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File: 253 KB, 1920x1200, 131573_493527254002098_1308795887_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5344394 No.5344394 [Reply] [Original]

Please answer this question if you know anatomy and neurology.

Whats the best angle to shoot myself in the head?
I want painless and sudden death.

And no. This is not a troll thread.

>> No.5344405

>Killing yourself when we live on the cusp of amazing technological innovations

Anyways, if you're still dumb enough to go through with it OD on heroin

>> No.5344409


kill you're selve

>> No.5344410

30 degrees to take out your brain stem. But yeah i agree with anon >>5344405
heroine is supposed to be pretty much one of the best feelings you can get an experience of pure bliss so go OD on that rather than shooting yourself in the head.

>> No.5344432
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i dont know anyone sells heroin. i dont know anyone who uses heroin. its almost impossible for me to find heroin.

does this picture show the right angle? (assume head of the gun is in my mouth)

and most importantly can a bullet (7.65mm) pierce through the bones that i painted with blue color. i dont want those bones slow the bullet down.

>> No.5344448


you don't know shit yet you're intent on killing yourself... I just dont get why you people are so quick to kill yourself without exhausting all the options

>> No.5344452
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Just killing yourself is useless. It does nobody any good.

Take out 7 credit cards. VISA, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX - you name it. Max them all out with cash advances. Shit, embezzle all the cash you can from your workplace. Send me the cash.

If you can do that, then I know you're serious and I'll help you. Otherwise, don't waste my fucking time.

>> No.5344456
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shut up, shithead. how do you know that i don't know anything. you dont know anything about me.

>> No.5344460


tough shit faggot

>> No.5344461
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anything is useless. i'm too tired for any kind of action but suicide.

i have a question for all of you.

what keeps you going in the face of utter futility? the inconsequentiality of life? the knowledge that you are merely the inevitable outcome of chemical interactions as governed by the laws of physics? that subjective value is a trick, devised through evolution to ascertain the continuity of a particular assemblage of matter, whose existence has no true value? that everything we know is necessarily confined to one dimension, one set of natural laws, one timescale, the few senses we've developed? eventually your life will end permanently, and so will life on Earth, and so will the universe, and everything biology has coaxed you into giving meaning will just be part of an inert void of dispersed matter and energy. why do you bother?

>> No.5344466


i stopped being 13.

>> No.5344467
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The search for happiness, and the fact that I have learnt to distract myself from such thoughts when they occur.

>> No.5344468

> wanting serious advice on how to commit suicide
> asking on 4chan

I don't even...

>> No.5344471
File: 78 KB, 537x714, 1293820463838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the search for happiness, and actually TRY to be someone in life instead of being a failure that wants to kill himself

>> No.5344469

So, which final did you bomb OP?

>> No.5344475

everything is meaningless, so is death. With death there is 0 chance of happiness along with 0 chance of sadness (assuming there is no place your conciousness travels to which there probably isnt) but with life there is chance for both sadness and happiness. Even though it doesn't matter happiness does feel good and right now i'd rather try and get happy than not exist. Anyway if you do it i'd try to cause the least sadness possibile to other people and dont be selfish about it, if you shoot yourself somones gonna have to clean it up do it cleanly. Also give all your possesions / money to someone that it would make happy or just use them to do what you've wanted to do before you stop existing

>> No.5344483

Because life is beautiful. Because we're the universe.

>> No.5344485

well at least before you go take borrow or loan, all the money you can, and either put it in a high volatility penny stock fora few weeks and watch is burn or flourish.. alternatively go to Vegas and bet it all on 32 black. 50,000 will get you 1.6 mil

enough to either have some serious fun, or get some serious work accomplished

or if all else fails, scrape together every last dollar you have and go on a lottery ticket spree.. let god decide if you are fit to remain or not

its a long shot, but you are a fool to leave these options on the table

>> No.5344492

If you put the gun in your mouth straight, you won't hit these bones. The angle is right I guess, you need to go for brain stem.

