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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5413919 No.5413919 [Reply] [Original]

Thought provoking question from /fit/ we'd likean informed answer to:

"When we lift, we use gravity, right?
What is gravity, it's like a power that drags stuff toward earth
but it's no an infinite power, that doesn't exist right? So I'm wondering
Are we using the earth gravity because of our liftings? Like if the gravity power is one million tons, and I do 10 reps of 100kg, then the gravity power is down to 999.999 tons
And when it's done to zero, there won't be any power left, and no gravity, and we won't be able to lift anymore, and the air will go into space and we will all die"

>> No.5413924

gravity is a fundamental force that is not "used up"

>> No.5413931

>being smart
pick one

>> No.5413930
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>tfw gyms are actually evil gravity power killer

>> No.5413928

So why don't we use it to get infinite energy?

>> No.5413929

Also, to follow up:

1. wot if wen u lift up weights ur actually pushin down the world n thats why it feels so heavy because if you were actually liftin up the weights it would be easy as fuck. only the strongest know this secret and thats how they can ddlift so much

2. What if gravity never existed but everything has been tied down by an advanced civilization of tiny beings. And these beings would favour certain people and help them to become top weightlifters by cutting the ties whenever the weightlifter is lifting to make it look like he is lifting heavily when really the weight just floats into the air

>> No.5413938


>implying gravity can be used up

>> No.5413939

>being smart
>having sex

pick one

>> No.5413940

Kindly go back to your nude pics and dumbbells.

>> No.5413944

>implying i want to fuck traps and /fa/ homos
stay beta /fit/

>> No.5413945

Link to the thread:
<span class="deadlink">>>>/fit/16821414[/spoiler]

>> No.5413950


He's right though and i say that as someone who lifts...look at the standard of typing and posting on /fit/ compared to other boards. Just deconstruct any argument on /fit/ and see how retarded it is, even boards like /r9k/ are more intelligent. I hate to push the meathead stereotype but god fucking damn /fit/ and misc do nothing to help it.

>> No.5413960

>coming to 4chan and expecting serious discussions

>> No.5413962

>tfw gains stole protein from my brain and maked me less smarter

>> No.5413966

This was suppose to be /thread, but /sci/ is overwhelmingly shitposters and freshmen.

>> No.5413970

>tfw stupid from dumbbells hitting me on the head all the time
>tfw trackmarks from my creatine addiction
>tfw 5'2 from lifting too soon and stunting my growth

being /fit/ truly is suffering

>> No.5413998


You get decent arguments the odd time...you can tell how literate someone is by their typing style, argument composition etc. I'm not saying 4chan is a haven of cutting edge knowledge but to say there's no serious discussion ever isn't quite true.

>> No.5414053

because it's not infinite. Let me explain in a tongue you can understand.

>Gravity isn't a thing you can use up. It's like saying you can use up all the space in this universe. Yet we know the universe isn't infinite. Get it?

>> No.5414082 [DELETED] 

>the universe isn't infinte

Yes, it is, you retard.

>> No.5414100
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<span class="deadlink">>>5414082[/spoiler]
No it's not, retard. I am ashamed of being in the same thread as you, just so you know. Unless you're trolling, if so, good game.

>> No.5414108 [DELETED] 

lrn2cosmology, you fucking pleb

You're spouting retarded garbage you misunderstood while seeing a shitty pop sci show. I wish high schoolers like you would just shut up and read a book before posting.

>> No.5414110

I hate you, DrJimmyRussel. Stop tripping. DyEL?

I came from /fit/ to tell you this.

/sci/, i love your board. Lurker here.

>> No.5414126

Creatine is administered orally. Why don't you go take some brain steroids. I hear Dextroamphetamine is good for it.

>> No.5414130

<span class="deadlink">>>5414108[/spoiler]
I am going to assume you're referring to the Big Bang Theory. Now my assumption of this is preferable, but yours is not. I can honestly say I've never seen a full episode of that show, nor do I intent to.
Secondly, the universe is finite and it is flat, I suggest you read Dr. Krauss' findings before you come and post. I know this is an anonymous website and all but it just looks bad for the sake of humanity. The universe is finite and it is flat. Finite in time and in spacial extent. I suggest you stop watching bullshit shows, go read about some real things, kid.

>> No.5414133

its a joke on /fit/ that creatine makes you go insane and is pretty much roids mixed with heroin, cocaine and bath salts

>> No.5414140

Guys. Most people on /fit/ also thought this was fucking stupid.

>> No.5414151

But its well known that the universe is constantly expanding in all directions.
They just don't unnersand man.

>> No.5414146
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>> No.5414157
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>I suggest you read Dr. Krauss' findings

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.5414158

I am a little shocked. So because the universe is expanding it has to be infinite? I'm out of here, bunch of knaves from /fit/ come here and try to look smart.

>> No.5414164


The Universe is immensely large and possibly infinite in volume.

To say that for certain that it is finite is a grave claim.

>> No.5414167 [DELETED] 

>the universe is finite and flat

You have no idea what that means.

>> No.5414172
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I think he meant that. He's obviously trying to tell you that nobody knows if it's infinite or finite and since the pleb asserted the universe being infinite in the first place, I think he has done a good job at trolling the idiot.

>> No.5414183

I would think it should imply the opposite.
How can it get larger if it has no outer boundary?
Where would it grow from?
Where would it grow to?

>> No.5414195

What the fuck, you're a fucking moron. He was implying that which you said. wtf fuck you

>> No.5414197

Every time you jump, there is an equal but opposite reaction, so you jump and the earth stops you, but the earth is also moved .000000000001 meters, so i say we should just all get to get her and jump like if an astroid comes we jump and move out the way lol

>> No.5414255

the guy who posed this question on fit was obviously high as fuck.