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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5441773 No.5441773 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen if I eat one of these?
I feel compelled to do that for some reason.


>> No.5441778

Oh, I remember this stuff. My granddad used those little tablets in model train engines.

Also you will poison yourself.

>> No.5441783

Okay, would the poisoning be mild? What if I only eat a quarter of a tablet?

>> No.5441790


>> No.5441792

>find the poison chemical
>look up it's LD 50
>ingest LD 50 amount

>> No.5441793

"If ingested may be moderately toxic, causing diarrhoea, albuminuria and haematuria."
I'm doing it.

>> No.5441811

>Toxicity Data:
>IVN-RAT LD50:9200 mg/kg
>ORL-MUS LD50:569 mg/kg
>SCU-MUS LD50:215 mg/kg

That's an oral LD50 a little bit more toxic than metallic arsenic (acute toxicity, obviously), and about double the lethal dose for aspirin or caffeine.

A single tab is about 14 grams, so eat just one will probably make you very, very sick, but might not kill you. Please, please don't eat one, though. LD50 values are expression of population data, and it's not a good idea to just blindly assume that you're going to fall in the "resistant" half of the lethality curve.

And, assuming the mouse values are roughly equivalent to the human toxicity values and a 70kg human, three tablets will be enough to hit the LD50.


>> No.5441822


Do it faggot, see if you can beat the 50%!

>> No.5441830


>> No.5441840

Thank you, that changed my mind. Weird that the other source only said "moderately toxic."

>> No.5441864

"Moderately toxic" is actually pretty accurate. When you're comparing toxic effects, one of the easiest ways to do it is to just compare the LD50 values in an absolute sense.

"Highly toxic" is usually the stuff where the LD50 is measured in tens of milligrams per kilogram (or lower, the really toxic stuff is measured in micrograms and nanograms), and "low toxicity" is usually stuff that technically CAN kill you but needs a massive dose, usually in the range of multiple grams per kilogram (table salt or acetaminophen, for instance).

Half a gram per kilogram is right in that in-between range.

>> No.5441866

I think you just saved someone's life, or at least prevented them from having a very bad day. Good job guy.

>> No.5441878
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Actually takes troll thread seriously

>> No.5441891

I would rather take a troll thread seriously than risk letting someone eat that shit without telling them it's a bad idea.

>> No.5441893

>unwarranted self-importance

>> No.5441904

>mistaking basic human decency for arrogance

>> No.5441919

>mistaking a saviour complex for basic human decency

>> No.5441928

>"bro don't eat that" is a savior complex
sure buddy

>> No.5441959

This is not a troll thread. I was really going to eat a tablet (or a quarter). The reason: hexamethylenetetramine + хексаметилентетрамин = 42 letters. The only other words I've found so far that give a sum of 42 between the English and the Bulgarian word are electroencephalograph/електроенцефалография and antihypertensives/антихипертензивни средства. I had an EEG today (came back normal) and I'm looking into antihypertensives.

>> No.5442000

Also: EnglishPlusBulgarian + АнглийскиПлюсБългарски = 42

>> No.5442015

Haha. 54 42 000.

>> No.5442031

This thread is amazing. What sort of mental disease do you have OP?

>> No.5442047

>usually in the range of multiple grams per kilogram (table salt or acetaminophen, for instance).
>table salt
I think you just saved multiple years of my life unless I decide to suicide sometime in the near future.

>> No.5442053
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Damn schizophrenia, you so crazy!

>> No.5442110
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20130115_201524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current diagnosis is schizophrenic psychosis, before that it was cannabinoid-induced psychosis. Neither one is correct. I destroyed everything in my flat on Nov 1 last year. I realized there were 42 days between 1112 and 121212 (the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything). Nothing happened on Dec 12; I am still the only 2 among the 1s. Picture is my EEG from today.

>> No.5442121
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>> No.5442123
File: 1.10 MB, 2448x3264, 20130115_202838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 1 of EEG and correct tripcode (hopefully)

>> No.5442124

cannabis contains an anti-psychotic you know

its called cannabidiol, you should consider using it

>> No.5442127

Bah, tripcode is supposed to be 42OPmaslto but Ж fucks it up.

>> No.5442137

I just noticed the EEG starts at 42 (not actually written out, the numbers go from 43 to 51)
What's the reason, /sci/?

>> No.5442146


You should probably eat it, it will spill its secrets to you

>> No.5442148

yes, but then it is stupid to use "regular" cannabis, as there is much more CBD in inflorescences of textile hemp

>> No.5442155

No, the purpose of the fuel tablets was starting this thread.

>> No.5442163

i was saying he should consider using cannabidiol, not weed

>> No.5442173

>Diagnosis based on perfectly normal looking EEG
What? What exactly did they tell you? What that looks like to me is normal, perhaps a slight increase in alpha power, indicating you might have been a bit tired at the time of measurement.

>> No.5442181

yes, it'll be the same

>> No.5442182

They based my diagnosis on my past behavior and on my continued belief that there is meaning behind numbers. The EEG is just them covering all the bases. Can you tell me why it starts at 42?

