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5403236 No.5403236 [Reply] [Original]


Why do you deny the reality that different races have different level of intelligence?

Why do you substitute your liberal ideology in place of being objective?

>> No.5403241



most of these people aren't real scientists.

>> No.5403253


>> No.5403260

Time to return to your home planet OP.

>> No.5403261



>> No.5403266

>not a real scientist

>> No.5403268

As a legitimate poster of /sci/, and not some /pol/tard, I do believe that whites and Asians are genetically predisposed to being more intelligent. But I would never use that to try to justify that we should treat certain races as inferior or any differently, especially when the gaps in intelligence aren't that big, and upbringing has more to do with how "smart" a person is when they grow up.

>> No.5403269

its like the intelligence with dogs

some dogs like the border collie can learn things very fast while other dogs take longer

white and asian people can learn very fast.
niggers in the other hand....

>> No.5403271


I mean the people in /sci/, you moron.

>> No.5403272


>mental gymnastics to satisfy both my liberal ideology and the facts staring me in the face

>> No.5403273

>in the other hand

>> No.5403274

It's against the law to scientifically study humans, prepare to be castrated.

>> No.5403275

How was I supposed to know? The last antecedent was the scientists in the article, it's not my fault you can't formulate a coherent sentence.

>> No.5403278

Can you please elaborate? How should we treat people who aren't as intelligent as others?

>> No.5403276
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explain this

>> No.5403279

typing with one hand. negro

>> No.5403288

> Why do you deny the reality that different races have different level of intelligence?
I don't deny it. But as a scientist, if I cared about IQ I would create groups based on IQ test results instead of skin colors. In other words, my categories would not be "Whites" and "Blacks", but "Mensans" and "Non-Mensans". That will give me a group where 100% of the members have a IQ>130 instead of just 2%.

And yes, there will be few African-Americans in the Mensan group. But those who are will have a higher IQ than 98% of the population, including almost all the Whites.

So I am scientifically literate and far from being a leftist/liberal, and I still reject a racial view. Outside the fields of forensics and manhunts, race serves no purpose to me.

>> No.5403289

Because there is a chance of a dark-skinned fellow to have more European ancestry than a typical white fellow.
Race isn't a real biological term.

>> No.5403292

And so the yellow-bellied jackass hops from thread to thread, from board to board, bleating his mating call, hungry for dark meat up the turd pipe.

>> No.5403294


By not giving them spots at university in place of a more intelligent person, for example.

>> No.5403296

That is in line with my statement. I acknowledge that race plays a part in intelligence(lets assume that SAT is an accurate representation of intelligence), but I believe that upbringing plays a bigger part, as we can see by the graph, where the more money a family has, the greater score you have.

>> No.5403299

I don't remember ever advocating affirmative action. In fact i've always been a staunch opposer of affirmative action. But you did call into question a certain liberal ideology I was trying to square away with facts. What mental gymnastics was I commiting?

>> No.5403303

>Thinks standardized tests are an accurate measure of general intelligence.
Stop it, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5403305


>inb4 /pol/

implies the people who would say such things, i.e. the people in this thread.

It is your fault you can not parse sentences, it's not my fault you have autism.

>> No.5403306

> explain this
Parenting styles correlate both with culture and income. And culture correlates with race. A better, although more laborious category than "race" would be to measure the standing of education in a family. I predict the effect will massively outweigh both income and race.

>> No.5403309


>> No.5403310


regression to the mean.

niggers will always be niggers

>> No.5403313

>Why do you deny the reality that different races have different level of intelligence?
Because there is no evidence to support this position.

>> No.5403315


>people are different but i treat them the same

that is not mental gymastics?

>> No.5403316

Except, you know, all of that evidence.

>> No.5403317

JIDF detected

next youll be saying that race is a social construct

>> No.5403322

>Regression to the mean
If that's true then how did humans evolve to be intelligent as we are in the first place?

>> No.5403323

No? What do you think I should treat them like? I treat everyone as a respectable human being unless they give me reason not too. Should I see a black person, generalize that blacks are not as intelligent and then spit on him or something?

I have friends that aren't as smart as me(in fact, the majority), should I treat them as inferior or something?

I don't know, I've never found any reason to treat people not as smart as me, in any way other then the normal of treating human beings with respect.

>> No.5403327


by not giving welfare to niggers and encouraging them to reproduce.

You will notice when niggers don't get welfare, you get Africa.

>> No.5403332

You didn't answer the question.
With regression to the mean, it means cavemen with cavemen intelligence would regress to cavemen and humans as today never would have come about.
Hell, if you want to get abstract I can say evolution doesn't work with regression to a mean, either.

>> No.5403335
File: 113 KB, 780x477, haha_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop treating every use of "race" like it's a bad thing.

/sci/ should be the place for science discussions, and I see an article asking a legitimate question about science.

>> No.5403336

>and then spit on him or something?

Why would you spit on someone who is not as intelligent as you?

Do you spit on dogs?

Do you spit on cats?

Do you spit on people with down's syndrome?

Oh right you are just trying to set up a strawman for me.

>> No.5403337

>Hell, if you want to get abstract I can say evolution doesn't work with regression to a mean, either.

How do you know evolution isn't regression to the mean over geological time?

>> No.5403338

The thing is dogs and cats don't have property rights or freedom of self.
If you don't want people taking your rights away, why do you have no problem doing it for black people?

>> No.5403339

I love being the exception to this rule. Getting a job in a white town is easy being the only black in a 20 mile vicinity that has perfect diction.

>> No.5403342

So you're saying each and every ecological niche has a preordained species of life that will live there? Huh?

>> No.5403340

No, i'm giving you the opportunity to say how we should treat them differently.

I've proposed that we respect every human being, regardless of differences, until we should see some reason that we should not respect that person.

You supposedly have some better proposition, based on treating people differently because of their differences, so now I ask you for the third time. How should we treat people who are less intelligent?

>> No.5403346

You have absolutely, no fucking idea, what you are talking about, do you?

God I hate when /pol/ shows up.

