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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5412007 No.5412007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the deepest thought you ever had/

>> No.5412010

>tfw no gf

>> No.5412014

Humans pretty much always could have made due with the tools they had. Science and engineering is just a result of people being overly aggressive or not careful enough

>> No.5412015

You are the only conscience person in the world.

>> No.5412017

>conscience person
get out

>> No.5412018

I forgot it long ago. It was 2deep4me. Something about rethinking analysis and synthesis as processes of reasoning. I had it before going to sleep and while I leapt out of my bed to write it down, I lost it.
Can say outsmarted myself on that one.

>> No.5412019

Stop talking to yourself. 2deep4u

>> No.5412026


>there is no purpose in life we have to find our purpose
>we are all truly alone
>atoms vibrating hurr durr we are the universe experiencing ourselves hurr durr

but seriously though, I've come to the conclusion that the fundamental part of life (at least to me) is relationships. In order to be truly happy, we have to share our happiness.

>> No.5412041

I wouldn't say deep, but one night I came to the conclusion of how the only thing we can be sure of is science/math. Became an atheist after that night.

>> No.5412045

"The truth is that there is something beyond death, because if there is only death, who needs truth?"

I reached this conclusion after several massive bong rips and 8 back to back balloons of nitrous.

>> No.5412055


dat jump in logic


>> No.5412091

This world and universe are far more important than we imagine, because they contain a concept poisnous to a being or place that does not have a concept of time: The concept of story.

>> No.5412099

I remember at the beginning of my second year of preparatory class when our teacher began with a short informal lecture about logic and axiomatics in general. He happened to unwantingly deconstruct mathematics in half an hour of talking. Not that it prevented us any bit to go on with the maths lessons, of course.

>> No.5412105

There is only truth.
And also, there is a maximum amount of doughnuts you can eat in an hour without throwing up on your dog.

>> No.5412115

I was at a party once, and a guy (probably blazed as fuck) came up to me and said the following: "What if we made a computer that was designed to always be wrong and then never did anything it said to do!"

>> No.5412123

If you were an ancient barbarian, I bet a real embarrassing thing would be if you were sacking Rome and your cape got caught on something and you couldn't get it unhooked, and you had to ask another barbarian to unhook it for you.

>> No.5412132


Interesting though

>> No.5412137

Everyone you know knows something you don't.
Nothing is absolute. Nothing is real. The only thing that exists is existence.

>> No.5412139

not really, because you can compose an infinite number of incorrect if-than or related logical constructs, and the chances of one of those being something prevalent in human thought is pretty low.

The more profound thing would be to say "what if that same machine only ever told us things we knew"

>> No.5412144

True geniuses are always abnormal.

the ability to create, as oppose to synthesize, a wholly new concept is impossible for a normal human being.

that first caveman, often referenced in media along the lines of 2001, who figured out that he could use a long object as a club (thereby multiplying the force of a blow delivered to an enemy) was a genius.

no combination of insights/conclusions developed by observing the other cavemen and animals he encountered on a daily basis could be combined together to yield this new idea,

it was wholly new and required a mind capable of creating such new ideas.

in many ways, it is similar to the concept of trying to teach/explain colors to a blind person, or sounds to a deaf person....

with that being said, it is definitely true that man's greatest biologically relevant advantage is his imagination.

though it requires the rare genius to invent brand new ideas, everyone has the ability to take that idea and combine it with other things they have seen or experienced in their own life, producing novel (but not "new") variations of those original ideas.

>> No.5412147

Organic life is just a collection of cells that fit well together and any over-lying perceptions are just us trying to make sense of things.

>> No.5412166

You can never experience anything in the external world as it truly is, only how you perceive it through your senses.

>> No.5412184
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>> No.5412199

Big bang happen because time came into existence.

