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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5394202 No.5394202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"When LSD swept through the scientific community for pharmacologist, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, it had the same kind of excitement and feeling of breakthrough that the splitting of the atom had for the Physics community in the late thirties."
>Usage, Possession and Scientific research got banned on all Psychedelics in 1966
>Scientific research got banned
>Scientific research

Doesn't it ring a bell that maybe something is going on? Maybe the media and the governments are covering up something?
>Video very much related (quote from the vid)

>> No.5394210


>> No.5394216
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Did you even see the video?
Would you say that to the Nobel Prize Winning Chemist Dr Karry Mullis?

>> No.5394221
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>> No.5394223
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>peer reviewed research result

>> No.5394225


Oh shet a Nobel Prize Winner you say?!

Let me sacrifice 10 rubber chickens to the Nobel committee and from now on believe every word a Nobel prize winner says even when he isn't qualified to comment in a research particular field.

Look up Linux Pauling and his vitamin C bullshit

>> No.5394231


wtf are you even talking about?

>Believe anything that a Nobel prize winner says

I gave you an example. One out of many examples. Also 3 years personal research on the subject.

I didn't come here to see a fucking 14 year old kid tell me Psychedelics belong to /x/

Maybe read a couple papers on the subject before you derp.

>mfw /sci/ has cancer

>> No.5394233


sorry, cut part of it, forgot to paste it back.

"I gave you an example. One out of many examples. I didn't base my knowledge on what anyone says about Psychedelics. I have had my personal experiences. Also 3 years research on the subject."

>> No.5394235


Read up on Linus Pauling and his bullshit for starts.

And he's not the only scientist with Noobel prize bullshitting all over research communities.

>> No.5394236

Can you atleast summarize what you're talking about ?
> my word is greater than a nobel prized scientists word.
Yeah. No.

>> No.5394237

Remember Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

The governments/media aren't covering up anything, they are simply ignorant of the huge potential of use of psychedelics in medicine. They'd rather just ban everything drug related across the board than do some research to find a sensible middle-ground.

>> No.5394238
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Okay. What's your point about the subject I posted?

Are you saying Psychedelic discussion belongs to /x/ and has nothing to do with science?

>> No.5394248

>huge potential of use of psychedelics in medicine
Like what?
Just curious.

>> No.5394252


Take a look at example of a Nobel prize winner advocating something he is not qualified to advocate. Linus Pauling is good example because he's a famous chemist but he has no qualifications in medicine while taking vitamin C for "health benefits" is indeed a medical field, not chemistry.

You can had a Nobel prize in Physics, Chemistry, Economics and World Peace but this does not qualify you to do research in medicine. And the effect of LSD on human body is a MEDICAL research field.

>> No.5394253

nothing according to research
>because there is none

>> No.5394256


Here is one.
You are wrong sir. There has been many research recently on Psychedelics (past 3-4 years)

>> No.5394260


Forgot link:

>> No.5394266
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>advocating something he is not qualified to advocate.
>advocating a harmless substance that expands consciousness and helped the scientist develop a system that brought him the Nobel Prize
>harmless substance that expands consciousness = not qualified

Care to elaborate on what makes Psychedelics Not Qualified?
Tell me about your own experience on them, and/or reasons/evidences you have.

>mfw -probably- all you know is probably based on what mommy and daddy told you, and what you learned at school. Also have never done them yourself either

>> No.5394271


I derped.

You were saying "He is not qualified"

I change that line to:
Care to elaborate on what makes you qualified to decide who is qualified to advocate substances that can alter consciousness and benefit the user?

>> No.5394274

Mainly psychology, because of how psychedelics forces people out of their regular thought patterns, they can be hugely helpful in diagnosing and treating mental problems. Studies have also shown that psychedelic experience help ease symptoms such as anxiety and depression in some subjects.

It has other more concrete applications as well, for example in treating cluster headaches. Classical psychedelics such as LSD and shrooms have been shown to be hugely effective in stopping and preventing cluster headache attacks, more so than any regular, accepted medicine. Here's a clip about this topic: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/drugs-inc/videos/magic-mushroom-medicine/

>> No.5394281
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I'm going to just leave this here.

>> No.5394282

>Usage, Possession and Scientific research got banned on all Psychedelics in 1966

>> No.5394285
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Got banned for about 40 years.
Recently, they are doing it again. But it's very tough to get permission.

>> No.5394291

So...? There's no cover-up or grand conspiracy going on. The war on drugs caused strict laws, that's all.

>> No.5394294

thanks for proving me wrong. I can be overly pessimistic sometimes.

>> No.5394297

>substance that expands consciousness
Are you trolling?

>> No.5394299

Obviously humans evolved so that our brains would perform best only under the influence of a chemical that takes a high degree of technology to manufacture. This is very plausible and not ridiculous nonsense that only a drug addict would come up with,

>> No.5394300

> claims to not have heard of this
Are you trolling?

>> No.5394304


Before I answer, how was your own experience?