>> No.5403352


>you are wrong
>I won't say why
>i am right though

>> No.5403348
File: 24 KB, 375x240, sex-tourism-for-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related its your sister while you lurk on /sci/

>> No.5403355


>more strawman

such is the capability of liberals

>> No.5403353

each instance of a higher IQ being born moves the mean a little towards that end of the spectrum

>> No.5403358
File: 547 KB, 800x743, povertyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger problems
Pick one.

>> No.5403359

I wasn't even the guy arguing with you, random who came in and realized you are just grasping at straws, and have no idea how evolutionary theory works.

>> No.5403360

>How should we treat people who are less intelligent?

by not giving them spots in universities in place of more intelligent people, based on race.

for example.

>> No.5403361

Even if it was true, I would deny it.

Eat shit stormfag.

>> No.5403363

Sure is scientific and rational in here.

>> No.5403364

Then what would you do with the knowledge that blacks are less intelligent?
>Causation can only be because one thing!
Now show the correlation with all those factors -combined- with crime.

>> No.5403365


>im not a samefag
>really im not
>you are wrong
>i wont say why
>i am right though

>> No.5403362

>asking a legitimate question about science.

He's an old man watching the world leave him behind trying to make waves with his comments to sell more of his book that coincidentally will be published next week. This is advertizing and pandering not Science.

>> No.5403367


[citation needed]

>> No.5403369

>upbringing has more to do with how "smart" a person is when they grow up.
Then how come negro children adopted by wealthy white couples are still dumber than whites?

>> No.5403371

This doesn't really happen.
You are confusing affirmative action with atheletic scholarships.
Also, please realize you fucking autist, that grades/intelligence isn't the only factor for uni. Community service and recreational activities are a massive factor autists like you don't realize.
I know this because I'm a no life nerd and EVERY college asks for extracurricular and places stake on people with extracurricular.

>> No.5403373

Nobody in this thread, ever once advocated affirmative action. And affirmative action is not even in place because blacks are deemed less intelligent.

Do you have any more straws you want to grasp at? Or do you just want to come out and say what a /pol/tard you are and how you hate blacks?

>> No.5403374


It's completely rational.

>> No.5403370

when supposedly non-racist people watch a game of football how do they deal with knowing that 99% of wide receivers and running backs are black? when they're watching a NBA game how to they reconcile the knowledge that 90% of the players on the floor are black, with the idea that we are all equal? i mean, its right there staring people in the face

>> No.5403380

It is not rational to deny facts just because it hurts your feelings.

>> No.5403381

Because adopted blacks are still black, bringing their social environment with them.
Luckily for us liberals this is something you will NEVER be able to control for. Ahahaha.

>> No.5403378

But it does happen because universities have racial "diversity" quotas and not all admissions are based on academic performance.


>> No.5403385

Oh boy here we go.
You never get tired of bring that thing up, right?
What he said was in an interview and not in a peer-reviewed publication. It cost him his position as head of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. It represents his views rather than scientific research.
>Why do you deny the reality that different races have different level of intelligence?
Because races are an arbitrary mechanism of grouping human populations and because psychometric testing is no definitive measure of intelligence. There are many more genetic and non-genetic traits by which we could identify sub-groups of humanity. 'Race' doesn't hold up as an objective classification; it hardly does in dogs, who were inbred for hundreds of generations to create modern breeds.
>Why do you substitute your liberal ideology in place of being objective?
For the same reason why my liberal ideology prevents me from seeing the revealed truth of the genesis account.
If you present your case with cherry-picked opinions and statistical representations of data you don't understand (it doesn't translate to your point the way you want it to), you're the one who bases his views on wishful thinking and ideology.

>> No.5403386


We're all equal with regard to our rights as individuals. That's what people mean when they say that, you fucking mongoloid. It's not meant to be interpreted literally, because nobody is exactly the same.

>> No.5403388

>Then what would you do with the knowledge that blacks are less intelligent?

You do know that the current public mind, this is not true right?

So at the very least, what is in the mind of the average joe is something blatantly false, and you are asking me what would I do with the knowledge.

needless to say you are moving the argument. you want to move from the original question OP asks about acknowledging differences to asking what would i do with the knowledge in the hope that i would say something fashionably immoral so you can attack me there.

liberal argument strategy. appeal to emotion and appeal to majority.

>> No.5403392


Actually that's a completely rational response, and a lot of people, especially of your kind, do exactly that.

And it's not my feelings that a hurt by the way, it's other people's.

>> No.5403397

No one wants to be openly racist (seriously taboo), but when you give jamal 200+ SAT score over Lu Wang because of his skin, what would you feel?

Equal outcomes or equal opportunity liberals, you can't have both because niggers are dumb.

>> No.5403398

> That's what people mean when they say that, you fucking mongoloid. It's not meant to be interpreted literally, because nobody is exactly the same.

oh really? so why when a scientist says that policy in africa based on equi-intellect of the population with whites makes no sense, he is attacked?

oh right, because nobody thinks like you said they do but instead they think everybody is magically equal in every way.

>> No.5403394

>not all admissions are based on academic performance.
I just admitted this.
>But it does happen because universities have racial "diversity" quotas
Quotas aren't mentioned anywhere in the article. Court case =/= this is actually happening. It just means some people believe it's happening. That's why we have courts, to see if it's actually happening.
Affirmative Action is legislature. You should be able to cite me exactly where it states there are racial quotas.

>> No.5403399

Shhh, evolution stops at the neck apparently.

>> No.5403400

negroid ape spotted

>> No.5403406

What is my "kind"? You must mean scientists and science-accepting people.
Feelings are irrelevant to rational evaluation. Stop being stupid and think with your brain; you just said you would continue to deny it if it were fact. That's the definition of anti-rational. Your kind are people like Christfags.

>> No.5403407

Because there is racial differences! We've already accepted that. Whites are generally smarter then blacks, of course they didn't perform as well. Your study doesn't show that upbringing doesn't matter, it shows that race does matter. Upbringing still matters though because i'm willing to bet that if you had a pair of black twins, separated them at birth, gave one to a privileged white family, and left the other one with the black family, the one given to the white family would fare better.

