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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5364348 No.5364348 [Reply] [Original]

What is the weirdest fact about the universe?

>> No.5364356

atoms are mostly empty space

>> No.5364359

That it fucking exists.

>> No.5364357

The Golden Ratio

>> No.5364362
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Diamonds are the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.5364365


>> No.5364361


our minds

>> No.5364382

My guess is that we haven't discovered it yet.

>inb4 everyone shits on your post

>> No.5364388

but that's not weird at all! you just dont understand it.


>> No.5364390

The fact that I'm a temporary collection of atoms, arranged in a way to perceive, integrate, interpret and transfer information. An automaton, who has the capability to know it exists and that its life is finite. That there are almost 7 billion like me on a tiny planet, and that it took 13.7 billion years for us to emerge from the simplest, tiniest particles.

When I die, almost all of the information I possessed will vanish. All the atoms that make my body will be distributed, leaving no memory of me. I am unique, and I am the only one capable of experiencing and exploring my place in the world.

It makes me feel both incredibly insignificant and important.

>> No.5364393

Fucking magnets how do they work?

>> No.5364400


why would anyone shit on my post?


explain it then

Captcha: nvidedEn PROGRAMMER

>> No.5364405


>> No.5364408


you really don't understand captcha at all, do you?

>> No.5364410

it exists

>> No.5364412

if you put a airplane on a treadmill, will it take off?

not so much wierd, but awesome fact.

>> No.5364417
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>> No.5364418


hurrrrrrr not case sensitive

you are very cool guy, you know that?

>> No.5364422


aight mate, thank you

still I find it weird that everything fits so neatly

>> No.5364430
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It will. This is why treadmills are slowly replacing runways.

>> No.5364431

well it certainly is one of the weirder equations, especially since the original definitions of e and i were not related to it.

>like, comment, subscribe.

>> No.5364432

That elementary particles are identical to each other.

The way I see it, any "remarkable fact" ever can be reduced to the presence of some symmetry. Why are electrons copies of all other electrons? Why isn't every particle in the universe unique?

>> No.5364435

Symmetry with consciousness?

>> No.5364437

They're only unique in the fact they make other things unique...elements are only differentiated by how many protons they have, really.

>> No.5364438

why is why why and not something else?

>> No.5364441


>> No.5364445

Why is a human construct.

>> No.5364450


>> No.5364470

There's a hexagon on Saturn

>> No.5364495

That among all the realities that could exist on countless planets throughout the greatness of space,

OP is still a giant fucking faggot on this one.

Which naturally implies that /sci/ only exists on this one tiny rock orbiting a tiny little sun in the middle of a regular galaxy in the fucking boondocks of space.

>> No.5364512


>> No.5364520

says the mind

>> No.5364523

the speed limit of the universe, speed of light

>> No.5364526

the fact that on a quantum level particles move like pixels, teleporting distances planck by planck

>> No.5364527

the fact that particles exist in waves of probabilities and only exist as actual particles "when they need to" when they interact with other particles

>> No.5364532


and basically anything quantum mechanics

>> No.5364547

thats not proven. thats not even a consistent theory.

>> No.5364551

Yeah, I know right? Fucking magnets?

>> No.5364553

that i get a small dick

>> No.5364560


OP is always a faggot.

Confirmed in countless experiments but no one is yet to offer a single unified theory that satisfactorily explains it more deeply.

>> No.5364565


lol'd so hard

>> No.5364567

The coldest known temperature in the universe happened on earth.

>> No.5364581


The fact that things pull themselves together over infinite spaces based entirely on their mass. The fact that it can warp "space", that space is even something that can be manipulated, let alone warped by gravity. The fact that it can somehow escape black holes, something which neither particles nor waves can do. The fact that it's so easy to escape with a minimum of force but could potentially pull an entire universe together.

>> No.5364626

There are three generations of matter particles, however all stuff is composed of the first generation only, the other two can be briefly seen in particle accelerators only, are seemingly useless and nobody knows why they even exist.


>The fact that it can somehow escape black holes, something which neither particles nor waves can do.

Charged black holes can attract stuff through electromagnetic force (photons), too. Gravity is not special in this.