>> No.5412209

water stores information
our brain stores information, and it is made of water (among other things)
when we die, our brain rots and all the memories with it sink to the ground, later to be absorbed by new plant life
that's why every tree is unique in it's appearance. the water it absorbs contains lots of information. each branch is a path to a leaf, a memory.
plants and trees are earthly expressions of thought, combining mixed segments of memories of humans, animals and bugs.
such is the cycle of information. our earth is a big blob of matter containing information.

>> No.5412211


Oh my God; that feel, I know it.

The worst is since I know that in getting up to turn on the light and write I will plug up my thought-flow, (sometimes momentarily, sometimes for the night if I fall asleep soon enough) I wait a while until I decide to write.

When I do eventually write I sometimes forget some of the ideas I was going to put down in the process of putting together a sentence for the one of the others.

>> No.5412212

Are you saying that it is impossible that our senses could perceive the word as it truly is?

>> No.5412220

"You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean. "- Alan Watts.

>> No.5412226

>mfw intelligent to rethink philosophy
>mfw too dumb to remember it long enough to write it down

Would be the story of my life if I were actually that intelligent.

>> No.5412239

everything we can perceive is real and everything we cannot perceive is unreal. your thoughts are real, your dreams are real, hallucinations are real, but something that nobody have thought/witnessed/perceived about is unreal.
we understand the concept of infinity therefore making it real, however since we cannot perceive something that is never ending it is also unreal.

>> No.5412246
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Sometimes I can see the entirety of the universe laid out before me down to the smallest sub-atomic interactions (there are some we haven't found yet). I see everything that ever was and ever will be and my place in it. I know what I must do to control time and space and ascend to godhood. Then I remember I'm just really baked

>> No.5412247
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>mfw when everyone misuses mfw to the point where I can't tell if they're just pretending to be stupid.
>mfw no face

I think it's of course ridiculous to seriously believe a physical entity like God exists and intervenes with our lives, but everyone has various things/people/principles/ideals they dedicate themselves to. In a way, if that is what we take the word 'God' to mean, God does exist.

>> No.5412249

This is a simplistic way of putting it, but interesting nonetheless. Infinity does exist, not as an experience, but as an mental image extracted from experience through the means of imagination, I would say. Still quite simplistic, anyway.

>> No.5412255


In that caveman analogy are you saying that the caveman was the first to use an object as a club AND the first to use a long object as a club, OR are you saying that he was just the first to use a long object as a club?

I would consider only the first a genius, but if that is what you meant then you might want to make your sentence a little more clear.

>> No.5412257

>mfw I was pretty sincere and someone on 4chan think I'm being post-self-depreciating
>mfw I can't even make sense of my own sentences
>mfw I don't know where to find feelsbadman.jpg

hint: I'm actually stupid, anon.

>> No.5412293
File: 97 KB, 314x500, blackguyonthephone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here anon take this.
now you have a face

>> No.5412297

Thank you. I don't even know how we did get there. I hope this face will help me find out.

>> No.5412311

Galileo Galilei

mother fucker was looking at space objects using telescope 400 years ago.

>> No.5412349

Why do we do the stuff we do? In the end, we're going to be dead anyways. What's the point in buying new gadgets? Just another way yo spend money, when we could use iy for something useful. What if there's no 'Heaven'??

>> No.5412351

*to, it

>> No.5412350

Making others happy does really feels good.


Do you really 'need' it?

>> No.5412375


read this
you won't regret it

>> No.5412378

Why does anything exist at all?

>> No.5412383

>Humans are social animals


>> No.5412382

That's retarded. Humans could make due if we were roaches or fucking single celled organisms.

>> No.5412387

Geniuses are abnormal because it implies you are better than others therefore you cannot be normal.

But your example is stupid. There are so many factors that could of went into people picking up sticks and hitting shit with it.

A guy could of just noticed sticks falling on somebody and them getting hurt, then used a stick. Monkeys do shit like this.

>> No.5412391

If we accept that quantum interactions re governed by certain, unbreakable rules, then every interaction that will ever happen will only happen in one particular way; i.e. everything is "predestined" even if we cannot measure or predict said interactions with reasonable accuracy.