Also, that study doesn't seem particularly rigorous. Just saying.

>> No.5403409

>oh right, because nobody thinks like you said they do but instead they think everybody is magically equal in every way.

No, this is just the world view you have constructed for yourself to justify your hatred of people with different coloured skin and those who would stand up for their rights.

I'm not sure how your response is related to my comment anyway, maybe you should stop foaming at the mouth and learn to read.

>> No.5403411

What the fuck am I reading. The entire article implies quotas. if you knew anything about the case at all you'd see how stupid this statement is. The Supreme Court is prepared to strike down Affirmative Action policies in public universities.

>> No.5403410

Anonymous isn't one person.
I'm a race realist, I just recognize most racists are completely retarded and inconsistant
>Niggers are unintelligent, but I'm going to ignore the 50% of whites that have sub-100 IQ
Why the focus on unintelligent blacks and not the problem of unintelligent people in general?

>> No.5403413


No, your "kind" is dumb white supremacists.

>That's the definition of anti-rational.

tell me why. I'd like to hear it.

>> No.5403412

Read the article. If this was his scientific finding from doing his genetics research he would have backed up what he was saying with hard proof but all we get is him talking out of his ass and a mention that he's got a new book coming out soon. That's weak even by /pol/ standards.

>> No.5403416

This this this. I'm sick of /pol/ coming to /sci/, trying to get us to justify their racist beliefs on why should basically start putting blacks back in chains. If we started treating people like shit because they were unintelligent, then /pol/ would be in those chains along with all their black brethren.

>> No.5403421

>Why the focus on unintelligent blacks

>> No.5403422


Because those people don't get affirmative action, but apparently blacks, Hispanics, and woman give diversity or something.

>> No.5403423

because the majority of a race defines the whole.

niggers are stupid in general
whites are smart in general

>> No.5403417

>If this was his scientific finding


you don't even know what this means

>> No.5403425

This reminds me of that "wedge strategy" that creationists try and use. They try and convince you that blacks are slightly less intelligent than whites. Then they try and convince you they deserve less rights. Then they try and convince you that they shouldn't exist.

>> No.5403427

Jesus Christ you are marvelously stupid. Because accepting the science of racial differences, and the obviously more meaty intellectual capacities of, first, Asians, and secondly, Europeans, as a whole population, makes me a "white" supremacist?
Don't be fucking daft.

>tell me why. I'd like to hear it.
Are you seriously asking me to explain why refusing to accept FACT is anti-rational? Because that's what you said. "Even if it were FACT, I would deny it!"

>> No.5403428

>Age 17 IQ

Jesus, that's almost Forrest Gump-tier retarded.

>> No.5403429

Can a stormfriend answer this?
Okay, intelligence is genetic. It varies between populations.
Now we have also shown that the amount of heritablility of intelligence varies. In whites.
If you acknowledge intelligence varies with populations, why don't you consider that heritability can also vary with populations?
>We have studies heritability
Yeah. Predominantly in white people. My point is that evolution doesn't stop at heritability, and that can also vary between races.

>> No.5403432

>Community service and recreational activities are a massive factor autists like you don't realize.

I hope you do realise that these factors were originally implemented to keep jews from taking over the ivy league.

of course it has since been turned around to get niggers into the ivy league.

it seems the whole country is obsessed with dumbism.

>> No.5403433

Differences in average IQs is hardly a problem on its own. If anything, I believe it's better that such differences are, if true, accepted and thoroughly investigated in order to determine the underlying causes of such results. Science has never been about turning a blind eye to facts, but rather coming to understand how and why things are as they are. However, life is quite far from fair-play and such information in this day and age can only be misused by those with malicious intentions.

>> No.5403434
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>because the majority of a race defines the whole.

>> No.5403436


>> No.5403437

No. If you really think whites are smart in general, then your stupid.

>> No.5403440

>Whites are smart in general
No, that was my entire point of 50% of whites being sub 100 IQ.
Protip: 100 IQ isn't intelligent by any means. People aren't really 'intelligent' until around 120-130 IQ.

>> No.5403441

Now show me how you correlate, crime, and lack of intelligence.

>> No.5403444

Kind of ironic considering racial egalitarianism is basically the creation science of anthropology.

>> No.5403445


No, come on, tell me what you think a rational response actually is.

>Because accepting the science of racial differences, and the obviously more meaty intellectual capacities of, first, Asians, and secondly, Europeans, as a whole population, makes me a "white" supremacist?
Don't be fucking daft.

I'm more interested in why you think this should be accepted in the first place.

>> No.5403446

> Then how come negro children adopted by wealthy white couples are still dumber than whites?
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andorra-Effekt (German)

In short: Expectations generally influence the self-concept and the treatment by others, which in turn has a massive impact on the performance. This is particularly effective if the expectation is based on a visible trait tied to a strong cultural stereotype.

Race and gender are much more visible than your socioeconomic group, therefor the effect is exceptionally strong here. That does not indicate a genetic cause, it merely illustrates the huge importance we load onto these attributes.

According to my experience, in social circles where the people are smart enough not to give a damn about your genitals or pigmentation - in other words, people who cherish a culture of character and intelligence - children turn out very smart, talented and broadly interested, regardless of their "supposed" racial and gender culture.

>> No.5403447

See >>5403358

>> No.5403449

>claim all races are equal and even if they weren't, we should try to ignore it anyways and not base policy around it
>base policy around fixing society for "diversity"

How do you not see the fucking hypocrisy, you dumb liberal cunts. Yes, we should treat everyone equally, which is why Jamal does need extra SAT points to get into college just "because".

>> No.5403450


First of all that's wrong, and secondly that has nothing to do with my post, and thirdly it's not irony.

>> No.5403453


"does not"

>> No.5403454

>No, come on, tell me what you think a rational response actually is.
A rational response is accepting reality; which means accepting facts. Any opposition to facts is irrational and usually just comes from emotional butthurt. "Bawwww the universe does things I don't like, I'm going to deny it!"
>I'm more interested in why you think this should be accepted in the first place.
Numerous citations have already been offered in this thread. Take a scroll through.