>> No.5442188

This is simply a short section of EEG. The numbers indicate seconds, meaning that the piece of paper you got was the section of data from 42 seconds into the measurement to 51 and a bit.

>> No.5442209

I see, thanks. I thought this somehow represented the entire scan.

>> No.5442213

no, using one chemical rather than a cocktail of 80 is not the same

THC is hallucinogenic, and would not help with psychosis, if anything it would cause it

cannabidiol is anti-psychotic, it has the opposite effect

>> No.5442229

I'm starting this drug tomorrow (changing from Zyprexa).
The sum of all the numbers on the bottle is 42.

>> No.5442233
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i take it you take "hitch hikers guide to the galaxy" a little bit too seriously?

>> No.5442234

There are no meanings in the numbers. If you think rationally, there are lots and lots of words of which the sum isn't 42, yet you disregard those. It's a coincidence, nothing more.

Would you mind, since you're here, trying to rationalize why you feel there is meaning in numbers? Is it something you can try to explain logically, or is it just a feeling you get?

>> No.5442262

God erases himself every time he awakens and realizes he is everything that exists. The way he did it last time was by shattering into the ~100 billion people that lived throughout history (and everything else that exists in the universe). Numbers are the method he set up for his awakening.

"Господ е българин"
"God is Bulgarian"

>> No.5442268

Alrighty then. That didn't make a whole lot of sense, but thanks for answering anyway.

>> No.5442284

then douglas adams is the prophet?

>> No.5442296

We are all the prophet. Everything everyone does is predetermined. It feels like you're making a choice, but it's like choosing between two doors one of which is locked.

>> No.5442351

schizophrenia can give people deep insightful truths amidst all the crazy bullshit sometimes

this is one of those times

>> No.5442359
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i mean just that one statement

everything else was completely nonsense from what i could tell lol

how does this gif make you feel?

>> No.5442423
File: 48 KB, 666x264, formaldehyde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As the hexamine MSDS states it can turn into formaldehyde I think it's worth looking at its MSDS too.


Oh look, death and blindness.

>> No.5442452

bulgarians are crazy

>> No.5442559

Imagine you're having a conversation with a highly developed artificial intellect and you ask it a question. It will process it and give you an answer very quickly, right? Maybe fifty milliseconds after you finish asking the question.
No, it will give you an answer one or two seconds after you finish, introducing a finely-tuned delay to avoid making you feel inferior. And when you think about it, it was probably able to answer you mid-sentence since it could easily anticipate what you'd say.
And when you think about it further, it was able to answer you long before you even began asking your question. Like a chess player, it's thinking hundreds of moves ahead while you're talking. If it had the initial data, it could even run a comprehensive simulation of all the processes in your brain with a fraction of its resources. Such a powerful intellect can easily manipulate you and reach the exact outcome it desires.
Now imagine you’re the intellect and you can START with the outcome. Imagine you’re a lonely, bored omnipotent being seeking to entertain itself. How can you enjoy your unlimited power?
Simple: limit it. Make yourself mortal. Forget your knowledge. Make resources scarce. But first, write an epic script: the universe.
Most novels are written backwards: authors know how they will end and arrange characters and events accordingly. You will do the same, giving every particle and wave a predetermined path. You will design the way stars, planets, humans, societies and languages evolve, and you will set up hidden interplays between them for yourself to uncover and marvel at ~13.75 billion years later.
We think matter and energy are branching out through time and space, with outcomes randomly determined by chance and choice. In fact they are branching in toward a predetermined outcome: the awakening of everything.

>> No.5442564

Now read these again:
"God erases himself every time he awakens and realizes he is everything that exists. The way he did it last time was by shattering into the ~100 billion people that lived throughout history (and everything else that exists in the universe). Numbers are the method he set up for his awakening.

"Господ е българин"
"God is Bulgarian"
"We are all the prophet. Everything everyone does is predetermined. It feels like you're making a choice, but it's like choosing between two doors one of which is locked."
God does not throw dice.
God is dead.
But not for much longer.

>> No.5442566

>try to find something else for OP to eat
>Twice baked potatoes are only three letters off from being 42

God damn it.

>> No.5442584

This thread is fucking gold.

>> No.5442620

>Twice baked potatoes
that's only 20 characters man, 18 letters

>> No.5442626

OP, i have a tea in front of me called "acai, pomegranate, and blueberry green tea" which has 42 characters, including spaces and commas. i got it at walgreens

>> No.5442629

два пъти печени картофи
twice baked potatoes

43 characters together, damn.

>> No.5442638

Right, but you add the number of letters that the bulgarian version is too.

Twice Baked Potatoes = 18 letters
два пъти печени картофи(translated) = 20 letters
So, 38, actually four letters off, my mistake.
With spaces included you get 43, only one off.

>> No.5442640

OP, if you think you're uncovering the nature of the universe in the number 42, why not put your crazy pattern-recognition to work in astronomy or physics?
It would be a better use of your strengths than counting letters on labels and eating random household chemicals.