>> No.5412392

"Deep" thought is useless and pretentious 99% of the time.

>> No.5412395

Einstein plz go

>> No.5412396

>could of

>> No.5412398 [DELETED] 


Humans are all hypocrites. Their actions do not align with their beliefs. I will never understand them and because I am also a human I will never fully understand myself.

>> No.5412401

>Disregarding what a person says because you don't like their English

Do you even science

>> No.5412444

I hope they never find out that lightning has a lot of vitamins in it, because if it does do you hide from it or not?

>> No.5413659

The universe is a manifestation of perception. Not our personal perception necessarily,
but it does not exist in any meaningfully 'physical' way, and as such to be right
is merely to coincide with the arbitrary state of our existence.

>> No.5413665
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my day is ruined

>> No.5413690

I'd say I never had an original deep thought. That said, learning about common knowledge through the blue eyes islanders puzzle felt like a fairly new and deep extension of my knowledge. It's a simple and obvious concept (after the fact at least), but knowing that I'd miss something so fundamental before made me appreciate mathematical formalism on a deeper level. Then again I'm a mathematics grad student, so maybe this is just bias. I also find the fact that "geometry up to deformations" is a thing that can actually be formalized nicely quite surprising and somewhat deep. To be able to precisely quantify what makes a sphere a sphere and what makes a torus a torus is immensely satisfying to me.

>> No.5413709
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I was impressed by the puzzle too*, makes you realized that even if you're totally sure about a thing, you might just missing something.
I haven't delved into the modal logic definition of common knowledge, though.

*Terry Tao was too

I, personally, am mystified by the Church–Turing thesis, it seemingly being something different than math and physics. To me, I wonder if it might be the only real thing out there.

>> No.5413718


I contemplated the thought of infinity as a young kid. The profound effect it had me was huge.

I lost my religion after that as well.

>> No.5413721

The term "deep" is subjective.

>> No.5413724

Most people seem to have a convergent style of thinking, that is they take a bunch of points, stretch them out until a line forms. I didn't phrase that correctly...I mean that they are all streched in the same direction until they become a single line, but not on a Cartesian 2d plane, a 3d plane. It arrives at a conclusion.

Anyways I have always felt that I think very differently compared to the above. I think more like a spiderweb, like a drop of water that hits the ground and goes everywhere. It makes it hard to communicate my ideas to most people and I end up coming off ignorant.

I guess convergent style of thinking has derived from our communication style but I wish science wasn't so intertwined with it. This seems self-indulgent and I wasn't even trying to come to a conclusion I guess I was just ranting...

>> No.5413727

If cuantum physics is discreet, then why is the wave function cotinuous?

>> No.5413748
File: 236 KB, 1052x981, Emma_Flughafen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a malcolm in the middle episode where some kid, smarter than Malcolm, explain how his brain works. Sounds exactly what you say here.

Observables are represented as operators, the physical values depend on the characteristics of the operator. Some are discret, some not. Depends on the theory you work with. Energy eigenvalues are taken to be discret, this is how we model what we measure. Space often taken to be continous (position operator has a continous spectrum/eigenvalues), you hardly ever need a fine enough resulution to think of other possibilities. Nevertheless, such models exist too (e.g. abstract so called matrix models, see also noncommutative geometry).


(not sure if that link is representative)

also, off topic question...

>> No.5413754

Is that really your deepest thought?

>> No.5413771
File: 64 KB, 673x675, SO_MUCH_FEEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not the best in anything. Why do You do it then? How can You live and know that there is someone better in every single thing you enjoy, admire or even love? How can You live and know that You will never be the next Einstein/Feynman/Tesla/Newton? Why do You even try?

(sorry for my English)

>> No.5413778

Physical laws are just rules derived from observations, that are not necessarily true anywhere and anytime, but true as far as we can tell from our observations. Sometimes we even know they are wrong, but we still use them because they are accurate enough for the degree of accuracy we need in our predictions. One such example is Hooke's law.