>> No.5344503

You list those like they're reasons for suicide. They're not because you should be living with the hope of someday understanding why everything is how it is, including your supposed "inconsequentiality" bullshit.

>> No.5344507
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doesn't it ever creep up on you? a little voice that nags away until it's so loud you can't quiet it? the realisation that succeeding in school won't bring any genuine benefit or happiness, that it will always be subjective and short-lived? that you enjoy music and friends because those activities have been programmed by your mind, a relatively simple machine, to cause certain electrochemical signals to be produced?

why not live a life that you only think you have control over, but has actually been predetermined for you by your evolutionary history and learned behavior ingrained during early development? because happiness is what you strive for, but everything that composes your "self-awareness" will keep you from ever being truly, endlessly happy. parts of your brain that developed millions of years ago will always cause anxiety, fear, depression, suspicion, regret. even if you were to achieve permanent bliss, it would be subjective, and you would still die. what does it matter if you die in 50 years from now, or today. you will never be ready for it and it'll be equally inconsequential.

didn't yet. but midterms were ok.

will consider. thanks.

thanks. this is the answer i needed.

>> No.5344516

But during those 50 years I can experience infinitely more happiness than if I die today.
I used to think like you, then I decided that since I'm alive I might as well enjoy the ride. So I just go with the flow, do what feels good and try not to overthink things.
Example: "This music makes me feel good". Stop at that thought. Be satisfied that it feels good. Don't dwell on why it feels good or what chemical processes are happening in your brain to reward you for feeling good, it just feels good. That's what life is about. Sure it's pointless and subjective, but we're not more than human so we cannot experience things objectively. So find the subjective beauty in things, do what makes you happy.

>> No.5344517

I don't hear little voices in my head.
I don't give a fuck about eternal bliss.
I live because I can. You need an alternative to nihilism, bud.

>> No.5344519

>the realisation that succeeding in school won't bring any genuine benefit or happiness
Define "genuine".
Succeeding in school ensures I have money in the future to stay happy.

>> No.5344522

>that you enjoy music and friends because those activities have been programmed by your mind, a relatively simple machine, to cause certain electrochemical signals to be produced?
If you believe this, then surely you don't believe you have free will but you do to some extent. Do things that you're afraid of.
Talk to a random person on the bus. Go on a spontaneous weekend journey. Get hammered and more hungover than you've ever been.
Don't be afraid to take control over your life.

>> No.5344524

no need for endless happiness, as long as the happiness outweighs the depression / sadness then I think it's worth living for even if it is pointless. You talk like death has a point to it, but it doesn't either it just eliminates the ability to feel all good and bad emotions. If you decide to keep eisting then you should think long and hard about what would make you happy and strive for it

>> No.5344525


>a relatively simple machine

Relative to what? The human mind is the most complex computer we know of. It can do tens of trillions of calculations in a second.

>> No.5344531

also i'd recommend trying weed if you haven't already and haven't laughed in a while, might help you remember whats its like to be happy

>> No.5344538

I keep going because a I know others will, and if I can make their lives a bit less terrible through my own hard work, then its all worth it. Also, if you're really going to do it, firebomb the westborough baptist church first, that way you'll become Immortal!

>> No.5344550

Telling someone else what is important to them in life is utter retardation. Everyone's perspective is different and there are things that make people happy.

My perspective is that your perspective is just a person who feels meaningless. My perspective is that is that can be changed in life and that is a very dumb reason to kill yourself.

You can make anything sound retarded if you say it the way you did. "When you think about it, we are all just a bunch of atoms combined"

Take science as the best known explanation on how we got here but don't let science dictate how you live and think about life. That's for you to decide

>> No.5344553

I do enjoy things purely because my mind has been 'programmed' to enjoy them. How does this knowledge make you enjoy it any less? It's like drugs. People know they are only happy because of the drugs, but that knowledge doesn't make them sad, because their serotonin receptors are pinging off their fucking tits. And it's great.