>> No.5403455

>Stereotype threat is the reason for an entire standard deviation in IQ
God, no.
At least argue that low IQ isn't necessarily bad instead.

>> No.5403457


I didn't say anything about government policy.

You actually think all liberals are the same?

>> No.5403458

It seems completely logical that intelligence would vary between races, there are nearly two billion mongoloids in the world encompassing over 3000 separate ethnic groups, it doesn't make sense that all of those ethnic groups would have the same intelligence.

>> No.5403459

Then apply smart politics. End the War on Drugs, school all members of the Justice System on Witness Reliability and proper lineups, introduce universal Healthcare, pay particular attention to actual psychological treatment, make Education affordable and efficient...ask the Whites what politics they are voting for and see how it measures against my suggestions. It's not stupid Blacks who are your problem, it is stupid voters.

>> No.5403463


Yeah, they're all pretty retarded, at least modern "liberalism".

>> No.5403464

Blacks don't commit crime because they are stupid, they commit crime because that's there upbringing. Look at Tupac, he was a fairly intelligent man, yet when your born in a ghetto, to no father, and all your friends are drug dealers, no surprise that you're going to face the same lifestyle. And blacks in America are substantially smarter then blacks in Africa, yet blacks in America commit more crime per capita.

And then we have to hold your same logic to the rest of society, and try to grapple with why we don't see an overwhelming majority of unintelligent people commiting crimes.

>> No.5403460

>A rational response is accepting reality; which means accepting facts.

Nope, that's not actually what a rational response is.

>Numerous citations have already been offered in this thread. Take a scroll through.

That's not what I asked you. Why does the topic of race and intelligence even interest you? Why do you care?

>> No.5403469

State briefly; are you denying that denying facts is irrational?
>That's not what I asked you. Why does the topic of race and intelligence even interest you? Why do you care?
Because I'm attending university for sociology.

>> No.5403467


It doesn't make sense that they would have the same intelligence if they were all the same race. Why are you bringing ethnicity into this?

>> No.5403470


Why do you generalize? It is easier than thinking with your brain?

>> No.5403471

That's not what I was asking.
I'm asking if you believe heritability can very between races as well. I admit my previous post was convoluted.

>> No.5403472

>State briefly; are you denying that denying facts is irrational?


>Because I'm attending university for sociology.


>> No.5403476

Niggers Nig Nog all day long. Please go back to Africa where you all belong.

>> No.5403477

Behold, the pinnacle of the opposition; "Denying facts is not irrational."

>> No.5403479

>And blacks in America are substantially smarter then blacks in Africa
Lol, I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact over 90% of black Americans have some white ancestry.

>> No.5403480

but anon, why do we need to do all that for nignogs to stop committing violent crime? white people don't have all that, but still commit far less violent crime

>> No.5403481

>And blacks in America are substantially smarter then blacks in Africa,
Combination of having white slave master genes and some environment.

>> No.5403484

What is the end game here? What would you do if you could prove conclusively that some races were less intelligent?

>> No.5403483


Alright cool then, liberals should strongly oppose affirmative action then because they truly believe that evolution stops at the neck, right? So there is no need to correct anything in society since we're all equal.

sounds awesome, when are you liberals going to do it?

>> No.5403486

>116 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
>116 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
>116 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
>116 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.5403487


It's completely rational. You do it all the time. Everyone does.

>> No.5403489


Or white education.

>> No.5403490

Why do you have an emotional bias against some fields of science? This is /sci/, all science is accepted here. Take your butthurt and emotions to >>>/x/

>> No.5403491
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>Why does the topic of race and intelligence even interest you? Why do you care?

>> No.5403493


>liberals should strongly oppose affirmative action then

I do

Where did you get the idea that I didn't?

>> No.5403498


>can't answer the question


>> No.5403495

It's not rational. Humans have irrational faculties; namely emotion. It's not rational when I do it. It's not rational when anyone else does it.

Please educate yourself and stop being an anti-science moron or fuck off to >>>/x/

>> No.5403500

I love how you stormfags absolutely must attribute any leap in intelligence to being white, even after most /sci/ people have already admitted that being white is generally correlated with higher intelligence. The argument that was being put forth is that because blacks are stupider, they will commit more crime. Now you have to grapple with the fact that even stupider blacks back in Africa, are not commiting crimes on mass the way the ones here with "master genes(do you know anything of evolutionary theory? There is no such thing as Master genes)" and higher intelligence.

>> No.5403502

ok, what if, just hear me out, what if we made it illegal for blacks to breed?

>> No.5403503

Well I'd abolish affirmative action for a start, then I'd reshape welfare into a system that doesn't encourage niggers to nig.

>> No.5403504

>In philosophy, rationality is the characteristic of any action, belief, or desire, that makes their choice a necessity.[1] It is a normative concept of reasoning in the sense that rational people should derive conclusions in a consistent way given the information at disposal. It refers to the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, or with one's actions with one's reasons for action.

huh, look at that, first paragraph.

>> No.5403506

/pol/ endgame is to move blacks to second class citizens. We have already admitted that some are less intelligent, but that's not enough. The facts have to justify their racist ideology.

>> No.5403507


That's not a very nice thing to do.

>> No.5403509

> Stereotype threat is the reason for an entire standard deviation in IQ
Nah, stupid parenting is the reason for an entire standard deviation in IQ. Two standard deviations, in fact. I have an IQ of 138 and I can clearly see what my parents did differently compared to those who score average.

Average white folks scoff at stupid Negroes, but they don't realize that they are inferior as well from an even higher point at the IQ scale. Which is particularly funny because I have a dark skin color.

They then try to save themselves by saying that the average value in a race should count, to which I reply "No. If you want to make IQ the relevant criteria for socio-political measures, then the line needs to be drawn between *individuals* with a high IQ and those with a low IQ".

People who argue with racial IQ pretty much reduce themselves to be the bitches of high IQ individuals (Caucasian, Asian and African). This is nothing more than annoying identity politics, like Feminism is for whiny bitches.