An object is not harder to accelerate than another object because of its mass. Mass is a measure of how hard it is to accelerate it, how much it will be accelerated in a given experiment. There is no explanation to what makes one thing harder to accelerate than another one.

Force, momentum do not exist in the sense that distance and time do. The products of mass times velocity or mass times acceleration are meaningless, they are just useful concepts. We can't measure momentum or force directly, deep down all we ever measure are distances and time.

>> No.5413780

The right to live is a lie.

>> No.5413787

I may not be the best at anything, but chances are my own way of thinking things, my own experiences and my own future are wholly unique

Therefore It is likely that I can have unique thoughts and ideas, they may not be the best but never the less the only way the world will hear them is because i'm here.

>> No.5413789

What IS physical sensation? You can explain how/why it happens with neurons and nerves and the brain etc. But just singling out "pain", I really don't know what that is. I know "how" and "why" it is, but I couldn't explain "what" is is. Is it physical? A force of energy? Is it nothing at all? I guess this is sort of an extension of the mind-body problem.

>> No.5413792

If anybody would like to help me rewrite this idea into something more precise and clean, feel free to edit this or tell me why I'm wrong.

Some theorize that everything that has happened and ever will happen was predetermined at the event of the big bang. However, Humanity itself has broken the concept of predestination by discovering the laws of nature and using them to create things for itself. For example, a working automobile is not something that could have happened as a random event in nature. Something should have happened to the materials that went into it, and we ruined the universe's plans to further our own.

As a side idea: Is humanity the embodiment of chaos in a predetermined system?

>> No.5413793

This thread is a collective of pseudointellectuals feasting off of one another's "deep thoughts" aka pretentiousness

>> No.5413794

If everything was predetermined, then it was predetermined that humans build cars. From this point of view the existence of cars is perfectly natural.

>> No.5413798

edgiest post ITT

>> No.5413810

If you work hard enough maybe you will. You sure won't become better than everyone else if you vegetate because you think that no matter what you do you will never be the best. You aren't born the best in something, you become one. Also, being the best in something is subjective. What are the criteria that makes someone the best? And there are so many things you can be the best at without having to dedicate your whole life to it. It's pretty simple actually : you just have to find something no one has ever tried (or only a few people). I became world champion of a nice little game called Smoke Attack a few years back. Since then the high score page has been taken down, which means I will always remain the best at the game Smoke Attack. How many babies can you make? How many stars in the sky can you name? How many m&m's can you eat in a day? Try it, you will always be able to find something you can be the best at.

>> No.5413838

>This is a pasta from an old thread

Ask yourselves this question: Will we ever run a simulation? If you answered "yes", which is the true answer, continue reading my post, if you answered "no", you can keep being retarded and pass it.

The fact that we can make simulations implies that there should be one real universe and infinite simulations after it. Guess what's the chance to be the single real one or the infinite simulated ones.

Not only that, but if you've ever played a game, you would know that it only renders what your screen (you) sees. Everything behind you and above/below you is not rendered. Why? Because if the whole game world was rendered at once, it would require A LOT of processing power. Well, we have something similar in our universe - superposition.

Now someone would argue about how does the real universe get so much computing power. Pretty simple. Lets call the processing power of the real universe "P". If it takes 1 P to simulate 1 particle in 1:1 time ratio, then slowing down the simulated universe so it becomes 1:2 (2 times slower than the real one) would allow for 2 particles to be simulated. With a single "P", the real universe can simulate our universe with a 1 second duration and it would take them 10^80 time. But what is 10^80 time to them? Maybe even less than a second? And I'm sure that they have a fuckton more than a single "P"

Here's something interesting http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/27/quantum-computer-ion-crystal_n_1459237.html

>> No.5413846

The universe is not infinite.
It is infinite only in the 3rd dimention.