I'm pretty damn content with my life, there honestly isn't much I'd change. I have a girlfriend whom I love, hobbies I love, doing a degree that I love, and am able to afford my hobbies.

>what does it matter if you die in 50 years from now, or today. you will never be ready for it and it'll be equally inconsequential.

No shit we're going to die. But I'm having a pretty damn good time being alive right now. Why not spend a while searching for what makes you happy, or excited?

Have you ever watched the Isle of Man TT races and thought 'holy fuck that looks fun'? Go buy a second hand sports bike, fucking fang it through the hills at night and you'll see.

Or anything else for that matter.

It's pretty incredible that the particle structure that makes up you has self-awareness and reasoning. What does it matter that it's the result of millions of years of evolution? Why does the knowledge that happiness is just a chemical, take away any of the value that you get from this chemical reaction?

Side note; how old are you? Once I was older than about 16 I stopped feeling that feel that you're feeling.

>> No.5344576

> painless and sudden
have someone sneak up on you and shoot you in the head with a shotgun, nothing else will fulfill these criteria

>> No.5344586

>with life there is chance for both sadness and happiness.

and all this time you are going through pain, then in the end you still die. Your logic is failure.

Live to look for happiness... How fucking retarded is that? Your life is useless, you should be the one killing yourself.

I live because there is people that relies on me staying alive and helping them. If not them I would kill myself - life is not worth the pain.

>> No.5344588

op is another sad atheist, try spiritual things. don't judge. observe and learn.

>> No.5344594

Tell me, what pain do you have to endure? Kids calling you fag at school? Mom and dad not buying you an iPhone?
Live on the streets of a 3rd world country sniffing glue you shoplifted at risk of getting your hands chopped off before you talk about pain you spoiled fucking brat.

>> No.5344622
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it still wouldn't be free will.


i can't reach what i want. i can't escape the zoo i live in. i have no hope. and being aware of this hopeless situation creates continuous anxiety that bereave happiness from me. i can't ignore it and be happy.


i live in a 3rd world country. i didn't write the message you've replied to btw.


>> No.5344624

So do i, you are just weak.

>> No.5344626

where do you live

>> No.5344633

Stop acting like a fucking child, you fucking retard.

Death has no meaning, your mind just ceases to exist. Even so, you want to know why I bother to exist? Because there are so many things that I can experience, so many things that I can do. So many things that I wish to happen and to make happen.

The possibilities in life are endless, even within this special moment in our history, where we can do what was once thought to be within the domain of the gods. Hell, we are intelligence in form, a way for the cosmos to know itself. That in itself is a meaning in life, for which it is of what we make of it to be.

In short, for life, we as humans are like gods over our own destiny, amassed with intelligence and creativity that can be used to carve out our own place and moments.

With a level of awareness that allows us to strive and thrive despite the struggles and limitations that are within ourselves and imposed by others, that is another thing that we are faced with, but with a good mind, one can overcome it.

>> No.5344639

Though, huh?

>> No.5344640

Then change your brain, become a neuroscience major, make it your goal to change your brain, manage your problem. Either that or just see a therapist.

>> No.5344642

It's funny, threads like these actually make me feel a lot better about life and my belief in idealism

>> No.5344644
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>> No.5344648

It's just as delusional to assert the entire universe is materialistic.

Both are unfalsifiable.

But it's good to know that you are unable to think for yourself, parrot.

>> No.5344647
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>what keeps you going in the face of utter futility? the inconsequentiality of life? the knowledge that you are merely the inevitable outcome of chemical interactions as governed by the laws of physics?

I want to study neuroscience, to figure out what exactly those chemical/physical interactions are. Because my experiences (making love to a beautiful woman, receiving a perfect score on an exam, feeling like a god while setting a personal record with weightlifting) are pleasurable enough to override any existential angst.