>> No.5403510

For one thing, we would no longer have to accept that unequal representation of blacks and whites in academic fields is necessarily the result of current or historical disadvantage or discrimination.

Right now, if a person says "I'm against affirmative action because whites and blacks should be treated equally" and someone replies "but since there are less blacks in university, that must mean there is discrimination", the the opponent of AA has nowhere to go. If he says the blacks are less intelligent, he will be called a racist.

Now if different intelligences were established as a fact, he could not be called a racist

tl;dr the currently held belief that humans are all equal, is used every day to inform our policies. Incidentally, this was precisely the context in which James Watson made his remarks: he though that the correct policy for Africa must be informed by their lower intelligence.

>> No.5403513

Blacks in America commit violent crimes like drive by shooting, blacks in Africa commit war crimes like the Rwandan genocide.

>> No.5403515

>Now you have to grapple with the fact that even stupider blacks back in Africa, are not commiting crimes
i dont get this. what are you trying to say? you'de rather walk down a back alley in brazzaville or kinshasa than even the most crime riddled ghetto in america? how does africa even have crime statistics? they barely have rule of law

>> No.5403517

Sounds good. Should also help against White Trash.

>> No.5403520

And you fail to meet even that definition. What's consistent in your operation to deny these facts but to accept a multitude of other facts? Why do you cherry-pick your truths? Because these facts make your butt bleed? Congratulations, you're of the same class as any Creationist!

>> No.5403522

>Also, that study doesn't seem particularly rigorous. Just saying.

Yes if a study goes against my preconceived world view I would think it is not rigorous too.

I mean, if it were its result would be consistent with my world view.

>> No.5403524

Why do you think anyone here would be opposed to this?

>> No.5403526

>Now if different intelligences were established as a fact, he could not be called a racist


This is what it boils down to

This line right here

This whole fucking argument is just about racists not wanting to be ostracized.

>> No.5403528

Getting into slightly tinfoil territory here but according to /int/ the Soviets paid Gypsy men a large sum of money if they agreed to be voluntarily sterilized, maybe we could try something similar with blacks.

>> No.5403531

>Which is particularly funny because I have a dark skin color.
>Implying there is a correlation with dark skin color and stupidity
Stormfriends aren't arguing that. They argue race is more than skin color.
Unless you meant to say you are black.

>> No.5403532

Per capita it is less. War crimes are different from regular crimes.

>> No.5403533

>you have constructed for yourself to justify your hatred of people

Yup. Here come the liberal strawman. Anybody who accepts that different races have different level of intelligence are doing so to justify their 'hatred'.

You see, anything that goes against the liberal world view = hate.

>> No.5403534

>walking down a back alley in kinsasha
i will just have the local medicine man cast a voodoo spell of protection on me and drink the blood of a virgin sacrificed on the night of a full moon and i will be a-ok silly

>> No.5403535

Because muh white heritage!

>> No.5403537

>Your statistics aren't real just because I don't like it
How does it feel to be the same sort of person you claim to despise?

>> No.5403538

>all of Africa is the same

>> No.5403539

True, that being said white trash doesn't get nearly as much welfare as Negroes do.

>> No.5403540


>What's consistent in your operation to deny these facts but to accept a multitude of other facts?

The consistency is in the denial, that's the point.

>> No.5403541

Yes. If only we could somehow outsmart them.

>> No.5403542

Overall, yes they do. Per capita, then no, they don't

>> No.5403544

Now explain how your denial, the same sort of denial that creationists use, the same sort of denial that people use to deny climate change, is at all useful for anyone and wouldn't be seen as complete stupidity, as it is?

>> No.5403547


You know I'm right. I know I'm right. Everyone here knows I'm right. Say what you want, we all know what's going on behind the thin veneer of argument.

>> No.5403548

>Why do you think anyone here would be opposed to this?
I don't. In fact, I would love to see some state or nation finally shaping up and growing a scientifically literate population. So far, not a single culture on this planet deserves that compliment. The Jews are probably the best candidates, and they engage in genital mutilation for religious reasons. You can imagine what that says about the rest of humanity if these guys are its intellectual elite.

>> No.5403550


It is all those things.

It is right. Because creationism is contrived reverse logic to fit a prior world view, derived from the bible, and rejects biology.

It has everything to do with your post because you try to attach racial realism with creationism.

It is ironic because racial egalitarianism is contrived reverse logic to fit pre-existing liberal ideology that people are all magically the same in every way and rejects anthropology.

>> No.5403551


What statistics? I'm laughing right now. Try to respond to words that are actually there.

>> No.5403552

What about South Korea and Japan? Entirely ethnically homogenous, strict immigration controls and making foreigners a 2nd class of person, even upon citizenship?

>> No.5403556

Did you even read this thread?

>> No.5403557


Define "useful"

>> No.5403559

Fuck that shit.
I'm black american and I'll be damned if some faggot european immigrant gets full citizenship before I do because you can't tell he's foreign at a glance.

>> No.5403558

> Stormfriends aren't arguing that. They argue race is more than skin color. Unless you meant to say you are black.
Well, my parents are from India, so technically I am Asian. Then again, that alone is enough reason for some Americans to murder me: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/30/nyregion/woman-is-held-in-death-of-man-pushed-onto-subway-tracks-in-queens.html?_r=0

>> No.5403565

Useful for science; determining facts, not denying facts. Useful for living; not denying reality. Useful for being a functional or respectable human being.

Here's what you said:
"Even if it was true, I would deny it."
>Even if evolution were true, I would deny it!
>Even if climate change were true, I would deny it!
>Even racial egalitarianism were true, I would deny it!
Now where do the above sort of people stand in any area of life?

>> No.5403567

>such information in this day and age can only be misused by those with malicious intentions.

yes let's ban guns because some fuckups decide to shoot people.

liberal logic. next you will ban kitchen knives.

>> No.5403569

>It is right. Because creationism is contrived reverse logic to fit a prior world view, derived from the bible, and rejects biology.

Do you even remember what you wrote?

