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File: 601 KB, 3500x4194, feel hang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5379053 No.5379053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw make close to six figures
>tfw in the prime of youth
>tfw haven't had sex in 6 months

Just fucking kill me.

>> No.5379060

What is your job?

>> No.5379063

surething, gif address pls

>> No.5379068

buy a hooker?

>> No.5379638

what part of the country do you live in?

a pretty Asian prostitute won't cost you more than $200.

>> No.5379655

>murric is only cuntry in da world

This is what amerifats actually believe. Don't you have to choke on some fat fast food?

>> No.5379683

>tfw make no money
>tfw prime of youth
>tfw virgin

>> No.5379695

>tfw in college
>tfw it is supposed to be the best time of my life
>tfw literally no friends, no social life and havent had sex in 2 years

>> No.5379692

I think you're on the wrong board

>> No.5379704

OP can you give me a low interest loan plz.

>> No.5379722

>>tfw make close to six figures

>> No.5379733

Fuck you op

>grow up in abusive family
>socially and academically catatonic till 20
>Go to CC, eventually transfer to uni
>Less contact with family
>Learn about exercise, eating healthy
>Gain confidence, start doing well in school >learn to play guitar, sing
>doing well socially/academically
>Happy for the first time in 20 fucking years
>Then 2011
>Malpractice incident
> Develop problems with brain and lungs
>Lose everything, drop out of school >completely disabled, even voice is shot
> Never had sex, physically CAN NO LONGER HAVE SEX
>Cure may be available in 2022, thanks to regenerative medicine, if I'm lucky

Fuck doctors, seriously

>> No.5379736


You're suing right?

>> No.5379746


Thought about it at first, decided against it

>> No.5379760
File: 474 KB, 233x169, 1355674549001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex isn't everything, actually it's nothing
it's one of the attractions in the theme park of society, give your life a higher goal and you'll be glad you don't have to take this burden of craving for sex with you

>> No.5379767


Why the fuck wouldn't you sue them?

>> No.5379773


Buy an escort if it's that much of a problem idiot.

>> No.5379779


>give your life a higher goal

That's deep and all, but I'm essentially waiting to die bro. And thanks to modern technology I get to watch all of my friends and family graduate school, become doctors/engineers/scientists, fuck, and fall in love in the meantime.

if I could give my life a "higher goal" I would.

>> No.5379785


Wow. I bet you haven't even tried asking a girl out. You have a 6 figure salary. There are thousands of women who would love for you to buy them a drink and treat them awesome and sleep with you.

>> No.5379789
File: 114 KB, 1000x922, 1355608991001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I could
you can, you're just too scared to let the idea go that you can. Otherwise you could fail and make things worse, huh? What the fuck man, have fun with your screwed life you don't even use and cry yourself every night to sleep like the pussy you are.

>> No.5379792


You're in luck OP, I happen to be a professional hitman; just tell me where you live and pay me $100,000 and I'll put you out of your misery.

>> No.5379799


Okay, so you want to file a malpractice suit
against someone with vast resources at their disposal, and you have a chronic illness that is barely medically recognized and have a central nervous system so messed up that you could be outwitted by a third grader.

It doesn't make for a good ending

>> No.5379802

>make slightly higher than minimum wage
>in prime of youth
>haven't had sex ever
If I'm not fucking depressed, why are you fucking depressed?

>> No.5379811


Lobotomize yourself and then get back to me

>> No.5379818

>Lawyers have no incentives to win a multi-million dollar malpractice suit
Yeah, no. You're a faggot.

>> No.5379819
File: 39 KB, 289x303, 1355872006001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should I? I don't care about you.

Good bye.

>> No.5379821


You're depressed. You just haven't realized it yet.

>> No.5379826

So fucking what? At least he will get some recognition for what happened. Even if he loses the case, it's still better than doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.5379835


The story I posted was a very rough summary of a very complicated situation which I don't feel like typing out. I did see a lawyer and tried getting pursuing a case, it didn't pan out very well. The example I gave you earlier I figured would be incentive to kill the topic, so you can stop prying, I don't want to discuss it.



>> No.5379841


Meant to respond to >5379819

>> No.5379843

So pretty much you're bullshitting and you're a faggot.

>> No.5379858


Some people are really unbelievable, this is 4chan though, I should have expected as much.

>> No.5379864
File: 174 KB, 500x278, michaelscott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only going to ask you this once :