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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 293 KB, 661x716, 1357239411270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5407979 No.5407979 [Reply] [Original]

Doesthis accurately describe the /sci/ of today?

>> No.5407984

Needs tulpas

>> No.5407993

That picture missed the 200 post race IQ threads which have been happening here for years

>> No.5407994

No, the 12th square is the only one that represents todays /sci/

>> No.5408029

This and the threads complaining about the state of /sci/.

>> No.5408031

It's being a little generous.

>> No.5408035 [DELETED] 

needs more homework threads

>> No.5408060

Needs Carl.
>shut up, carl.

>> No.5408064 [DELETED] 

Who is carl?

>> No.5408151

Needs "conscious mind is not real" somewhere in there.

>> No.5408181


>> No.5408182

needs more physicists vs engineers

>> No.5408187

<span class="deadlink">>>5408064[/spoiler]

You are.

>> No.5408219
File: 100 KB, 977x777, aquaspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when the more optimistic one described /sci/ accurately?

I wonder where all the negativity since then cropped up.

>> No.5408222 [DELETED] 

Why do you post a screenshot of an infantile role playing thread? You could at least post some science.

>> No.5408224

>biology strong, fuck the hard sciences

I hope you know that everyone knows biology is a hard science. It's just a running gag around here.

>> No.5408232

<span class="deadlink">>>5408222[/spoiler]
That's exactly what I mean.
Where did this juvenile hostility come from?

>> No.5408238 [DELETED] 

Hostility against unnecessary off-topic shitposting is just natural. I think you're lost. Reddit is over there ---->

>> No.5408240 [DELETED] 

>You could at least post some science.
Why aren't you?

>> No.5408257 [DELETED] 

How was that post hostile? This is a science board, not an underaged role playing board.

>> No.5408259
File: 115 KB, 914x294, scientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="deadlink">>>5408238[/spoiler]
See, this kind of autistic sentiment didn't exist in /sci/ some time ago.
It's a recent phenomenon, a symptom of the current shittiness.

It's not like it happens all the time even now. There have been some good threads recently too, but your kind of knee-jerk shitposting does diminish the rate a lot.

>> No.5408265

<span class="deadlink">>>5408257[/spoiler]
Sense of humor is a good indicator of intelligence.
You... seem to lack. All of it.

>> No.5408272 [DELETED] 

That screenshot is only futher evidence of your infantilism and newfaggotry. Seriously, only an underageb& can consider that stupid comment to be funny. It's not even science related. Why do you even come here? Do you have any education? If I had to guess, I'd say you failed high school.

>> No.5408279 [DELETED] 

I have a good sense of humor. And by good I mean mature. I'm sorry to hear that it hurts your feelings when someone doesn't laugh about your kindergarten level jokes. Please grow up. Humor is not related to intelligence btw. It's not part of any IQ test.

>> No.5408285 [DELETED] 

But that's just your opinion. It isn't shared with many others here. Including me. So it's wrong.

>> No.5408287
File: 201 KB, 1653x866, scientific story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="deadlink">>>5408272[/spoiler]
And now ad hominem?
Did you seriously run out of arguments that fast?

>> No.5408288 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408285[/spoiler]
>many others

You are "many"? Nice appeal to emotion.

>> No.5408290 [DELETED] 

There's no emotional connotation to the word "many"
Now you're just gasping at straws

>> No.5408292 [DELETED] 

This wasn't an ad hominem. Ad hominem fallacy means dismissing another person's argument by means of insulting his person. You didn't present any argument, so there's not even anything to dismiss. Please educate yourself and learn to debate properly.

>> No.5408299 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408290[/spoiler]
Your only argument is that the truth hurts your feelings. That's exactly what appeal to emotion means. How old are you and don't you have anything better to do than shitposting?

>> No.5408300
File: 151 KB, 1125x681, tripfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre exactly right its about hostility because we dont want inane shitposting on this board

tripfags shit up this board

>> No.5408308 [DELETED] 


"Your only argument is that the truth hurts your feelings".

No, that isn't even a part of my argument

>> No.5408309

<span class="deadlink">>>5408279[/spoiler]
>by good I mean mature
You never actually laugh, do you?

>> No.5408310 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408308[/spoiler]
So you admit that you have no argument?

>> No.5408313 [DELETED] 

>tripfags shit up this board
Not all of them.

>> No.5408314 [DELETED] 

Laughing is for children. A mature adult doesn't laugh.

>> No.5408316 [DELETED] 


>> No.5408322 [DELETED] 

That's subjective

>> No.5408323

<span class="deadlink">>>5408313[/spoiler]

the whole concept of tripfaggotry is cancer

the whole point of 4chan is to post with anonymity not to gloat and have a "LOOK AT ME" attitude

if you want that shit go to fucking reddit

>> No.5408325 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408313[/spoiler]
Name one good tripfag. Spoiler: There is none.
Easier, but still impossible: Name one that is neither a pseudo-intellectual retard nor a trollish shitposter.