Tell me why you think racial egalitarianism is the creation science of anthropology.

>> No.5403570

>If X is true then a person cannot be called racist for saying X


>> No.5403572

>implying there aren't people in America that would consider my white skin reason enough to kill me

>> No.5403574


Did you even read my post?

looks like I have to repeat myself

>Try to respond to words that are actually there.

>> No.5403576

See answer here

>> No.5403577

>Tell me why you think racial egalitarianism is the creation science of anthropology.


I know your liberal trick. You are going to waste my time getting me to re-answer your question.

>> No.5403578

>black american
>on /sci/

Bullshit, post pix plz.

>> No.5403580

>Now where do the above sort of people stand in any area of life?

They would stand everywhere

That's the reality

How do you not understand this?

>> No.5403583


>people are exactly the same intellectually in every way and the differences are because of non-inheritable factors

I guess the black parents expectation turn the kid's skin black, too?

>> No.5403587


Kitchen knives have uses besides killing people

Nice slippery slope

>> No.5403592

what are you trying to be racist or something? black person cant browse /sci/? trying to say black people are smart or something? fuckin racist

>> No.5403593

>Blacks are unintelligent and criminal! This is a common societal view
Something set at birth, no hope of change.
>Doesn't see how being black itself is an environmental factor in development.
It doesn't matter how adopted you are. Short of isolating you in a empty room, you are black and will be treated as black even if adopted.

>> No.5403594

Please, enjoy continuing to be a moron because you lack the emotional maturity to contain your butt-bleeding, and would prefer to continue to construct elaborate mazes to prevent yourself from being confronted with your stupidity. I hope this serves you well in life and you are proud of what you're able to do in debates with others; behave like a child.

>> No.5403601

Given the outrageously subjective nature of "intelligence" testing, it is irresponsible to draw broad conclusions from it.

>> No.5403604


>calls me immature
>uses ad-hominem
>uses the phrase "butt-bleeding"


>> No.5403610

> implying there aren't people in America that would consider my white skin reason enough to kill me
Sure there are. But the existence of Anti-White-Racists does not eliminate Anti-Black-Racists. And when I meet Anti-Black-Racists, I find it funny that a have a dark skin color. Because when they try to argue that Blacks should be second class citizens because of having a significant lower IQ than them, they never expect to have a signifcant lower IQ than me. That is all I am saying.

>> No.5403616

Why yes, people who say they would continue to deny things even if they were facts are immature. Creationists, etc, we've been here.

Please enjoy whatever pleasure you derive from having someone call you a moron when you're being a moron.
Is there anyone in this thread who thinks "Even if it was true, I would deny it" is something non-morons say?

>> No.5403636

>Even if evolution were true, I would deny it!
Completely rational for someone to say if they needed to keep their followers in the dark
>Even if climate change were true, I would deny it!
Completely rational for someone to say if they make a living selling oil/coal
>Even racial egalitarianism were true, I would deny it!
Completely rational for someone to say if they believe the rights and freedoms of people of other races would be infringed.

>> No.5403638


crimes are commited for money, and in case of niggers, fun.

in africa, there is no point in stealing cars, because there are no cars.

and there isn't much fun killing other niggs, because they will kill you right back.

unarmed, white suburbans, on the other hand.

You will see that any society with majority black population is a shithole, haiti vs dominican republic, any sub-saharan nigger country, detroit etc.

>> No.5403640


why is this tin foil hattery?

I don't think you even know what tinfoil hatting is.

>> No.5403641

sage this fucking shit

>> No.5403642

If you think that's "tinfoil", you're seriously uneducated about what people in power do and have done to other people.

>> No.5403643

>saging science

>> No.5403644


>> No.5403654

pick one

>> No.5403657


>> No.5403656


>> No.5403661

Sage isn't a downvote or a report. It does nothing except not bump a thread when you reply.

>> No.5403665


>> No.5403668

>being this stupid

>> No.5403673


>> No.5403675

While I do think that whites are smarter than blacks on average, the only time that information is used is to fuel racial hatred. There are smart and dumb people of all races, and racists are almost universally stupid.

>> No.5403676

Indians are Australiod/Caucasiod not Negroid.

>> No.5403681

asians are smart in general, whites are average in general
whites are standard you idiot

>> No.5403682

It's tinfoil because I have no proof, that being said I'm sure if the Soviets actually did sterilize gypsies they would have covered up every trace of evidence of it after the fall of the iron curtain.

>> No.5403685


>> No.5403689

No, that information is used, for example, to justify affirmative action. If all races were equal in intelligence, then there would be less reason to try and achieve equal academic outcomes.

>> No.5403690

We space race now.

>> No.5403706

I should inform you saging doesn't contribute to the post counter, so if you're trying to fill up the thread with useless posts, it's failing.

>> No.5403714


>> No.5403727

>Blacks are poor
>Blacks steal for gain
Translated to stormfag brain
>Blacks commit crime for fun!

Wow your dum.

>> No.5403738


>i am right
>everybody thinks so
>this is true because i said so

I guess we can just substitute assertion for argument.

>> No.5403746
File: 310 KB, 544x398, these-girls-are-havi_1329170684_epiclolcom[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow you are dum

>> No.5403759


>i am right
>because i said so

>> No.5403863


because they are both based on forcing science to comply with ideologies.

>> No.5403873

>g..go back to p..pol!!

It doesn't fucking matter if his post has a certain political rhetoric to it, it's still a fucking science post. Not to mention if it was a liberal who made such a post you faggots wouldn't give a shit because you're bias cunts.

>> No.5403878

>go on /sci/
>ignore evidence

>> No.5403879

I have the perfect answer for this: fuck off troll.

Why else would you ask your question in such a provocative way? Insulting everyone on /sci/ and dragging politics into the discussion?

3/10 troll because you got all sorts of suckers to reply, including myself.

>> No.5403894

Whites are, generally, more intelligent that blacks.

Talking about averages isn't racist. This is fact backed up by plentiful amounts emperical evidence which most of you have been exposed to.

