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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5394525 No.5394525 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that antigravity is real and the elite waits for the right moment to release the technology.


>> No.5394533


This goes with what I was saying in here... What I saw was in 60 degree triangle that seemed to have antigravity propelling it through the sky like it was nothing.

>> No.5394545
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>> No.5394547
File: 18 KB, 180x200, moss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the video OP

Pure comedy

>> No.5394551
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>trillions of orders of magnitude larger

>> No.5394561
File: 21 KB, 480x391, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not so funny if you actually look on the facts rather then the funny voice or pictures

Highly doubtful he just pulled it out of his ass

>> No.5394562

>implying every invention of the next fifty years hasn't already been invented and is the elites aren't just waiting to release them.

>> No.5394564 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 475x545, cod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is an ass. He pulled himself out of himself.

>> No.5394570

Thats what im saying!

But the point is, they wait untill earth ment to shit and NEEDS this technology, just so they can put themselves as saviors and form a one world government completely under their control

>> No.5394573


>> No.5394576

Food for thought


>> No.5394583


This isn't what I saw... I didn't take a picture... read my threads for my info

>> No.5394598

Im mostly on /x/..

>> No.5394666
File: 6 KB, 267x259, 1322692745149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5394561 >Highly doubtful he just pulled it out of his ass

>> No.5394669

It is you devil

Watch the video, i wouldnt be able to just pull that outta my ass

unless of course i like to believe so and stay dumb.

>> No.5394678


idk who this is.... but this shit was real.

Alright guys... if you like having your tax dollars go to nothing other than the fuck tards in washington rather than space exploration and advancement in modern science/physics by all means...

>>be the dumb skeptifags that you are

>> No.5394684


>> No.5394716


absolutely... I'm here for now but I mean I got a life and stuff so I'm about to head out in a while or so. Ask questions now, but if not I'll see y'all tom /sci/

>> No.5394719
File: 13 KB, 300x225, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a troll thread. Anyone posting below is contributing to the problem with /sci/.

>> No.5394722

Where are you? Where did you see them?

>> No.5394729


Florence, SC ... I don't live here now but visiting

>> No.5394730


Troll thread? no... I'm primarily hear to find answers


Some discovering jams to help y'all explore what the government doesn't want you to know

>> No.5394784


>> No.5394785

the government isn't as evil and overlordish as you seem to think, dude

>> No.5394801

so why hasnt someone built one of these yet?

>> No.5394806

They suddenly die when they do so

>> No.5394821

Because it's extremely expensive.

>> No.5394822

>mentions the yadda-yadda-shastra
Stopped watching there.
Good day and I hope this is the last year you see.

>> No.5394839

Can some actual Physicist here confirm any of this?

It seems reasonable to some degree, but then again ridiculous that you could negate the earth gravitational field by spinning some fluid. I am also a CompSci and don't have much idea about this.

Answer pl0x!

>> No.5394844

>antigravity is predicted by general relativity and considered in all cosmological models as dark energy

yeah you are just 96 years late dude.
The problem of antigravity is: you need exotic matter to create that. And we dont have exotic matter near the solar system, nor we have the technology necessary to create it.

>> No.5394858

>the nazis had this technology

yeah they escaped to the moon, see "legend of koizumi".

>> No.5394860

this man does it with 40lb of weight

>> No.5394870
File: 69 KB, 630x518, sagantestimony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch the video, i wouldnt be able to just pull that outta my ass

"Ladies and gentlemen of /sci/, I'd like to talk to you about a very serious breakthrough in quantum cuisine which I call Bose Ice Cream Condensates

When milk, sugar, cream, and other ingredients are contained and sealed within an "Ice Cream Box Potential", we see macroscopic quantum mechanical effects occur. The ice cream stops behaving as normal matter and starts behaving as a wave function, constantly fluctuating between multiple quantum states or "flavors" until the box is opened and the ice cream wave function collapses into a single flavor (though multiple experiments have shown that Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry can not only exist as single states but can also collapse into a superposition of all three - see the Neopolitan Paradox). Researchers Baskin and Robbins have identified 31 possible flavors so far.

I believe this breakthrough has serious implications not only for the dessert industry but for research into superconductivity and interstellar travel."

... that took 3 minutes, now imagine what kind of ridiculous stuff someone with an absurd amount of free time on their hands could come up with in 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, etc.

>> No.5394880

>Demonstrates simple conservation of momentum

>> No.5394888


Dude, I was looking for an explaination, not another video. This only confuses me further.