Yes, you are at the mercy of your brain, and, to a certain extent, your genetics. But both of those things have, via evolution, provided you with very powerful incentives to live.

I feel that you are now contemplating suicide because your life is empty, you've had everything handed to you since forever and you have nothing to live for. Something tells me you're also a deadbeat whose existence poses no advantage to the world or yourself in general. But that doesn't have to be permanent, now does it?

tl;dr ur a faget

>> No.5344651

says someone who believes in a bullshit religion.

>> No.5344659


Dear god, is /sci/ really this fucking retarded?


I mean, shit, basic knowledge.

>> No.5344657

>a philosophical stance

You do realise that materialism is just as credible as idealism, right?

But keep crying over the fact that Dawkins lied to you ;_;

>> No.5344665

> is /sci/ really this fucking retarded
> one person doesn't know what idealism

lololol UR ALL SO StOOPID all 1 of u /sci/!!!

>> No.5344666

All four of you are idiots, isn't science supposed to be about the natural world? Yes, it is.

>> No.5344667 [DELETED] 


>> No.5344668


>> No.5344681
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Op, just drink some potassium cyanide. You can get it from a jeweler.

You drink that shit mixed with water, lay down, fall asleep, and you don't wake up.

Stop trying to discourage this man-he is trying to escape the pain of living. I salute you, OP. Have a nice journey.

>> No.5344684


>> No.5344700

> Op, just drink some potassium cyanide. You can get it from a jeweler.

>> No.5344703

Shotgun: Mouthwash

High caliber: Brain stem (anything will do but this is the most painless and likely to succede)

Low caliber: Any angle (it'll ricochet in your head)

Shit caliber: In the eye/temple (it'll lose too much energy going through your skull)

>> No.5344713

That reminds me, OP why don't you just make some crystals?

>> No.5344717
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im not a chemist.

>> No.5344719

Holy fuck OP you are a fag for thinking thats a good reason to suicide. Go fuck bitches or something.

>> No.5344728

i will friend. in the heaven.

>> No.5344733

Not that kind of crystal.

I don't want to say too much because I don't want to be convicted of manslaughter, but a while ago there was some image going around that told you how to "make crystals," but in reality made some poisonous gas or whatever that killed some guy.

>> No.5344753

A 17 year old male with who scored the lower end of 98 on a paid IQ test. Sitting in his room glued to a rotatable black computer chair which squeaks rhythmically, hasn't eaten all day, but will eat after reading this post and realize his moods were hormonal, but will continue posting on this thread for further attention, will get shitty mood swings when hungry and blood sugar levels are off but would never be able to kill himself due to abysmal testosterone levels.

>> No.5344762

Ammonia and chlorine, mustard gas.

>> No.5344768

picture on 4chan while you can google it...

>> No.5344781
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Pic related

>> No.5344807

Oh just shut up and kill yourself already you annoying pseduointellectual

Google cpap helium suicide, its entirely painless and feels like falling asleep.
Or was it hydrogen, either way.

>> No.5344840

xd so edgy

>> No.5344878
File: 138 KB, 795x595, 1355309982754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you goes buss..use a .45 hollow point and i assure you your brains will be scrambled

>> No.5345379

If I wanted to kill myself, I wouldn't put a hole in my head like some kind of loser. Instead, I would try to do something cool like climbing Mount Everest completely naked. If I survive then my life would then be worth living because of such an accomplishment. If I die then I get what I wanted in the first place.

>> No.5345389

That would be a stupid idea.
And you are not immune to pain; you would not be able to allow yourself to continue.

>> No.5345398
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a hollow .45 will scramble your brains no matter where it goes through.

>> No.5345416

If I want to die I would. Pain is easily manageable for me at least. I've learned how to ignore it.

>> No.5345418

>I want to die, but I don't want to feel any pain.
God, you are a pussy. You should kill yourself.