>> No.5364820


That eveything Happens in the same pattern in rhythm, though chaos. The butterfly effect, if you'like. This effect gives "Mana" around the "room" that-when taped- breaks pattern shortly. In this break, Magic happens, and it will always manifest itself.

Ever noticed, that when two people have a fight of words, and one of them have finished an argument, that leaves Silence. A's soon as the person breaks it's frozen state, it will happen.. 'X" will happen.
I could tell you more, if not for end of worlds-in a few days... Seems pointless now. Will take to damn long, and you got better things to dó then to be teached about the universal source code.


>> No.5364829
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>> No.5364835

On this note:

You can have temperatures less than absolute zero.

>> No.5364836


I think you need to elaborate a little here

>> No.5364837

Is equal to the plank speed. That's what really gets me about c.

>> No.5364845

>There are three generations of matter particles, however all stuff is composed of the first generation only, the other two can be briefly seen in particle accelerators only, are seemingly useless and nobody knows why they even exist.
More info?

>> No.5364847

I guess I can't disagree with there being a lot of symmetries on the level of elementary particles, though a lot of them aren't perfect. Weak interactions, for one, fuck up a lot of otherwise good symmetries.

>> No.5364850

That it has become conscious.

>> No.5364860

Also negative temperatures are HOTTER than positive temperatures.

It comes from the definition of temperature and plotting entropy versus energy for (finite) spin systems. The plot has a maximum, and above that adding energy reduces entropy, so you have a negative temperature.

Actually looking at the plot of temperature, it looks more like you roll over from T = + infinity to T = -infinity (if you excuse me treating the limits as numbers), and then approach 0 again.

There is some debate whether it's truly legitimate because any real spin system has to be embedded in a lattice, which will have a positive temperature.

>> No.5364862

He thnks in C°.
Zero degrees =/= total absence of movement (particles)

>> No.5364871

I believe he's talking about the fundamental leptons (electrons, muons, and tau particles) and their corresponding neutrinos. The heavier ones have finite (rather short) lifetimes, on account of being heavier than electrons.

He's not quite correct though. Taus are rarely seen because they have extremely short lifetimes, but we get muons outside particle accelerators from cosmic rays interacting with the atmosphere.

If he's talking about the quarks other than u and d, those go through pretty much the same process, decaying because they are heavier than u and d.

>> No.5364872
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>> No.5364963

Not really about the universe but: we're all related to the first human. Think about it. Shit's spooky.

>> No.5364979


we're all related to the first fish, big whoop.

>> No.5365009

fuck that, were all related to the first cell.

>> No.5365070

Fuck that, we all came from a star.

>> No.5365087
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>yfw the universe is a huge recycling machine for stars and atoms in general

>> No.5365093
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I'm related to some particles from BIG BANG

>> No.5365095
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>> No.5365097


I'm assuming you're trolling, right?

>> No.5365108

The chance that this universe is real and not a simulation is very very close to 0

>> No.5365131

fuck that, we arnt related, we ARE all vibrations in the same fundamental field.

>> No.5365349

Explain why.

>> No.5365380

Except that gravity has little-to-nothing to do with mass.

>> No.5365649

Well, you only have to answer this question:
Will we be able to simulate a universe similar to our universe after several billion years or even sooner? If no then the chance that we are in a simulation is 0. If yes then the chance that we are in a simulation is 1.
Why? Because if such simulations are possible, then there should already be A LOT of simulations out there. Since we can simulate, then the simulations will also be able to simulate inside them and so on. There would be so many simulations that the chance to be the real one is 1/n (n being a huge number).

But it all depends on how you answer the question. Both answers are equally possible.

>> No.5365668

Then that makes them 0.5 and 0.5 if they're equally possible you fucking moron.

>> No.5365671

That's not how probability works at all.

>> No.5365685

Either the universe is a simulation or it isn't. The probabilities of both sum to 1.

Retard that I quoted said both answers were equally possible.

x + x = 1

x = 0.5

You must be him.

>> No.5365698

I said that it depends on how you answer the question you fucking retard. It HAS to be one of the answers, don't try to play probability there. I chose "yes" because "no" is retarded. I don't even know why I said that they are equally possible.

