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5464039 No.5464039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Go to first lecture in topology
>Lecturer constantly says "clopen"
What kind of idiot came up with that word?

>> No.5464056
File: 116 KB, 1674x939, clop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5464074

>can't into google

>> No.5464075

Mathematicians are notorious for being not funny.

>> No.5464079

Have you said it out loud? It sounds like a word a pre-schooler would make up.

>> No.5464080

>sonic the hedgehog gene

>> No.5464084

>clopen everywhere in first topology lecture
useless word.

>> No.5464102

Closed and open, but quicker. Just like iff, gp and spose.

>> No.5464117

Buildings, apartments and chambers.
Monstrous moonshine.
Hairy ball theorem.
Ham sandwich theorem.

>> No.5464124

Sheaves, the sheafification functor, and the stalks of a sheaf.

>> No.5464127
File: 507 KB, 1540x1080, trivial [0,1] bundle over [0,1]xS^1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fibre bundles.

>> No.5464131

Yeah, I have had a lecture mention the Hairy ball theorem but he did remember that the name was funny. "Guess what this is theorem is called?"

You don't pronounce these

>> No.5464187

>You don't pronounce these
yes people do. it took me forever to figure out what geegee meant when people shout it at tournaments.

>> No.5464246

Classical Weiner Measure. Nuff said.

>> No.5464292

And the Wiener sausage.

>> No.5464527

Well, I know of some theorems with quite funny names. The most famous is probably the "hairy balls theorem". ;)

>> No.5464531

Everything named after Tits.

>> No.5464538
File: 122 KB, 609x591, Shittiermathbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember in my first algebra class that some people bursted out laughing when they heard some Tits made great contribution to the theory of finite simple groups.

Oh god.

>> No.5465052
File: 43 KB, 600x431, 1340150373779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5466751

"Gunter glieben glauchen clopen" began Rock of Ages by Def Leppard.

>> No.5466797

i dunno but it reminds me of how bill gates keeps saying "gooey" when he means GUI. i donno but you kinda lose all respect for people if they pronounce shit in retarded ways

the guy that came up with this is a nigger no doubt.

>> No.5466811

the gooey pronunciation of GUI is used all over the place though

>> No.5466818


In IT it's really common to pronounce acronyms. I used to work in at&t nodal and EVERY acronym was pronounced. Even shit that had no vowels had a pronunciation. We even had pronunciation guides given out during training and people joked about it a lot. Many acronyms people didn't even know the meaning to and had just gotten used to them being the actual word for that concept.

I suppose it's not as unusual when you have words like LASER which originally started out as an acronym, but yea, it's totally the norm in that respect.

>> No.5466822

>yfw the cox zucker machine

>> No.5466829


yea well fucking IT is blue collar shit anyways.

it's like demolition workers referring to IMX101 as 'pass me the tee 'n' tee'

>> No.5466839

It may seem blue collar but the section of at&t I was in at the time was dealing with their top 10% largest customers. Companies like American Idol, Walmart, Oracle, McDonalds, etc.. that have a ton of locations in several countries. We were dealing with crazy legacy databases and managing services with hundreds of T1s in huge trunk groups with crazy services on them. It's not like just managing the IT at your local library.

>> No.5466842


>works at taco bell
>zuckerberg orders bean burrito
>we high class nao

>> No.5466852

The point I was making is that it's ingrained in even serious enterprise technology. I don't care what you think of me, I'm just some anon posting on an imageboard.

>> No.5466860