People would call me a "white supremicist" for comming to such a conclusion, because I'm able to think objectively and not scream "racist" like most people in this thread seem to do when they're encountered with opposition, yet the very same people tend to forget that I and other white people who have come to the same conclusion agree that Asians are, on average, more intelligent than whites.

>> No.5403938

Even if it were true, people are somehow implying that niggers should have lesser rights because of this.

>> No.5403965

Anyone that can feel pain and emotion should be treated equally on the aggregate, but let's not forget that nature doesn't do equal and, as a result, forced "equality" is a terrible thing which leads to inequality.

>> No.5404014

>people are somehow implying that niggers should have lesser rights because of this.

of course.

Do you give equal rights to dogs?

>> No.5404083

As a scientist I know for a fact that there no actual genetic code of intelligence. We have the same genes now that we did 10.000 years ago and the smartest person then would probably match up against someone on the lower scale of intelligence now. Genes don't code for "intelligence".

>> No.5404092
File: 20 KB, 210x230, 1356584623342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Ethiopian/nigger
>mfw I'm a bit disturbed that I'm completely apathetic to Op's insinuations, true or not.

Alongside Op's proposed alleged evidence, I always sense, in threads alike, a subliminal instigation to subordinate whomever being talked about...but Op never directly says so, I presume fearful of abrupt rejection.

But whatever, humans do what humans do...

>> No.5404100

Intelligence is not based on averages.

No intelligent person has ever been more average. The definition of intelligent means above average. So I dont really get what this debate is even about, just because white people score 105 on a IQ test and black people score 95 means shit. Neither of these people are intelligent.

Intelligent people are the ones way above and they do not fit into your racial spectrum, they aren't quantified down black white or asian. Just smart.

If black people should be treated differently from white people because they score lower on intelligent tests. Then basically most of society should be treated differently from me, I want the best parking spots and so on. I would laugh at your shit IQ score of 105.

Oh and on the thing about asians. They are fucking dumb, I go to uni with a lot of chinese students, and they lack all capability of critical and creative thinking and are basically only capable to redoing repetitious shit crammed down their throats from school.

>> No.5404109

I'll say this, the discussion of average intelligence is quite an ironic one.

Since the phrase "average intelligence" is an oxymoron...............

>> No.5404112

I'm a bio major, same shit with all the pre-med Asians. What uni are you at?

>> No.5404121

Biochemistry, University of Bath. You?

>> No.5404123
File: 4 KB, 512x512, White_square_with_question_mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Understands that science has proven the existence of variations in intelligence between races
>Understands that these variations are derived from averages of these races
>Understands that since these variations are derived from averages, there will always be more intelligent individuals than him who are of differing race than himself
>Doesn't feel superior to other races at all, in any form whatsoever, even after having understood all this

Is there anything wrong with this? Or am I still a fucking racist?

This is exactly like a scientist explaining that some races have varying average heights. It's accepted that an individual from China will be, STATISTICALLY speaking, shorter than an individual of the same age and gender from the Netherlands.

This isn't racist, is it? So why is the observation that intelligence differs between races somehow racist?

What the fuck is the difference?

>> No.5404124

You are most intelligent than /pol/ regular user. Hope all this red-necks die soon.

>> No.5404128

There is a difference measured in IQs between races yes. But it doesn't mean one race is smarter than another, and specifically not based on genetics, because there is no actual coding for intelligence.

Having a statistical higher probability for higher IQ doesn't mean you're more intelligent, because those rely on averages, and intelligence and average don't belong in the same sentence. I am not smarter than some chink or nigger because im white, im smarter because im smarter.

How "smart" would you be in the African bush trying to survive there. So how smart do you think an urban nigger would be for Scholastic Assessment Test to get into a college for which he cant pay for

>> No.5404129


Hmm, alright, point taken.

>> No.5404130

I'm sorry if that sounds sarcastic. I'm serious though, I didn't see it that way.

>> No.5404134

>So why is the observation that intelligence differs between races somehow racist?
The difference is that people who point that out are usually /pol/itics who next say, dem niggurs we should totally kill them all.

Also, usually these threads feature the difference in IQ scores between whites and blacks and that is a fact. The problem with that is what they say next, again dem niggurs so stupid.

99% of these threads start with a fact
>iq difference between group A and B
and end with either implied or outright
>we should kill/threat them differently
The second part is the not science part

>> No.5404140

shit correlation

I mean look at it, it's like someone threw dots at random on the paper and then drew a line in the middle to give the impression that it means something

>> No.5404143

These distinctions are meaningless because if I were to take the 10,000 most intelligent people on the planet and put them on an island, I'd be taking some black people with me. Even if blacks have a lower average intelligence than whites, there are still black people far more intelligent than the average white person.

>> No.5404150

>problems in general

pick two

Also, how do you explain that Africans (in Africa) do not commit the same crimes, if the reason environmental?

>> No.5404154

It's that their need to rape, steal and murder that creates their culture.

They are repulsed by civilization and civilized behaviors at the genetic level.

>> No.5404173

This is fucking pathetic.
You all should feel ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.5404181

Not that guy. I'm a black /g/entooman. I like the threads on /sci/.

>> No.5404184

>at the genetic level.
Leave /sci/ you utter moron.

>> No.5404251

Different races do not have different levels of intelligence (hur dur unless you mean human vs rat, but you don't :(). Different cultures have different access and means to knowledge, therefore we westerners have a more developed society and more skilled, literate, and otherwise temporarily scholastic peoples.

>> No.5404258



>> No.5404315

Then why does intelligence have a 60% inheritability

>> No.5404329

That's code for the "environment" you were brought up in.

>> No.5404332

The womb?

You might be right.

I didn't have to dodge coat-hangers for 9 months.

>> No.5404746

Can you cite the study where that data came from?

I'm not claiming there isn't one but I'm struggling to find it.

>> No.5404805
File: 34 KB, 300x300, 1323019435189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever studied Statistics?

You're the stereotypical idiot that does not know how to interpret a graph.