Can you explain what exactly is wrong with it? What wouldn't work by what laws?

>> No.5394903

I am interested in this. Assuming that most of his stuff is correct. Since I cannot test, I am eager to lean about mechanism and structure of the mechanism.

If possible can you guys recommend Books, Articles, Formulas, equations so I can start leaning about this mechanism? Great Thanks.

>> No.5394905


Thats what i would like to know too.

Give me ghe EXACT part of the formula that doesent work.

There is a part in the video that uses mathemathic formulas.

If youre so sure it doesent work, then please show me the EXACT part of the mathemathic formula that is wrong,

If you cant, stfu

>> No.5394940
File: 68 KB, 800x557, sagan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I explained in the thread on /x/ - most of the "explanations" in the video are just vague smatherings of physics terms with no rhyme or reason.

For example - at one point in the video the narrator claims that flying saucers use a "mercury plasma supercooled to 150 degrees kelvin" to generate some kind of 'physics cancelling' force field. There several glaringly wrong things with that sentence... least of all the fact that mercury is a solid below 234 kelvin.

I saw exactly one image during the video with any sort of formula on it - and it was very basic diagram showing how to write a discrete sum of states in bra and ket notation... which is completely meaningless in the context of the video. It'd be like putting a slide with nothing but a picture of the English and Chinese words for "asteroid" in a powerpoint for an astrophysics seminar.

>> No.5394953

>Bose Ice Cream Condensates
Oh god my sides hahahaha 10/10.

>> No.5394955

Wtf carl

Did you even watch the full video?

The entire video is full of math

And jts not just basic science

>> No.5394961 [DELETED] 

You should really use a different name so people don't confuse you with the old triptroll Carl !SAGAN7mVOk

>> No.5394966

Hey samefag, that Belgian photo was proven to be a fake.


Ufologist here.

>> No.5394967

<span class="math">F_grav=(G*m_1*m_2)/r^2[/spoiler]

For F to be negative, the mass must be negative. For there to be no force at all, the object cannot exist in this universe. A projection of a sort from another dimension might be feasible but it's still far too early to speculate. Alternatively, a strong enough magnetic field could be generated to nullify gravity for that system or superconducting levitation can be replicated on a larger scale perhaps when room temperature superconductors are finally created but, still, these methods are not genuine anti-gravity.

That is as far anti-gravity has gone and it will remain that way for quite a while. Leave it alone.

>> No.5394969

but ay-none, gyroscopes aren't antigravity.

>> No.5394979
File: 1.24 MB, 4000x2591, infogalaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I become a ufologist?

>> No.5394998
File: 22 KB, 315x304, carl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're confusing "factoids" with "math/science". Yes, the narrator does repeat a lot of trivia information (I think he lists off something like a dozen different phase transition temperatures for various elements) and posts a lot of pretty pictures and graphs... but most of them are either just images of something vaguely related to a term he used when talking - like a picture of superconductor levitation when he says the word "superconductivity" or a picture of a bar magnet when he says the word "magnetism" - or else completely meaningless in the context of what he's talking about at the moment .. which over the course of the video ranges from ancient aliens and secret Nazi labs to Mercury vortexes and physics cancelling force fields.

Meh, maybe some day, though I've grown attacked to it over the last couple years.

>> No.5395003
File: 18 KB, 320x240, drunk-alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possess technology for interstellar travel
>crashed in the Himalayas
this was the pilot i gues

>> No.5395011

And yet many people seem to see triangular ufos.
Apparentlx thex are fake.

Project bluebeam!

>> No.5395016

But bose-einstein condensates are real, and they behave exactly as he described.

>> No.5395021

>Here are my insane ramblings, now you skeptics can build it, wasting millions of dollars on a non-working piece of junk and debunk it!

It doesn't work that way. You propose the existance of your ring antigravity motor, so it's you who builds the fucking thing and demonstrates that it is indeed working.

>> No.5395025

If the practical effect is antigravity, what does it matter if quantum levitation isn't "true" antigravity?

>> No.5395028

>Bose Einstein Condensates are when you cool a gas and it acts like its one molecule
No... no that's not how they behave

>> No.5395030

>implying he has the resources to do this

>> No.5395062

Thats the thing.

Else i would do it just to prove it

If i could, i would

>> No.5395190

It would be funny if Bluebeam was true.

But it's just one guy's idea.

Shame, really...

>> No.5395314


Hey take a look at the thread for the recent ufo sighting over Florence, SC some ufag posted. Might keep you busy

>> No.5395348

I watched the video.

