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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5397801 No.5397801 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys get your textbooks? Someone told me to go to bib.tiera.ru but it's down apparently

>> No.5397803

It isn't down.

Did you read the sticky btw?

>> No.5397809

I buy my textbooks from Dover.

>> No.5397812

i assumed that this stuff was totally verboten

>> No.5397814 [DELETED] 

If I need it for a class I actually buy it from Amazon or charge it to my student account so my Pell grant takes care of some of it. I guess enjoying a physical copy makes me weird.
If I just want it because it's interesting, I just use TPB.

>> No.5397819

Torrents mostly.

>> No.5397824


>tfw student prime

>> No.5397830

>you will never live in a Bougororororo painting ;__;

>> No.5397883

doesn't it strike you as FUCKED UP that regular people can't even study science without BREAKING LAWS?

>> No.5397896

we aren't breaking any laws, we're merely upgrading their media from an inferior paper book to a superior digital book.
They should thank us for the hard work the community does for their benefit

>> No.5397898

They are not breaking the law because that's the only way to learn science, they are breaking the law because they are too lazy to buy the books.

>> No.5397905

copyright infringement is a law, if you're going to lie to yourself about that stay out of the discussion

>> No.5397907

Don't try to reason with him. He's probably an irrational edgy teenage boy who thinks laws don't exist as long as he emotionally doesn't accept them.

>> No.5397909

Uni library. Easy as fuck.

>> No.5397917
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You don't have to be an edgy teenager to feel that way.

Laws are man-made and man has proven himself stupid on multiple occasions. Protest and disobedience are natural reactions a population has when it thinks certain laws are unjust, irrelevant, outdated, impossible to enforce, tyrannical, etc.

Welcome to reality. It's complicated.

>> No.5397921
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You are clearly underaged. Isn't it past bed time for you?

>> No.5397927

>mfw a teenager think his delusions are "reality"

my sides

>> No.5397934


He's right though. And in fact given that these books are available from public libraries and from university libraries he's simply accessing a book he could access legally in a more convenient way. This is what I do, at least. Why would I bother going to the university library and have all that hassle?

>> No.5397932

Grow up kid, the end never justifies the means. Stealing is stealing.

>> No.5397933
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Please, I've dealt with hundreds of people like you in my life and they're all equally stupid on every occasion.

> sum up reality with "herp derp just do what you're told, don't anaylze, deconstruct, or seek to improve."

> notice flaws in commonplace thinking and understanding, point them out for the sake of humanity's incremental improvement.

> You're just trying to be edgy, I'm going to regurgitate memes at you now.

Negroid, I beg of thee.

>> No.5397937

Seriously, I wasn't joking with this:
Don't you guys have libraries? We don't have to start another copyright thread when you just can get all your books for free there.

>> No.5397938
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>Grow up kid, the end never justifies the means. Stealing is stealing.

Grow up, kid. The land you live on is stolen, the wealth you inherited is stolen. The air you breathe is stolen.

Someday you will die and somehow something's gonna steal your carbon.

It's not edginess, it's truth that isn't accepted by the general population because it likes to be flippant and casual with everything and life via cultural programming.

Oops. Sorry. Pardon me. Excuse me. Jesus Christ. Oh my God. Can I get that for you? I value individuality. The free market will fix this!

>> No.5397939

its like your just copying out "intro to anarchism". you must feel like the coolest kid in school.

>> No.5397941


Alright now I think you're an edgy teenager.



>> No.5397944

>the end never justifies the means

Prove it. If one doesn't care for the people being stolen from, and one doesn't get caught, I fail to see how it can't be justified.

>> No.5397945

Seriously, dude. How old are you? I mean it's amusing to see you getting way too emotional. Just like it's funny how you need /b/ reaction images to support your posts because their contents are too insignificant. But for your own good I suggest you better stop it now. I can understand how you feel. Many years ago I used to be 14 as well. Let me tell you, you will grow out of that edgy attitude when you get older.

>> No.5397947

the question was

> doesn't it strike you as FUCKED UP that regular people can't even study science without BREAKING LAWS?


> in your subjective opinion is copyright infringement justified


> stop "stealing" digital books!

why are you missing the point of the question that was asked?

>> No.5397955

Because the question was making wrong assumptions and incorrectly stated something as "fact" what actually was nothing but an edgy expression of the kid's subjective opinion. People can study without breaking the law. The majority of people who study do not break the law.

>> No.5397960

You can justify anything to yourself.

>> No.5397966

Libraries are far from ideal. There's a fairly limited amount of academic textbooks in your average run-of-the-mill library run by the city. Plus, if all autodidacts swarmed to the library there wouldn't be enough books for everyone to read, let alone borrow.

