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File: 118 KB, 1052x712, me smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5420447 No.5420447 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy who goes to Harvard anything.


>> No.5420449

How is it spending tens of thousands of dollars on an education you could get a few thousand in any good country that isn't america?

>> No.5420451

How does it feel to know that MIT is vastly superior in the alumni category?

>> No.5420454


lel jelly plebs. Harvard #1 in medicine (aka the most superior field)

Stay poor :)

>> No.5420456

Were you born with your work ethic?
If not, have any tips for someone who finds every single thing in the universe boring?

>> No.5420458
File: 25 KB, 421x452, 1325533463490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valid thru 09/30/02

>> No.5420461

What'd you get on SATs? GPA? etc.

>> No.5420463

>also 2nd link on google images

thread over SAGE

>> No.5420464

How did Natalie Portman graduate when all she did was drink and snort coke. Several people in the entertainment industry have told me she never went to class and never did any school work.

>> No.5420466

lol of course i'm not gonna post my actual ID.. you guys will hack me or something xD

Stupid plebs.

>> No.5420468


>> No.5420469

>me smiling.jpg

reported for such outrageous misbehaviour

>> No.5420484

This is clearly a troll. But I'll bite. You're quite pretentious. I can guarantee that you're average in your class, or perhaps the lowly scum that scraped by in the cut-off. Just because you're parents bought you're admission doesn't mean anything. A "Dr." prefix doesn't entitle you to a job, you have to have PEOPLE skills, you know, connections. Which you probably have none of. You can't start 200k starting if you're a douche bag right from the start. Even if you're good.

>> No.5420491


>> No.5420492

connections and donations.

>> No.5420494

yes please tell us
>people on this thread thinking OP would post his ID
i can't even

>> No.5420496

i am jelly, but i don't see myself as a pleb (not surprised you do)

>> No.5420503


Negative, Jimbo. 3.98 out of high school (my civics teacher and I didn't get along) My father is a doctor and my mother a professor, so it was really in my blood from the beginning. The life here is great.. awesome parties, intellectual conversations about meaningful topics.. the air is filled with greatness. Feels good being a part of history.

>> No.5420507
File: 24 KB, 450x485, Fucking Sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying which medical school you go to, and not your USMLE score, is more important for the rest of your career

gentlemen, sage goes in all fields

>> No.5420514

OP please tell us the question asked in this post

>> No.5420524

What was the deal with the poisoning in the one of the school labs I saw on the news like a year ago? I never understood what happened.

>> No.5420532

People already pointed out this is a troll like 13 posts ago why the fuck are people replying seriously

>> No.5420536

Boards go a long way, but don't be fooled, the med school, AOA, and letters of rec all weigh in. Also, research. If you're coming out of a state med school you're going to have a harder time placing residency in top teaching hospitals compared to your Yale and Harvard peers. Or god tier Wash U.

>> No.5420545

It's not even 2 pages long, let alone 13, shut up.

>> No.5420550


Will Hunting actually went to Harvard instead? mind-blown

>> No.5420569

>Harvard #1 in medicine
That's a funny way to spell Johns Hopkins.

>> No.5420572

That's a funny way to spell Dartmouth.

>> No.5420582

>Even in the top 40

It doesn't even have an MSTP, how can it be a top school?

>> No.5420587

yeah not

>> No.5420590

That's a funny way to spell California University of Pennsylvania

>> No.5420626

hopkins is ranked number one in clinical experience, harvard is ranked number one in academics

>> No.5420669

It just goes to show hoe regional the US is. I live in Oregon and have never heard of Dartmouth or Johns Hopkins.

>> No.5420676

No you're just an idiot.

>> No.5420683

>be in engineering
>not have to worry about spending 50k a year for 8 years just to start a career

feels good man

>> No.5420693 [DELETED] 

>Wash U
I think you mean U Wash, Wash U is shit

>> No.5420786


Feels good to make 200,000 a year upwards right out of that 8 years of college..

Feels good, man. Stay poor :D

>> No.5420806

I thought you were about to quote good will hunting for a second there

>> No.5420823


Most doctor's pay so much in medical insurance they usually make > $100,000 a year. Pharmacy is the actually the god tier field. Stay pleb crimson faggot.

>> No.5420826

explain further unless its just nonsense

>> No.5420841


Most doctor's can't afford to/don't want to waste the time going into a speciality after their 2 years of internship so they take their 3 years of residency and become general practitioners. Most GPs make around $150,000 and spend roughly 30% of their salary on malpractice insurance.

Pharmacists don't even need a bachelors. They take prereqs, take the PCAT, get into pharmacy school, take 3 years there and get out making $100,000+ a year at 24-26 with a doctorate in Pharmacy. Only 49% of pharmacy students hold bachelors degrees.

>> No.5420842

heh shlipoff

>> No.5420848

>most doctors . . . become general practitioners
are you not in the US? or are you just high off your ass?

>> No.5420855

Relatively sure this is a troll, but then again this isn't much higher quality than any other /sci/ college thread.
If not troll OP understands that Ivy League is all about the connections. Sure you can get a decent (dare I say equivalent) education elsewhere, but at an Ivy League you'll be rubbing elbows with the fuckers who will run everything.

>> No.5420882


Definitely in the US, and no not high off my ass. General Practitioners make up the majority of MDs in the US. These are the doctors who work in emergency rooms and clinics.

>> No.5420894

emergency physicians do a 3-4 year residency, and a fellowship if they so choose. general practitioners do no residency - they're an internist right out of medical school. as for the majority of physicians being GPs, do you have a source? GPs are where we're experiencing the biggest shortages, so i'm finding it hard to believe they make up the majority

>> No.5420898

If I could only post my smug face when I realize that this cunt isn't smart enough to realize that his money won't make him happy. He's like a child that thinks world peace will be achieved when he gets an extra helping of dessert.
Also, sage.

>> No.5420901

What are the types of 3-manifolds up to homeomorphism?

>> No.5420915

He can't find the wikipedia article... give him more time

>> No.5420995

where do you get your blow?

why aren't you in a fraternity?

>> No.5421071


I don't care about worthless pedantic maths, you autists. It's a little too Jacob Barnett in here. Anatomy, physiology, pathology.. and yes, it involves interacting with actual, real-life human beings and changing their lives for the better. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

>> No.5421298

>I am ignorant about maths
... in which case you are ignorant.

>> No.5421834

This is a math board.

>> No.5421837

G-g-guys I-I'm not a p-pleb

>> No.5421854

Lel, same here.

>> No.5421860

Dat expiration date.

>> No.5421872

I envy you. I was unable to go to a top 10 school, although I was accepted, because my parents refused to pay for college and I couldn't get public funding because I was under 25 and my parents made too much money for me to qualify for loans and grants. (my father makes an average of $150,000 a year)

Instead I went to a public school my parents were willing to pay for. I always wonder how my life would have been different.

>> No.5421894

so do you go to HMS or harvard undergrad?

>> No.5421916

You are in harvard, what are you going to do for humanity, since you are considered to be an AMAZING individual?

>> No.5421923

>tfw Oxford

Oh well, at least harvard is cheaper, AM I RITE GUISE

>> No.5421932


>> No.5421962

/lit/-/g/ here

It's nice to see here that the smart people are really retarded.

It's like watching TBBT!

>> No.5421975

Which college?

>> No.5421978


>> No.5422099
File: 315 KB, 676x695, victim of troling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5422151

aha, bragging about how much you could make if you weren't a pompous douche doesn't change the fact that all you are is a faggot bragging about what school he went to on the internet.

you must have some sort of inferiority complex don't you?