>> No.5413862


>> No.5413872


This completly ignores the space requirement of the simulation. 0/10 would not bang.

>> No.5413875


read >>5413846

>> No.5413882

I was high, and I realized I was a wave. You know how waves in the ocean aren't really anything? They aren't matter, since individual molecules of water are a part of the wave only for a short time.

I'm a wave of food. Food goes in one side, out the other, and I'm composed entirely of food.

>> No.5413888

i don't see the point of reading nonsense.

>> No.5413891

Everything around you is in unilimited decimals.
Example: 1 step is 0.532234... meter and so on.

>> No.5413893


>> No.5413895

then i guess ur mom is a tsunami lol

>> No.5413908

classifying and grouping your favorite things together isn't a good idea. For example a favorite music folder
you start listening to music from that folder only but in time you start picking other favorites in them too
that's just how brain works
it only appreciates stuff in "comparison"
so with that cycle you are reduced to liking very few stuff
which might at first seem classy and cool, but actually you're just limiting the enjoyment you can get out of life

my advise is just keep your stuff all mixed together

>> No.5413915

Also, was thinking like this one day:
>Not only that, but if you've ever played a game, you would know that it only renders what your screen (you) sees. Everything behind you and above/below you is not rendered. Why? Because if the whole game world was rendered at once, it would require A LOT of processing power. Well, we have something similar in our universe - superposition.
Adding to this. Let what you 'see' be more broadly defined as what you perceive. Suppose a couple of thousand years ago that humanity didn't believe (or perceive) that the universe was governed by a set of consistent laws. Since they didn't perceive that laws existed, the simulation, in the interest of minimalism, didn't constrain reality to any laws. Everything supernatural that was recorded by ancient cultures actually happened because of this -- miracles, gods, magic. And then a couple of thinkers came along that started to challenge the simulation's ability to keep us in the illusion. We started to 'discover' physics -- which was really just the simulation trying to cover its tracks, and pretend that it wasn't there.

But, fortunately, logic and math transcend any particular arrangement of reality. So when the superposition chose a bad set of rules for the universe to run on, and it logically ran into the contradiction between particle physics and wave physics -- its only logical way out was superposition. We're about to catch the universe in its own lie.

>> No.5413933

if we knew the momentum and position of all macroobjects in the universe, we could calculate everything about the future. There is in fact a "destiny"
>heisenberg uncertainty
yeah well, but the macro universe is governed by rules of gravitation which we have a pretty good handle on.
in the macro scale everything that's gonna happen is already set and calculable given enough data.

>> No.5413979

Well, that's true but not ambitious. When I was about 16, I've started to admire math. I've been learning a lot. I was preparing to the national math competition. After 2 months of hard work it was finally day of this test. I did not my best. I never have good results when there is limited time. I went to the semi final, but eventually lost. I was ~500 in my country. That is the time I had this thought. And the point is, that I had this friend, who was at competition too. He wasn't even learning anything. He was in top 100. Even if I had enormous knowledge compared to him, he has bigger talent than I have. It doesn't matter how hard I would study, when we would be given totally new problems, he would do them faster. And since then, after 3 years, I know, that I will never be as good as I want to be, in the only field I really care about.

>> No.5413980

cba to write a long post, watch this shit www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkxieS-6WuA&t=2m04s till 2:50

Except that we are 3d, living in a 4d sphere or whatever it is called in 4d. If it isn't the 4th dimension, then it's the 5th, and so on until we hit the last dimention. If you look the universe from the last dimension, it will look pretty finite.

>> No.5413986

only if you think in the integer system...
infinity goes bothways
largest number and the closest number to zero
i can't imagine what half a dimension would be like but there could very well be a non-integral dimension of eerie properties

>> No.5414000

Some serious psuedoscience/philosphy shit from me -

An infinitely small unit of time must exist - we divide time up into minutes, seconds, microseconds and so on, but there is always a smaller unit, even if we don't have a name for it yet.

