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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 1024x768, 1355106684465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5369352 No.5369352 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck mods. Please bring back Putnam sticky. It was the only thing worth it on /sci/ and it was fun to see how people analyzed problems and shit. PLEASE BRING IT BACK! Or at least some other kind of "Mathematical Problem of the day".
Sexy koala unrelated.

>> No.5369367

You are free to post a putnam problem whenever you want. It doesn't need a sticky.

>> No.5369373

Yes, it does need a sticky because otherwise, it dies off.
Also, I tried posting problems before but most of the posts were faggots saying not to post homework. I just ended up giving the solutions at the end of every thread and no one thought it was anything other than homework,

>> No.5369374

Considering /sci/ this days I think IMO problems would be more adequate.

>> No.5369376

>Yes, it does need a sticky because otherwise, it dies of

Are you retarded? If a thread dies out on a board as slow as /sci/, then clearly not enough people are interested. Thanks for proving that it does indeed not need a sticky.

>> No.5369378

these* same poster btw.

>> No.5369402

Read the rest of the post to know why it dies off you fucking piece of shit.
Your kind are the tumor that /sci/ needs to get rid of.

>> No.5369410

>appeals to emotion

I guess the discussion is over. Thanks for playing. You lost.

>> No.5369411
File: 14 KB, 257x200, 1351283435640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ can't even do these

>> No.5369417

Considering over 90% of the posters in /sci/ are freshmen it is easy why there are no quality posts. I don't have a problem with helping eager math and physics students, but these same students are the ones stinking up /sci/ with troll threads and shit posts, so you must forgive the competent /sci/entists.

>> No.5369418


>> No.5369419

>oh no, people are not interested in my thread

I found a better place for you: http://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerk/

>> No.5369424
File: 149 KB, 1312x493, wave function feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 99% of /sci/ is composed of American popsci edgy reddit kids who dropped out of middle school

>> No.5369436

Except you're wrong. While the incompetent freshmen and high schoolers are responsible for most of the homework and school blogging shit, it is in fact the competent posters who are shitting up /sci/ by trolling out of boredom. Take a look at these threads where people post their courses. Most of the posters there name advanced science and math courses. But why do we never see these topics discussed on /sci/? Either hundreds of people are lying about their courses or they intentionally decide to not talk about their studies and instead keep shitposting and trolling.

>> No.5369437

It's not MY thread faggot. Mods used to make them and also, there were plenty of people interested in them hence why many were solved in the end of the day.
Also, I found a better place for YOU: reddit.com/r/autism

>> No.5369443

>Most of the posters there name advanced science and math courses

>> No.5369442

>there were plenty of people interested in them

Obviously not even enough posters to keep the thread alive on a board where one bump a day makes a thread surivive for months.

>> No.5369477

Would like to see interesting questions and serious discussions.

>> No.5369479 [DELETED] 


>> No.5369501


>> No.5369509

Most of the PPotD problems *are* from the IMO.

>> No.5369510

Give evidence please.

>> No.5369515

>hurr durr
"Each day, one of currently 612 different Putnam, national or international Olympiad problems is displayed here."

>> No.5369520

The mods never stickied the Putnam threads; that was a /sci/tizen who got a hold of some password hashes. Best you can do is post them and use the catalog to find them when they're posted.

>> No.5369601

IMO and most other poorly designed high school and undergraduate math competitions consist almost exclusively of a bunch of little monotonous and mindless symbolic tricks learned to solve problems; they are devoid entirely of the kind of abstraction and deeper thought required for solving real problems in mathematics.

Any terribly unintelligent jester can spend several months of their free time preparing for these competitions with their head stuck in problem solving textbooks, like the kids in India do, and they will be able to score decently.

>> No.5369607

I think a jester would be way funnier than some kid from india who studies math all day. So your metaphor sucks. So you're dumb. so you probably suck at math
so you're a poser
so you belong on /sci/

>> No.5369614

Are these non sequiturs and overgeneralizations supposed to be funny?

>> No.5369623

>"Mathematical Problem of the day"

This sounds like Project Euler. Is Putnam something similar?

>> No.5369721
File: 4 KB, 546x69, day[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, often abbreviated to the Putnam Competition, is an annual mathematics competition for undergraduate college students
See http://www.math.harvard.edu/putnam/index.html

>> No.5369740


The problem is that for more advanced classes that are not general (chem,calc, etc), it's very hard to get a discussion going because most people have not or will not ever learn those subjects.

That is why threads with basic highschool/freshman shit get 200 replies, while more advanced topics get very little, but I know that there are knowledgeable posters on this board, if you have a niche question.

>> No.5369750

That is a weird picture. Now it is my desktop.

regardless of all these exciting developments, couldn't someone just post a good question here and hope it gets stickied?

>> No.5370226

I'll give this a bump.

>> No.5370355

putnam still exists you fucking retard. you dont need /sci/ for that shit, just go do it.

>> No.5370714

I want to do it with other people on /sci/ you stupid fucking bitch.
Also, when the fuck did you come back? I thought you were finally banned for good.