>> No.5345428

If true, then I envy that.
But I suspect that you are exaggerating.

I am curious; what is the worst pain that you have ever felt?

>> No.5345425

Best post ITT.

>> No.5345430

Oh look, it's /sci/'s resident pseudo-intellectual again.

What was your level of education? Middle school?

>> No.5345435

My circumcision

>> No.5345433

>what is the worst pain that you have ever felt?

Having to read your retarded posts.

>> No.5345480

Do they not anaesthetise those?

>> No.5345501

I don't exactly know how the doctors did mine. My brilliant parents got me cut at age 5. Yeah, they put me under but I ended waking up immediately after I got cut.

Do you know what it feels like to wake up after having the tip of your penis cut off? The pain is indescribable.

>> No.5345511

Brainstem motherfucker. Any area of the cortex can be destroyed and hold consciousness. Aim for the ear.

>> No.5345517

No I do not, but I imagine it would be very painful.

At the age of 5?
That seems quite old, I thought it was usually done to children far younger?

>> No.5345518
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>My brilliant parents got me cut at age 5

>> No.5345521

I dunno man, I never got a clear explanation for why it wasn't done before.

>> No.5345537
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I hope you enjoy leaving this mess.

>> No.5345544


In what period of time and under what circumstances does your body fuck up that much?

>> No.5345546

i really want to know too

>> No.5345548

I was cut at birth. Apparently it was painful, but then again, it's something that I don't remember. It's kind of retarded to go about and cut off the best part of the penis. It serves no health benefits, it doesn't help you last longer, and it's not that aesthetically or functionally pleasing.

If anything I plan to have my cock restored sometime when I have the money for that.

>> No.5345549

If you actually believe in heaven, I got some bad news for you. People who take their own live end up going to hell.

>> No.5345552
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Use your imagination. Dying in a bathtub or any other place, then just sit there as you rot, etc.

>> No.5345556

Probably wouldn't take that long. All that water is great for the speedy growth of bacteria and fungus. I'd say less than a week but I'm no expert.

>> No.5345558

As imagined in the Aberhamic religions. In other religions or areas of belief, suicide is actually 'favored' in some way.

>> No.5345559

>but then again, it's something that I don't remember
I think that is why it is usually done when they are very young.
Having it done to a 5 year old without their consent sounds incredibly cruel to me.

>It serves no health benefits, it doesn't help you last longer, and it's not that aesthetically or functionally pleasing.
I think that it is usually done for religious reasons.

It seems strange to me; If God exists then why would he create males with foreskins and then demand that they cut it off?
An all powerful God would just create them exactly as he intends for them to be.

>> No.5345564


I have no trouble imagining a body rotting/getting eaten by maggots or something, but I've never seen it become some bag full of piss and shit.

>> No.5345565
File: 63 KB, 500x346, 1327334963723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar gore!

>> No.5345569

You are disgusting.
Stop posting those.

>> No.5345566

>It serves no health benefits
It has little ones

>it's not that aesthetically pleasing
As someone who was cut, I can say I'm glad I was

>> No.5345571

>It has little ones
In the same way that removing one's appendix prevents appendicitis - but appendectomies are hardly standardized procedures. The risks of the procedure outweigh the benefits.

I was cut at birth, and I think it's retarded.

>> No.5345574

Shut up, Harriet.

>> No.5345578

Don't shoot yourself in the head. You're going to be using a handgun, which means you won't have the muzzle velocity to guarantee it's quick.

Overdose on an opiate (and I mean overdose) and make sure nobody finds you before you're dead.

>> No.5345579

>I was cut at birth, and I think it's retarded.

Apparently their are health benefits.


"Circumcision does not appear to have a negative impact on the sensitivity of the penis, sexual function or sexual satisfaction."

As for the aesthetics of it, some women prefer it circumcised, some prefer it not, and most do not care.

