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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5394788 No.5394788 [Reply] [Original]


Don't you think it's odd that essentially everyone you've ever met has an IQ of at least 130+?

IQs became the topic of discussion amongst my circle of friends yesterday, and many were quick to point out that theirs were well into the 150s/160s.

I tried to keep my mouth shut, but the blatant circlejerk and outright lying was making me cringe hard on the inside.

Why do people lie to themselves/others about their IQs? Is it integral to one's psyche?

>> No.5394800

It is human nature to want to feel superior to one another. Just look at /sci/.

>babby-tier xxx
>circle-jerk threads everywhere

>> No.5394807

the tests are dumb. you think doing tasks like a rubic's cube or pattern matching or triangle peg jumping is a mark of intelligent?

it depends how much practice a person has with the techniques, concepts, and strategy or a "game" to succeed at it.

i'm good at Mario 1 and beat it in like 5:16 seconds but that's because i practiced...if an IQ test was playing a game like mario 1...i'd have a 200 IQ or some shit number....but just because i played it a lot.

you think someone who can match a few patterns or answer arbitrary questions on language (english is highly semantic language with multiple correct answers at many times) is really going to invent the next invention that helps humanity?


fuck iq tests. value-less silliness.

>> No.5394811


.....and i wanna take a long jizz on that pale ghost in OP's photo.

>> No.5394843
File: 160 KB, 1366x624, genius (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEGIT genius here. Taking you are questions -- if their not to fucking retarded

>> No.5394868


>> No.5394871

Shoulda quizzed 'em. 20 second each:
>What's the third most populated country on earth, behind India and China?
>What's 14 x 17? (no calculator)
>Name all of the members of NAFTA
>Name two books/plays/pieces of literature written by Shakespeare
>What are the seven colors that make up a rainbow?

>> No.5394887
File: 31 KB, 400x419, 1354500415291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people lie to themselves/others about their IQs? Is it integral to one's psyche?

Could be because they genuinely believe it because of all the flawed internet tests. I've found that the internet tests adds 15-30 points compared to real tests being performed by the military in my country and psychologists.

According to all internet tests my IQ is between 128-140. According to shrinks who performed an IQ test on me during the draft said it was somewhere between 108-112.

>> No.5394915

Einstein, tesla, gates, newton, zuckerberg
Hamlet, romeo and juliet
Blue yellow purple pink orange green red
What's my iq
Did it in under 20 secs each btw

>> No.5394925

US, Canada, Mexico
King Richard III, Romeo & juliet
Red orange yellow green blue indigo violet

>> No.5394937

Never heard of it.
Romeo and Juliet
Red, brown, orange, white, black, gold, silver

>> No.5394948
File: 298 KB, 200x150, 1349145493661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white, black, gold, silver

>> No.5394952


like 75

>> No.5394958

indigo doesn't exist anymore, you fail

>> No.5394968

the colors of the rainbow are

gay gay gay gay gay gay gay

>> No.5394970

Wow you asshole the average must be like 60
I scored a 148 on an official online test in 7th grade

>> No.5395121

>china south africa britain australia
>the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, carry me down
>white pink purple brown blue red black

>> No.5395126 [DELETED] 

Why do you mock physics guy?

>> No.5395131

Why not? He's a ridiculous mentally ill clown.

>> No.5395144 [DELETED] 

How is he mentally ill?

>> No.5395154

Have you seen him spamming his /b/ reaction images in combination with elementary school level insults? It's too pathetic to be trolling. This person has some severe issues.

>> No.5395167 [DELETED] 

No, I haven't.

>> No.5395174
File: 202 KB, 1070x898, the_tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends. What tier are they studying in? If they have a 4.0 in God or Top tier I'd believe them.

Anyways, most people I've met don't even talk about their IQ. Even I don't talk about my IQ online so I think it's just your group OP.

>> No.5395180


>> No.5395243


well having a high GPA *can* correlate directly with a high IQ.

I'm more likely to believe a 4.0 GPA student has a 150+ IQ than any other schmuck claiming it.

>> No.5395262

North America Russia Canada Japan
Macbeth, Beowulf

>> No.5395271

The grades you get, regardless of the rigors of a course or program, demonstrate little about your intelligence. There are too many factors that play into what intelligence is, such as social capability and emotional awareness, to say that just because someone has very good grades in a highly math dependent program that they are necessarily also very intelligent. They are probably just very good at math and otherwise slightly above average intelligence, according to all the statistics that exist.

>> No.5395275

>rote memorization/knowledge storage capability
I guess computers are the most intelligent things ever.

>> No.5395280

This guy got them all write.

>> No.5395281

>Political Science
How can they even call that science?

>> No.5395283

How reliable is that SAT to IQ table? According to that, my mother and I have roughly the same IQ (the SAT scores being from different versions of the test). Seems plausible to me.