>> No.5365733


Can we right now? No. We just learned how to mathematically represent a cup of hot coffee last year. Without the universe full of current computing power we couldn't even simulate earth.

>> No.5365741

Not that guy, but


>> No.5365752

life is base 4

inb4 squabbling

>> No.5365762

>simulate the universe
>need more atoms than universe has to simulate universe due to requirement to have data on every single atom in the simulation

If this is true then our superuniverse is fucking gigantic

>> No.5365763

>implying diamonds are metal

>> No.5365766

gigantic compared to what?

>> No.5365774

Not really. Just like in games, when you slow it down it requires less computational power. Again, just like in games, we have superposition (when you don't look at it, it isn't even computed)

>> No.5365818

The fact that the golden ratio, pi, etc. are all irrational in every integer base

>> No.5365911

>I don't even know why I said that they are equally possible.
Programming fault.

>> No.5366017
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>> No.5366084


that girls automatically dress slutty when they hit 13 years old

>> No.5366111
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, mindblown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Universe is alive. How do I know this? We are Universe. It is continuous. We take in material from our surroundings to add to our bodies. Likewise, we're constantly shedding atoms to our environment. In this way, you can think of your consciousness as an energy wave moving through the material we call matter. Your body is not made up of the same atoms as it was 10 years ago, but you have the same constant sense of self and the same memories. There's no difference between the Carbon in my hand and the Carbon in the milk next to me. Let this sink in, the Universe is ALIVE and experiencing its own existence. I am Universe and so are you.

>> No.5366117

I'm going to go cry in a corner now...

>> No.5366121
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fuck off m8

>> No.5366122

Most astounding fact about the universe apparently.

>> No.5366138

>When I die, almost all of the information I possessed will vanish

You leave a part of you in the memories of those that survive you, and thus affect the culture of humanity. We are worker ants, and each of our corpses are used to add another brick into the bridge to the kingdom.

>> No.5366139

Oklo, this planet used to have a natural nuclear reactor.

>> No.5366162

These are probably evidence of the way the highschool/early off-major undergrad/"Science is fucking awesome!", trite, popsci-polluted bullshit is ruining the board:

These are probably legitimate

I didn't bother listing the obvious trolls or most responses.

>> No.5366421

You can turn a rubber sphere inside out, but not a ring:


>> No.5366741

that ice floats

>> No.5366755

The fact that so much stuff in space vaguely resembles stuff on earth, like rock, ice, dust, even hydrocarbons.

>> No.5366771

Every particle you're made of has been around since the beginning of the universe.

You have particles in you that may have been part of a dinosaur at one point.

>> No.5366796
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>"it exists" is listed under highschoolfag that is ruining the board
>"it fucking exists" is listed under legitimate

>> No.5366805
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>mfw I first saw that

>> No.5366817

Not actually true. There were a couple hundred thousand years before baryonic matter became commonplace, and there's a good chance a number of the electrons in you weren't electrons when that started, but wrapped up into some more massive lepton that later decayed.

There's also the annihilation of electrons through interaction with virtual photons that happens more or less constantly.

The energy was all there, though.

>> No.5369004

That we can't know them all.

>> No.5369077

To misquote Bill Bryson: "If I took myself apart piece for piece all that I would be left with is a heap of atoms none of them would have ever been alive"

>> No.5369075

First, sick Amazonite and smoky quartz

>Asks question, states it as a fact
Of course it will take of, the thrust created by a airplane is independent of the wheels, its not a fucking car.

Aside from the obvious troll, why the fuck do people think Diamonds are indestructible! They are brittle as fuck


>> No.5369085

I read that all photons are virtual particles. Is that accurate?

>> No.5369096


>> No.5369097

Yes. So are gluons.

>> No.5369101


you stop that. you stop that right now.

>> No.5369104

You are more stupid then a nigger

>> No.5369135

>When I die, almost all of the information I possessed will vanish. All the atoms that make my body will be distributed, leaving no memory of me

All the atoms in your body get cycled out and replaced about every 7 years.

It's very likely that not one single individual atom that was in your body 8 years ago is still in it now.

>> No.5369147

the fact that gravity is a force which is stronger when trying to move things that are more massive.

>> No.5369155


Oh you.