One end of this infinitely small unit of time is connected to the past, and one to the future, on a timeline representation.

But now imagine you had an infinitely accurate digital clock that could measure this unit (say, as a decimal of second) - looking at the clock from left to right, and you would see 0.0000000... for an endless number of zeros. So if you set this clock running, like a stopwatch, then you would never see a 1 on the display, because you would always have to keep moving to smaller and smaller decimals. In fact, how could this clock progress at all? None of the figures would be 'valid' to move from a 0 to a 1, because there would always be a 0 to right of it that hadn't yet reached 9 (it wouldn't have even reached 1).

>> No.5414011

I feel like that's a variation of that one tortoise and hare problem -- 'has to move to halfway before it gets there'

>> No.5414019

What I meant to say is that an N dim sphere would look infinite if looked from N-1 dim but would be pretty finite if looked from the dimension it was created in.

Does a 3d sphere look infinite to you? And what if you magically became 2d and went inside it, wouldn't it feel just like our universe?

And if you still can't get what I'm saying, infinity doesn't exist in the last dimension. Infinity is only created by going down in the dimensions.

>> No.5414021

though time isn't particularly real. we quantify it for convenience
we can't tell whether two measurements of a second are really took same amount of time. you can't compare the phenomenon. what you can compare for example the amount of atoms decayed in that period might very well be adjusting its speed...
time is only convenient, not absolute.

>> No.5414031

if you check its parameters they do look infinite yeah
think of an Ngon with a side length x
to get a perfect circle x has to approach 0 as much as possible. Infinity concept right there
this is also evidenced in the irrationality of the number pi, i believe

>> No.5414036

This one is probably pretty dumb... I was taking a walk and a thought just came to me.

"What the fuck is this? We walk and talk and study and live and love, yet all we really know is based on the relationships between objects and concepts that surround us. We don't really know what it is to 'be'."

It probably sounds really stupid to you guys but i felt that thought entirely and it, for a moment, occupied the entirety of my mind and left me really, and i mean really, scared.

>> No.5414051

d/w bro, you are going to evolve to nihilism and start questioning reality and shit
then you will regret it a lot

>> No.5414055

Where is the science? Where is the math?

>> No.5414065


if you put a giant metal sphere in the place of the moon, would it induce emf in electronics around the world and reduce the need to burn fossil fuels?

>> No.5414084
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So, just because you see something, you think its real? who told you that you aren't just dreaming, or that you aren't just someone elses dream, how can you know that? how can you know anything?

>> No.5414136


>their English

You don't fucking own a language, you fucking retard.

>> No.5414229

Humans caused all the other large animals in the world to go extinct, including other hominids (neanderthals), way before recorded history.
The most significant and important change to our species in all of our history has been the development and adoption of agriculture. Immediately after that happened we developed various class systems and professions that didn't exist before to support a larger population, and we have been exploding exponentially since then, which will eventually (possibly soon) lead to our own doom.
The story of Genesis in the Bible is an analogy for Mankind's abandonment of their previous hunter-gatherer way of life. Adam eats the apple (knowledge of agriculture) from the tree of knowledge, and is then exiled to toil in the land for all his days. When before he lived in the garden of Eden (earth in its natural state).

You're right our large brains (imagination) did play a big role, but so did having opposable thumbs, vocal chords, and our natural life-spans.

>> No.5414305
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Pepper ur angus because things are going to get DEEP as fuark. Here's my lift of deep as fuck thoughts:

No reason to believe in science rather than religion. In both cases you are just listening what other people tell you. Supposedly you can test this science stuff, but in reality you are supposed to accept in stfu. Most people here have absolutely 0 proof of atoms, electrons, quantum mechanics and shit, they are just accepting what they read.

Actually that was so fucking deep I'm done.

>> No.5414313

Speak for yourself. You actually do a lot of the experiments when you study physics.

>> No.5414321

How does f to m sex change surgery work and is it worth it? Will gay men accept a former woman?

