work for some oil company doing a shit ton of money (by our standards) in a management position and it was a 90~k ish salary.

the future for any engineer or science guy here is at most 45~50k a year without delving into economics, management or some shitty stuff like that.

>> No.5478429

Move. Yes, its a big financial investment. But its one extremely worth investing in.

>> No.5478433


I'm glad you're happy with your job, but the description reads a lot like "professional ass-kisser."

>> No.5478435

I'm learning German. Some times I get tired but its a possibility for a better future. Even if English is every time more widespread, some scholarships require you to have a deep understanding of German. And from what I hear, some universities there are top notch in Physics and CS. They won't pay for undergraduate stuff, but for graduate/postgraduate stuff they are more lenient.

>> No.5478439

Then what's a good job for good looking people with introverted personalities?

>> No.5478441

Good luck dude. You can do a lot with physics and CS. 6 figures is a very realistic goal if you really want it.

>> No.5478446

Truthfully engineers can be paid more if they only went to buisness school in (Expensive ass college).

The work is about the same hours at least, but more pay.

>> No.5478450

I work in finance (math/french) major. We hire many people to be coders and do regular business type stuff. Or any engineering job would be good. If you are halfway decent looking then to average engineers you will be Clooney/DiCaprio.

>> No.5478454

business school can be a bit of a double-edge sword.

I study CS in a university that is very business focused. only 50-60% of the pensum is real CS, the other 50-40% is some stuff about economics, humanities business management, enterprise culture, enterprise organization, etc.

If you are really science devoted, its not good for you. But I study there because it has amazing connections with other countries. It has a language center (best in the city) with very professional teachers, and if you are really outstanding they can get you almost anywhere you want.

I know a few people that has got outside of this university with really deep knowledge of CS, but mostly because of their self study, and managed to go to other countries with the university help.

People who stick only to the university stuff usually end up being managers, or pumping some good ol' java code for ENTERPRISE stuff (and almost all of them even hate coding (wtf!), most dream to have a position where they just have to do some 'software engineering', some 'requisite analysis' and some 'team management' but no real coding whatsoever)

The thing is that even if its VERY rewarding to graduate from here because of the international benefits, its hard to get into a desirable level of self study because of how time-consuming are the business related courses, or mind-consuming, because they are something that science people don't stand too much studying.

>> No.5478458

What about for us Mechanical Engineers (Thermofluids) and my close bros, Aerospace Engineers?

>> No.5478466

I'm just getting into the real Mechanical stuff, and dreaming of getting involved in the soon-to-be blooming space industry by the time I graduate. Barring disaster, the future looks bright for us.

>> No.5478481

This thread neatly explains why engineers are the ONLY degree to routinely trash English majors. Y'all are insecure as fuck.

>> No.5478527


Get real. Everyone trashes English majors.