>> No.5370720
File: 195 KB, 365x330, 1236565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it you stupid cunt.

>I want to do it with other people on /sci/
and by that you mean you want to do it yourself and then show off and attention whore about how you're so clever for solving it, like the pathetic shallow egotistical wanker that you are?

>> No.5370726
File: 373 KB, 975x971, spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once I agree with EK. E/b/in burn. OP got told hard.

>> No.5370736

Agreed, more math

>> No.5370738

Go away, Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines.

>> No.5370744
File: 63 KB, 697x1024, 1337248684878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away you gullible thick 7/7/11-fag.

already proven false.
and i bet you dumbfucks believe the earth will end tommorow.

dont you have a fucking underground bunker to go to?
GTFO my internet, conspiracy nut.

>> No.5370754

I see you are still as ugly as ever. Stay classy.

>> No.5370752


are you unaware that there is a TEXT /sci/ board where stuff says forever?

Or do you have to post cool pictures to do science and math?????

>> No.5370756

>tfw world ends tomorrow and I never cuddled with my waifu Harriet

>> No.5370773
File: 4 KB, 147x149, will_inbetweeners_confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, SHES your fucking waifu??
wow, you poor miserable fuck

>> No.5370776

Still prettier than you.

>> No.5370778

Tell me why she isn't perfect.

>> No.5370780

no she fucking isnt.

>> No.5370787

theres no such thing as 'perfect', moron.
a personal judgements are always subjective, people like different things.
she's alright, but very far from perfect

>> No.5370791

Are you really EK?

>> No.5370792
File: 91 KB, 924x924, 576380_10152186508485104_433300834_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream on.

>> No.5370794

>implying subjectivity exists
>implying qualia

>> No.5370799

>so much backpedaling in two posts
And here I thought you were a strong individual.

>> No.5370804
File: 22 KB, 511x415, sp_wtf_faceguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck is the backpeddling!?

>> No.5370806

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5370807

>and now I'm gonna brickwall, that'll show them
It's too late sweetie, I'm already disillusioned about you.

>> No.5370813


You're so fucking boring.

>> No.5370819

yeh, w/e. fuck you both then

>> No.5370855

ignore the tripfags you stupid newfags

tripfags thrive on attention, dont even bother responding to their posts

>> No.5370866

>getting this mad about comments made online

Go play with your cats or something, you dumb psuedo/sci/entitst.

Didn't you study zoophilia or something, anyway?

>> No.5370882



I posted a request for them to be brought back on /q/, we'll see if it goes anywhere.

>> No.5370881

>The only person that can turn a derailed troll thread into an attention whoring thread
EK the bane of /sci/

>> No.5370901

Putnam threads were only stickied because a guy hacked a mod account for himself.

>> No.5370909
File: 83 KB, 300x250, 015646456123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that back.

>> No.5370920

Well.. That guy did a damn good fucking job. Better than any mod every did.

>> No.5370938

I never paid to much attention to the threads, as I could never solve them, but if I recall, those threads got into the hundreds in just a day. Which is pretty fucking fast for /sci/.

>> No.5370949

> those threads got into the hundreds in just a day

You remember wrong. They were stickied, got like 5 troll replies, one anon posted the solution he found on google and then the ignored sticky unnecessarily occupied space on the front page for a week.

>> No.5370953

>implying that piece of shit is Blackman

>> No.5370978

>for a week
Given that a new one was posted each day, I think you're wrong on this one

>> No.5370999

Nobody implied this. The guy's name is Shouryya Ray, an indian mathematical child prodigy. Lurk more.

Maybe a week was exaggerated, but they were usually stickied for some days. That's way too long, given that they were "solved" within the first hour. Whoever stickied them often didn't bother to release or renew the sticky in time.

>> No.5371011

If they were stickied for too long sometimes, it is because the guy doing it didn't come to /sci/ every day. If an actual mod set it up, it would be renewed every day.

Also, a lot of the time they weren't solved. Often people would post an incorrect answer at the beginning though, and then I think a lot of people wouldn't try because they thought it had been solved.

>> No.5371012

Yeah we do need them back. They were interesting, sometimes fun. As much as all that though, they set a tone for the board. I liked to think they scared away would-be shit posters and trolls.

>> No.5371016

>If an actual mod set it up, it would be renewed every day.
You seem to imply that mods come to /sci/ every day

>> No.5371019

and he was implying blackman is the true king of sci.
learn to reading comprehension.

>> No.5371027

>If an actual mod set it up, it would be renewed every day.
Good one, I lol'd. Do you remember the Neil Armstrong sticky? Not only it was unnecessary, but it stayed up 14 days after the guy died.

How was that implied? Why would anyone imply that an edgy emo kid was the "king of /sci/"?

>> No.5371171

>>5371027 >but it stayed up 14 days after the guy died.

Thats wrong you exaggerating retard.

>> No.5371189

Go look it up in the archive. This time I'm not exaggerating.

>> No.5371477

I'm implying that optimally, it would be set up using a script so it would retrieve the next one automatically, and make a new thread if the image differed.