Wouldn't accelerating the fluid to relativistic velocity increase it's mass per relativity? If so, wouldn't this just warp space-time like a large amount of normal matter? Time would slow from an outside perspective and if the warp was curved enough, wouldn't it just collapse in on itself?

If this caused a warp so that it was repulsive, would time speed up as observed from the outside and wouldn't it just rip itself apart if the “negative” warp was curved enough?

>> No.5395406

Mass doesn't increase as you approach relativistic velocities. Energy increases (in the form of kinetic energy) and energy is equatable to mass.

>> No.5395420

Lets find something other than definitions to debate upon, mkay? Mass as defined by proportionality to inertia increases near lightspeed, mass as defined by mass at velocity zero doesnt, simple as that.

>> No.5395431



>> No.5395436

The mass wouldn't increase but the energy required to continue accelerating it would.

>> No.5395437


>> No.5395448


Feel so strange that such an obscure video get so many views.

>> No.5395470

Don't worry - most of it is just the same couple thousand ufo nutters watching it over and over again. One thing I've noticed about conspiracy theorists is they always have shitloads of vids and blog links bookmarked so they've got stuff ready to post at the drop of a hat.

My roommate sophomore year was a 'truther' and he had like 100 fucking "loose change"/inside job youtube vids bookmarked

>> No.5395555

>>5395470 >One thing I've noticed about conspiracy theorists is they always have shitloads of vids and blog links bookmarked so they've got stuff ready to post at the drop of a hat.

It's called doing research referencing your evidence.

>> No.5395571

When all your research is comprised of blog posts and shitty vids from conspiracy websites, or relies on assuming other conspiracy theories are already true, it's called 'confirmation bias'.

>> No.5395600


Read a god damn book for once in your life and stop giving the gov't so much credit. They don't have nearly that much power nor are they capable to do something like it

>> No.5395606

Conspiracy theorist logic 101:
The government is a perfect, nigh omnipotent organization capable of pulling off even the most complex and convoluted plots... but also leaves behind evidence that anyone with an internet connection and access to windows movie maker can uncover.

>> No.5395638

That's funny. 99% of the vids I have bookmarked are porn and the other 1% are youtube vids related to HP Lovecraft stories...

I wonder if that means anything...

>> No.5395645

It means you would probably enjoy /d/

>> No.5395657

TR-3B is definitely real, it's just an Aurora Black Project. It is supposedly reverse engineered alien technology, although some people say it's Tesla/Nazi/Atlantean (lol) technology. I think it's more likely to be ingenuity of man; nonetheless, it is definitely real.

>> No.5395663


Oh, give me a break. Shitty disinfo attempt, my trolling compadre.

>> No.5395664


Their shit was fucked with by Earth's gravitational field, possibly human interference they hadn't bargained for.

>> No.5395674

>Every object in the universe has a gravitational field
>Get fucked up by one backwater planet
Or even better
>bronze age Indians fucking up a star-ship from the ground

>> No.5395702

what's happenin in this thread

>> No.5395745

everyone thought this was /x/ and just went nuts

>> No.5395797

I always love these kind of threads.

I remember one a month or two ago where /pol/ dumped a bunch of 9/11 shit here and /sci/ tore the truthers a new asshole.

Good times... good times.

>> No.5395802

Hey guys... I'm the one who posted up the stoop kid story. Fuck you and your unused nerd power. I guess virgins like you can't think of anything else but to shit on conspiritorial kind of shit because y'all are to busy thinking about what porn you are going to watch next faggots.

>> No.5395806

>he mad

>> No.5395807

must be nice to be a sheep

>> No.5395836

>Believing in hard facts and scientific reasoning over anecdotes and shitty youtube vids makes you a sheep

>> No.5395843

must be nice to be ravaged up the anus

>> No.5395865

now exactly how did they tear them a new asshole. That statement is very opinionated.

>oh man, someone is sharing the same sided belief as me, so no matter what, they win.

Am I on reddit?

>> No.5395872

The thread hit something in the 200 post range before people stopped posting and most of those posts were very clear, concise, detailed debunkings of all the bad science that the "inside job" crowd has to offer. By the end all the truthers could do was post the same circumstantial arguments and coincidences they always resort to when they lose the physics/engineering side of the debate.

>> No.5395903

If anyone on the planet had anti-gravity tech they could easily take of the Earth.
>I'm gonna fling this asteroid at you if you don't do exactly what I say.