>> No.5369187

A few million years after the big bang, the universe was actually expanding faster than the speed of light. "Why anon," you might ask, "how is that possible when the speed of light is the cosmic speed limit?" Well, shut the fuck up and I'll tell you. The speed of light is the fastest anything (including something massless) can move through space, but space itself can move infinitely fast. NASA is even experimenting with a theoretical FTL ship that moves space around itself for propulsion.

>> No.5369189


Oh the irony...

>> No.5369202



>> No.5369219

>NASA is even experimenting with a theoretical FTL ship that moves space around itself for propulsion.
Maybe they all just watched Futurama and decided Farnsworth was on to something.

>> No.5369226

My thoughts exactly when I read the article. Unfortunately, more likely Futurama writers read about the Alcubierre drive and thought it would be hilarious to introduce.

>> No.5369229


In a funny way, that's sort of how it works. By manipulating space time in front of and behind the ship you can effectively move very quickly without actually propelling yourself.

>> No.5369244

I misplaced "it exists."

>> No.5369246

>There's also the annihilation of electrons through interaction with virtual photons that happens more or less constantly.

>Full retard.

>> No.5369257

The dark matter drive in futurama is not a warp drive.

>> No.5369310

That for all our thoughts and accomplishments, when our race is dead, it will have no impact on the universe at large. It will be a miniscule blip on the cosmic scale.

>> No.5369338

Slimemolds exist, seriously how the fuck did those things come about.

>> No.5369438

No. Virtual photons are fundamentally different, in the sense that they can have things like mass - wiki "virtual particles".

All the particle shit here, like electrons becoming photons and jumping around like points, is not a fair way of thinking about a "fact of the universe". Particles, waves, and even fields are just conceptual and mathematical tools for representing an enormous soup of mutually-interacting incongruities. We're nowhere near the level of sophistication needed to say that any of these are an accurate or true representation of the fundamental nature of the universe.

That said, we at least know that our universe consists of broken global symmetries (which give conservation laws), local inhomogeneities (which look like particles), and a whole bunch of interactions between everything that makes most of this computationally intractable. I'm comfortable with that for now.

>> No.5369450


Get fucked.

>> No.5369466

In fairness to this problem, many jet aircraft will not use their jets to take off (because many jets are inefficient or even ineffective at low speeds) and may instead use a tow or track or batteries or catapult, and some of those will in fact not work on a treadmill.

The notion that an airplane typically uses the same thrust type to take off as to remain airborne is not obvious to most people, hence the confusion in the treadmill problem.

>> No.5369473
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>> No.5369474

99.9% of atoms are not empty you dumb shit, it's dark matter.

>> No.5369498

>dumb shit
There must be some quote about the dumber shittier person being the one making an authoritative and belittling (and incorrect) statement on something that they no nothing about.

>> No.5369503

black holes contain new universes.

that won hit me deep, mang.

>> No.5369518


Wow you're sooo blunt.

>> No.5369521
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The weirdest fact about the universe?

Mother fucking hexagon on top of Saturn.

>> No.5369533

Solved. Wiki or google, dude.

Most of those types of geometric patterns are found to be natural as computer simulations get easier and can then be generated in a lab.

>> No.5369546

Quit repeating what the bleep nonscience bullshit without researching it yourself first with at minimum a quick google search.


>> No.5369548

That the orbital behavior of stars around the center of any given galaxy violates the accepted laws of physics (standard model), almost as if someone was just like, "fuck it, stars will just orbit like this."

>> No.5369549

Neither is the engine that the people you replied to are talking about.

>> No.5369565

If Dark Matter turns out to be theoretical instead of hypothetical, then it will only be "dark" matter in name, because we will have grasped it enough for it to have lost the distinction of being dark to us.

>> No.5369572

An alcubierre drive is a form of a warp drive. I'm not interested in debating common usage of words though, so feel free to rephrase my post as "the dark matter drives in futurama are not alcubierre drives or otherwise built on warping of spacetime." They actually move the universe as a whole around the ship, it's intentionally nonsensical.
I don't understand why you're responding with this.

>> No.5369588


>> No.5369617

Your edginess cuts like a knife.

>> No.5369626


Do you honestly think otherwise?