The same applies to college libraries. There might be a more variety in the selection of books that are offered, but the quantity remains limited. Schools have better ways to waste money than stock 2,000 copies of the same book in their libraries.

>> No.5397968
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, mindblown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, morality is like, super subjective and I actually can do anything dude.

The world w e live in is totally like 1984, which is a book I kinda read but got bored with, but I totally know what it's about.

Wake up sheeple.

>> No.5397972

>Dude, morality is like, super subjective and I actually can do anything dude.
That's absolutely correct though. How could it even be otherwise?

>> No.5397974

>inb4 nobody gets the sarcasm

>> No.5397977

>Schools have better ways to waste money

No that's exactly what money should be spend on. Supplying the means to study for all students. And I don't know where you live, but my uni library system perfectly keeps supply on all relevant books for every student (and we have ~36000 students.)

>> No.5397978

You summed up, that edgy teen very well

>> No.5397980
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>Seriously, dude. How old are you? I mean it's amusing to see you getting way too emotional.

I love how dumbfucks say this kind of stuff to make themselves feel like they're winning the argument while conveniently ignoring that THEY TOO are emotionally attached to the argument because they are bothering to involve themselves in it. The air of emotional detachment they put on is a suit with the words "I'm winning" embroidered into it on every square inch and they act like they aren't wearing it. It's absurd.

>Just like it's funny how you need /b/ reaction images to support your posts because their contents are too insignificant.

I don't need them, I use them to accentuate my post because it's an option that the forums gives me and because I have a sense of humor.

You're like a friend of mine who complains about anyone who uses throws in a fighting game. "You can't win without them, fag."

Yes, people use techniques available to them in confrontations. What's new?

Stop picking on random things about my personality while acting like you don't have one yourself.

>But for your own good I suggest you better stop it now. I can understand how you feel. Many years ago I used to be 14 as well.

"I'm just going to persist in this 'lol you're immature' caricature I'm building around you while ignoring your ideas." is what you're saying.

>Let me tell you, you will grow out of that edgy attitude when you get older.

It isn't edginess, it's the simple recognition that many intelligent people have that conventions are only useful insofar that they benefit the society they were created for. As soon as those conventions become widely regarded as retarded, their reign is effectively over.

There will always be revolutionaries who try to dethrone the conventions a little early and conservatives who regard anyone attempting to dethrone the convention as unwise or immature.

Sorry for noticing social and historical patterns we can avoid making happen again.

>> No.5397994
File: 215 KB, 376x330, edgy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. He's back and he's edgier than ever before.

>> No.5398000 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 392x300, babby troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ... you ... seriously ... responded to _that_ post?

What are you doing to my sides?

>> No.5398004


>> No.5398009

Your hate is too serious for this board, go away.

>> No.5398010

> breaking the law of copyright infringement because it's easy and you dont get in trouble for it is revolutionary

yeah. no. this is not revolutionary.

>> No.5398015

This is not about "winning the argument". There is no argument anymore. We all agree that you need to grow up. Seriously, kid. I was posting some words of advice. Just post less and think more. Irrationality and immature emotions won't get you anywhere. Go to school, read some books and take your time to form a coherent and consistent world view. I can understand that teenagers like you boisterously want to revolutionize society. But please hold it back for a moment and try to accept that there's a lot of things you don't know yet. You should listen to adults and their advice. Later you will see why and you will be grateful. Good luck.

>> No.5398017

I'm going to play devil's advocate here and side with this kid.

He has a point as far as the public library goes. If these books are already publicly accessible, little harm is done to their creators, especially when many of these creators are already dead.

Another factor to consider is that every year, thousands of publishing companies release calculus and science textbooks specific to each university, so the uni can rip off students and charge full price for "updated editions". Meanwhile, the only thing changed in the textbooks are the numbers, while all the explanations remain exactly the same. Meanwhile, the value of the previous editions drop to nothing.

Math books should be publicly available for free on the internet, and many are. Sciences should vary. If the science is old, it should be free. If it is new and cutting edge, or not widely known, it should be charge for.

>> No.5398023

>If these books are already publicly accessible, little harm is done to their creators,

The publishers give out special licenses to universities and oftentimes only uni staff can lend them. This is a difference to "open to the public":

>thousands of publishing companies release calculus and science textbooks specific to each university,

American problem, but I agree.

>Math books should be publicly available for free on the internet,
Why? Publishers want to eat too.

>> No.5398024

>Math books should be publicly available for free on the internet, and many are.
the copyright holder chooses whether to make it freely available.
if you want more free materials (and I mean actually free, not "i can get it without paying by breaking a law") you'll have to either make them or encourage mathematicians to - and publishers not to forbid it.

>> No.5398025

Don't bother, he he is at Starbucks now preparing for his next occupy movement. Only time will make him realize how immature his world view is.