>> No.5414323

You create a world all the time, as neurological research shows. What you see as the world is of course not a world, but a neurological construct. This is why your brain is in the external world (not in your head). Because your body (including your head/skull), as part of this world, must itself be a neurological construct.

Phenomenal reality is a simulational space constructed by our brains, but in a very direct and experientially untranscendable manner it is simply the world in which we live our lives. The brain differs from a flight simulator in not being used by a student pilot, who episodically enters it. It operates like a total flight simulator: a self-modeling airplane that has always flown without a pilot and has generated a complex internal image of itself within its own internal flight simulator.

>> No.5414328

But does it really prove anything? You do experiments, sure, but you already "know" the result and what it's supposed to mean. It's impossible to do all required expriments to see an accept all science in single life time.

>> No.5414336
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>feel so genuinely close to making a personal philosophy break through
>own mind cannot quite grasp the implications of these many-threaded concepts and ideas
>tfw you will never be an ubermensch because you are simply not smart enough

>> No.5414343
File: 577 KB, 1462x2244, 1357146935467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't prove existence it doesn't exist.

Hint:You can't prove existence.

>> No.5414345

I think therefore I am.

>> No.5414349
File: 27 KB, 200x360, 1357246433101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think therefore I give her the benis.

>> No.5414356

Careful now! You'll slip into solipsism if you aren't pragmatic.

>> No.5414362

Every time I come close to having a very deep insightful thought, my brain instantly pulls out... Like it's trying to protect itself or something.

>> No.5414397

>implying their English doesn't refer to the manner in which they speak the English language

>> No.5414422

Mine was at age 8 I believe after hearing about the big bang.

If there was nothing then what color was it? If color didn't exist then what did it look like before the big bang.

I was eight mind you. Thought it was a brilliant question because absolutely nobody could answer it short of "Gawd did it".

>> No.5414424

except 1 step is just 1 step. 1 whole number

>> No.5414428

As soon as I learned about ultraviolet light and microwaves and other shit like that I realized I will never actually see anything around me. I will only be able to see what my human senses allow me to perceive.

I bet the universe is beautiful past the visible spectrum.

>> No.5414439

Something happy about how we are all made of the stuff that is around us.

>> No.5414444


>> No.5414450
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Nigger what?

>> No.5414459
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welp fuck

>> No.5414473


groovy. you read that book. that makes you cool.

god, /sci/ is the love child of /b/ and reddit.

>> No.5414482

Don't talk bad about sci fi books. Reading them virtually means doing science. All science was inspired by fiction. By reading sci fi books you learn more than any autistic grad student who wastes his time with textbooks and papers. Do those papers have cool aliens and ftl travel? I don't think so. They're full of boring formulas and shit.

>> No.5414495

also that if just one thing moved ever so slightly in that game of tetris we all could have been non existent.

Hmm. I think we do stuff to just fit in while we are here, you know just to fill our time.

Yes, its not like we can put it on a resume.

So your saying because we understand the rules of gravitation we can calculate everything about the universe?

So solipsism on auto pilot?

To give you any answer would lead to what was before that, fucking bummer! Look into the multiverse.

This is mine!

Sorry, I could not validate everyones post.

>> No.5414505

>not understanding different forms of grammatical possession

Go back to elementary school asshole

>> No.5414514

all this could have been avoided by ending the sentence with how they speak.

Fucking labels.

>> No.5414575

This can be also applied to life.
You can only really enjoy things if you have experienced worse (recently). So if you just stay in your room all day and play games, you won't enjoy your life, since nothing "bad" happens and everything seems dull and not special to you.

>> No.5414640
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The most amazing realization that I have ever experienced was that existence is true, and that everything that I imagine is true is actually true in some sense. Existence is fucking trippy especially when you start wondering if there was ever non-existence, how existence came to be... or if there wasn't non-existence, how fucking infinite space and time are... and how there are probably infinite dimensions and infinite complexity to existence...

