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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5334303 No.5334303 [Reply] [Original]

If you took all the meanest animals and pit them in a series of 1v1's, which animal would likely come up the top contender?

Some that come to mind for me would be the Brown Bear, Gorilla, Rhino, Elephants and a Hippo, but I'm sure you science dudes can think of some other cool shit.

Obviously we bump into a bit of trouble when you try and compare a sea born creature to a land creature, so in those matchups just assume shallowish water.

>Humans don't count

>> No.5334308

I think homo neanderthalis will win if given the right tools

>> No.5334310

The meanest animal?

>> No.5334315

No. Even the most advanced weaponry produced by the neanderthals could have reliably enabled them to go a 1v1 with most of the animals OP listed.

Imagine squaring off with a hippo with a fucking atlatl. You could be a master with it and the hippo still won't give much of a fuck while it's trampling your corpse.

>> No.5334316

>be pregnant queen ant
>keep underground, none of the animals see me
>get lots of children ants
>we army now
>keep reproducing
>eventually the other 'strong' animal dies

>> No.5334317
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>> No.5334318

>he thinks hiding underground constitutes a fight

>> No.5334319
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>science dudes

>> No.5334447

>if given the right tools
By wich i meant: an assualt rifle

>> No.5336132

Which is cheating.

>> No.5336832

>on /sci/

>> No.5336852

no its not

>> No.5337058

depends, if its in an empty room and the animals have nothing to use as weapons or no where to hide etc, its just a big empty fucking room. in this case, id put money on something like a poisons frog, snake, mabye a bold eagle. why because they will be able to get out of the way of the bigger ''dumber'' animals.
lions, tigers etc

but when faced a monkey or gorilla, it will be a 50/50. but then say the frog it poisons if the gorillia gets any of that shit in him he will die, so.. i guess it would be a draw

but i definitely think frog, snake or big eagle would be the most likely successors.

>> No.5337101

Shrimp Mantis, hands down. That shit kills everything.

>> No.5337103

A cat could easily kill one.

>> No.5337131

Any land animal in shallow water versus a fucking Orca. Oh I don't know who's gonna win this.....

Orca, obviously.

>> No.5337161

I remember I saw a video with a lobster or shrimp or something that could shoot air at bullet fast speeds or something underwater.
My vote is on that

>> No.5337473

this is also true.
but it would be unfair, land animals can operate in water, and vise versa for the whale.

>> No.5337491

Bear would win. Nothing could kill a bear in a pit.

Perhaps a bull could charge him on open field, but no charging in pit.

>> No.5337495

Oh and that is grizzly bear not brown bear. Brown bears are small.

>> No.5337516

Bears, alligators, python, orcas.

Probably the big 4 that will fuck everything up in sight. But orcas will rape the other 3.

>> No.5337747

crocodiles are clearly superior

>> No.5337770

What could take down an elephant?

>> No.5337786

This. Alligators are the more deadly of the two if they are the same size, however Crocodiles can grow to be much larger.

>> No.5337837

i guess alligators are more aggressive. i wouldn't say more deadly, crocodiles are definitely more dangerous. the size thing is correct, crocodiles grow a lot larger, (salt water crocs anyway) but i think its because the big crocodiles in Australia live in the middle of nowhere and less people to attack, where alligators live in populated areas in the US and other countries (this is from what ive heard)

king cobras can take them down

>> No.5337844

Why has no one done this for real yet? I have money.

>> No.5337904

>i guess alligators are more aggressiv

Crocs are.

>> No.5337906
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>> No.5337917

i think alligators attack more people on a yearly basis that's why they are considered more dangerous.
but i think crocodiles are definitely more dangerous, and deadly etc

sorry for bad English

>> No.5338796

wolverines /thread

>> No.5338806

People are seriously underestimating the hippo here. It's really dangerous and aggressive. It has motherfucking HUGE teeth and the jaw strength to use them. It's surprisingly fast on both land and water. They routinely kill crocodiles by biting them in half, just to give you some perspective.

>> No.5338831


>> No.5338952

Honey badger don't give a shit.

>> No.5339942 [DELETED] 


>> No.5339957



>> No.5339971

a pitbull