>> No.5396520


Do you think people just get money thrown at them for no reason to do some research on something?

Write a paper detailing what you're investigating, layout the theory and other groundwork, prepare presentations and be ready for peer review.


>> No.5396696 [DELETED] 

>trillion dollar stealth warship flying saucer gets shot down/has mechanical failure above the ocean
>hundreds of gallons of liquid mercury pour out into the ocean.

there are plenty of reasons why this seems like a bad idea.

i like seafood, and i'd like to be able to eat crab and salmon more than once a year.

>> No.5396790

Therein lies the problem - there is no theoretical basis for anything the OP or the video he's posted is described outside of bullshit "meta energy"/"psychic pyramid"/"anti-physics" nonsense

It'd be like asking a physicist to explain how angels bowling in heaven produces thunder.

>> No.5397226


That doesn't make sense at all either "all knowing one". Anti gravity is a technology and is probably going to be the new physics that's going to come out and your grand kids are going to look at it and be all like ... Grandpa was a fag.

>> No.5397294

And tomorrow I'm going to buy a unicorn and fly across the rainbow to the land of Oz

>> No.5397306
File: 64 KB, 574x519, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a TR B3 in 1985 in Santa Cruz, California.

It was at night and I was standing on a balcony as it flew directly overhead. It's hard to say how wide it was because it was at night - my guess is twice the wing-span of a 747, traveling about about 60 MPH.

It was silent flying, but I seem to remember some kind of vibration or low hum.

It had three dim white lights at each angle, but I don't remember if it had a light in the center.

I was 15 at the time.

>> No.5397318

You like the place?

>> No.5397325


aside from all the faggots, it's okay.

>> No.5397324


thank you anon! I don't know if you saw a thread a posted a couple of days ago on here but I was driving down the road with my friend and noticed it was hovering right above the neighborhood we were about to go to pick our friend up. It was just hovering there at the speed of a blimp (imagine a kite or balloon that is tied to a string with those lights you were talking about) and it was in the formation of 60 degree triangle just like that. It was COMPLETELY silent. We turned down the radio all the way down, this was out on a busy street in Florence, SC ; I was visiting family.

Any way when we were about to turn in we looked up and saw the three lights with two colored lights at the wing of the "plane" counting for a total of 5 lights.

Only thing is, when we looked up at it when we were directly under it it was completely transparent and could see the sky and stars behind it... it was about 5 p.m. so it was around twilight part of the day.

My friend told me to look out the window while he was taking a u-turn to follow it and by the time I hung my head out the window it was going at the speed of a leer jet. We drove like 0.1 miles down the road before we realized we couldn't catch up to this thing.

>> No.5397338 [DELETED] 

Here are some more detailed schematics I got from a real physicist who worked at Area 51

>> No.5397342
File: 60 KB, 574x519, ufoschematics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some more detailed schematics I got from a real physicist who worked at Area 51

>> No.5397350

It's nice to have people with actual experience, don't take it as an insult

>> No.5397353

when did /sci/ become /x/

>> No.5397369


it's not alien. it's something that is flying around out there and it seems like there's a lot of them. i suppose it's interesting to speculate about how it flies, but the truth is no one really knows, unless you know.

it's big and it flies around silently. could be a high tech blimp of some kind. but then why is it triangular? dunno.

believe it or now.

>> No.5397434

Oh it could be a couple of people seeing a whole lot of nothing and the occasional person seeing a fighter jet

TADA! Mystery fucking solved!

>> No.5397439

Not you again. What drives you to write "sage" in the subject field?

>> No.5397444

It's always been that way. How new are you?

>> No.5397493

>>daily reminder

Great, seems like I missed quite a bit since I've been out

also if antigravity is real why haven't extremely sensitive gravity gradiometers detected it?


>> No.5397540

But, you're saying they already ARE in control.
So, 'they' have invented many unreleased gadgets (apparently without the help of the hoi-palloi, or just killed everyone making them)
'they' control technology releases
'they' have a complex understanding of society that suggests there is a benefit to NOT releasing tech
'they' decide to wait 1, 10, 50 years for releasing it
'they' still need to change politics so they get control?

You've invented a cabal that has everything (magically), controls everything, yet still thinks they have to wait and change it all.

>> No.5397544

>Because it's extremely expensive.

The secret cabal that controls all new tech and controls governments and all business, manipulating everyone without being found out --
needs cash?

>> No.5397550


The 'spinning fluid' and 'magical magnetics' schemes are both complete bullshit.