>> No.5442648

>Twice baked potatoes and Twice baked potato have same translation
>Alternative adds up to 41 characters


>> No.5442651

Spaces are not included.

Did you read >>5442559 ?

>> No.5442653

The idea of /sci/ creating a menu, a balanced diet even, of 42-character foods for this guy is fucking hilarious.

>> No.5442654

I did.
It's a nice piece of science-fiction; you need to do some research and datamining to back it up.

>> No.5442664

seafood gumbo over rice
морски дарове бамя с ориз

42 letters. Enjoy some tasty Creole cooking, OP.

>> No.5442669

I am preparing a paper that outlines my theory (the revealing interconnections between numbers, Bulgarian and English)

>> No.5442673

spaghetti with garlic bread
спагети с чеснов хляб

42 letters, don't worry OP, we'll find some tasty treats for you.

>> No.5442676

I am actually going to try these out, keep them coming.

>> No.5442680

Yeah, it's called time symmetry.

>> No.5442684

Nah bro, I mean study and learn and research actual physical properties of the universe.
What significance do English or Bulgarian have other than that you speak both?
Look at some hard science and you could come up with something of interest to people other than paranoid Bulgarian linguists. It worked for John Nash.

>> No.5442696

lawl. trying to control chaos;
stop now you retard and watch some real cinema like pi and stop it with "7x6"

>this thread is really your last chance if you think this will "help" you

>> No.5442702

>In an acid environment hexamine is converted to formaldehyde, which is toxic.

An acid environment such as the one in your stomach. Have fun with your formaldehyde poisoning.

>> No.5442738



Pi confirms everything I've said?

>> No.5442775

bump, more 42 food

>> No.5442785

Bump for amazing thread. More 42 food?

>> No.5442791

>i think you don't understand the fact that it was a MOVIE not your life

>> No.5442807

It correlates very precisely with my life.

>> No.5442811

It is now 1:30 am. I'm off to a night drive with my worried-sick dad. I will track the thread from my phone and reply when I get back in an hour or so.

>> No.5443072

I'm back.
It's weird that NOBODY posted while I was gone.

>> No.5443085


They're watching.

>> No.5443152

Someone should screencap this thread for further reading and lulz.

>> No.5443162


>> No.5443211


Are you uncomfortable knowing that no one gave a fuck?

Take some more hexamine tablets

>> No.5443334

Oh god, it's like the shitposters came out. There goes the neighborhood. Good thread.

>> No.5443361

>>5443334 >Oh god, it's like the shitposters came out.

Go notice the rest of the thread before you shitpost about a false alarm shitpost

>> No.5443404

This thread is fantastic.
I am most proud of >>5442110 and >>5442559
42 days between 11112 and 121212.
It is taking longer, but it's quite enjoyable being the only 2 for now.
I will post images from the CT and MRI scans of my brain tomorrow. They found a 12x12mm congenital cyst in the rear of my left putamen and everyone panicked for a while. It's harmless, of course.

>> No.5444023

I'm back. And again, no one posted while I was absent. This IS weird.

>> No.5444064

>I will post images from the CT and MRI scans of my brain tomorrow.
I would be interested in seeing this. Do you have the actual scans that you can upload somewhere, or just a print out? I posted in your thread yesterday, regarding your EEG results.

>> No.5444067

>I will post images from the CT and MRI scans of my brain tomorrow

>> No.5444649
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>> No.5444651
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>> No.5444654
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>> No.5444657
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>> No.5444659
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>> No.5444675

OP, assuming for a moment those are actually yours, how did you go about getting them? Did you just request them the doctors, or is there a whole process for it?

>> No.5444697

Do you know if they ran any other tests besides a T2 contrast (e.g. a FLARE scan)?

>> No.5444701

>FLARE scan

>> No.5444752

Repeat Aurora Please
Повторете Aurora Моля

42 Letters, God Has Spoken.

>> No.5444845

Брато ти си ненормален.
Ма тва сигурно го знаеш де...

>> No.5444863

The psychiatrist ordered a CT scan and that was followed by an MRI to get a better look at the cyst.

Angiography, came back normal

>> No.5444871

I meant the scans themselves, your copies.

>> No.5444941

Just T2 and angiography. Didn't need contrast because the machine was really snazzy.

>> No.5444966

No, that's not what I meant, I mean how did you get those copies of those scans? Not how they were made, but how you got access to them.

>> No.5444991


>> No.5444997

So you just asked your doctor for a copy and he gave you a CD with them?

I had no idea it was that easy.

>> No.5445010

This is not standard in all countries. My lab is officially not allowed to give the scans away. I use healthy participants in my experiments, so there is a chance of an incidental finding of something abnormal. For that reason, we don't normally give them out. Sometimes however, when the participant really wants it badly (and I've had a really close look at their scan), I tell them that we're not allowed to give them, but if I were to look away for a second, and they were to stick their flash drive into my computer and go to this and this folder and get this and this file, then there is nothing I can do to stop them.