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5433391 No.5433391 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who just took a polygraph anything.

>> No.5433399 [DELETED] 
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was the baby yours?

>> No.5433407

very clever.

>> No.5433416 [DELETED] 

heheh, polygraph isnt actually very accurate, thats why ops dont use it to prosecute.

its only ever useful on maury povitz and shit like that

>"your polygraph results are back.... sorry, she was lying, she really DID sleep with your father... *trollface.jpg*


daytime tv is so fucking shite...

>> No.5433419 [DELETED] 


>> No.5433422


It may not be accurate, but it sure is intimidating.

>> No.5433424 [DELETED] 
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fuck, im curious
what were they actually asking you?

>> No.5433429

What an anti-intellectual post ...

>> No.5433432

Sure. Tell me your address.

>> No.5433430 [DELETED] 

yeh, thats what they said about napalm strikes.

im pretty sure i could beat a fucking polygraph. i kinda wanna get tested on it
anyway can u borrow one for a day or something? (i dont actually wanna buy it, seeing as i'd never fucking use it after that)

>> No.5433435

the questions themselves, for honest folk, are not anything exciting. They are asking about affiliation with foreign agencies and espionage... as well as history of drug use and serious crimes.

The hard part is when they shut off the equipment and ask, "What are you hiding?"

>> No.5433440 [DELETED] 


anyway turns out i can get one for less than $100, so fuck it, maybe i'll just buy it.
i can probably resell it later and make most of the cash back.

>> No.5433445 [DELETED] 
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go from the start
who was testing you and why?

>The hard part is when they shut off the equipment and ask, "What are you hiding?"
>shut off the machine to decipher if you are lying before asking another question

wait, wat?

>> No.5433449

Not joking. I have one and I'd give it to you for free. Just tell me your address.

>> No.5433460 [DELETED] 
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>reveal my actual address to all of /sci/
>not retarded

heh, pick one

anyway, i dont give a fuck about $100 so dont bother yourself
thanks anyway, hun

>> No.5433490


>> No.5433513

That's what the polygraph testers do - after the test is "over" they ask intimidating questions to make you feel guilty in the hopes that you'll reveal something to them "in confidence." It's actually the most revealing part of the test. They basically trick you into admitting shit you may not have even done.

>> No.5433515

Yep. I don't want to disclose who was testing me or when I took the test, but they asked very simple questions about terrorism and drug use.

>> No.5433527 [DELETED] 

>They basically trick you into admitting shit you may not have even done.
what's the point in that?
and yeh, people have done prison time for false confessions.

yeh, but why were YOU even specifically selected?

>> No.5433582

I was applying for a position with a government agency.