Their story success is based on a simple psychological that our minds appreciate spinning, magnetic, and geometric motions.

Physics HAS tested such schemes -- often. But the real tests aren't nearly as well distributed as the know-nothings distributing the lie.

>> No.5397557

>There is a part in the video that uses mathemathic formulas.

So what?
Do you really know what the formula applies to, or how it proves something?
Did the video actually provide values in the formula, and did you check to see if those values are appropriate?
Did the formula alone prove a significant drop in gravity?

You're standing on the formula bit like it proved something, but I'll bet it was just a partial bit of math that doesn't prove anything -- they used it to pretend they have a foundation, and fooled you.

You should be angry at that.

>> No.5397559

>For example - at one point in the video the narrator claims that flying saucers use a "mercury plasma supercooled to 150 degrees kelvin" to generate some kind of 'physics cancelling' force field. There several glaringly wrong things with that sentence... least of all the fact that mercury is a solid below 234 kelvin.

OMG... a supercooled -plasma-?
I've seen the number '150 degrees K' plastered across lots of these claims -- apparently, its a very attractive number for the suckers.

>> No.5397563

Is his name google?

>> No.5397571
File: 1.64 MB, 304x268, 1356855346744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But without all the Illuminati and NWO bullshit, can someone coherently explain to me why this technology is complete bullshit?

Im retarded.

>> No.5397577

>If the practical effect is antigravity, what does it matter if quantum levitation isn't "true" antigravity?

Very simple:
you're mislabeling the effect

anti-gravity isn't a result, it's a physical force.

Airplanes do not have anti-gravity, even if they do not fall.
A rocket does not have anti-gravity, even if it moves away from the planet.
Having an anti-gravity engine would drastically change those devices, and it really does matter by which force principles they work.

>> No.5397582

i cant watch vids here. is there sum text that explains it, or someone willing to type it here?

>> No.5397591

yeah, someone type a transcript, I might even pick apart his arguments.

>> No.5397599

>Wouldn't accelerating the fluid to relativistic velocity increase it's mass per relativity? If so, wouldn't this just warp space-time like a large amount of normal matter? Time would slow from an outside perspective and if the warp was curved enough, wouldn't it just collapse in on itself?

We have acceleration devices -- check how much mass they actually accelerate, in rings many kilometers long, in devices so complex teams are constantly maintaining them, and how much money it takes to build them.

This guy is suggesting a small craft does the same, but for millions of times more mass?

He doesn't think the inertia would change? Or that the structure would heat up? Or that the rotation would spin the craft? Or that friction or turbulence or cooling become problems?
Nope, he just ignores all normal forces and claims the extrapolation is true, regardless of not being able to show it or how it happens.

>> No.5397607


Ok, so even if we say that a lot of this info has some holes in it's story, and not all laws of inertia / force are explained. But, don't you think that there's more to this type of vehicle that counter acts those forces to produce something that we don't know like a bubble around an object that's supposed to be put in motion? I'm new in physics, but I mean there has to be more on a craft than just spinning mercury really really fast.

Also, I'm more of an organic chemist ... but just started O chem 2 so I'm not as informed as I would like to be, do molecules that move in a certain direction produce force? I know it produces heat and changes the entropy but pure force like that?

>> No.5397609

>Their shit was fucked with by Earth's gravitational field, possibly human interference they hadn't bargained for.

Absolutely STUNNING people can make such stupidly weak excuses for explanations.

Interstellar aliens surprised by GRAVITY?
An interstellar-capable craft damaged by unprepared HUMANS?

Good GOD, you have a bizarre understanding of what is special about Earth.

>> No.5397623

no, even the pictures of "scientists" he flashes about who supposedly have discovered antigravity effects are bullshit because their work has never been reproduced with the same results by actually reputable institutions.

>> No.5397627


I agree ... but even so ... earth is rich with minerals, people, and other things. I know this isn't /x/ but I mean fuck; If there are other people out there in the galaxies of our solar system they are going to study us just like we study bacteria in science. There's little use for them compared to us as humans, but there are a lot of advantages of gaining more knowledge about a species not known to you.

>> No.5397635


Do you recognize any of those scientist? Have you looked at their work? Are there more than one scientist that has checked their work yet?

I haven't looked at the video and don't really want too to be honest with you, but I feel like if more than one person was working on anti gravity, there would be replicated experiments to prove this theory works... Or atleast that's what I would do...

>> No.5397636

>Anti gravity is a technology and is probably going to be the new physics that's going to come out

Anti-gravity cannot be a technology; it is a theoretical physical force.