>> No.5404812

No matter how Intelligent somebody may be and believe me I've met some real geniuses before there are some things which they can just not and will NEVER be able to fathom. No matter how high you go in Math or Science It's still just proving a point to prove a point, Everything in this world is based off very basic rules of logic and being more intelligent just gives you a higher ability to reason, however in the end the only conclusion is.... There absolutely has to be a God.

>> No.5404819

>These distinctions are meaningless
No, you're disregarding them because you're not fond of the conclusions.

>I'd be taking some black people with me
No one is saying that every african is below the average intelligence level.

>there are still black people far more intelligent than the average white person
No shit. But there are far more white geniuses than there are blacks.

>> No.5404839
File: 59 KB, 417x312, Flynn-Effect1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we're a smarter race than our grandparents

>> No.5404904

seriously, all you have to do is have gone to a good school and look at the families that have turned out the best and brightest kids. education is such a social thing that it's scary that that fact isn't understood across the board.

you are what you are around, and you are what you define yourself as. people need to see something and innately think: I can do that, I am deserving of that, I am capable of going for that.

we are very stupid, humans. seeing is believing. we also doubt something exists if we don't see it.

>> No.5404929
File: 30 KB, 612x705, naziiqs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw all the Nazi leadership were geniuses, both today and especially for their time given that picture

>> No.5404977

If you're going to be polemic at least use the right terminology.

There is not enough genetic difference between humans to talk about "races" in the biological sense.

It's not great enough to talk about sub-species either.

>> No.5405004

Snakes and venom.

Just because some are more venomus than others does not mean they're better overall or more "snake" than the rest. It just means they're working with slightly different tools in order to survive.

The same pretty much applies with humans when it comes to intelligence.

And lets not forget we humans didn't get this far just because we were smarter than the average animal. Dexterity along with several other traits played an important role too, so the lack of intelligence or "high intelligence" alone isn't a good reason to deem someone as less "human". We're not one trick ponies and some would say the fact that we can acknowledge and appreciate these variations within ourselves is what helps us be humans in the first place.

>> No.5405034

>yet the very same people tend to forget that I and other white people who have come to the same conclusion agree that Asians are, on average, more intelligent than whites.
That wouldn't cut much ice with them since most "anti-racists" are actually very racist against Asians.

See >>5404100 and >>5404112

>> No.5405066
File: 121 KB, 250x418, 1337906545989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average IQ of 128
Not bad, Nazis. Not bad.

>mfw they still lost
Obviously, weren't that smart

>> No.5405077

cuz intelligence is just study time
africans dont study that much so they arent that smart

>> No.5405094

Hypothetically, lets say this is completely true. Does it really matter? I am a black guy with a 140 IQ. If its not an innate thing then why even care? If you were to spend much time, money and effort proving that blacks on average are intellectually inferior what will you really accomplish? Its a futile endeavour.

I have not seen any GOOD evidence that implies that this is true though.

>> No.5405118

>I am a black guy with a 140 IQ
No you're not. You're a black guy too stupid to realize that internet IQ tests are bullshit.

>> No.5405149

You do realize that this is a rumour perpetuated by people who take IQ tests on the internet and score low right? Just like the people who take real IQ tests, score low then say IQ is bullshit.

Mensa would not have tests on their site if they couldn't work. Also, you realize when you go to take a mensa IQ test they give you very similar puzzle questions right? But, as soon as those questions are uploaded onto the internet they become invalid according to you. The reason they want you to take a supervised test is so you don't go on google and cheat. You sir, have impeccable reasoning.

>> No.5405155
File: 33 KB, 330x250, 1292794392488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir, are mad.

>> No.5405365

No, people score high because it is cheap advertising...



I'm sorry.

>> No.5405398

IQ tests on the internet are worth jack shit. My internet IQ is 147 last time I checked. My real(Professionally measured in a 6 hour assessment) IQ is 108, with a GAI of 134

But why do people worship IQ as this supreme figure that is 100% accurate and the defining test for intelligence?

>> No.5405406

*GAI of 114, the 134 is something else.

Anyway, sage because
>Hard science

>> No.5405429

So you are a proponent of using racial segregation in universities based on the studies that indicate certain skin colors correlate with certain relative IQ scores?

Why use race and not an infinite number of other possible denominations by which to group and find the average IQs in?

Why not use income? No more poor people in universities; they're more likely to score lower on IQ tests.

Why just race, I am curious, as a way of forming denominations and finding averages, when there are virtually an endless number of other factors by which people can be divided and average correlations found instead of just testing and judging someone on personal merits?

>> No.5405449
File: 145 KB, 827x1024, OhTheIroning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with the people who just don't care. Fine, whatever, some genetic pools can have lower or higher average intelligence. Meritocracy is where it's at. If they're smart enough to be something then they should get the same chance at being something irrespective of what some people with some similar external traits are capable of. Those people are not that person.

The logical conclusion of arguing otherwise would be advocating banning white Europeans/Americans from such professions in favour of East-Asians and European Jews, since they score higher than them.

>You are most intelligent than /pol/ regular user. Hope all this red-necks die soon.
>are most intelligent than
>all this red-necks

Also love the classy way you immediately go to "I hope you people who disagree with me all die!!".

>> No.5405453

there are some decent IQ tests online that will give you an approximation of what a test in a formal setting might.

>> No.5405760

Social inheritance

>> No.5406389

>we also doubt something exists if we don't see it.

this is stupid how?

>> No.5406391


Except that people from different races are about as dexterous as each other?

They are not as intelligent, though. Which is why some can construct advanced, stable society, while others (niggnoggs) turn everything into shitholes should they congregate.

>> No.5406403

>>5403385 here

Apparently this thread is still alive.
Shit, /sci/rone, get it together.

>> No.5406451
File: 54 KB, 1024x683, 019283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such and old idiotic idea and I mean hundreds of years old with still no proof the back it up. In reality its a placebo for white cultural impotence as it relates to a changing world they feel alienated by.

Yeah so just go back to >>>/pol/ where you can circle jerk your fears away til you see another black guy at the supermarket with his girlfriend and have to voice your "superiority" online once again.