>> No.5408326 [DELETED] 

You entirely misunderstood the concept of tripfags

>> No.5408328 [DELETED] 

On /sci/?

>> No.5408330

<span class="deadlink">>>5408325[/spoiler]
TN5, dawkins rest his tulpa

>> No.5408331

<span class="deadlink">>>5408314[/spoiler]
Oh wow.

I wonder how much your parents had to beat you to make you believe that.

>> No.5408332

<span class="deadlink">>>5408326[/spoiler]

why dont you explain to me the concept then

people tripfag because they were attention deprived as children

>> No.5408329 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408326[/spoiler]
No, he didn't. Tripcodes are meant for temporary use, i.e. when a poster needs to be recognized within a certain dicsussion. Only newfags and trolls abuse tripcodes as a permanent identity.

>> No.5408334 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408328[/spoiler]
On /sci/.

He was an arrogant circlejerker. He made the putnam threads become his personal diary.

>> No.5408336 [DELETED] 

What you posted is unrelated, irrelevant gibberish. Please post an argument or refrain from posting.

>> No.5408340 [DELETED] 

Josef, psistar, tn5, CNS, encephalon

>> No.5408348 [DELETED] 

>He made the putnam threads become his personal diary.
How so?

>> No.5408350
File: 10 KB, 677x198, infantile_whiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="deadlink">>>5408336[/spoiler]
Even if you hadn't been the first to descend to the level of ad hominem, your traumatic childhood is very relevant to the topic.

Your negative attitude is partly to blame for what /sci/ has become. If I could, I would come and have a discussion with your parents about your reprehensible conduct and about ways to mitigate it. If nothing else, I would ask them to limit your access to the internet.

>> No.5408354 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408340[/spoiler]
Josef was an arrogant, unfriendly wannabe elitist circlejerker. He knew some physics, but he knew shit about the math behind it. Psistar was a pseudo-intellectual undergrad, constantly bragging about his gf.

<span class="deadlink">>>5408348[/spoiler]
His posting history can be summarized as "look at me, I'm so fucking good at solving undergrad math problems".

>> No.5408356

I trip fag so I can be identified when I want to keep a dialogue going.

Also I like the attention.

>> No.5408359

<span class="deadlink">>>5408354[/spoiler]
> his posting summary
it's a fucking math and science board you ignoramus, what should he talk about, tfw no qt<span class="math">\pi[/spoiler] gf?

>> No.5408360 [DELETED] 

>Josef was an arrogant, unfriendly wannabe elitist circlejerker. He knew some physics, but he knew shit about the math behind it

>constantly bragging about his gf
I never saw him do this

>> No.5408363


undercover tripfag detected

go back to reddit they would like you there

>> No.5408365 [DELETED] 

Unlike you I don't live with my parents. Don't project your infantilism on other posters, underageb&. And how the fuck does wanting science and math discussion and disapproving of off-topic shit ruin /sci/? Do you think this board is for homework faggotry? Yeah, proabably that's why you're here. You're trolling some nerds while waiting for them to do your babby calculus homework.

>> No.5408367

<span class="deadlink">>>5408365[/spoiler]

>And how the fuck does wanting science and math discussion and disapproving of off-topic shit ruin /sci/?

fucking this

this board has the potential to be excellent and fuckwits ruin it by posting inane garbage

>> No.5408369

science and math not detected, fuck off back to >>>/b/

>> No.5408371

<span class="deadlink">>>5408365[/spoiler]
>ad hom ad hom ad hom ad hom ad hom ad hom
You are very mad. I'm happy for your therapist.

>> No.5408372 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares.

How about discussing science and math? And by "discussing" I don't mean posting a solution and then bragging twenty posts about it.

<span class="deadlink">>>5408360[/spoiler]
Lurk more.

>> No.5408375


you truly have exposed yourself for the faggot you really are

>> No.5408376 [DELETED] 

>no one will ever remember your trip

>> No.5408380 [DELETED] 

>Lurk more.
That doesn't answer my question or refute my position.

>> No.5408382




>> No.5408383 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408380[/spoiler]
Yes, it does. You said you never saw it. If you lurked more, you would have seen it.

>> No.5408386 [DELETED] 

>/sci/ in charge of ignoring shitposters

comedy gold

>> No.5408390

<span class="deadlink">>>5408386[/spoiler]

its worth a shot

>> No.5408392

that's some great science there bro

>> No.5408394 [DELETED] 

You're shifting the burden of proof

>> No.5408395
File: 85 KB, 339x600, 1303531325151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat fucking story

>> No.5408396

This is why we need universal forced Anon.

>> No.5408398 [DELETED] 

None of this was an ad hominem. Please look up what that word means and stop using it incorrectly. Stating observations is no ad hominem, proving you wrong is no ad hominem.

>> No.5408402 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408394[/spoiler]
Burden of proof is on you.

