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5405051 No.5405051 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, first time posting. I just watched a documentary about DMT and I was wondering if /sci/ would know where I could get some, best ways to use it, ect. Thanks

>> No.5405057




>> No.5405070

hey thanks buddy

>> No.5405088
File: 518 KB, 1920x1200, 7JH0T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a cool picture for your troubles

>> No.5405100

How is this picture "cool"? She's a 2/10 and in the pic she's muddy.

>> No.5405111

>put it on top of some weed or tobacco
>hit it once
>hold, exhale
>hit it again
>hold, exhale?

>> No.5405124
File: 17 KB, 240x226, 1356805715852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5405130

no no no no
DMT is best vaporised, direct flame contact will waste the precious crystals you obtained. Or you can take it orally using and MAOI (in the case o fAyahuasca)

>> No.5405134

I apologize, *an *of

>> No.5405137

Also. Op do you have any experience at all with psychedelics? Learn to swim first before you jump into the deep end.

>> No.5405144

Yeah I took a vision quest in canyonlands with a big bag of peyote, but I haven't tried LSD or anything like that. I also think that the girl in my picture is a little bit better than a two, but thats just my opinion

>> No.5405165

Mescaline, eh?

Yeah, it's hard to come by depending where you live, try find a nice dealer. If your into chemistry go probe synthesis techniques. Again I apologize for ambiguity, im coming down from the amphetamines I took earlier.

>> No.5405173
File: 322 KB, 1600x1034, 5fbP6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this science mumbo jumbo is greek to me, is there some website i can buy DMT in pill form from? I also have like a weed vaporizer, can I use that to smoke some other form of it?

>> No.5405188

learn to use the silk road.

there are some websites that tell you how to access use it.

otherwise no place on the internet cause dmt is pretty illegal.

the synthesis is literally balls simple and from 50 euros worth of starting material i made about 300 trips worth of DMT... so you should really familiarize yourself with the process

>> No.5405200
File: 164 KB, 616x383, 1348942111332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the process that the first dude's link was talking about?
This one?

>> No.5405201

>All this science mumbo jumbo is geek to me.
Oh boy.
Study this shit man, learn all you can, Website? Good luck with that, DMT and its variants are all scheduled as schedule I, the only online vendor might be located in the deep chasms of the darkest reach of the internet (in between the cheese pizza and human experiments). Best method? I have no idea, maybe the lightbulb vape method may yield better results. Probe around, read up on Erowid. Ask around peers.

>> No.5405208
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Man, I just want to try this cool sounding drug. Science is neat and all, but all I want to do is have the spiritual experience. There has to be some way of getting it without making it myself?

>> No.5405216

hmm. I'm sure you know somebody that at least smokes weed or takes mushrooms. Do you know someone who knows someone? Find someone with contacts and ask around for DMT and other research chemicals. I'm sure you could score some.

>> No.5405217

well you'll have to either
>find dealer
>learn how to access Silk Road
>learn how to extract/synth it

>> No.5405222

you have to do your research on street level. there are places that sell it as crystals which you can smoke with bongs.

>> No.5405229

*You could also travel to S. America and partake in a ayahuasca spiritual ceremony that involves and deep detachment from reality and eventually ego death and probably gratuitous vomiting.

>> No.5405224
File: 300 KB, 1366x768, 72Yck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll ask around with my dealers and whatnot, but if this stuff is so illegal that not even the internet can get it to me, how will they be able to help?

>> No.5405232

Hey man, I would love to but I have twenty dollars in my bank account and student loans out my ass. I need maybe the next best thing to going to the amazon.

>> No.5405233

Hey, you'll be surprised what people can obtain, by means both legal and illegal.

>> No.5405234

Well like I said I'll look into it. You guys have all been really helpful, thanks a bunch

>> No.5405238

No problem. Good luck and please, post the details of the trip (if you can remember it)

>> No.5405250
File: 199 KB, 1680x1050, EUf67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do. It'll probably be a few weeks but I'll make another post after the trip to see if anyone remembers/is interested