How when you die, you are reborn again just as you were born this time, and how you cannot know the future or the past, only the present in any case, and how sometimes you make slightly different choices in life... how you are in every phase or moment of your life all at the same time and you are making every possible choice you could ever make, at the same time... because if you exist once in infinity you exist infinitely.

>> No.5414646

That children use the phrase: '
whoever smelt it, dealt it'
That we are so untrusting that we think people lie about such banal shit, that people lie so CONSISTENTLY that they have a childrens rhyme for it.

>> No.5414656

>How when you die, you are reborn again just as you were born this tim

Gonna need on source that chief.

>> No.5414658


>> No.5414683

The deepest thought any person has ever had was James Camron thinking about how many bitches he'd fuck later while he was in the mariana trench.

>> No.5414684
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quantum existence. I like it.

>> No.5414693

Right now, at this moment, there are most likely billions and billions of intelligent alien species working, swimming, flying, eating, singing, or preparing to go up into space. Some of them might be exploring another planet for the first time, or perhaps declaring war, or maybe even meeting other alien species.
>tfw we'll never meet any of them

>> No.5414698


What if our future was extinction, and we overcame that, are we constantly rewriting the original plans for everything's existence?

As a side idea? Can the force of the universe push back on us and thus wipe us from existence?

>> No.5414700

Death is the absence of life, we haven't been alive for 13.75 billion years, therefore we have been dead for 13.75 billion years, and after a mere 60 or 70 years, we will be dead again, and will be dead for another 13 billion, or however longer the universe exists after our death.

>> No.5414702


The idea that existence is infinite and so space and time are also infinite leads directly to the idea that if the universe unfolded as it did this time, would unfold the same way again, an infinite number of times. Sure it might take an incomprehensible amount of time to happen again, but to your conscious string, you would never know. You would only die, and be reborn as yourself again. Because you aren't the same person as the person that you will be next time you are created you will not have memories of your past self, and you will not be able to know the future... you are a completely different instance of the same conscious string or pattern.

There is no source, though I'm sure the idea is out there somewhere in many forms.

>> No.5414706

death requires the precedence of life.

>> No.5414729
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>What's the deepest thought you ever had

am i relly thinking, or is it just the side effect of a complex run away chemical reaction?
>tfw no free will

>> No.5414730

There is no you and me.

>> No.5414733


>> No.5414735

How do we measure the depth of a thought?

>> No.5414752

Will I dip my penis in dark or milk chocolate tonight?

>> No.5414757

Well now I feel stupid..

>> No.5414787

M(atrix) theory is not at all discrete. Please do not confuse crackpottery with cutting edge theoretical physics.

>> No.5414815

What limitations have we created by using the arabic numerals, instead of one based on patterns of 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20

>> No.5414840

base 7 is a bad idea
an ideal base is NOT prime, but rather has the most divisors for a number of its size
a much better base would be 12, the smallest abundant number

>> No.5414842

12 has only two unique factors so it can't represent any more rationals than base 6 or base 10. Primorials make the best bases under this measure of "best", 2, 6, 30, 210, ...

>> No.5414865

Using that logic 30 is the best number, faggot.

Start using the metric system you amerifat.

>> No.5415004

Undefined will always exist

>> No.5415026

Alongside anything and nothing acting as a bridge

>> No.5415045
File: 19 KB, 320x210, violentsimians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my deepest thoughts is the realization and self-admittance that Humanity is just a pack of Violent Simians, and we're not going to survive into anything the universe defines as the "long term". 1000 years from now, Humans will be living a pastoral existence on the Earth, high technology having retreated to myth. 1000000 years from now, Humans will be well on the way of devolving into arboreal physiologies. 10 million years from now, Humans will be extinct. The universe will never remember us; we will have never put aside our base natures to truly work together for the common good, and then formed a spacefaring civilization to watch the eons pass.

>> No.5415046


>> No.5415056

All matter is really just energy bro, and think of infinity.

Im so deep to think about life