We name technologies by how they work -- aerodynamic wings, for instance.
When you see something that describes how anti-gravity works, that is when it will be worth looking.

Assuming it exists (just because we can imagine it) and that physics has discovered it (although none claim it, and everyone would want to) and that all of the physics and engineering of it are covered up (even though no one would want to) because you believe there are cabals who control the government or populace (who are always invincible and never reveal themselves, but also never work in the normal ways or marketing and financial benefits)... well, it means you know nothing and still fight about it.

>> No.5397644

Yes, I know all of them because years ago I read up on most of the antigravity material available on the web. Not one of their experimental results has ever been reproduced, and others DID try.

>> No.5397652

If it works it's the most retarded way of proppeling yoursellf through space. If I want intersteller travel I'd like my engine to work regardless whether I'm close to a planet or not.

>> No.5397676

>Ok, so even if we say that a lot of this info has some holes in it's story, and not all laws of inertia / force are explained. But, don't you think that there's more to this type of vehicle that counter acts those forces to produce something that we don't know like a bubble around an object that's supposed to be put in motion?

Let's back up a bit first -- the claim goes right to producing a vehicle and then explains how it is presumed to work. That's exactly the opposite way to approach anything, because you cannot build the engine UNTIL you know the forces and how to make them.

Likewise, you just imagined a force putting a 'bubble around an object' -- why?
What is in the bubble?
In science fiction, it's often a region of low gravity (which we cannot make happen) or warped space (which we cannot make happen). We can describe why it might be useful, but not how to do it, and that is critical!

>I'm new in physics, but I mean there has to be more on a craft than just spinning mercury really really fast.

Yes, obviously -- but since these people don't have a clue how to do it, they merely invent something we cannot do that sounds good -- in this case, something that only sounds good if you have no idea what they are describing. "Mercury plasma supercooled to 150K and spinning near relativistic speeds" is COMIC-BOOK stupid. There isn't any part of that which sounds -possible- or like it might create a fundamental force.

It's the kind of thing that builds on previous stupidity, too -- the next one will add some additional impossible detail, but since he never had to prove the first one, will just insist it's been done and proven.
It's the opposite of science -- working on what has NEVER been done, never been tested, and ignoring all peer-review steps, but claiming progress and pushing forward into the lie.

>> No.5397684

>If there are other people out there in the galaxies of our solar system they are going to study us just like we study bacteria in science. There's little use for them compared to us as humans, but there are a lot of advantages of gaining more knowledge about a species not known to you.

Oh, there might certainly be reasons for aliens to VISIT; no one is arguing that.
The claim, though, was that the visitors would be brought down, confused, and destroyed by what they find here.

Do you imagine that a bowman might actually be able to strike a spacecraft and bring it down with an arrow? or that Earth's gravity is somehow unexpected?

>> No.5397699

Hey /sci/, can you help me with this basic factoring problem? Didn't want to start a new thread so I posted it here. Thanks.

>> No.5397701
File: 2 KB, 174x87, dwadwda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.5397721


>> No.5397722


>> No.5397733

Thx m8s.

>> No.5397734

AHH, I get it now. These kinds of problems always make me feel stupid. Thanks again, /sci/.

>> No.5397839


what is that formula?

>> No.5397990


It is NOT a formula.
It is an EXPRESSION, and it was a factoring problem.

Words matter in math; expression, formula, equation, algorithm, term; these are different, and not similar enough to sprinkle about randomly.

>> No.5397995

Is this OP?
Just because it uses math symbols doesn't mean it describes some relationship in physics.

And because the video cited had math graphics in it doesn't mean they are relevant, correct, or demonstrate what the key physical question of the video is.

>> No.5398003


If antigravity were possible, there would be money to be made... therefore the "elite" would release it.

>> No.5398014

No kidding;
the people who assume conspiracy and keep insisting that technology is already developed but held back have to remember:
you have to show WHY someone would hold back tech, because it means money and power for them to release it.

If you cannot, assume you are making a psychological error, assuming persecution.

>> No.5398106

>he didn't look at the picture

>> No.5398128

I'm not dumb enough to believe in such things as an elite organization which hoards technology but it could be argued that one could theoretically travel through time by using an anti gravity device to hold open a worm hole.
Of course you could only travel back to the wormhole you were exiting through at an earlier point in time and really the ability to travel across two points in space in such a short time would more than offset any worries about causality.

>> No.5398141