>> No.5345588

So what? You don't get to wash your cock as much anymore just because your cut? Yeah, that sounds like a good reason to cut away 40,000 nerve endings and exposing your glands into losing sensitivity over time. You also lose the protective and lubricating functions of the foreskin.

The benefits don't outweigh what you'll lose. For that, I think circumcision is retarded. So quit coming up with reasons for cutting up your cock other than the fact that you'd like to have that 'ascetic' look.

>> No.5345592


Get the fuck out.

>> No.5345596
File: 33 KB, 550x386, 378515_184708864961636_100002675726237_303496_2120841445_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up.

>> No.5345594

>You don't get to wash your cock as much anymore just because your cut?
Why do you presume that?
There is no reason to assume they would be any less hygienic than those who are not cut.

>> No.5345600

We all know you're a cock-hungry slut, Harriet. Can you please stop shitting up this board?

>> No.5345602

>"Circumcision does not appear to have a negative impact on the sensitivity of the penis, sexual function or sexual satisfaction."

ohh wow all this denial

>> No.5345604

>dick cheese.

Both kinds of cocks have about the same amount of hygiene. The dick cheese is something that some people consider to be unhygienic. :P Sadly they couldn't be anymore wrong, just wash it off, and even then it's not unhygienic.

>> No.5345603

I still maintain that it is an unnecessary medical expense. It has no appreciable benefits that can't be counteracted by condoms and 5s of washing every time you shower.

>> No.5345606

The zeros have spoken.

>> No.5345607

For your information, I have quite a low sex drive, and am certainly not a slut.

And how can you accuse me of 'shitting up this board' when that other poster is spamming gore in this thread??

/Sci/ is supposed to be a work safe board.
Gore is only supposed to be posted on /b/.

>> No.5345609

A total of 123 men were circumcised as adults. Indications for circumcision included phimosis in 64% of cases, balanitis in 17%, condyloma in 10%, redundant foreskin in 9% and elective in 7%. The response rate was 44% among potential responders. Mean age of responders was 42 years at circumcision and 46 years at survey. Adult circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function (p = 0.01), decreased penile sensitivity (p = 0.08), no change in sexual activity (p = 0.22) and improved satisfaction (p = 0.04). Of the men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were satisfied with having been circumcised.

All that harm.. and yet they are still brainwashed, ownership bias


>> No.5345613

>For your information,
implying I care

>I have quite a low sex drive, and am certainly not a slut.
EK told us you have many fuck buddies, Harriet.

>And how can you accuse me of 'shitting up this board' when that other poster is spamming gore in this thread??
"hurr durr how can you accuse hitler of being a murderer when stalin was a murderer too?"

>/Sci/ is supposed to be a work safe board.
/sci/ is also supposed to be a board for intellectual science and math discussion. You can contribute to neither of them and spout retarded drivel in off-topic threads.

>> No.5345614

This preliminary study investigates what role early trauma might have in alexithymia (difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings) acquisition for adults by controlling for male circumcision. Three hundred self-selected men were administered the Toronto Twenty-Item Alexithymia Scale checklist and a personal history questionnaire. The circumcised men had age-adjusted alexithymia scores 19.9 percent higher than the intact men; were 1.57 times more likely to have high alexithymia scores; were 2.30 times less likely to have low alexithymia scores; had higher prevalence of two of the three alexithymia factors (difficulty identifying feelings and difficulty describing feelings);

>and were 4.53 times more likely to use an erectile dysfunction drug.

Alexithymia in this population of adult men is statistically significant for having experienced circumcision trauma and for erectile dysfunction drug use. (See link to article on our home page.)
Bollinger, D. and Van Howe, R. , "Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation," International Journal of Men's Health (2011);184-195.

>> No.5345615
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>I have quite a low sex drive
sucks to suck.

>> No.5345617

>ohh wow all this denial
There were 5 citations on that particular quote.
I have already posted the Wikipedia link in this thread.