>> No.5369658

Yes. Fuck off.

>> No.5369667

Quit lying to yourself bro. Nothing you ever do will make a lasting change in the grand scale of the universe.

>> No.5369672

If nothing you ever do leaves a lasting mark, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5369675

>not creating exciting new galaxies that bend and warp unseen areas of spacetime when you meditate

>> No.5369679

Kill yourself if you think everything is pointless.

>> No.5369680

What lasting mark have you made on the universe?
What have you even done that will matter 10 generations from now?

>> No.5369683
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>> No.5369684

in all cases studied OP is always a faggot.

>> No.5369686

I never said everything was pointless, just that 5 billion years from now nothing that I accomplished in my life will have made any difference in how the universe plays out.

>> No.5369693


>the /sci/ version of "DO U EVEN LIFT?"

>> No.5369702

The universe we live in, the planet we call home, the people we interact with, the technology we use, the food we eat, the words we say, the emotions we feel. Galaxies, nebulae, stars, mountains, wheat fields, cars, computers, baseball, billiards, love, hate, steak, chocolate, sex.

This is what hydrogen does if you give it thirteen-and-a-half billion years of cosmic evolution.

>> No.5369714

That if you move in a straight line given enough time you'll eventually reach the point where you parted from.

>> No.5369715

Come one, /b/ro, we know you can come up with something stupider to pretend to believe.

>> No.5369718

But I'm not pretending, the universe is a sphere like earth is.

>> No.5369728

It is also in motion.

>> No.5369729

haha, come on bro...

>> No.5369731



>> No.5369735

It exists!

>> No.5369770
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There are two things that blow my mind about the Universe OP; one's pretty scientific and the other's mostly conjecture but could make sense until proven wrong.

The first is that, due to space expanding ever outwards due to whatever is causing it, from your perspective you are the center of the universe. This is because all points are expanding from all other points at a constant rate, giving you the perspective of being a constant (a.k.a. center) in the universe.

The second is that due to the conservation of matter and energy, neither one can be created nor destroyed. Thus, whenever entropy finally takes hold of the entirety of existence and crushes us all down and into the infinitesimal point at the end of the universe, everything would start again. Though since all the same materials would be involved, the new universe would most likely be very similar to what we have now, and I wonder why it is and what may change in the next go-around...

>> No.5369811

>whenever entropy finally takes hold of the entirety of existence and crushes us all down and into the infinitesimal point at the end of the universe

The idea is that the opposite will happen. You know, cause everything is expanding?

>> No.5369924

apparently the University of Pittsburgh has never heard of Dragonforce

>> No.5369955

The fact that it is hospitable to us.

>> No.5370005

The Universe's gravitational field is slowly but surely getting stronger, between 2 and 22 billion years atoms will start to quantum tunnel to planes closer to the ground to not use as much energy defining gravity.
For example if you put an object, any object on a table, it would instantly appear on the ground and maybe if there was a cave underground it would appear there, and so on. So either that kills us or the cooling of the universe kills us, or ourselves. Very strange thing.

>> No.5370030

now i'm all freaked out about 2 to 20 billion years from now
where will i put all my nice things?

>> No.5370040
File: 67 KB, 606x496, Disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried about this too. I like to make eggs and I'm worried they're gonna poof from the stove down into my basement before they're done cooking.

>> No.5370046


>> No.5370093

please stop posting on this board

>> No.5370100

The fact that the two accepted possible ideas for creation are dumb as fuck.

Nothing came from nothing or some guy created us

>> No.5370121

nothing came from nothing?
thats a new one

>> No.5370163


and the fact that relativity and quantum mecanics don't work together

>> No.5370165

Infinity (everything + nothing)

>> No.5370167

lol to that picture

>> No.5370169

if you throw a ball, there IS a probability that it would come back to you in mid-air

>> No.5370175



>> No.5370188

Entropy doesn't work like that, gravity does. Gravity's still not strong enough for that to happen, based on observation.
This is absolutely unsubstantiated. Sounds like bullshit.
The Dirac equation resolves this.

>> No.5370207


I have a tingling suspicion that this is Christfag disinfo

Not getting into a religious argument however

>> No.5370214

It's not a sphere per se but that is accurate. There is no imaginary glass wall where the edge of space is.