>> No.5398034

>I'm going to play devil's advocate here and side with this kid.

Don't ruin the fun, bro. That kid is a good clown and serves to our amusement. Discussion with a pseudo-intellectual wannabe troll on the other hand is just tedious.

>> No.5398035

Don't be too rough on the kid. Many of us have only just moved past that phase. I condemn myself for doing so, because I know I've sold out. But it is not wrong to want to change a system that you know is inherently wrong in itself.

Education is a human right not to be restricted. It's a shame it is taken for granted in the United States, and the emphasis on its importance has switched from "it will help do better in life" to "it will help you do better on that test".

>> No.5398039

>feeling the need to degrade someone for their beliefs this strongly

Really? You're not any better than that kid that used to bully you in high school.

>> No.5398040

he doesn't have any intention of changing the system. by breaking the law (and patting himself on the back for it) he is supporting the current corrupt system.

>> No.5398046

How is downloading textbooks any better for the publisher than lending them from the library?

>> No.5398047

Well that's true. Does it bother you? You shouldn't be surprised to find narcissistic personalities on 4chan.

>> No.5398048

I guess. To be fair though, the one of the founding father's did say that it is the duty of the public to disobey unjust laws.

I don't really see how he's supporting the current corrupt system though. If anything, he weakens it. So long as companies see that people are willing to pay excessive prices for educative resources such as this, they will continue to charge that much, and advocate for protection from sharing such valuable information.

If they have enough money to make laws that make them more money, then that's what they'll do. Being forced to pay 250 dollars for an uncreative textbook isn't really beneficial to anyone but the company.

>> No.5398055
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It just shows how weak you are though.

Remember in the movies how the bully always had some deep insecurity or flaw that made him behave in this way? Narcissism was never the sole root of it. Daddy beat them, parents divorce, pet run over by a car, etc...

>> No.5398056

Whoops. Meant this for:

>> No.5398059

I know. Narcissism is not the cause but the symptom. I'm familiar with psychodynamics.

>> No.5398062

>implying he was referring to theft of private and intellectual property

>> No.5398070
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"I'm a troll, I think all communication is pointless, so I pointlessly communicate in the hopes that others will pointlessly communicate back. I then strut around like I won some contest that doesn't really exist whenever they do. This fantasy is very fun for me. Maybe I should just go into professional wrestling and be a Heel, but I'm too weak for that."

>> No.5398076

That wasn't the same poster, you idiot.

>> No.5398086
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"I'm going to turn you into a caricature again and act like I'm being the more rational and mature one, because acknowledging the idea that someone might disagree with social conventions while simultaneously being mature is just too much for me to handle."

Here, let me do the same thing to you: You reek of those forty year olds who had fun when they were twenty but talk like all the twenty-year-olds today are heathens who just don't get how to grow up.

>> No.5398097

>while simultaneously being mature

I wish he was more mature.

>> No.5398105

You can cut diamonds with that edginess

>> No.5398111
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The adults in my life right now are drunkards twice my age who don't have any responsibilities and I run the household for them.

My girlfriend and I take care of everything, and most of the adults in my life have been religious idiots.

I really don't like this "shut up you're just young" shit everyone pulls out of their ass whenever I have an opinion they refuse to refute.

They just want people to go wit the flow while not realizing that the flow changes with each generation.

I have a job, I pay taxes. I go to work and don't call in sick. I'm young, and I'm part of the internet generation but I'm not some crybaby rebellious fool. Most of the adults in my life are less mature than me.

The very things I am saying in this thread are ideas I've gotten from reading books by scientists, engineers, industrialists and other eccentric people from throughout the ages who did amazing things while they were alive.

And the trend is always the same: THEIR CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY REGARDED THEM AS FOOLS. I call it the Rudolf phenomenon.

So either address what I say or stop playing the "lol so edgy" game. I don't go to occupy wall street meetings. I want to make money, innovate, reinvest my wealth, contribute to society, and whatever else I can do while i'm alive.

>> No.5398119


You could market that vomit you regurgitate.

Got something new to say, or more of the old?

>> No.5398120

I got them from http://en.bookfi.org

I dont warranty virus free cuz I got it from google links. But I actually got my textbook mostly from torrent tho

>> No.5398129
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OP here, I only expected this thread to get 2-3 replies at most. Is this what fatherhood feels like?

>> No.5398138

OP here, I actually read the thread and I see that it spiraled into a retarded piracy argument. I guess this is what it feels like to parent a failure :(

>> No.5398158

Physical copies - amazon. Order a few weeks before the semester starts and you can get cheap used book in good condition

Digital copies - pirate bay

>> No.5398164

I usually buy from older students who had done the course. Usually half or one third the original prices

>> No.5398167