Research it for yourself.

I agree, but it is still not particularly harmful.
I have seen people on both sides getting really angry about this particular topic before, and I do not see why.
They should only be angry if they were circumcised when they were young, and they did not want to be.
For those who are not cut, I do not see why they argue against it so passionately.
What does it have to do with them?

>> No.5345618

What is your education? What are you studying?

>> No.5345619
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Well, consider it like this. We have a suicidal faggot on the loose, he's posting around in this thread. He's trying to be edgy with speaking his last words on the net before actually giving up and ending it all with a squeeze of the trigger.

It's it best to discourage a faggot like this with the very thing that he would otherwise become? I think so.

>> No.5345622

I am not even OP, but you sir are the scum of the fucking earth. Is this really how you argue? By using logical fallacies? Have you now convinced yourself that killing yourself is childish as a way to not end your life? Explain how this argument even makes sense. Many fucking retards on 4chan are like you. If you don't like something or you hear something you don't like and can't refute it you call it childish.
I hope you die, sir.

Polite sage.

>> No.5345624

I do not mind at all.
I think I would be far less happy if I had a high sex drive.
It would be far more of a curse than a blessing.

>> No.5345625

>They should only be angry if they were circumcised when they were young, and they did not want to be.
most circumcisions are neonatal. If someone wants to get cut, that's fine - but why remove part of your kid's body without their consent? s

>> No.5345632
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>> No.5345626

>sooo edgy

You just confirmed you're a teenager. Thanks for playing, you lost.

>> No.5345637
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>Wikipedia is not a credible source, though you can however, take the sources that are cited on that site and then display that to us. Other than that, you've lost credibility for sending a link to a shit site.

Captcha: foeskin doubtlefts

>> No.5345638

Seriously, how old are you? I remember when I was 13 I had similar thoughts, only less retarded. It was a long time ago.

>> No.5345639

OP, try to look for alternatives to suicide.

I am in a similar situation to yours. I plan to join mensa soon. Not because I think IQ is an accurate measure of intelligence but I need to make a few friends. It will probably reduce my depression.

>> No.5345642

I had a good education, but I am not currently studying.

Although I suspect this is the part where you call me stupid and ignorantly guess without evidence, that I have a poor education.

You will not bother me, and I am not here to answer personal questions.

>> No.5345643

Eat shit faggot. Most teenagers go through a period in their adolescence where they think that everything that they do is either worthless or so important to the point of killing themselves over. It's retarded when you think about it. It's also cowardly to end it all when you can easily step up and take a grasp in your life.

Now stop being a fucking child.

>> No.5345647

Has OP stated his primary reasons for the suicide?

If he has link me to them. Its hard to tell which posts are his since he is not using a trip

>> No.5345649

>wahh, i'm sad, better shoot myself
>not childish

>> No.5345651

I'm with this tripfag here. Neonatal cutfag here, I was really pissed when I've figured out that I was cut.

>> No.5345646

I agree. I would never choose it for my own children.

>> No.5345655
File: 14 KB, 257x200, hahaha oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had a good education, but I am not currently studying.

In other words: you dropped out of middle school.

>> No.5345656

to be honest, I'm fine with being cut

>> No.5345661

This. >>5345656
Well yeah, one would have to live with having a cut cock. Though gladly there is foreskin restoration.

>> No.5345668

If you care that much, it is possible for it to be repaired.

>> No.5345678

If you've read any of my replies, I'm already well aware of foreskin restoration. Hell, I'm looking to restore my cock sometime in the future.

>Also that and advances in stem-cell research suggest that I might just grow the sexual nerve endings in a culture, mesh them with the skin, and then vola, sensitivity increased. Loosely speaking of course. I might pursue that as I go for my biomedical engineering degree.

>> No.5345684

Anyway cum-slut, I gotta get going. Hopefully the suicidal faggot doesn't kill himself.