It's like you're a drawing on a balloon and someone is inflating it, is space 'expanding.' You can end up where you started if you go long enough.

>> No.5370224

But anon, it wasn't made for us. We are here because we appeared and happened to be comfortable here.

If life evolved on Jupiter it wouldn't last long on earth, probably, whatever it would be.

>But .001% of a change in the mass of protons would mean that stars never happened or something

Well, we're fine now. Obviously we would only be surprised if we existed in a universe that WASN'T hospitable to us, since we shouldn't be existing there.

>> No.5370248

The big bang theory itself doesn't necessarily implicitly state that "something came from nothing" but merely that there was a beginning of space and time in our universe.
There could be other universes, or other unseen mechanics beyond that. There are lots of hypotheses, and lots of crazy ideas about this.
But the point is that Science only tells you what we can observe based on principles found in nature.
Religion doesn't play by those rules, and has been proven wrong a million times over and has receded from being seen as fact, to being at best an optional philosophical standpoint characterized by internal consistency so as to avoid getting burned again.
But just because an idea is internally consistent, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is true.
You must look at the body of evidence for a given postulate, make judgement calls about its veracity, and compare it to the world we live in.

How many people have you seen being turned into salt statues? How many times has a "prophet" stood forward, warned people that he would cast a spell, then done so, causing frogs to rain from the sky at his will - in front of cameras?
How many Sasquatch autopsies have been documented?
If these things were real, they would have been proven.

What i'm trying to say is, they're NOT equally valid unless you completely forfeit all attempts at weighing the hard evidence for one, over the hard evidence for the other, and estimate the track record of their sources over the course of history.

What you'll find is that religion, despite fighting tooth and nail, has lost again and again and again to science.
The bible used to be "Fact" to believers. Now you've got to kind of squint a little and be creative and maybe interpret it figuratively and if you ignore all of discrepancies and and and and and and ...
Basically, the scriptures should be a discredited source even if you were a christian yourself.

>> No.5370252

the fact we exist are have the illusion of consciousness

>> No.5370253
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forgot my picture

>> No.5370256

Some research shows that when you sleep your brain releases DMT, and causes you to dream, and is also released before you die as a 'goodbye-ease-your-passing' type of deal.

Now if this is proved to be true, consider this.

Life is a trip.

What happens when you don't get 'good' sleep? Or any sleep at all? You feel like shit, you can't function. Should you experience long periods of time without sleep your body will force it on you. It being DMT.

Forced sleep or 'microsleep' will produce DMT, and death produces lots. Either way you experience a trip, so maybe life and reality is just a trip, with the necessity of sleep giving you your necessary 'fix' and just acting like a top-up for life. If you don't sleep you can go crazy and develop mental illnesses...

So /sci/, is it actually possible?

>> No.5370265

except DMT does more things then "makes you hallucinate man" and sleep is more then just "lol time to release DMT" otherwise you could replicate sleep with pharmaceuticals

>> No.5370431

This has also been used to explain afterlife visions, tunnel of light, life-flashing-before-eyes, etc, when in shock and on the verge of death the brain releases DMT, explaining 'eyewitness' accounts of the afterlife.

Except from what I understand this information is false and DMT is not produced by the brain.

If you could cite otherwise I'd be thankful, would be cool.

>> No.5370696

Nothingness doesn't exist.

>> No.5372324

Your sentence doesn't exist.

>> No.5372340

Except "some research" is just the speculation of one man not backed up by any actual research or testing.

>> No.5372348

That if I have 7 marbles, I do not also have 3 marbles.

>> No.5372351

This is philosophically correct.

>> No.5372371

CPT symmetry

>> No.5372373

there are the same amount of even numbers as there are numbers in general, despite common sense.

>> No.5372398


The majority of all integers contains 3 as a digit.

>> No.5372412

nigga that's just defined through mental abstraction aka nigga you just arbitrary groupin' and shit

>> No.5372430


>> No.5372437


works for any digit

>> No.5372439

to prove take a look at the following sequences:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

you will notice that for each number in the top row, there is a number in the bottom row.
Expand ad infinitum to prove.