>> No.5408404


unfortunately tripfagging is a good concept (if used correctly such as providing a help thread or a Q&A thread like if you were some kind of physicist and people could ask you question)

but people just abuse the shit out of it

>> No.5408405 [DELETED] 

You made the claim.

>> No.5408409 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408405[/spoiler]
Prove it.

>> No.5408410 [DELETED] 

It's like sage. I mean it's cool to have a downvote feature, but moot shouldn't allow posters to samefag downvotes. Everyone should have only one downvote per thread.

>> No.5408413 [DELETED] 

Is >>5408354 your post?

>> No.5408420 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408413[/spoiler]
Yes, but please look at the context. I replied to a claim another poster (you?) made. If you are perpetuating his (wrong) stance, it's your burden of proof.

>> No.5408436 [DELETED] 

The post you replied to does not contain any claims.

>> No.5408443 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408436[/spoiler]
Yes, it does. It was listing a bunch of tripfags and claiming those were quality posters. I disproved that claim.

>> No.5408475 [DELETED] 

That is still not a claim. You cannot disprove something which isn't a claim. The original claim was in >>5408300.
>tripfags shit up this board

>> No.5408476 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408475[/spoiler]
That's not a claim but an observation.

>> No.5408483 [DELETED] 

>an observation
Where's your evidence?

>> No.5408489 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 625x351, do you even science le funny meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="deadlink">>>5408483[/spoiler]
Do you not know what observation means?

>> No.5408493 [DELETED] 

Your observation should be objectively verifiable. We have an archive. Link to your observation please.

>> No.5408496 [DELETED] 

>do you even science le funny meme.jpg

>> No.5408501

<span class="deadlink">>>5408496[/spoiler]
>le downvote shitpost with no content or purpose.png

>> No.5408512 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 380x250, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5408518 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5408512[/spoiler]
Sage isn't a downvote, redditor.

>> No.5408521 [DELETED] 

What's a downvote?

>> No.5408653

<span class="deadlink">>>5408325[/spoiler]
>Name one good tripfag.
chemfag, but he hasn't been around much lately

>> No.5408661 [DELETED] 

Do you mean that extreme newfag who used to post /b/ pictures in every thread?

>> No.5408673

Why do infantile posters keep posting that image? He was unjustly banned. Do you seriously support infantile avatar fags? Fuck off

>> No.5408688

Almost totally accurate. Especially the bit about the prevailing pro-physics bias.

>> No.5408705

Because it shows that whiners like you are worse than the people you whine about.

>> No.5408739

<span class="deadlink">>>5408410[/spoiler]

Sage is not downvote, you fucking Redditfag.

>> No.5408743 [DELETED] 

Yes, it is.

>> No.5408751
File: 397 KB, 300x126, EOaHK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="deadlink">>>5408743[/spoiler]

Sage doesn't do anything. It simply doesn't bump the thread, even though you posted in the thread. That's not a fucking downvote, you tumor.

>> No.5408752

<span class="deadlink">>>5408743[/spoiler]

You are everything that is wrong with the world

>> No.5408754 [DELETED] 

Sage is an expression of disapproval, you newfag.

>> No.5408760
File: 1.07 MB, 382x215, hahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="deadlink">>>5408754[/spoiler]

That doesn't mean it actually downvotes the thread, you fucking moron.

Also, its original purpose was to input your opinion without bothering anyone (hence the lack of bumping). It's a Japanese concept.

>> No.5408763 [DELETED] 

Words change their meaning over time.

>> No.5408775


さげ From 下げる meaning to lower.

staying the same =/= lowering

>> No.5408776


>> No.5408778

<span class="deadlink">>>5408763[/spoiler]

Well, of course it's disapproval. That doesn't mean it actually does anything physically to the thread, AKA what downvoting is.


>> No.5408790 [DELETED] 

By that retard reasoning downvoting doesn't do anything to a thread either. It doesn't debump the thread, it only increases a counter. Just like sage. It increases the number of saged posts in a thread, aka adding to its downvote count.

>> No.5408860

>107 replies
>10 images

>> No.5408886

Not enough people calling eachother retards, fuckwits, dumbshits, morons, etc

That's what every thread turns into

>> No.5408896 [DELETED] 

But that's wrong, you half-witted dullard.

>> No.5410178 [DELETED] 


>> No.5410185 [DELETED] 

<span class="deadlink">>>5410178[/spoiler]
Way to bump a five year old thread.

>> No.5410196 [DELETED] 

What is a five year old thread?

>> No.5410299
File: 28 KB, 217x265, 1356320131033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.5411608 [DELETED] 

Who am I?

>> No.5411652
File: 6 KB, 263x192, fuckabees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="deadlink">>>5411608[/spoiler]
when am I not myself?

>> No.5412881

hello everyone!

>> No.5412914

i love you OP

laughed so hard at this, specifically;
"you seem to be forgetting that all physicists are socially inept retards"
"implying engineers aren't gay"
"implying math teachers only teach when 600k starting"

>> No.5412926

what does moot mean?