>> No.5394307

>substance that alters consciousness

>> No.5394309


Damn it, I'm fucking up too much.
>Working and monitoring this thread at the same time

It was answer to THIS:

>> No.5394310

>Implying we can't make humans better using chemicals that take high technology to manufacture
Go back to creationism

>> No.5394313

The brain doesn't perform "better" on LSD, at least, not in a survival point of view (just try going hunting or escaping predators when high). It performs differently. It can give you new perspectives on a subject, perspectives you probably wouldn't have come up with in your natural state.

>> No.5394314

With which particular substance?

>> No.5394320
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OP here.

I acknowledge that this statement in my post is false/stupid:
>Maybe the media and the governments are covering up something?

Don't know why I wrote that. I don't think there is a conspiracy going on, but very high level of ignorance is the case.
Also, please watch the video.

>pic unrelated

>> No.5394321

sure is fallacious in here

>> No.5394322


>Damn it, I'm fucking up too much.

You're babbling on like a DRUG ADDICT THAT'S FUCKING STRUNG OUT in a thread about drugs.

>oh the irony

>> No.5394324

its probably true

>> No.5394328


tell about your anecdotal experience on /x/

this is a science board, here we talk about medical studies for population size N and statistical analysis.

>> No.5394331

perfect example of "high level of ignorance" are some of the comments here.

>>5394322 (This, because I don't even drink coffee/alcohol. No tobacco either. As I said, I'm at work.)

>> No.5394335

That's exactly what psychedelics do. Nobody is saying that LSD makes you a level 99 supergenius, but it definitely changes, enlarges, and enhances your perspective.

>> No.5394339
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>another /sci/tard who doesn't have a clue about the subject, nor has ever had the experience himself, yet expresses invalid opinion.

>> No.5394349

>nor has ever had the experience himself
Are you experiencing the subject as we speak?

>> No.5394357


I studied Psychedelics for 5 months before ever taking them. Then in the course of a year, I have done 5 experiences (on mushrooms). None of which was in festivals or concerts or listening to music and things like that like hippies and the general public do. I meditated on them and thought about subjects like:
>Chaos Theory
>Biological Evolution
>Evolution of consciousness

Also watched Fractal zooms and other 'science' and 'philosophy' related things.

So what I'm saying here is all based on this. (note that I said 5 months research at first, which also continued after the first experience for more than a year now. There are lots of papers on them)

>nor has ever had the experience himself
I meant it's obvious that you have never done the experience, because if you did, you would never use the word "anecdotal experience".

>> No.5394376


The problem with such experiments is that they can not be replicated, simply because different people react differently do said psychedelic drugs.

In other words, the knowledge that you got very high that one time behind the lab building, doesn't necessarily translate that everyone who eats a mushroom behind a lab building will get high and therefor the amount of information gained is not very much. If 1000 people ate the same mushroom behind the same lab building and reached same level of high, now that's a good study.

>> No.5394384
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Did you see the part in the video that 4 scientists take LSD in a room and work on their problems? (video in the first post)

If so, what do you think about that? Is that kind of study helpful in your opinion?

>> No.5394413

Is it just short curcuiting your brain or allowing your brain to take more in than usual?

>> No.5394422


>> No.5394460

le drugs xD
so enlightened
le edgyiar than u!!1

>> No.5394469
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>> No.5394473

ughh back to >>>/lit/ please

>> No.5394480

There is many and very honourable scientific researches going on psychedelic right now. Look at what do the heffer institut!

A related video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ZJtdZUy1LYE#t=1288s

>> No.5394490

The first and obvious used is PET scan with radioactif DOI, to map the brain.
There is also many diffrent uses in research. This discovery have lead to a better understanding of the serotonin system which have lead to the discovery of important drugs (anti-psychotics, anti-depressiv, anti-migrain, sleep aid,...)

Psychedelics in themself could be used in different therapies (post stress traumatism, fear of death) and also helping in addiction (iboga).

It's a very short an not complete summary.
It's really a growing and fascinating field!

>> No.5394746

LSD was used in one study to help terminally ill patients cope with their impending death. i believe there are also uses for PTSD

>> No.5394846
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>ITT: Autists fail to realize the reason we have a controlled substances list is so that the pharmaceutical companies can run a monopoly on drugs and the banned substances are just the ones they can't or won't sell

Don't you retards understand the effect that legal LSD or shrooms would have on the pharmaceutical industry?

On the other hand there's nothing more tedious than listening to dumbfuck users get on their soapbox and scorn everyone who doesn't care for drugs or their widespread use

>> No.5394853

LSD and psylocibin were sold by pharmaceutical compagny before they became illegal.

Pharmaceutical compagny would love to make research on them btw.

>> No.5394964

LSD scores pretty highly on "drug-specific/related impairment of mental function"

How safe is it to take LSD?

>> No.5394999

>How safe is it to take LSD?
Dependends, unless you get yourself into trouble nothing bad will happen.

It do have a rather strong effect on the mind though

>> No.5395000

I was speaking with a lot of LSD users over internet.
If you take LSD rarely, impairment of mental function are unlikely.
If you take it too often (once in a week, or more), then the troubles start to come.